PC 73-260~ ~ RESOLtiTION N0. PC~3-260 A RESOLUTION OT THE CITY PLANNING CONLNiIS6'FITNH~OCiT~EO~lA~HEIM THEIADOPTIQnNG AND RECOMMENDING 'LO TliE CITY COU~] OF At4ENDMENTS TO TITLE 18, C11F~PTi:R i$~08 - DRrINIT:ONS, AND BY THE ADDITION OP CHAPTER 18.61 - CRITL"•RI9 .°_n`D DEv~1~C~DMENT STANDARDS +`~'1?OR SERVICE STATYONS, TIv~P.ETO i; x:• WkLREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Comm~sslon directed tF~e Development Services Department to prepare a report and study refati~~e tc the r~q4±rements ?r, the Zoning Code pertaining to automobile service,stations ar.d their site development star.dards; and WHEREP:S, the City Planning Coa¢nission d?d hoid p::b't:c hearings in the City Ha11 in the City of Anaheim on Pebruary 5 snd 21, November ,i2 and December 10, 1973, notices of said public hearings having been duly given as re~uired_bq 3aw and ~n accord2.nce with the provi- sions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear snd consider ~v~dence for ar.d against said pro- posed amenumenes and additions; and WHEREAS, said Commission on February 2i, i4'3, af~er dv.e ~nspecl•ion, invesCigation, ana study, made by itself and in its behalf, and af~er dLe ::ocs~deration of aIl evidence and reports offered at said hearing, did forward its recocmnEndatio,'s 4o the Cfty Council of the City oE Anaheim and, subsequent].y, said City Counciz referred ~r.e ma~ter back to the CiCy Planning Commission for further study and redrafting of said anendme.ts and addition; and WHERPAS, said Commission on December 10,` 1973, sfter due inspection, investigation and study made by itsalf and in its behalf, ar.d aftar due~conside;ation of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find ans deL-erm'.:e the foYlowfng facts: (i) The present requirements in Che 'Lor•.ing Code.pertaining to service stations specify that in the most cases ehey m::s*_ co:form to w}:atever s.tar.dards apply in the zone in which the statior_ is Eoc~ted. The,Znr.ing Code also inciudes paragraphs concerning permittPd uses and ~ypes or dispiays under the chapter "Definitions". (2) Because of the large number and specia: naturz oL- service stat~or.s, ft would appear appropriate to provide a separate chap4er _r_ the 2orfng C~erfo:mance,fy and expand upon the requiremer.ts per~oiair`g rAro`o ~ai~t~a~gE~so plte Zoning standards acid site,de~elopment st3n3~zds. A p p Code for thi's purpose li'as been developed: (3) In addition~to a change in the iorti:a~, the proposed a~ne:edment includes the Eollowing mod'.fications to presant Code requiremenCS: a. The present Code cotita~ns the prov'_sion thst o'.:her uses n~ay be condu~ted in conjunction with a service sea~ion if peL~uie:r.ed in the zone and not othercbise prohibited. The revision deletes this amb•Lguous provision and specifically identifies the uses to be germl2L-ed. U. On July 17, 1973, Council requesf.ed a repart ~~~ur?~~~f~~ antAneheim busi- Development Services DepartmEr~ regardit.g a req ness establishment for a char.ge :r. ~he F.r.eheim Kunicipai Code to permit rentsl of ~uromobiles, trucics and recteat;onaZ veh`•_c2es from service sta- tion lots. During a hearing on a proposed revisio•a to ,`.he 'Loning C~de requirements concerning service stations on I'eoruary 'L1, ?9%', the Commission had reco:n- nended tha~ truck rental no~ be a pern~itted use. Durirg the subsequent Council hearing, several speakers represe~ting service sl:ation interests requested that the proposed ordin~nce be ieodifie3 to permit truck rental. Council at that time referred the prupesed ordir.anc~ revision back to staff and the Planning Cormnission Eor fur~her study ac~d redrafting. The proposed ordinance, wh;.ch Was considered by tl~e Planning Commission on November 12, 1973, included a provision to provide for rhe rental of auto- mobiles, trucks and recreationa2 vehicies by co:!ditior.sl use permit. After consideration, the Pianning Coucnission requ.ested Chat deceiopment standards be included and continued the matt.er so that thi.s co;:ld be accomplished. The peoposed ordinance includes developmer.