PC 74-100~
WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anahel~ dId receive e vedficd Petition for ReclassiEica-
tionfrom CARL KARCfiER, 1200 North Aarbor Boulevard, Anaheim, California 92803, Owner; at~d,
RICHARD E. HUSTON, Architect, 109 South Clementine Street, Anaheim, California 92805,
Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheia, County of Oronge, State
of Californie, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as
though set forth in ful.l
;' end
WHEREAS, thc City Plenning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on
May 13, 1474, nt 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice oE seid public heacing hnving been duly given as required by
law and in eccordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipel Code, Chepter 18,72, to hear nnd conslder evidence
for and egeinst said pioposed reclassificetion end ta imestigate end make flndings end recommendations in connection
therewith; nnn
WHEREAS, snid Commission, ofter due inspectton, investigetion, end study made by itself end in lts behelf, and
a(ter due consideration ef ell evidence nnd reports offered at said hearing, does find end determine the following fects:
1. Thet the petitioner proposes e reclassificetion of the above described propeRy from the M-1, tIGHT
2, That the Anaheim General 'rlen provides for coimnercial designation in the area
and the use would be campatible with that designatioa,
3. That the proposed ceclesslficetion of subject pro~ecty is necessery :nd/or ~estreble :nr tha orderly end pro-
per development oE the community.
4. Thet the pcoposed reclassificetion of eubJect property does propeely relete to the xdces and their permitted
~ses locally estebllshed ir. close proximity to subject property and to the zones end their permitteu uses generally esteb-
lished throughout the cammunity.
That the ?lanning Commission recommends to the City Councll that the eubject pro9ect be
exempt from the requiz~emer.t to prepere an EnvironmenCal Impact Report pursuent to the
proviFions of the California Environmental Quality Ack.
g.p -1- RESOLUTION N0, PC74-100
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~ , _.. . . , ': Your ~o. Karcher
ARention: DOLCE327 1~. I71ack • - •• _ ,., =..Our ~o. ;Y56G3-jaI3T
~ - • ~ - ~ . 1~ =
. BAFC•CO OICICC__a'.s+~a~.A n~$ . . . .
m~ • .
Gentlemen: _- ' . _ .: , ..- .._ : -.
April 18, 1974 ~ W~ wish to repor[ thc (olloH•in~
- Supplcmenting our original report d~ted. . . . . . . . _ .. , . . .
. . ..:1
m¢tters: '• .. _ ~. _ _ ,
Dated as of "~RY 16 1974 a~ 7:30 A.1~S. willian B. Thotnas
' . • . ~ : . • Title Ofliar . _ ~.
The legal description is h=reby amended aa tollo-+rss • •,= •~
~Th Q partions df Lot S of *iile*.s Rancho, in thc~ City of Anaheim, as .+.
ohrnan on a r!an thereof recordad in book 4, pago 7, t:iacollaneous
t•:ap~, rec:ords of >aid Orangcs County~, described as followss
PteRCEL ls The Wes~~rXy 280 feet of the Southerly 239.6G foot ot the
folZowinn dpscribeci land: • ; .
Beginning at the intersection ot th9 centerlines of those certain ~ss~.naned
roads on th~ ~lesterly snd routherly ~sides of said I.ot 5 as ~ha~~n en
said aap, 3aid road~ nao Y.nown as ItarUoz Doulevard and Romnoya Orive~
thenee *lorth, along said centerlina of E{arbor Boulevard 239.66 feet to
tha Ylezterl:~ ~rolongation bf th~ +outh line of t:le ltu:d described in tha
c:er.d ~o Arno?d t.'onntruction Co., a cornoru~ioa, recorded July lil, 1955,
in book 3142, nage 230, officfal P.ecords7 thc~nce along said prolongation
and thcs sou~Jiorly ahd Rasterly ].inos of said l~and, ttorth ~39° 54' . 00"
rast 280.OU feec an3 t7orth 13~.~0 fent to th~ No=th~+ast corner of tho
ian.i d~ccrii~ed in tie ~Qed to C.zrl N. Rarcher and Fri£c~, racorded :larch 22,
1962~ in bcol: 604Q, pag!: 202r 0£ficial ltccords= thonco alonq,the ~Iorthorly
and East~rly lines af anid. land to i:archer, th4 EASterly lina of the lnnd
c:o3cri:~ec: in the deeci ~o Carl T.arc:~r_r Enterprisea, a Cnlifornia cor~oration,
recor~:~:d :uqu3t ?.I, 19 ~3, in book 2~53, oaqo 51f) of aaid O~Cficial tt~ecords,
nnd thc ~,eatr_rly line of the land de~cri.Dod in L-hQ ~ecA to Joseph i~J.
