PC 73-116RESOLUTION ~. PC73- 16
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did ceceive a verified Petition for Con-
ditional Use Permit Erom THE MC CARTHY COMPANY OF SOUTHERN C9LIFORNIA, 2535 Weat La Palma
Avenue, Anaheim, Ca).ifornia 92801, Owner; N@,TIONAL SERVICES COMPANY, in care of Vernon
M. Monroe, 4G30 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, California 92660, Agent of certain real
property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as
described,in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though aet forth in
; and
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e public hearing et the City Hell in the City of Anaheim
on May 30, 1973 ~ at 2'%~ o'clock P.M., notice of seid public hearing heving been duly given
as iequited by law and in eccordence wit~.tne provisions of the Aneheim Municipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear
and consider evider,ce tor and egein~.! c•aid proposed conditional use end to investigate end meke findings and
recommendetiona in connection therec:,: ~; and
WHEREAS, seid Commiesion, ~~'ter due inspection, investigation, end study mede by itself end in its be-
halE, and after due consideration of e.: ~vidence and roports ofEered at said heacing, does find und determine the
following facts:
1. Thot the proposed use is }, ~:~perly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is euthorized by Code Section
18.52.050 (2-a and 2-b;l to wit: establish retail diatributing fimrs "and aervice business
firms, including buain~esa and profesaional offices, primarily serving commerce and indus-
try with incidental sales and service to the public with waivera of:
a. S~CTION 18.52.020 - Permi_t_ted uaes. (Retail firma, services and
. officea other than those serving commerce and
induetry proposed; thesc types of uses not per-
mitted in the M-1 Zone)
b. SECTION 18.52.060 4 " @ew peral000bsquarepfeetnrequired; 3325soaceae8
2. That the Planning Commission has determined that the industrial complex in quea-
tion appears to lend itself favorably to allowing the proposed types of uses. However,
the Coffinission alAO determined that extrE~me care ehould be exercised in judging whether
specific usea qualify aa retail distribut:ing firms and/or service businesa firme, includ-
ing business and profe.gsional offices, primerily serving commerce and induatry, with
only incidental service to the general public. Therefare, any propoaed use ahall be re-
viewed by the Development Services Depa~i:ment i.n-~xder.that a jud~nent may be made as to
whether said use qualifiea within the Cotmnission~s intr.nt in approving thia Conditional
Use Permit. This review will. also provide the opportunity to determine whether sufficienC
parking is provided on ttie site to accoma~odate an addi'tional parkins demand created by
such a use or uses.
3. That in order to provide guidelinea for sCaff determinations, the Planning Coq{-
miasion deems that the fol.lowing typea a~f uses may be permitted aubject to a written
requeat by the petitioner and rev3ew andl approval by the DevelopmenC Servicr.es Department:
CI-D ' ~ 1
~ ~
1) Interior decorator, manufac*_uring drapes, shades, etc.
2) Mattress manufacturing and distribution
3) Carpet and floor covering distribution
4) 'Wholesale pluinbing supplies
5) Architectural services
6) Construction offices attcl karehouse
7) Jewelry manufacturing and wholesaling
8) Glass cutting and cfiioles9ling
9) Furniture manufacturing and sales
10) Automotive accessoriee warehouse and distribution
11) Photography studio and supply distributors
12) Sales offices and distribution centers
13) Training centers
14) Stationery supply sales
4. That approval of the aforementioned types of uses in no way rel.ieves the property
owner from providing parking on the basis of the actual use rather than on the basis of in-
dustrial parking which was provided on the site when the complex was developed, and upon al-
location of a1L the available parking spaces, regardlese of the number of unita etill avail-
able 5 bThataWaiver~l8aaiabovelmentione3,biseherebyddenied6 natheabasisrtha~ retailVService.
and business firms not primarily serving coaunerce and industry, but serving the general publ£c
should be located in a commercial zone and not in the induatrial zone wh2r.e problems could
arise relating to incompatible uaes and parking ahortages; and the petitioner stipulated there
would be no retail uses requested that would primarily serve the general puUlic.
