PC 73-248~ • RESOLUTI021 NO PC73-248 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM 'fHAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2564 BE GRANTED - '~_ WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Aneheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from GRRTRUDE M. EGGLESTON, 1335 Miller Street, Aneheim, Californla 92805, Owr.er; '~CN J. CARSON, Oranco Industrial Properties, 4332 East La Palma Avenue, Anahei¢i, Californi.a 92806, Agent of certa•Ln real propertj~ situaced in the Clty of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Californie, described as The East 165 feet of the West 660 feet of that porCion of Lct 2 in Biock "K" of tte Kra~ner Tract, in the Rar.cF~o San Juan Cejon de Santa Ana, as shown on a map thereof recorded i~ book I2, pages 57 and 88, Miscellaneous Records of Los Angeles Cour,ty, California, described as foifowd: Beginning at a point in the Easteriy line of seid Iot, 28 chains Southerly from the Northeastez v corner of said Iot, tnence Soatherly elong the Easterly lir,e 12.03 chains to [he So,theasterly corr:er of said iot; thence t~esterly along the Southeriy lir.e of said lot, 20 :hains to ti~e Souchpesterly corr.er of said Iot; thence NortherTy along :he W~sterly .ine of said Iot, 12.03 chains to the Socthwesterly corr.er of tract of land descrfbed ir: deed from Dfattie Goe~z ar.d husbend to E~na Shaffer, recorded December 6, 1917, in book 316, page 2U2, Deeda, :hence Easterly alung the Suuther;y line of said trect, 20 chaina to the poir.t of begir.r~tn3; EXCE'rTTNG TIiERFFROM the Northerly 264 feet thereof~ AI,SO EXCEPTING THE[tE- FRbM the Soctherly I95 feet thereof ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission dld hold e public heering et the City Hell in the City ot An~heim on Novemuer ~2, 1973, at 2:00 o'clo:k P.M., notice of sald public hearing having been duly given as required by lew end in accrocdance with tFe provisions of the Meheim Munictpel Code, Chepter 18.68,to heer end consider evi- dence for end against said proposed varience and to investlgete end make findings end recommendations in conneclion therewith; end Wt1EREAS, seld Commission, atter due inspectlon, Investigetlon, end study mede by itself ond in its behalf, and a(ter due oonsideretion oE all evidence and reports offered et seid hearing, does find and detecmine the [ollowing fects: 1. That the petitioner requests vaz;ar.cea from the Anaheim Munictpal Code as followp, tu subdiride an exiat2ng Rubatendard eize R-A, Agricul:ural, Zooed Iot ir.to two portiona, re- taining the existing dwelltng on or,e porCian a;.d permitting development of induatrial use on the othec portion: a, SECTTON 18.I6.050(2-a) -*t:r,imum lot area. (I ecre requiredf .9 acre exLsting, .2 ar:d .7 acre propoaed) b. SEC1'ION 18.f6.050(2-b) - Minimem lot width. (140 feet requlred; 70 feet propused) • 2. Thet lhere aze exceptiunul or extruordinnry ciccumstences ur conditfons eppliceble tn the property lnvolved or to the Intended use of the property tl~et do not apply generally to the property or class oE uae in the same vicinity and zone. 3. 1'het the requcsted verIence is necessary for the prescrvation and enjoyment ~E a substentiel property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity end zone, end denied to the property in question. 4. That the requested varience will net be ma!erially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- edy or improvements in such viciniry end zone in which the property is locoted. 5. That the petitioner, by lettez~, etipvlated that or.2y a chainlin}c fence, separa[ing the small lot on which her home is located, would be adeqsate protection £rom any future M-1 developmenC on [he lar~er of the parcels beinq split. . 1 ~ DEV-GG+;. ~ ~ 6, 'Phat the petitioner, ~y letter, further stipulated to granting to the developer of the larger parce~ first right of refusal of purchase of the homesite at such time as it would be offered for sale. ENVIRORMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDIhG: That che Planning Co~ission, fn connection with an Exemption Ueclaration Status request, finds and determines tuat the proposal would have no significant environmental impact and, therefore, recommen~is to the City Counci7. that no Environmental Impact Statement is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thac the Anaheim City Plannino Coc~lssion does hereby grant snb~ect Petition for Variance, unon the foiYowing conditions whi~h are hereby found to be a necessarv prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety ar.d genera2. welr+~re of the Cit3zens of the City oi Ansheim: (1) Tn the e~~ent that subject property is to be divided for the purpose of sale, ''eage or ; financi.ng, a parceY map to record th~ approved division of subject property sha11 be submitted to and approved by the City of Anaheim and ~Yien recoxded in ttie office of the Orange County Recorder. (2) Thst sidewelks shall be installed along MiiTer Street as reqccired by the CiCp Engineer and-:in accordence with standard pTans and specificat•Ions on file in the office of the City fingineer. (3) T,hat drainage of subjec~ proper.ty shaFl be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to Che City ~ngineer. (4) Th~t street Ytehcing faciYities along Miiyer Street shall be instailed as re- quired by the Director of P~bfic Utiiities ar.d'in accordanc~ with standard plans and speci- fications on file in ihe office of tkie D3.rector af Pub2ic Utilities9 and that a bond in an amount and £orm satisfactory to the City of An~heim shaYY ue posted with the Cit~ to gaaraa- tee the installation of the above mentioned req:~irements, (5) Th9t subject property shayl be developed substant•IaTly in accordattce with plans and specifications on tiZe with the City of. Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. (6) Thst Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 ar.d 5, a'bova mer,tioc:ed, shail be cumpYied with prior to the commencement of the activity anthorized under this resolution, ar prior to tne time that the buiYding permit is issued., or within a period of or.e year from date hereof, ~r'nicYiever occurs fir~t, or such further time as the Pie:~uing Commission may grant. THE POREG~ING RESULUPTON is AT.TEST: /~/~~~ ~ / --"'~.GLGG~. `_..~Z~'`!a~ ~.: SECRETAFY" ANAHEIM CITY PT:ANNING COIRIISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUNTY OF ORAN~E } ss. C?.TY OF ANAHE(Ll~l ) I, 9nn Krebs, Secretary uf the City Plenr.ing Cammission of tl~e r~?t; of dnaiieiai, no hereby c:ertify that• the foregoing resoYut2on was passed and adopted ae a meetittg of the City Planning Coimnission of the City of Anaheim, held on November 12, 1973, at 2:00 p.m. o~cloclc p.m., by the followir.g vote of the members thereof: AYES: CUMMISSTONERS: ALLRBD, F9RAN0, G.~ti~ER, KING, ROWLAND. NOES: COP'IIIISSIONERS: NONE. ABSEN~: CO'MhiISSIONERS: HERBST, SEYMOUR, IN WI~N~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunCo set my l~and this 21st day oE November, 1973. ~!~~~,c.e~ SECRETARY AN,'~HEIM~ CIT~. PLc1NNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION N0. PC73-248 -Z° signed and pproved by me 'this 2YsC day a£ November, Y973. CIiATRMAN AN~HEILS CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON