PC 73-60~ A RESOLUTION N0. PC73-6~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEL*t ADOPTING AND RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THE ADOPTION CF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N0. 125, TO UPDATE THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT, REVISE EXAIBIT N0. 7 OF THE SANTA ANA (:ANYON ACCESS POINTS STUDY, ESTABLISH THE EXTENSION OF A SECONDARY ARTERTAL - FAIRMONT BOULEVARD, ESTABLISH THE GENERAL ALIGNMENT FOR A HILLSIDE SECONDARY WEST OF MOHLER DRIVE, AND PROVIDF. LOCAL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE STREETS SOUTfl OF SANTA ANA CANYON ROAD BETWEEN ANAHEIM HIiLS ROAD AND MOHLER DRIVE THERETO Wt~REAS, the County of Orange has established a precise plan of highway alignment for Fairmont Boulevard from Esperanza Road to 3,000 feet northerly with construction of said arterisl to conmence in early 1973; and WHEREAS, the County of Orange has reaommended theC Fairmont Soulevard be extended souCherly across the Santa Ana River and the River~~ide Freeway to Senta Ana Canyon Road as a primary highway on their Master Plan of Arterial Highways; and WHEREAS, the Anaheim General Plan, Circulation ElemenC, neede coneideration of re- viaion and upgreding as to the exteneion of Fairmont Boulevard eouth of La Palma Avenue acroas the Santa Ana River and the Riveraide Freewey to Santa Ana Canyon Road; and IJHEREAS, it would be necessary to relocate, update, end add to the accese point plan far Santa Ana Canyon Road to accommodate Fairmont Boulevnrd and accesa for develop- menC occurring westerly: and WHEREAS, with development occurring in the Canyon at a:ather rapid rete, it would appear neceseary to establish e preliminary circuletion plan for local public and privete streets southerly of Sanee Ana Canyon Road between Anahe~m Hille Road and Mohler Drive; and WIiEItEAS, the City Planning Commiseion did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in Ctie City of Anaheim on March 19, 1973, at 2;00 p.m., notice of aaid public hearing heving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provi~ions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and coneider evidence for and against said propoaed Generab Plan Amendment and to investigate and make findinga and recommendetions in connectio:: therewith; end WHEREAS, said Commiseion, after due inepection, investigation, e~td study made by it- self and in its behalf, and after due coneideration of all. evidence and reports offered at said heering~, does find and deteFcnine the following facte: 1. That although avocado groves, farming, and eingle family homes conseitute the bulk of the land uae, development presaures heve been buildiva in the area due~ in parC, to an economic imbalance reaulting from increased land taxee and reduced farming income. 2. That developmente have been proposed in the area with trects proposed on both aidea of Santa Ana Canyon Roed between Accese Point No. 8 and No. 11, wherein access and circulation probleme consCil•ute one uf the mnjor ereae of concern. 3. That the Fire Department has qxpressed extreme concern becauae of the very high hezardoue fire conditions in {he eummer months in thie area and lit+:le, if any, provieion ie made for emergency ~ehicular circulation. 4. That it hae been eatimeted if Fairmont Bouleverd ie noc extended over the Sante Ana River to Santa Ana CanyOn.Road, segmente of Eeperanza Roed, Imperial tiighway„ Weir Canyon Road, and Sante Ana Canyon Road will be signi.ficantly over~oaded Yn the future with deily traffic volumes in excees of 50.,000 vehicles. 5. That the Traffic EngineE: has estimetecl en Average Da;f4 Traffic of 16,OC0 for Fairmont Soulevard between La Palma Avenue and Santa Ars BY,yon Road, aesuroint~ no interahenge with the freeway; further, that thie esziaa,Ce would increise to 35,000 ADT, eseuming Chat an interct~ange is provided 'f,or rairmont i~ou'l.evard with the Rivereide ~reeway. . .,. ~ S o. That three exhibits were presented indicating proposed locations of the extension of Fairmont Boulevard as a secondary arterial to Santa Ana Canyon Road; extension of Fairoont Boulevard souXherly as a hillaide secondary to Canyon Rim Road; relo- cation of two access points; an~l the establiahment of a new access point and a circulation pattern of local sCreets. 7, T}iat eight (8) persons appeared to express their viewpointg ae to the varioua F.xhibita preaented and the consenaus of opinion being that Exhibit "A" preaented the Uest alternative. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Planniag Commiasion does hereby adopC and recoa~end to the Citp Council of the City nf Anaheim the adoption of General Plan Amendment No. 125, Exhibit "A" to provide for a means of local circulation to and through Santa Ana Canyon between Anaheim Hille Road an~ *~ohler Drive, to eatabliah new acceas points as part of the Santa Ana Canyon Access Puints Study, and to provide for the extenaiou of Fairmont Boulevard in order to meet the intent of the County of Orange Master Plan of Arter- ial Highways. TF~ FOREGOING RESOLUTION ie sigi ATTEST: SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STaTE OF CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) se• CITY OF ANAHGIM ) 73. I, Ann Krebs, Secretar~ of the City Planning Coam~isaion of the City of Ana~eim, do hereby certify that the foreg~ing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the CiCy Planaing Commiasicn of the City of Anaheim, held on March 19, 1973, at 2:00 o'clock p,m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: ALLRED, FARANO, GAUER, HERBST, KAYWOOA, ROWLAND, SEYMOUR. NOES: COMMIS~IONERS: NONE. ASSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunta set my hand thia 29th day of Merch, :973. SEC1i~TARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO*SMISSIO'i~ RESOLUTION N0. PC73-60 '2"