6. That Waiver 1-b, above mentioned, is hereby granted on the basis that the petitioner
stipulated tu reserving a portion of the center of the property for parking purposes in the
event the proposed parking proved to be inedequate,
7. That Che petitioner stipulated there would be no signing oCher thaa approximately a
1'~ by 4 foot sigr, suspended from or attached eu the fascia of the porch overhang for each unit
within the proposed buildings.
8. That the proposed use, as granted, will not adversely affect the adjoining land uaea
and the growth and development of the erea in which it is proposed to be located.
9. That the aize and shape of the siLe proposed for the use, as granted, is adequate to
allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular
area nor to the peace, hee~lth, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City oF
10. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit, as granted, under the conditione
imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general we;.fare of
Che Citizens of the City af Anaheim,
11. That one letter ~~as received in oppoaition.
That the Planning Commieaion, in connection with an Exemption Declaration Status requesC,,
finds and determines that the proposal would have no significant environmental impacC and,
therefore, recommends to the City Council that no Environmental Impact Statement is neceseary.
N W, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Flanning Commiasion iioes hereby
grant/~~b~~'~~ Petition for Conditional Use PermiC, upon the following conditions which are
hereby found to be a neceaeary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in
order to preserve the safety and general welfare o~ the Citizene of the City of Anaheim:
(1) That the owner(s) of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a atrlp of
land 45 feet in widCh fr~m the centerline of the street along Placentia' Avenue for street
widening purposes.
(2) That all engineering requiremente of the City of Anaheim aiong State College Boule-
vard, Orangethorpe Avenue, and Placentia Avenue, including preparation of improvement plans
and installatian of all improvements, such as curUs and gutters, etdewalks, street grading
and paving, drninage facilities, or other appurtenont work shall be complied wiCh as required
by the City En~;ineer and in accordance with atandard Qlana and specifications on file in the
office of ehe City Engineer; and that atreet lighting facilities along State College Boulevard,
Orsngethorpe A~venue, and Placentia Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of
Public Utilities and in accordance with standard plana and specifications on file in the office
of the Director of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form eatisfactory to the
City of Anaheim ahall be posted witti the City to guarantee the inatallation of the above sen•~
tioned requirements.
RESOLUTION N0, PC73-116 "2"
~ ~ ~ ~ :^.r~9.~~ 3 "~»
The North 375.00 feet, measured at right an9les from the northerly line,
c~f that portion of the Fractir,nal Northwest QutirCer o[ Section 1, Township
4 5outh, Ran9e 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Ca3on De Santa Ar.a,
County of Orange, State of California, as per map recorded in f3ook 51,
Paye 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, in the office of the county recorder of
said county, sald northerly llne being also the center line of that public
highway known as Orangethorpe Avenue, described as follows:
f3e91nning at tllc Nortliwest Corncr o[ sald sectlon; tt~ence CasC 1f1~J9.4f3
feet ~~long the north llnc o[ s~ilcl scctlo~ to tlie wcatcrly llnc o[ ttio Kr~~emcr
Tract, as per map recorded in l3ook 12, P~~9es 07 .~nd kS[i o[ Mlscell.incous
Records, in the affice of the county recorder of Los lingeles County,
California; thence South 14°00'00"West 1013.76 feet along said westerly
llne; thence West 1646.70 feet to the West Line of satd sectton; thence
Nocth 982.74 feet along satd west line to the point of begtnning.
Excepting therefrom the West 207.00 feet ~of the North 207.00 feet thereof.
