PC 73-122~
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive e veriEied Petition for Con-
ditional Use Permit from HAROLD St4ITH, 3411 West Ball Road, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner;
DAV1~ E. HARPER AND ASSOCIATES, 9940 Orr and Day Road, Santa Fo Springs, Cali£ornia 90b70,
Agent of certain real property s~tuated in the City of Anahe~im, County of Orange, State
of Californie, described as The southerly 374.00 feet bf the~ westerly 187.OU feet oP tha
west half of the east half oP the southwest quarter of the aouthwest quarter of Seation 14,
'lownship 4 south, Range 11 west, in the Renaho Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of Cslifornie, as per map recorded _n Eook 51 Page 11 of I~iscellaneous Maps,
in the office oY the County Recorder of said oounty
; end
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold e pubtic hearing at t}ie City Hall in the Cily of Maheim
on N1eY 30 , 1973 at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice oE seid public hearing heving been duly given
as cequired 6y leH end in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel code, Chopter 18.64,to hear
and considec evidence for end egeinst said proposed conditio~al use end to investigete and make findings and
recommendetions in connection therewith; end
WHEREAS, satd Commission, efter due inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itselE and in its be-
halE, end aftec due eonsideratlon of all evldence end reporta offered at said hearing, doea find end determine the
follawing Eacts:
1. That the pcoposed use is pmperly one foc which a Conditionel Use Permit is euthorized by Code Section
18.64.020(2-b) to wit: establish a 3-story, 168-bed rest home for senior aitizens, with
waiver of:
e. SECTION 18.16.050(4-b) - Maximum height from R-Zone (5 feet high at 10 feet
from R-Zone permYtted; 30 feet high propo:•3d.)
b. SECTION ,18.04.090(2-c): - Maximum pro3eation into front setbaak (30 inches
permitted; 5 Peet proposod)•
c. SECTION 18.Q4.030(b-9) - Required parking (65 spaaos @ 1 space per 1000
~ square foot floor area required; 52 spaoes proposed).
2. ihat YJaiver 1-e, above mentioned, ~9 hereby,e,on~;9d on the basio that the pro-
posed 3-story atruature would be a~.~a~~ent.>o a o~1nJl~~~pcent hospital and would not affeot
the residential u~@~. io the nor~th ~n1d. •~r~s~•.
3. Tt':st WaivaP~ 1_~j~ G.bO~~ie cm~riti j0ii'@d, is~ h~sreby gra(_~t~a ~~,n the basis that the pro-
,jeotion of Z~r F;3u~ ~ore t1~ar:~ pnr~m~tt~u~ w~suL~ oiT1~.y be th,e ~~ho?I~y of the struoture located
at the third rloor.
4. Tha^ N~aivar 1-n, ii~:c~va maY'ti'-aned,; iss hereby ~t~C+lt~ed on the basis that the peti-
tionerf agont sietad thst most :'r t="' ~.derly ~?~t'~.ons -wo~i'~;d net have automobiles and would
be transporte~ t-y the operatc: ~ of ~:,;,:~~ ~r~'Pbsed --~3'~ ~~~ ~Y in buse~ to various plaoes oY
interest and sr;oartainment.
5. That the petf:tioner/~,Aen~ sWipu7.eted to removal of the 3rd story along the ea3terly
wing of the propos3~ti a;-d'~"~9p~ent or a o9x~~s oP ::J units being deleted, making the nearest
three story units mOF.e t;~~,;n 86 ~'eet *_'rocm t},~v single family homes to the east.
6. That the proposed u~e ~s granted w111 not adversely affect the ad~oining land
uses and the grow•th and development of thel area in which it is proposed to bb located.
Cl-D ,
7. That the siza and~ spe of the site proposed for t~ use in adequate to allow
the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular.
area nor to the pAace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the Cit;~
of Anaheim.
B. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the.~•conditions imposed,
if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safoty, and general welfare of
the Citizens nf the City of Anaheim.
9. That 2 persons appeared representing 4 persons present in opposition to the
3-sto~y height waiver request.
lhat the Planning Commission, in conneotion with an Exemption Deolaration Status request,
finds and determines that the proposal would have no sign3fiaent environmental impaat
and, therefore, reaommends to the City Counoil that rio Environmental Impaot Statement
is necessery. .
NOW, THEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLUED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does
hereby grant sub3eot Petition for Conditional fTae Permit, upon the following aonditions
whioh are hereby found to be a neoessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the sub,jeot
property in order to preserve the safety and general ~velfare of the Citizens oY the City
of Anaheim:
fl) That tha ~idewalks shall be installed along Ball Road as required by the
City Engineer, and in aoaordanoe with standard plans'and speoifinationa on file in the
effioe of the City Engineer.
(2) That ctreet lighting Paoilities along Ball Road shall be installed as required
by tha Direator of Publio Utilities and in eooordance with ctandard plens and spooif±oe-
tionc on file in the office of the Direotor of Publia Utilitie~; and that a bond in an
amount and form 3atisfaatory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to
guarantoo the installation of the above mentioned requiremants.
"(3) That the owner(~) of cub~oot property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the
sum of 604 per front foot along Hall Road Sor tree planting purpose~.
(4) That trash 3torage arees shall bb provided"in aooordance with approved plans
on file with tl~e office oY the Direotor af Publio Worka.
(5) That fire hydrants shall be inetalled and oharged as required and determined
to be neoessary by the Chief of the Fire Department pr3or to oommenoement of struotursl
(6) That a 6-foot ma~onry wall shall be oonstruo~ed along the east and north pro-
perty lines.
(7) That all air oonditioning faoilit`~es shall be properly shielded from view,
and tr.e sound buPfered from ad,jaoent propertles.
(g) That any parking area lighting proposed shall be down-lighting of a meximum
height of 6 feet, whioh lighting shall be direoted a~iey Prom the property lines to pro-
teot the residentiel integrity oP the areQ.
(9) :hat sub3eat property shall be served by underground utilities.
(10) '~hat the final parking plan shall ba approved by the Development Services
Department, and any landsoaped areas in the parking are~ shsll be proteoted with 6-inoh
high, aoncr~~te curbs, and ooncrete wheel stopa shall be provided for parking apaoes as
(11) 7'het drainage oP sub,jeat property shall be disposed of in a manner that i_s
satisfaotory to the City lL'ngineer.
(12} That apprapriate water as~o~~ment fees as determined by the Dlreotor of
Publio Utilities shall be ,paid to t?~o City of Anaheim prior to the isau~inoe of a building
' ~ ~
(13) That subjeot propertY shall be developed substantislly in aooordance with
plans and speoifiaetions on file with the City of Anahei4a marked E,xhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3,
4, and 5; provided however, that 15-gallon tree~ shall be planted on 20-foot aenter~
elong the north and east boundaries adjaoent to the residential properties, AND
FIIRTHER PRWID~D that :evised plans shall be submitted refleoting deletion of the 3rd
story elong the eas~; wing of the proposed development, as stipulated to by the petitioner.
(14) That Condition Nos. 1, 2, and 3, above mentionad, shall be oomplied witti
prior to the commencement of the aotivity authorized under tY.is resolution, or prior
to the time that the building permit is issued or within a period oY one year Prom date
hereo4, whiohever oaours first, or suoh further time as the Planning Commission may
(15) That Condition Nos. 4, 6, 7, B, 9, 10, 11, and 13, above m~ntioned, shall
be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspeotions.
rTITV ~L' ."u:nilil;I~d )
I, Ann Krebs, Seoretary oP the City Planning Commi:sai.on o: the Ci•ty of Anaheim, do
hereby oertify that the foregoing resolution wae gaased and adoptod at a meeting of
the City Pl~snning Commissi.on of the City of Anaheim, hela cr. L~lqy 30, 1973, at 2:U0
o'olook P.M., by the Pbllowing vote of the members thereof:
ZPI WITNPSS WHEREOF, I hsve hereunto set my hand this 7th day oY June, 1973.
fiu,~^LUTIOt1 N0. PC73-122