PC 73-41. ~ ~ RESOLUTION 4'.O. PC73-41 A RESOLllTION OF THE ClTY PLANNING CGMMISSION OF 13 $CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition Eor Conditional Use PermitErom JEFFERSON INVESTMENT AFFILIATE~, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, 441 North Lai:eview Avenue, Anaheim, California 92806, Owner; DANIEL H. NINBURG, M.D., 1440 South State Colle~e Boulevard, Building 6, Suite D, Anaheim, Californiu 92806, Agent of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as desc~:ibed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto nnd referred to herein as though set forth in £ull ; and WHEREAS, the City, Planning CQmmission did hold a public hearinR at the City Hall in the City of Aneheim on Februazy 2i, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of eaid puS;3t^ hF.ering having been duly given as required by law and in accocdence with the pcovisions of the Anaheim Municipel code, Chapter 18.64, to heer end consider evidence for and agair.st said proposed conditionel use end to investigate and meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; end WHEREAS, seid Coa~enission, after due inspection, investigation, end study mnde by itself end in its behalf, and aEtec due consideration uE a!1 evidence end ceports oEEered at said hearing, does find and deteemine the following Eacts: 1. Thet the pruLaosed use is ~roperly one for which a Conditionel Use Permit is authorized by Code Section 18.64.020(f) to wil•: establish a private educational institution in conjunction with a seven- story hospital now under construction with waiver of: SECTION 18.G4.030(b-4) - Minimum number of re4uired parking seaces. (1 spsce per each student required; none proposed) 2. That the proposed use will r.ot adversely eEfer.t. the edjoining lend uses end the gcowth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be loceted. 3. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is edequete tc ;lc~ :h:. :uSl deve!epment oE the proposed use in a menner not detr;mental to the par4cular area nor to the peace, health, sefety, end generaY welfare of the Citizens oE the City oE Anaheim. 4. 'fhat the granting of the Conditionel Use Petmit under the conditions imposed, if nny, will not be detrimental to ~he peece, heaith, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the QeCitioner stipulated to provi3ing adequate parking at auch time ae the hospital is in operation. ENVIRONMENTAL IPiPACT ItEPORT FINDING: That lhe Planning Cormciission, in connectian with an Gxemption Declaration Status request, finds and determines ttiat tlie proposal would have no significant environmental impuct and, therefore, recommends to the City CounCil Chat no Environmental Impact Statement is necessary. Cl-G ~ 1` ~ . ~~t ~~ . ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ., , .~~ ~. Title insurance and Trust Company ~XI~IBIT ~~A~~ ' BOO NORTH MAIN STREET • P. O. BOX BB • SANTA NNA• C4LIFORNIA 92702 • TELEPHONE ("1~`~1 Sb7•3333 OUR ^10. 