Alsa excepting therclrom the following described portlon thereof:
Beqinning at the northeasterly corner•of the land heretnabove described;
thence westerly along the northerly, line of the land heretnabove described
to the easterly line of said West 207.00 feet; thence southerly along said
easterly line to a line parallel with and distant southerly 60.00 feet,
me~sured at rlght angles, from last.sald northerly~line; thence easterly
alonq said parallel line to the beqiqning of a curve concave southwesterly
' havln4 a radtus of 25.Of1 feet, said curve being ~~lso tangent at lts point
oE ending to a lino parallel wlth ~ind dlstant wosterly ~5.00 (cet, mensured
+~t rlght in9les, [rom thn eascerly line ot tha l~ind herelnnUuvr, cir.scrlbed;
thence soulhenstcrly along s.~id curve to last soid parallcl !ln~~; thonce
southerly a!ong last sald p~~rallcl line to thc soutllerly linc ot tlic t~ind
herelnabove descrlbed as being the North 375.00 feet of sald fractional
sec:tion; thence easterly alony last said southerly line to the easteriy
llne of the land hcrcinabove descr~bed; thence northoriy along~last said
. ca;sterly llne to thc polnt of beglnnlnc,~.
~~ '
A/(~ay 21, 1973
Job No. 2869
R~;~O:iw :
F'or special permit uses only, not fc,r convoyance of [ee title.
c'ttqaf?. llSE PERMIT N0. ~O~ ~•-
~ ~
(3) That trash atorage areas ehall be provided in accordance with approved plans on
file with the office of the Director of Public Works.
(4) That £ire hydrants shall be installed and charged as tequired and determined to be
necessa[y hy the Chief of the Fire Departmrnt prior to coffiencement of structural framing.
(5) That all air conditioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view.
(6) That subject property shall L-e aerved by underground utilities.
(7) That the final parkins plan shall be approved by the Development Services Department,
and any landacaped areas in the parking area ehall be protected with six-inch high concrete
curbs, and concrete wheel stogs shall be provided for parking apaces.
(8) That drainage of subject property shall be 3isposed of in a manner that is eatiafac-
tory to the City Engineer.
(9) That subject property shall be developed subatantially in accordance with pians and
specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nus. 1 through 14.
(10) That Condition Noa. 1 and 2, above mentioned, sltall be complied with prior to the
co~nencement of the activity authorized under thie reaolution, or prior to the time that the
building permit is issued, or within a period of one year from date hereof, whichever occura
first, or auch further time as the Planning Commissian may grant.
(11) That Condition Nos, 3, 5, 6, 7, 3, and 9, above mentioned, ahall be complied with
prior to final building and zoning inspections.
(12) That each use propoaed to be established on subjecC prope:ty which ie intended to
qualify under Section 18.52.050 (2-a and 2-b) ehall be submitted in written form to the Devel-
opment Services Department for revinw and approval in order that a determination may be made
as to whether the proposed use would be appropriate for the aite and whether aufficient park-
ing is provided on the property to acco~nodate an additionel parking demand creeted by auch
a use. I.n order to provide guidelines for staff determination, the following types of uses
may be permitted aubject to the written request and review procedure outlined above:
a. Tnterior decorator, manufacturing drapea, ehadea, etc.
b. Matress manufacturing and diatribution
c. Carpet and floor covering dietribution
d. Wholesale plumbing supplies
e. Architectural services
f. Construction offices and warehouse
g. Jewelry manufacturing and wholesaling
h. Glass cutting and uholesaling
i. Eurniture manufacturing and sales
j. Autoraotive acceasories warehouse and diatribution
k. Photography otudio and aupply dirtributors
1. Sales offices and distribution centets
m. Training center.s
n. Stationery supply sales
(13) If a question arises ae to the ju3gment made by Che Development Servicea Department
concerning a particular request, the matter shall be eubmf.tted to the Planning Commisaion at
ite next regular meeting for a determination. The appl=r_rnt may appeal any Development Ser-
vicea Department o: P2anning Co~nisaion decieion to the City Council.
THE FOttEGOING RESOLUTION is eigned and approved by
RESOLUTION N0. PC73-116 '3"
this 7rh day of June, 1973.
~ ~
I~ Ann Krebs, Sec•retary of the City Planning Co~nission of the City of Anahei.m, do hereby
certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning
Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 30, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the follow-
ing vote of the members thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of June, 1973.
~ ~~,
RESOLUTION N0. PC73-116 "4"