PC 73-164. ~s(t7.i1TI0.1 N0. PC73~164 ~
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City o£ Anaheim ~y Urgency Ordinance No. 3109, ectab-
lished City of Anahei.m R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONIN~ on property known as the Kathryn-Lindsay
Annexation; and
WHEREAS, the Development Services Departmeiit was instructed to prepare an area develop-
ment plan to determine the manner in which the property in the Kathryn-Lindsay Annexotion
could have adequate secondary circulation; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Co~:ission did direct that A1rea Development P~att Na. 112 be ~et
for public he~ring; and
WHERE4S, the City Planning Coimnission did hold a public he~aring at the City Hall in
the City of Anaheim on July 23, 1973, at 2:C0 o'clock P.M. notice af said public hearing
having been duly given as required by lsw and in accordance with the provisions of the
Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said ~roposed reclassi-
fication and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith;
WHEREAS, said Cocmnission, af.ter due inspection, investigation, and study made by it-
self and in i.ts behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports uffered
at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. Tliat two alternatives were presented for Portion One, thrPe alternatives for
Portion Two, and two alternativea foc Portion Three as it pertained to the zoning
of said portions.
2. That Portion One has adequate internal circulation for the existing residential
uses which have already been establisl~edtherefore no secondary circulation would
be necessary and ~xhibit "A" should be considered favorably.
3. That Exhibit "A" with circulation Alternative "e" for Portion Two would appear to
be the most logical manner ta handle all circulation since the lots were not suf-
ficiently deep enough to provide for both on-site parking and an alley to the
rear of the lots, said alternative would eliminate on-street parking on Brookhurst
Street in accordance with the recommendations of the City Traffic Engineer, in or-
der to provide an additional driving lane to meet the requirements of the Division
of Highways; and that C-0 Zoning would reduce the amount of commercial traffic into
the area.
4. That Portion Tiiree has adequate internel circulation for the existing coimnezcial
uses, therefore, no secondary circulation is necessary and Exhibit "A" should be
considered favorably.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVGA that the Anaheim Cfl•y Planning Coimnission does hereby
adopt and recommend to ~~he City Council of the City of Anaheim adoption of Area DeveloQ~ent
Plan No. 112, Exhibit "A" provided, however, that Alternative "e" anell be established for
circulation on Portion 'l~ao, thereby establishing the traffic circulation patl•erns of the
erea known as the Kathryn-Lindsay Annexation.
THE FOP.EGOING RESOLUTION is signed and app ved by me this 2nd day of August, 1973.
i~G'~12~~ G1+-c~AlfO~- ~
7 ~
I, Ann Kreba, Secrelary of the City Planning Commission of Che CiCy of Anaheim, do here`oy certfEy
that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Plar.ning Co~niasion
of the City of Anaheim, held on July 23, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the follo~ring vote of the
members thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my liand this 2nd day of August, 197'_.
C~2~~ I.~'~~
/~ .. .
3u1~ 13, 1973
~ ~~ ff
~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~
Si.i Cci:lH'u-~i~~c:.(..'~.~~{~ ~"'~-a l1•'~{~ ~~0 . i~')
-. 73=74-9
To: Development Services, JoY¢n Anderson
From: Right of C+1ay & Land Section
Subject: Legal description coveriag 4 separath areas and perimeter
description of all parcels concercted, located east and
wzst of Brookhurst, between Li~acoin and ~Cr,escent
Pc.u~..~i~r.} ~'li:.Cr•1
~RItCEL OtdE: Lots 3 through 44 inclusive, in Tract ~Jo. 1~633, as shokn
on a map recorded in Book 47, page 50, MisceTlaneGUS 3~Saos, reaordG of
Orange County, Califorr.ia, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 13 through 26
inc:~.usive in Tract No. 1569, as shown on a map recozded im Book 47,
~age 17, Diiscellaneous Maps, records o£ Orange Count~.
GS'lYb4J OR~i~ ~~~
PA1~C :L ONE ~: Lots 9 through 19 and Lots 21 t'hroug`n 45 a~d Lots 54
throuc~h .5~a and a portion of Lot 57 and Lots 58 thr~ough 6~5 all o~ Tract
No, 18~a3., as shown on a map recorded in Book 56, pages 25 and 26,
Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, and Lots 1 through B of
Tract i3o~ 2587, as shown on a map recorded in Book 80, pa9e 4,
Miscellan~:ous Maps, records of prange County, and that por.tion af the
land shown a~ not a part of this subdivision on the map o£ said Tract
2587, descri~ed as follows: Beginning at the northwest c~orner o~ Lot
8 in Tract 2589 as shown on a map recorded in Book 80, page 41,
Miscellaneous Naps, records of Urange County; th~^nce N 0° 10' l.0" ta,
70.00 feeL•; thencE S 69° 31'. 00" ~, 29.00 feet; thence N 0° 16' 10" f~,
85.60 feeL- to an intersectiqn with the north line of the said parcel
shown as not a part of this subdivision; thence S 39° 31' 00" E, l30.00
feet alonc~ said nor'Ch line to the northwest corner of Lot 1 of saisl
Tract 258;-; thence S 0° 16' 10" E, 94.18 feet along the west line c~~
said Lot ]L to an intersection with the northerly right of way line o.£
Hilbers Rc~ad 50 feet w3cle, as sho+~n on the map of said Tract 2587, said
point of ;.ntersection being a poir,t in a curve concave southea~sterly
and havinct a radius of 50.00 feet, a rtjdial line bearing
N 16° 31'~38" W.passes through said po:int; thence Southwesterly and
Southerly along said northerlv right o:E way line along said curve
thrnugh a central aag;Le of 92b 24' 09" an arc distance of 80.63 feet
to the northeast corn~:r of Lot 8 in saiid Tract ?.587; thence
N 89° 31' 00" V7, 84.42 feet along the :north line of said Lot 8 to the
point oE k~eginning. .