lioinz and ~•+i`e, rocorded Augu~st 21, 1~53, in boc~}: 2559, pttgo 515, of snid
cJi`ficial Recorda~ :1~rth A9° 54' QO" xa~t 231.AZ ~cot, ancl Sout^~ 369.66
feut to the :~af~ centsrlir.c of ~tomncya Drivo7 thence South 89° 54' 00"
rr'nst 511.41 faet to the point of beginninqu • •'~5j67pJ~I3:.
.:`y, `1f cOc'j~
~:tCEPTI:ir ?'iIE1LF'ROtd ~ho tfiecterly 15~ f~et thereQt. "~~~,~ MAY 19?4 aN~ .
. . , .. . . _ IY (i~Cc1; :J ~
`.,., ~„{,-.:~t .~
continu~d on pa4a 2w. ~'D L~~i~~~~ ~ 1 '
tiL-~L`~SS, iVU,~: ~.;ff .-~ ,~., „~
j • ~ r ' ,.~ '' ; ' c. %
,i- ~.~•f:'C;:~., ,
09 s+rrco w...:e+..~.rert.„~..u..r ~~.e........~.
P-ll6-B (GS.) .
~~ ! • ~ ~
` laqC 2
I'?'.~C~L ~s :lac Saut::ariy 239.5~ fAet of t:~e Southerly 239.66 feet og the '
follo:~ina ~c3cri:~ed lan3s
53eainnina ttt the ~ntez~ectio~ of tlte c~nterline~ of those certain unnaced
roaci:s o~ t'~^ :'e~~•~rly .n~~ SouGtinrly ~ictes of said Lot 5.^~3 shcr~rn on
aaid ::aa, ss;d razd~ no~v kn~ran s^ f's3rl~or ~eulovard anc: Fo-,naya ~rivej
thence :iarth, alang nai3 c~ntc~rlinn of !tarbor IIoulavai~ 2~9.6fi fact to
tl:o S•,esterll T~rolor.ca.ien o~ th> ;out:t l~t~e oz tne larid ~e 3cri~ed in t:~e
deed to .trr.olu C~nstruction Co.~ a cor?oration, recoZdr_d July 1K, 1955,
in boo}; 3142, t~a,e 239, ui`:`icial :2~COxc:3t thc:.co along eaic? prolongation
and tns ~cut2~:rly and Ealt~ri~a linoa of saic: la~d, .':orth 89• 59' 0~•
~.a~t 2s,~9.b~~ fect and :.orth 13~.00 fe~t to t~to t:orthweDt coraer of tho
land c~scr±~ed in the ca~.d to Car~ tt. :.archer and wifo, recorricci h!azch 22~
13G2, in L•oo?: 5~~i2, pa,e 202, Official T:ecor~sf thance aloag tne ;:ortliorly
and Fasterly linc3 of aaid land to F.archer, *~e Laetezly lins~ af th~ l~ad
deac:ik,ucS ia t~~ c~ecd to Cirl i:arcl:er Lnter~ri~ea, a Califoznia cori~orntion,
recorded A.ugust 21, 1953, ia Lco~_ 2553, pd,e 514 of aail Uf£icial 3ecorus,
and tise F!eaterly line of the lsn~d descri.:~e~ in th~ dead to Jose~h H.
Iieinx and s,if3, recordad Augu~t 21, 1953r in book 2559, pnge 515, ~f said
O~ficf.al R~.cordu, :~ort:~ 23• 59' On° Enat 231.a1 ~eet~ t~nd Soutli 3G9.bG
fc~et' to tiie said centerline of Ronneya nrivcJ t5erico Snutlt R4° 54' 00°
Sie~~ 511,41 feet to the point a~ txsginning.
F.X~:EPTZ:7G ~1t~~F?O'i tht~ fTenterly 280 leot theinot.
