PC 73-262:~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC73-262 9 KESULUTT.ON OF T1IL CITY YLANNINC CU*A1ISS?ON OF TIIE CITY OP 9NAHEIM TIiRt~f2NAT7.NG ALL PROCLEDINGS OF CUtiDiTIONAl I;SE PERPSIT N0. 646 SdHEREAS, the City Planning Commission on November 9, 1964, granted Conditional Use Permit No, 646 in Resolution No. 1417 Series 1964-GS to permit the establishment o£ a muiCiple-family planned residential derelopment; and WHEREAS, the majority of the conditions of• approval had not been inet; and WHEREAS, the present owner of the property had submitted a letter requesting termination ot all proceedings, since they did not intend to exercise the use granted undar Conditioasl Use Yermit No. 646, NOW, THEl2L•PORE, BE IT!RESOLVED~that the Anaheim City Planr.ing Co~nission does herehy tcrrainate all proceedings of Conditional Ude Permit No. 646 on Che basi.s of the .foregoing findin~s. THE POREGOT.~IG R~SOLUTION is sigaed and approved by me this 20th day of December, 1973. ~~ '~?tr;~-e-~ 3 ~S CHAIRMAN ANAHEI~I CITY P~ANNING C0:'AIISSION ATT~ST: ~~i}.G~C~ct~/~ ~JL= GLrc~lGrilL/ _ SECR?sTARY PRO TEM ANAFIELTi CITY PLANNIrIG COr1MISSION 51i~Tu Ur' t:AL1FOl2Nt9 ) COUi~TY OP ORANG~ ) ss. CITY OF ANAHGIri j I, Pstricia E. Scanlan, Secretary pro tem of the City Planning C~mmission oE the Cit~ of AnaheLr~, do herel>y certify L•hat the foregoir.g resolution was passed and 8'dopL•ed tat a meeting of the City Ptanning Commission of Clie City of Anuheim~ held on December I0, 1973, at 2:00 o°clock p,r,,., by Che following vote of the members thereof: AYES: C044fISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KING, SE1T10UR, NOES: COTQiISSIntIERS: NONE. aBSENT: COMMISSION~RS: ROWLAND. IiJ WITN£SS j~1~REUF, I have hereunto set suy' hand this 20th day of DecemUer, 1973. -Y-~~r~"~rr ~~,?.J/~. J~ ~",CI~lc~~-~t'~~c.~ SECRETARY PKU TEM AtL111EIM CITY PLANNZNG COiNP1TSSIUP