~ standards relating to the granting of a conditional use permi'c fo: ~he renCal of automohiies, trucks and recreational vehicles. ~ ~ ci LimiCS have been specified for tfie storage and display of tires. d. Specific landscaping standards are proposed in place of the individual zone standards which now apply. e, Present Code allows Cen traiYers of any size, provided only five are per- mitted it the station is Within 75 feet of any resider.tial zone and the proposed amendment permits ten trailers at any location with a limit on the overall dimensions. (4) That representatives of the oil industry and a tzailer renCal company were present to present sper,ified objections and recommendations. (5) That the Planning Commission, in connecCion with an ExempCion Declaration Status requesC, finds and eC~ea i~ne~hereforee recammendsftohthe CityaCouncil1thatVnonEnvig nifi.cant environmental imp ~ ronmental Impact Statement is necessary. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby Title 18a Zoni ~eof the Anaheim MunicipalfCode astfoll Wsaheim the adaption of amer.dments to AMEND Ct16PTER 18.08, ZONING CODE - DEPINITIONS TO READ '~' `` 18.08.330 - AUTOM03II.E SERVICE STATION A•rerail place of business engaged pri- marily in the sale of motor fuels and ir.cidental.ly supplying goods and services required for the operation and maintenance of automoticQ vehicles and in fulfill- ing the needs of motorists. ADD THE FOLLOWING DEFIN~ITIONS • 18.08.607 - RECREATIONAL VEHICY,E A motor vehicie or trailer which is designed or adapted to pruvide temporary shelter and/or utilities for persons while away from their permanent resider.ce. Included within this definition are travel trail- tion are motorcycles2eboatseSb atdtrailerseandrmobiYethcmesuded withia this defini- 18.08.750 - TRUCK SERVICE STAT70N A place of business designefi ard used prima- rily for the dispensing of fuel or serviee Co trucks ar.d other motor vehicles hav- ing a capacity of more than one and one-hair tons. Truclc service statior.s are usually characterized by thero~anei~ar.d~Cueflayout ofkstructures toeaccommodateg and saYe of diesel fuel or p p ~ large vehicles. nnn nuArTF.R 18.61 - ZONING COllE - CRITER74 AN~ DEVEiOPMENT STF.NDARDS I'OR SERVICE STATIONS 18.61.010 -'DESCRIpTION - PURPOSE The purpose of this chrapter is to recognize service statione ac a special ciass of land use distingcishen from othesical~a?- cial uses b}r iCs unique characterisCxcs related to Che location ond phy pearance, specialized sCructures, site, design, the r.ature and hnurs of operation, and the noise and traffic cousiderations. It is the furCher purpose of this chapt•er to preserve localTy recogr.ized values in community appearance; Co safeguard ar.d enhbnce property values ir. re3idenCial, com- mercial and industrial areas, ar.d to reduce potential probZems to mo•.:orisee and pedestrians travelling on the public way. T.he following standards are established for servir.e staCions to enscre that such uses shall be com~gtublic heaithhesafety permitted in the same zones or districts aTOiwithsCandinghthe requirements of the anc~ welfare. These standards shall apply district wherein the station is located except where Che station is in the SC or C-H Zones the standards of such zone shsil apply. 18.61.02U - PERr1ITTED BUILDINGS, STRUCTURE~ AND 'JSES Buildings are limited to service sCations and thei: accessory s~`uenerall reluiredeinstheloperationdande limited to supplying goods and services g Y 4 meintenance of motor veh3cles and in C:ie fulfilling of the motorists needs as follows: 18.61.021 - FR7MARY USES ,O1 Sale of fuel and lubricants _ 2.. R3SOLUTION N0. PC73-260 ~ ~ 18.61.022 - ACCESSORY liSES A13owabie accessory uses include and are limiCed to the following: .O1 Sale of tires, batteries and accessories. ,02 Mounting and dismourting tires. .03 Oil changing and luUricatior_. .04 Mechanical andJor manual car washing and polishing, provided such uses are perfurmed within the building and not more than one service bay is used. .05 Servicir.g of such items as fuel pumps, U-j~ints, ball jo3nts, shock absorbers, mufflers, exhausC pipes, carburetors, ger.eraCors, sCarters, ignition systems, regulators, air conditioners, radiators, brakes, waCer pumps ar.d radios. .06 Vending machines for dispensing of such it•ems as ice, soft drinks, snacks, snd cigarettes. ,p7 Rental and display of utility trailers. Utility trailers may be dis- plsyed on-siL•e prov~ded: 1. Not more than tcn traiiers are permiCted. 