PC 73-241RESOLUTI(~JO._ PC73-241 ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNiNG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIh1 TNAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL vSE PERM1IIT 996 BE GRdNTED ~4'HEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City oE Anaheim did receive a veri[ied Petition for Con- ditional Use Permit from LESLIE W. AND VLLVA A, GARANLR, 2181 Weot Midwood Lane, Anaheim, California 92$04, Owners of certain real property sitcated in tFe City of Anaheim, County of Orange, SLate of California, descrined as The Weater].y 1/2 of the Easterly i50 feet of the fullowing described proper~y: That portioq of Lot 27 of An.ahei.m Ex•- tensioT~, as shown on a map of Survey made by W:lliam Hamel in 1868, and filed in the oi'fioe of tlie county recorder of Los Ar.gefes, Ca3ifornia, described as follows: bz- ginsr~i~g at a poir.t in che center Iine of Vern~ont Avenue, distant rhereon 162.09 feec Nor!heas~er'iy from ics in~ersection with the cer.ter line of Palm Streee, snd runnZng Ci~ence NortheasterTy along said cer.ter 2ine of Vermont Avenue, 300 feet; ther.ce South- easterYy parallel with the Easterly line oE the parcel of lend described in Cert~fi- caee uf TitTe No. 7725, in t6e office of the Registrar of lsnd Titles of said Orange Coc;:ty, and the extensions of said llne, 257 feet; thence Southwesterly peraYTe'1 wiCh Chc center line of Vermor.t Avenue 300 tee[; thence Northwesterly paralleY wich the Eesterly line oi the parcel oi land descrioed in said Ceriificate of Title No. 7725, and the extensions of said 1Lne, 257 fee~ to the point of beginning; EY.CEPTING ThERE- FROM che Northaes~erly port:an inclcded in Vermnnt Avenue ; r.nd WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing nt the City Hall in the City ot Anaheim on November i2, Y973, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in eccordence wit6 the provisions oEthe Aaeheim Municipal code, Chepter 18.64, to heer end considcr evidence Eor end against seid pro~osed conditionai use and to investigate and moke findings and recommendutions in connection therewith; end WIIEREAS, said Commission, aEter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itsel[ and in its be- half, ur,d after due consideretion oE ell evidence and reports offered et suid hearing, does fnd ard determine the fallowing fucts: 1. T~_: .he proposed use is properly one tor which e Conditional Use Pecmit is nuthorized by Code Section Y8.64.C10!l~f) to wit: expand a day school in an existing residence J.'or Kt;;dergec•cer. throuE~.h sixth grade students, to a maximum of f00 studer..ts. 2. Thet the propoaed vse wifl not r+dversely affect tne adjotning lead 4ses snd the growth and development oP the area in which it is proposed to be located. 3. That the eize and sh~ape of the site prapo~ed f~r the use is aa_quete to allow the fu11 deveiopment of the proposed use in a ma•aner not detrimer.tal to the part:c~lar area nor to the peace, health, safe:y, and ger.ecal walEare ot tlie Cirizer.s of the City of Anaheim. 4, That the granting oE che Conditional Use Yerm:t under the condLtior.s imposedr if any, wiil not be detrimenYal to the peace, healrh. sefety, and ger.erat. welfare ot che CLtizens ot the Cl.ey of Anahe~im. 5. That the Planning Cc~mmfssion deCermined that a maximum oi only 80 student:~ ahould be permitted since tt~e size amd nhepe of the property is euch that there wouid not be ~d~- quace off-s~reet parking for ~he teachers and office F~elp if 100 ~eudents were permI.cted. 6. That a petl.eion signed by eight (8) persuns was recetved representing ~djoinii~g property ownecs indicating no opposition to lhe proposed expar.aion. 6NVIRONMENCAL 1MPt~CT REPORT I~ 1NI)1NG: Thet Che Planning Commission;, Ln connec~tor~ wich ar: Exemp[ion Declere[ion S[atus req~ea[, finds and determinea that the propo~sal would heve no significant environmental impact acid, therefore, recommends to the City CouncLl that no Environmental Impact Stecemer.t ia necessary. CI•D " 1" _ _ ~ ~ _ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thc! the Aneheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grant subJect Petition far Conditionel Use Permit, upon the following :anditions whIch ere hereby tound to 6e a necessary prerequtsite to the propased use of the subject property in ocder to preserve the seEety end generel welfare oFthe Citizens of the City of ~nahelm: (1) Ii~at approprir,te wat:er assessment fees as determined ny the Directvr of Puh1Zc L'till.cies shall be paid to the Gi~y of Anaheim prior to ttie Lss~er.ce of a bui~di::g permit. (2) Tha•e an inspecCion shall be made of :}.e premises ny representatives of the C~[y ; of AnehE.m to determine the c~rrent status of aTY atructures on subject propertv ~rd tiow ~ tiiey conform io the minimum sCandtirds of the iJr:iform Bu:lding, Electrical, and PIun.Ling Codes, as adopted by the City of Ar:ahEim, and [o aIT fire safe,y regLlat.ior.s oI the City of An~heim. A?i deficier,cies nueed in thLa ir.soec:ton ahail be aorrected a;d aYY structures on sub~ecc property shall ne broughc cp to the mir3mum s~andr~rds of the Or.iform Bu~idir~.g, EYectrical, ar.d Plc:mbirg Codes, as adopted by the City of Ar.aheim, a;:d a3Y fire 68~ECy reg:~- Yati.ons oP the C::y of Anaheim pricr [o Che time thaC the exp~nded faci;:_;:ize o-i s•_:ojtc: proper~y cney oe occLpied ar.d used as a day school. (3) Th~t crash storage areas shalf be provided in accordance with npprov~d plar.s o•~: f1'le witi: *he affice of ~he Mrector of F'ublic Works. (4) ?be~ s~bject property shaiF be deve4ooed substa::t:ally ir. eccordb~ire wi!h p'~e~'.s ar;d epecif::cetlons or. flie wi[h thE City uf Aniheim marked Ex}~ibit ~o. Y, R~v:sia.: ~o. 1.. (5) 'Ihht Condition Nos, 1, 3 and 4, above men.:caed, shall be co ~,iied wi~h psix t•.~ the tlme [taL• T.ew faci?itLes on a~bject proper[y msy te ~ccupied end used ba a day s;i~uol. (b) Tt~i[ a mdximum of 60 students ahail te ptrmiC_ed iti the proposed expnnsion and exfstin~ scLooT f'ecilities. THE FOREGOING RGSOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 2Lsl' d3y of November, I97J. ATTEST: .~.~~ ~ i' SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSiON STATE OF CALiFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~l r.G',,~.,s~,vra~-Q-l'~~.2~ CHAIRAIAN ANAHEIM CITY PLAN~iNG CO~1h11SSION I~ Ar.r Krebe, Seaetery oE the City Planning Commission ot the City oE Anahcim, do hereby certity that the toregoing resolution wes pessed end adopted et a meeting of the City Plenning Commission oE the City o( Aneheim, held on Nuvember I2, 1973 at 2;Q0 o'clock P.M., by the [ollowing vote of the membcrs thcreot: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLREP; FARA~O. C,.+.GER, i~1NG, Iti~WL9NG. NOES: COM1IMISSIONERS: NOiV"c. ABSENT: COMMiSS[ONERS: IiER65T, SCYMUCR. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand th:s 2iet dey uf November, 19'i3. F2ESOLUTION N0. PC"/3-24i ~i~ ",z'^~'~ SECRETARY ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING C~MMISSION (:~G ' 2-