5013'LII JEFFci250~; I~IVESTf•:c~:~ ~1rFILIAiES ' i'91 ::EST R~'•ih;EYA DZIVc ' ~1,•;HH~I^1i CALIFOR~.IA • ' =+TTh:~ On~:iEL H. i'1Ii13URG , I;., RESF0;:5~ TO TNE A30Vc REF~RcvCED APPLi:r+TIO~~ F02 ~?OLICY CF TITL~ ?ptj;li2:,~:t~~ TITLc~ I?:SURF~?!.c Ai:7 ~RUST CC~•:PAi•~Y HE;2~9Y i2EPCRTS iH'r•T ?~ ?~ ?RcP~Rt~ TO ISSU~i OR CAUSc ?0 9E :SSUE~, AS C^ TH~ ~ATc H~RcOF~ •1!v ~::•iERIC::iI I_,'-~i\~ TITLE AjSuCIA?IUN L.OP~i: COV°_RAGc FOi2i4 ?OL;CY OF TiiLE IVSUR~,r1C~ D~SCRIi:I~dG Tuc L~'•~D At,D TH~ EST~T:. OR Ii~:T~ZtST Th~REi;~ H~R~IhSAF+ER SFT r~RiH- I~:SUR;i~:3 AGAI\5T LCSS +1HiCH ~~C~Y 6E SUSTF.??:cD ~Y ?~•:50~: OF :.,:Y G~FECT~ Li~~: ~R E~:CU~'BRA:`1CE ~;OT SHO~iN OR '?EFcRi•:~C TO l~5 AP1 EXCcPT IOP7 B[LO:ti OR '1CT ~XCLUOED F~~Ci•1 COVERAGE ?~~;?jU41T TO THE PRiNTED SCN=DULES~ COi:DITIO`+S f,\~ STIPUL~AT.OivS OF ,~-,niD POLICY FCCt.'•~• iHi~ REPORT+ ~~~C A?7Y SUPPLE'-0E!'6T5 0~ A~i~~:~t•:EP:75 THE~ETU+ IS lSSUED 5^LELY FOR THE FU~POSE"OF F~CILITATI?:G THE ISSUA`:CE GF A F~~LICY OF TITLG I?•~SUZ.1'ICc A^!C i;0 LIA°ILITY IS ASSU'~i:D HtREBY. IF IT IS ~~~?RE~ TNAT LInBILITY 3E A55Uf~CD PRICR TO TIIE ISSUAi\Ct OF A POLICY c= TITLE I~`tSURAP+CE+ A tiIr:DER ott COr4NiT~•tE~•~T SHOULD aE Rc~UESTED. DATc.~ AS OF 7 j'30 k.~~. 0~! JULY 1 r 197:. ~1. LASSITER~ JR.e TITLErOFFICER. ' THc ESTATE OR IP:T[RcST I.~ Ti•IE LAi•.D HERti?IAFiEF DESCR:GED OR f;[~c'f?i2:D TO COVERcL' 13Y T~iS R~PORT I5- .~ F~=. . T1TL[ TO SA:J ESTATE G`r I~;T:RF.57 AT TH~ ::ATc FI:RECE IS VcSTED i~~~ J=~~~iii;~0.`1 ?~~VEST'!~i:T P.FF1l.I%~T~iS+ .. ~?'•:I7~,ri Pri2Ti:E:~Si•11~. i•T "IJ~ DATF ~~CCtiFJF EiC=P7io:•,S TC CCV~-r,:~C•E I~i rD:%17I0;: TO TyE ~~?1':T~D EXCENTIQ':5 Af~~ cY.CLU;i:GtiS ~(;~~TAI,:~a I`: SF~i7 ~:~LiCY r0 ..., ,_~ 3C 4~ r~Ll.q:~S ~ ~ . '.,~~-i'•:f1. ~.)C?- f; .:,^..l~~~ 1'Ll..,~~~ ,.. .~. :::~.`_~ ?H= c=r=!<~ ' A ^~ ~,~ -;~• ~ ~.;~^< ~ I ~~ ~7F i .. :I 1' - 2'L' :3" E ST .,, `„ 't rIF' ` ~'T;, ~T~ ~ OF ~ ~..1 Ji. ~~~: 'r;cSi Ef~ T di.~ij.::A~Y :J~. _~ . n ~ 4 5.42 ccT.' '"xC~PT i1i~'~ ~27~•S =c ~:E TeZL S:.C r':-- TrltR OF. ~ :.:: c~~~ - ti~ PETii ;.El!'•lr OILr ;15p^I'_TU;~,~ ~:,5 A'.~ ~T .c? hIY ;20CA o:,~: ~U°_ -;^' _~ Ii•: r OTI .^.' U'~: - T!~+ ~?D~t' I Ol, SA I D LA~:^ TH~R= F _;;:.'~ I>. T.r. YC ~ 3~ L.:DA T, ~1C7 5'~E;yR~: ~~ ^! Tf _ C~E FRO~•1 •~C.^.~ '=2:; 50~: e I~•: .. 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TR~+CT~ AS PER t%./~~~ Tr.ERECF R_C~:~~D I`,; 300'C 7.,e .''<~~= Z6 1!2 U~ REC: R~ OF SU"VEYS Ii1 THE :%FFIC° OF TF!L COU;:TY '=C.~~~F': OF O~P•.t:G= CciU~liY~ CA'=IFU2fiIA7 %.;:D :+ PO~tTiO;+ OF L'J7 :'? : `3~L'.'_'C.36 •~F Y0;?3A LIl:~~ Ti2ALTr AS 5~~:::: :..; A:~~P ~~ECOR~ED ::. c:):,l' 5^1GE5 27 L~~1G lf~+ ~•fIS~ELLA~;.`:7U5 ;'•'„?S~ 12cCORDS~ OF :i'~i~; 0::l.r.;:~°_ COU^tTY~ AL~ D~S~~:Iil~~ P,5 A::rIOL~ AS FOL~0::5' . ;;iivl ::t~:~ AT~ TtdE SOt.ITt~; ;'ESTl~RLY ci:T~2E~~;ITY CF TNA'i CGUi25E SHO,:i1 .:S ':%:VIilG A BcARI!'J: UF ;101<TH 90° 30~ 47" E.'•ST Oi•I PaG~~ 37 rJF ' i? ;~T i•:~. 