PC 73-207~ ~ RESOLUTIOM N~• P~73"2~~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITX PLANN~."~G COMMISSIiaN OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIK~ C~`~1 OF ANhHEIPA TNAT ~ETSTION F0~ RECLASSIFICATiQN NG. _ 7s-74-17 ~E APPROVED H~tI~Ficr~S, tne ~ity Planning Cs?mmisc,^>1 ~~*~~ !hc City of Anaheim diu receive a verified Petition for Reclassifice- ti::Fra~ ~LF~.~°?:s J. AND P1~.RJOft.~" ~. `-~'~'` i655 South Euc'.id Street, Arahevn, California y2804, ~;;x:~F~,; ..;R. R~'7,?,` ~i2S. 1dI2I.iiti~'~ 9. F:,;;P~R, IG09 Mar.i~esK~ Arive, Corona, Ca2ifornia 91720, Age~3ti^ ni ':~::~+~i..'•' z't•al. p;'~:~erty s:~°: ~~te3 3: tlia ;:ikp af Anaheim, County of Orange, State of CB~.~.YOFi110y des4rz~~c: ie.~ snat poi=;~~n o~ Cb? "'c~t.trh~ast quarter s~f Sectfon ?.0, Towaship 4 3auciis R&~sz 2~ T~'.astp iQ =:' Ran-:'!'t ~aA iSr f'~ r1 g~.rtly in ~,~ t.~ncho Los Coyotes, .as per TS~ eeEeidsd i.r1 ~aaY•. ;il.~ ±~'s ~"` .,~~liarec~uo s 4e:~ ir rn~ ~;' ,. ,a.>. of tY.e County Recorder of said County, described as r:'~aw~:: Tt~~{+ .ir_g ~ 7~~ s.:r::eest corner of Lot 40 of Tract No. 2722, as per mep recorded ~~• <r~+ak 74, ,s~;.• °r; '.`- :~;5 ~iscellaneous Maps; thenoe North 0° 55° 00" E~8C:g25.00 feet ta C`s's irarthesY.~.. .-k~.•t~er ~i -0:~id lat 40; thence South 89 05 00" East 230,00 feet along the Sor::h line t~1 LOt 3~ of ~•~:Lri Tract, and easterly prolonga- tion thereof, Co the East line of said section; thence South 0° 55° 00" West i25.00 feet . along said East line.to the easterly prolongation of the Sauth line of said lot 40; thence North 89° 05~ 00" West 230 feet tn the point of~beginning ; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall irz the City of Aneheim on September 17, 1973 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice ~f said public heering having been duly given a~ cequired by law and in accordance with the pcovisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence Eor and ageinst seid pcoposed reclassification and to invectigate and make findings and recammendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, after due inspection, investigetion, end study made by itself and in its behelf, and aftec due consideration of all evidence and repocts ofEered et suid heering, does find end determine the following fects: 1. •That the petitioner proposes e reclassification of the above describe~ property from the R-A, AGRICtTLTURAL, ZONE to the C-1, GENERAL COMMERCIAL, ZONE. 2, That the proposed reclassification is in conformance with the Iand use designation of the General Plan. ' 3. That the proposed reclassificetion of snbject property is necessery and/or desirable for the orderly end pro- per development of the community. 4. Thet the pcoposed reclassificetion oE subj~ct property does properly relate to the zones end their permitted uses locelly ertteblished in close praximity to subject oroperty and to the zones and their permitted uses generelly esteb- lished thcoughout ihe community. ENVIROIaIEN'_AT. IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Cowmission, in connection with an Exemptioa Declaration Status request, finds end determines that the proposal would have no significant environmental impace and, therefore, recommends to the City Council that no Environmental Impact SL•atement is necessary R_A -1- NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT~ESOLVED that the Arteheim Clty Plennin~g Commission does he:eby Tecommend to the City Council of the City of Ansheim thet subJect Petition for Rec~assiEicalion be epproved and, by so doing, that Title 1&Zoning of the Aneheim Municipel Code be amended to exclude the above descri6ed property fcom the P.-A, AGRIC'JLTURAI., ZONE and to incorporste said described property ircto the C~1, GENERAL CO~RCIAL, ZONE, upon the folPowing cordiCions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subjecC property in order to preserve the safety and generai welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That *_he sxdewalks and driveways shal~ be instalYed sYong Euclid Stx•eet as re- qnired by the City Engineer and in accordar.ce with s'tandard pians and specificatior_~ on fife in the office of *_he City Engineer. (2) That the owner(s) of subject property shaYl pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 60 cents per front fooC along Eaciid Street for tree planting purposes. (3) That street lighting facilities along Euclid Street shalY be insta;led as required by.the Director of Public Utilities, and in accordance with standard plans and specifica- tions on fiYe in the office of the DirecCor of Pabiic Utilitiesg and that a bor.d in an smount and form satfsPaatorg to the City of Araheim shall be posted with the City to guar- antee the 3nstP1lation of the above mentioned requi.rements. (4) That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the office of the Director of Public Works. (5) That a1T air condiCioning fadi~lities shail be properly shieided from view, and the sound buffered from adjacent properties. (6) That the existing structure shall be brought up to the m3nimum stendards of the City of Anaheim 3ncluding the UnifoLm Building Plumbing, Electrical, Housing, Mechanical and Fire Codes, as adopted by the City of Anaheim. (7) That appropriate water assessment fees as determined by tY,e Director of Public Utilities shall be paid to the City of Anaheim. (8) Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or righta granted by this resolutfon shall become nu11 and void by action of the City Council unless said con- diti~ns are.complied with withi*~ one year from the date hereof, or such further time ae the City Council may granE. (9) That Cond3tion Nos. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, above mentioned, shail be comp:i:ed with prior to the commencement of any cormnercial activity on the property. THE.FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 27th dey of September, 1973. A'LTEST: Cl~2~i'~w~--- - SECRETARY ANAHE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss~ CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ /~~.~- ~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION I, Am1 Krebs, Seccetary oE the City Plenning Commission of the City oE AnahQim, do heceby .ertify that the Eoregoing resolution wes passed end adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission of the City af Aneheim, held on September 17, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the mem6ers theceoE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KING, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: ROWLAND. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunta set myhand this ~ 27th day of September, 197~, RESOLUTIOIv NO. PC73-207 L~~`,~x w~".~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMLSSION R2-A "2"