2, The traiiers are not displayed within required building setbacks adjacent to streat frontages. 3. The overall dimensions of any such Crailers do rot axceed 10 feet in height or 18 feet in length. 4. The display area shali r.at interfere wiL•h traffic circulaL•ion or a:.cess to ary pQrr~on of the buildirg or accessory structures. ,08 Th'e remov~i, overhauling, and replacement oF ergines, Cransmi3sior.s, and dif£ereztials for vehicles oE 1 1/2 toY:s or less raCed capacil•y prov3ded that such rap2ir acCiciCy sha1T be cor.ducted within the ser- vice station building, and shaii or.ly const•LZute an iacidenl'al:part of the service statioa operat3ar.. .09 Outdoor storage &ttd/or dispfay. AY1 uses, storage, snd/or display of ciew or used merchardise shall be conducted wholly within the service station buildirg, exc:epting Che follawing uses which may be conducted ouCside: 1. The sale uf fuel and 4ubricants and their storage ard/or dlsplay in racks or cabir.e'CS especially designed for such pu.rposes. 2, Storage and display of new tires only in not more than tF~o recks or cabinets 3esigr~d for such purpose which shall noC exceed six feet in length and six feet in height. If tire racks or cabinets are 1ocaCed wiChin thirty feet of Che properCy line abutti.ng a street they shail r.at exceed fo;xr fee~ i.n l:eight. 3, Display of rental trailers. 4. Display of automobiles9 tsucks and recteational vehicles where authorized by conditional use permit as defined in Section I8.61.023 of thia chapter. 5, Performance of minor emergency repairs, and the servicing and/or replacement of sccessory items such as batteries, hoses, fan belte, lights, windsh3.eld wipers, and attachment or detachment unkedailera provided, hoermanentlytdisabledevehicles~shallebeastored outdoors wrecked or p except Hi~llin ?n enclosed trash area. _3_ RESOLUTION N0. PC73-260 ~ ~ 18.61.02~ CONDITiONAL "JSES Rentai and display of a;:tomobiles, trucks, and recreational veh4cles subject to conditional use permic under the folTowing condi- tiuns: .p7, The total diselsy area for ali rental etility trail~ers, automobiies, trucks and recreational v,°hicles sha11 not occupp more than 10% of the total service station site. ,02 Tne disr,lay area shell be clearly desiKnat~d. by painted lines or by some cype of barrier such as a wall or lar.dscaped island. .03 The display ar.ea shalY be adjacent to an incerior property line and` shall noC encroach. into any reqaired buildir.g se~back area. .04 The dimensior.s of rental trucks and recreational vehicles sfiaYl not exceed 10 feet in height or 22 feeC in lettg'th. ,05 The display area shali na~ i^.terfere wi2h trafric circclation ~r access to any port•ion of the service statio:: bcildii:g or accessory structures. Trucks and recreatior.al vehicies shail be cf L•he L-wo-axie type which .06 can be ouerated with a Class 3 drivers ficer.se. ,p7 A sanitary d~mpxng facility in accordance wi*_i~ the Uniform Building Code shall be 'provided on ai4 sites displaying recreational vehicles having toilets. ,pg Advertising shail te accompiished within Lhe provisions of Chapter 18.62. No flags, banners or signs shall be aCtached inside or out- side of the vehicies. 