Page 1
.. ~ - ~ ~
~'a :r::~ 2
PARCEL T~~O: Lots 5 through 12 in Tract No. 1569, as shown on a map
recorded in Book 47, page 17, Mi~cellaneous.Maps, records ~f Orange
County, and Lots 45 through 49 in Tract No. 1633, as shown on a map
recorded in Book 47, page 50, tliscellaneous Maps, r.ecords of Orange
County, and Lots 1 through 8 in Tract No. 1851, as shown on a map
recorded in l3ook 55, pages 25 and 26, Miscell~neous riaps, records
of Orange County, ard that portion of tliat certain parce? shown on
said Tract I~fap No. 1a51 as not a part o~ this subdivision bounded on
.the north by the south lize of Lot 8 and bounded on the south by the
westerly prolongation of the south line of Lot 9, all of said Txact
~;:.-:c4 ?,
PARCEL THF2EE: Lots 1, 2 and 3 and all that por'tion lying south o,f s=•._'3
Lot One bounded on the west by the southerly pm longakion of the we~•_
line of said Lot One, and bounded on the east by the west right of way
line of Kathryn Drive ,~nd bounded on the south by the north righ.t of ~aay
line of Lincoln A,venue, and all that parcel shown as not a part of this
subdivision, all in and shown on the map of Tract No. 1633 recoz•ded in
Book 47, page 50, Miscellaneou~ !•Saps, records of Orange County.
Excepting therefram any portion thereof lyin~J wittiin Lincoln Ave:nue on
the south.and Brookhurst Street on ttie eas,!:.
Perimeter descriction ~f. all oarcels d~scribeii as that certain ~>arcel
of land located in the County of Orange,. State of California, be~ing a
portion of Sec~ions 7, 8 ar.d 18 of Townsltip 4 South, Range 10 We:st,
S.B.B. & M., described as follows: Beginnang in the nor.`.heast c:orner
of Tract N~. 2587, as shown on a,map.recorded in Boo;c 80, page ~41,
Miscellaneous Maps, records of said Orange County; tnence
S 0° 16' 10" E, 1,1].0.50 feet; AI 89° 31' 00" W, 396.00 feet to the
beginning of a tangent curve concave northeasterly and having a radius
of 50 feet; thence j4esterly, Northwesterly and Northerly along ::aid cur.ve
through a central anglc of 131° 24' 35" an arc distance of 114.ti8 feet
t.o the beginning of a reverse curve concave northwesterly and hz~ving a
radius of 50 feet, a radial line bearing S~B° Oo' 25" E passes through
the point ef beginning of said reverse curvs; khence hortheaster.ly and
Northerl; along said reverse curve through a central angle of 4A° 24' 35"
an are distance of 36.7.4 feet to an intersection with a line par.allel
with and 25 feet westerly of the centerline of Bircher Street, a~s said
Bircher Street is indicated iii Tract No. 1851, as shown on a maE~ re-
'corded in Book 56, page 26, biiscellaneous I•i3DS~ records of Orange County;
thence N 0° 16' 10" W, G.10 feet along.said Qarallel line to an inter-
section with the southerly line of Lot 9 in said Tract No. 1851; thence
N 89° 31' 00" W, 194.00 feet. along the southerly line of said Lot ~ and
the westerly prolongotion thereo£ to an intersection with a line parallel
Paqe 2
. ~ ~ . ..
with and 60 feet easterly of the centerline of Brookhurst Street;
thence S 0° 16' 10" E, 302 feet along the last mentioned parallel
line to an intersection tiith a line parallel with and 40 feet northerly
of the south line of t1}e Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township
4 South, Range.l0 West, S:E.B. & bi.; thence S 89° 34' 20" W, 72~.26'
feet along said parallel.line to an intersec'ci.on with the southerly .
prolongation of the west line ~f Tract No. 1633, as shown on a map
recorded in Book 47, page 50, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Ora.nge
County; thence following along the west, north and northeast boundaries
of said.Tract the fol].owing courses and distances•: N 0° 16' 20" W,
1,408.58 feet; N 89° 36' 20" E, 330.00 feet; S 0° 16' 20" E, 100.00 feet
to an intersection ~aith the north lirie of Tract 156.9, as shown on a
map recorded in Book 47, page 17, Miscellaneous Maps, records of Orange
County; thence N 89° 36' 20" E, 315.00 feet along a portion of the north
line of said Tract 1569 to an intersection with•a line parallel with
and 60.00 Leet westerly of the centerline of Etrookhurst S?:reet; thance
S~0° 1•6' 10" E, 28.00 feet, more or less, along said parallel line to an
intersection with the westerly ozolongation of the north line.of Tract
No. 2587, as shown on a map recorded in Book 80, page 41, Miscellaneous.
Maps, records of Orange County; thence N 89° 3,9' 04" E, 735.00 feet,
more or less, along said prolongation and north line o£ said Tract 2587
to the poin~ of beginning. . ,
r • ~ '
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