PARCEL 3s Aeqinniny at the intr~rsscction of tho contorlines af Chose ccrCain
unnan~d roada on thQ :7nnt~rly an3 &auther?y sictc~s of said T.ut 5 an shown an
said nap, xaid roada r.~a kncxm a~ -~3Ybor :'.~t~Y,;~vard anci Ra~neya :?rivct
thcencQ :torta, alolg s~.id cesl~a~j~ine o~: )[~:~or Loulevard 23~.ub feet to
tlia t~TOatcri~* ~+~piaag~tim~i bf LYhc' ~~u~i lin~ Cot' the land described in tho
deed ta Arnold- Co~~tra~'~ic~;~, co.~,. 3 ~coxy~o.~~~xn,~, x3cor3od July 18, 1~55,
in bco~; 314c, -2aa~a 23!ii, i~rY~,Q~"ol :sc:caxLSi t.1~~c along sai:i pralongation
and tn~_ ~~at,.'~n~~11 nH:~1 i:iu~-tef~3' ~'~1E'sz "of safiil ~.1n'Ka, !;s>rth ~9" 54' 09"
S:tt~C 2Q';~Li1) 'f.ct R.1Q.'•;~~rCPi }3~.U0 fcce,~, tD 'thn, J1C~SYL•'IV,!~st corncsr of the
land de~czi.bed- ig tli~ ,~c=a ~.n'; ~ar,~ ~~%i~ 2~~=[~:er anu wif~, racord~d t~arc:i 22,
19G2, in Loesk d'1+CQ~ r?a~a 1~?'+ 7f;iat~il. ;tca6r~l=+t thencc~ alonq ttio :iortherly
nnd Ersat-~rly lin~s o: .~+ni~~ ~nd ~to, ='u::chc~~ ~~la I:natorly lino of thc land
clescrine.l ~•n Che dec~C :~ ~~ ~ j;a~l,rr r.ii~._e~~riaas, a Cslifosnia corpar.ntian,
rQ~orcc~d _•.l~yust 21, ~~;~~~ ~:,roa~; 2~5~~ paqo 5I9 of ~aid vr:icial :tocords~
a•1C1 ~il~ i._J9t~ar1~ ii~-~ tl~ '~'i1c ~a~r~t]? Ll'~6('e~~J:C~ 211 ~~1R 40CC~ ti0 .TO~Q~7!1 6T.
Iialnz nn3 1/i~~3•! recorQcd .~~ug.u.~t ~1, LS?:~ in i,ook 2559~ j~nyn Jl.J/ OL~ sai3
OPficial P•~lC~~LiJ~ ~ax~!i Q9• aq~ ~~' Fauti 231.41 feat, zrict South 3G9.GG
~n6t t~ tho sd=~ ~,~heerl~.a~ ~f Rc~~~~4ya urivot tl~encc South 09• 54' 0~1"
Wos~ 511.41 fc~o~ Ro tL9 ;~oS~n~ of }~eginnitig.
F.XC~PTZ'iG Ti1f.RI:FR~M nny portion ~nclur,:Qd witt~i:~ rA:c~l~ 1 and 2 nbovcz.
P:1ftC~L 4 c T1iaL• oor~f.on oE i,~t 5 of Yilac ttznc2~o, as shorrn on rt~aap ro-
cordnd in ~ook •], pago 7 ~~ '•ii~cellan~qua '~aps, recordu of Crang~ County,
ealifornia, :..ore pnrticu2arly deacr!},ed s~ follmr3s
continucd an pagc~ 3..
1{~L~~SS. ~~. ~.)- ~~~`~ .%
. . .. _
; . . _. _ _
_ _
~ ... _... ----- ___. _ _ . ._.
. • ' . f .'_ ~ ' . -. .. ~ -. .
/e 3 • - . ._ .