18.61.024 - Ei~Ci~IIllED TJSES Other uses. i::eTL.aing, but no~ i:m_tied to, spray pa:rting, bodq and fender repair, ~Lre recappin,g, and L•Eie saie or rentai of inerchac!dise or equipmert oLhe•r char. speci£:ed ab~ve are noL• permil•ted. 1g,61.025 - sLCh a n~nnerTl•natxtney arejn~i"-~her~ob,^.oxiousrr.oz offensiveibydr.eason of emission of odor, dast, gas, smoke, fcmes, r.aise, vibrat:or, elec- tromagneCic disturbance or other similar caasds detrimenta2 L•o Che public heaith, safety or general welf~re. 18.61.026 - RESUiUlION UF UNC~RTAarL•fEuiar useewil-hintthermeanirgnandnintent of ciass~ficatior. of a p this ordittance, it shall be the duty oE the Pisnr.ing Coimnission to ascertain all perCinent facts concerning sucli ~se and determine if ssch proposed uae is coasistent with the int•en~ of the General Pl.an and zoning ordinancea of the City. Tf the Plar.ni.na Cotmnission finds such proposed use ~u be co::sistent with the ir_~eriL• of ssid General Plan and zonir.g regul~::iar.s, sLCh use sl:aiY be ir~~ovesasaid usen cluded there~Ye. If the Pianning Comm~ssion dis~pP the applicant may appeai in writing to the C~ty Counci2 whose deci- sion wi15. be fir.ai. 18.61.030 - SITB DEVELOPMEN'P STnND?.RDS Service stations shail be Iocated on eiL-es which are of adeq~~ate size .O1 to accommodat2 Chair ir.tended use withouC congesCion. ,02 All driveways shali co:cform ro standards for commerciai driveway approaches. .03 All signs shall conform to the specific requitemen~s of Chapter 18.62, 18.39 or 18.59 as appropri.ate. .04 The service staCion bnildir.g shall observe minimcro setbacks established by the zone in which local•ed. ,OS All lighting shall ue directed downward and away from adjacent prop- erties. -4- RESOLUTION N0. PC73-260 ~ ~ .06 T'rash storage areas sha1Z be provided in cor.form~n~e with city standards on fi.1e wir_;; the Director of ?cblic Warks. ,07 Landscaped plattting areas. Excepting in the C-H ~iRimLm land- where the standards of euch zone(s) shali appiy, W~th Che scaping requiremei!ts for ail other zones shall comply following: 1. Adjacent to street trontages. Plantir.g area~,w•~th a m3n;imum inside d:.mension of at Ieast three feeL• in width shall be pro- vided along a31 street frontages except ~+t a=iantamaterialss. A11 such areas shall be p2anted with living p and shall be maintained with permaner.t irrigation faciiities. Planting areas shall be protected 'oy a mir.imumlai~inncaressh concrete curb or a raised plsnter. Further, preaCergthan the at the corner shall h9ve an ir.side radius no g property line radius. 2. Adjacent to interior boundary lin~s. Broad he.aded trees of a minimsm size of 15 gal2ons shail be provided in 4° x 4' tree wells un a maximum of 20 fooc cenCers along any interior site boundary iines. Such trees sha21 be protected by a mi.nimum six-inch high concrete curb and shall be maintained with per- manent irrigation facilities. ,pg Walls. Where ar. ir.terior site boundary lire abuts a residential zone, a masor.ry bouc:dary wall shail be provided heving a minimum height of six feet. The we11 c+eighC shall be meaoTrad acenttprop- highest finished grade Ievel of subj::ct property J erties, whichever 2s highesC. Said wall sha1T be reduced to thirty ~r.:es i~ hei~'r~t wiL•hin any sCreet setuack areas fo=oaeT~s~gsCmeascred~frome~he~adjacee~LStreet ment of the adjuinit.g p p Y righC-of-way. 18.61.040 - VIGLATIONS - PEN?,'LTIES Any violation or faitersor~ ~i1py oEiah the provisions of this secCion sha11 rer.de•r a p ~' misdecneanor and such pErsc+r. shalY be subject to Lt-:e pcr.alties set forth in L•he provisions of Section 1.OT.370 of the ?r.sheim Munici- pal Code. 'PHE FOREGOING RESOL~JTIO:I is signed and approved by me this 20th day of December. 1973. ~~ a~~~/Y2~P Gi l CHP,1~ AN AN HEIM C1TY PLANNL[v~ COMM~ ATT ) / ~~ ~ %i i' i? .u~~tZr+t/_ --r SECRETARY PRO TEM ANA1 IM CITY PI~ANNLNG COMM.CSSTON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OI' ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF AhAHEIri ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary pro tem of the CiCy Planuir.g Commission of the City of Ar.aheim., d~ hereby cerl•Lfy that the fcregaing resolntion was passed a;~d adop':ed at a meet- ing of the City Planning Commission of ~he City of An~heim, heid on December 10; 1973, a': 2:00 p.m., by khe following vote of Che :nembers thereof: SEYMOUR. AYES: COMMISSiONERS: ALLRED, I'ARANO, GAUER, RERBST, KING, NOES: COMMiSSIONERS: NONE. ARSENT: COMt4ISSI0NERS: RdWL-aND. , TN WITNESS WI~IEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 20th dey of December, i973. /j/~ ~,~L~/~ ~~,.~u~c--CLr~c../ /i'~~ SEGRBTe1RY YRO TEM ANAL{~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~5- RESOT.UTION N0. PC73-260