53:2 AS PEl2 '~;AP RECOR^.C~ IPf Ii:1~K :92r Pfi~ES 3:i TO' ? ..::5?~l~ OF ~~ISCE~LA~.~OU~ '•:~;F:i r24C;i~75 C~ 0~2i:(•ECi[ CUU;•:TYr r- ^`~,~ST=RLY c:CTRc.`•IITY '~~SO Lte: .G Tt-I~ :0~':T~G2LY tXTnti~:ITY ~.T::~T C.^•:1.`2;E 5'rIO::;d .^.i•: SAI~ •"%t?~ ~.$ fIAV:i:~ i- d~AR:~tiC~ CF \ORTt'I ~~.n 2z~ t~~n ::,[,~T1 TH~F:C~ i:C;;T" 9~° 30~ 47" ~~-.SI :27.G9 FEtT: T=;c:t;C= ~1~RT:1 21° 55~ 24" ::c.ST 3d2.29 FccT TJ if'AT COUFSC SHO'r~~Y 7'i 5~"~?D T:•'..~CT 5'.~2 Ai :~~•~/IP:G A u[Af2I!•;G .^.~ i.0~t1'rl 55° 5A~ q7u _~:,5?: TH~::C~ :,OUTH 6So yEi~' y7° ,iE'ST 531.65 FccT 7G Tri[ ~~ESTERLY _i:i?E';ITY 0= S~+Ii. C~IJ^S£j T!-I~~:C~ SJU7H i° 37~ 24" =AST 276.09 --_- T~ THE SOt1T~!:l~5?~RLY P1oTi,~T IT ~.E ~ T,lv90,~c3~~`47' EA~TS~ ;i~~~i:I`7:: i.OR7H E'.~° 30~ 47° .~.. r r~~r ;n %75.~7 F°_ET TC TIi[ POI~.T OF i]EGII1fiI::G. -.,,,.~>i TN~ cASTc?LY 53.OG F~ET TNcZECF. ',! `'iC ~~`:CE~'i ALL P~T:'OL~;1'~t+ OII.~ !~5^!-!i;LTI;~'r G~~ i,i:D OTFt~R HYO.°.OC.S~il:J1. ~,~~..- :.CcS 1~•,~ C~•~ ~(: ::t•1J~;2 TF~kT n~2i IJ~. ::F 5~?:: LA~~ 7f~lc~?~.OF ~..~.....JC./ I~ TIIG YJI?47 .~.l~~w' TI~~.C I~S ZLS~'S1_~ lit T;I',^'„ ~I_.~.ti FROIi ~.• , c.j;:2~'I F, SOi~15~ I?':.~ :. S-_.~.;~ I•;L~';:TY C~•:P';7•:Y l;ECGi2DEC ,=: . :'< ?~ 193'T I~, ;~~^. ~;^P~r'..,1.'L:~ C~F?.:~,L ;2~C^v{i~5+ RI~NiS . - :U~. •i " :i:•-RY .:L12r it~:.. .,.'i~:~ic,:' ciY ::~GC :~::3itD~: .•iA2Ct1 12: '.,i,: i' ,..;::•: G•~FP:7r P:,.Gr C.~ ,:i~FiC1;~: I:=:U'':;5. /~ ~ ~ T;~•.~ TNF.i L~, ~7~n ~:c .i<~,...'1 ~L 7T' : ;'} ~5..~11 k~~~e •!„ ?t; Ci'Y J~~~'i~~. ~'~~-~" '~~S .i, ~~ ~ ., I J' T'ri~ n.~~.CF'0 ,~: v '~ .'~ . ~~'r;il' .1F Cii' .4L• .~, ~/li~~ o `•C . ~ ~ ~. ' ~ i ~~1::~:, . . . ~;. ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED thet the Anehelm City Planning Commission does hereby gwnt subject petition for Conditionel Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby foond to be e necessery pre:equisite to the proposed use of the subject property in o:der to preserve the sefety end general welfere of the Citizens of the Ci4y of Aneheim: , . (1) That subject propesty shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 4. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signcd and appmved by me this lst day of March~ 1973. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY ATTEST: ~~~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ann Krebs~ Secce:ery of the City Plenning Commisslon of the City oE Ane?~::im, do hereby cerllfy thet lhe Eoregoing reFOlution wes pessed end adopted at e meeting of the City Plenning Commission oEthe City of Aneheim, held on February 21, 1973, at 2:00 o'clodc P.M., by the following vote of the membecs thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, liERB~T, KAYWOOD, ROWLAND. NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. ABSENT: COM6fISSIONERS: SEYMQUR, 1N WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand thia lst day oi March, 1973. RESOLUTION NO. PC73-41 .l~.a~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION C2~G "2'