r ~ ... _ . ~ ' ' ~ •
r . ' •
•`~ Beginning at t:~e :;orth:rost corner of ths Iand convayed to Carl tt. ~archaz
a.nd aife Ly c:cuu recorded January 3. 1962 in book 5963, gage 894 of O~ficial
" l:ecorcn~ thcnc~~ 1Jorth 89• 54• 00• Enst alcnq tho tiorth 21ne ef Baid land,
231.dI Pe~t to the ~•~~at boundsiy af the land eonvpycscl to preedor.+ tJe~os~paper~
Tn~c., recordcl FeSruazy l4, 1464 in boak 692'!, pago 2II4 ot Offl.cial Zacords~
t2icnce ::orth along saicl c.cat linu to Che ~7orthorly line o! the lnad of
Jose~S s;illian ::cinz as dascri>>ed in Cereitiaste qf Titie No. 2117 ~n
Pilo in the of°ico of t`~e :teg3strar of Titlea of 9aid County~ th~nCa
Saut.y 74° 27' 49" :re:st alonq Rsid :tartherly line to tlio iioztheasterly
corncr o: tiiu lanu convayed to ,~rnold Construction Co., a corporaLion,
by doed racorcied 5epta~.~er 27, 1~63 in book 6735, page 247 oE aEt3ciaZ
RCCOlv31 tt-enc~ Soutli alona tho Easterly lino n! said land Co the poiat
~ qf aogir;niag. `
/<" j,~ o~~
~ ~~ p~!AY 1974 a~ -
~.:, W
rn nEf.~1yED ^•:
~ ZQNItIG '.~J
`a DIV45~''N `~'~
~EL'uaSS. NU. 73- ~~ s7
..' ~ ~ ~
NOW, THERcEORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ti~e anaheim City Planning Camwission does hereby
recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim thet sub~ect Petition for Reclassifica-
cion be approved and, by so doing, that Title I8-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be
a~end~d to exclude the above-desc:ibed properCy from the M-1, LiGHT INDUSTRIAl, ZONE, and =
to ir.corporate said described property into the C-2, GENER4'L C02~4ERCTP.L, ZONE, upon tFe
foiloutng conditions which are her~3y found to he a necet.sary ~rerequisite to the prop~sed
use of aubject praperty in order to preserve the safety and gsneral welfare of the Citizens
of the City of Anaheim:
1. Thet e:3wa2ka sfiall be instalYed a3ung Romneya Drive as required by the City
Engineer and in accardence with at~ndard plena and specificatior.s on fiYe in the Office of
the City Engineer.
2. That street lightfng faciiities along Romneya Drive shall be installed as
required by the Director of Public Utilities snd in accordance with atandard plana and
specifications on file in the O:fice of the Director of Public Utilitiea; and that a bond
in an amount and form satisfsctory to the City of Aneheim ehell be poated with the City ta
guer~ntee the instalYe:ion of the abave-mentioned reqnirements.
3. The[ the owner(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim Che sum
of 60C per front faot wiang Rcmney~ Drive for tree planting purposes.
4, That t=ash atorage sreas sheYY be provided in accordonce with epproved plane on
file with the Offtce of the Direc:or of Public Worka,
5. That fire hydrents sne1E be ir,~telled and cherged ae required and determined to
be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of atructural framing.
6. That a11 air-ccnditioning fscilities ahsll be properly shielded from view, and the
saund buffered from adjacent praperties.
7. That subject property aha21 be served by undergraund utilitfes.
S. That drai.nege of subject property aha13 be disposed of in a menner satisfactory
to the City Engineer end the Ora~:ge County Flood Control District.
9. In the event tnat subject property ia to be divided for the purpoae of sale,
lease, or financing, a parcel mep to record the approved divieion of aubject property ahall
be suumitted to and approved by Ehe CiCy of Ar,eheim and th~n be recorded in the Office of
the Orange Ccunty Recorder.
10. That the property ahalf b~ deveTcped lo meec the dtte developmer.t atanderde of the
C-1, GenEral Commerc~Ial Zone.
11. That aubjec~ property shell be deveTtoped eubetantiaiTy 2n accordence with plans
t,nd apecificstior.a on fiFe with the City sf Aneheim marked Extaibit• Noe. f, 2, 3, and 4,
12. Prior to the introduction of en ardinar.ce rezon~r_g subj~ct property, Condit:an
Nos. 2, 3, and 9, above-ment:oned, ehaTl be ::omplet~d. The prsvLaior.s or rights grar.:zd
by thia resolution sha11 beccme nuTl and vofd b~ ection u!' :Y~e C:ty Co::r.cii unless eaid
conditlone are compli~d with within or.e yE•9r iram the det~ herEOf, or a~~h further tiwe es
the City Counc~l may grant.
13. That Conditiun Nos. Y, 4, 6, 7, 8, IO and 11, above-mer.tioi:ed, ehell be compYied
with prlor eo fir.al bu3lding end zoning iT;epe~tion~s.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION fa eigned end~ved oy me this Ta~h day of May 1974.
~~~~ •
I, Patricia B. Scenlan, Seex~etery of the C1ty Plannir;g Ccmm~iseion of the City of 9nnheim, do
hereby certify th~t the foregoing resalution was paesed and odopted et a meeting of the City
Flanning Coimnioaion of the City of Anuheim, held or May 13, 19)~i, et 2;00 o°clock p.m., by
the folYowing vote af the memoers thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereunCO aet my hand thia 1:~Ch day of Mey i974.
~~s~~_....~.' _I~~J~
R2-A -2- RESUtUTION N0. PC74-100