PC 74-115~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-115 A RESOLUTIOiQ OF THE CITY PLAIQNING COMMISSION OF Tl[E CITY OF ANAHEIM AMEPIDI*1G RESCLUTIOtd ti0. PC7Y-58, NUNC PRO TUNC WHEFEAS, on April 5, 1971, the City Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. PC71-58 approving Reclassification No. 70-71-40; acid • WHEREAS, the le~al description set forth in Resolution No. PC71-58 was incorrect by reason of clerical error; and WHE?~E/1S, it was thQ intenC and purpose o£ the Planning Commission to set forth a full, true and correct legal description of that property considered in Reclassificatiun No. 70-71-40 of the City of Anaheim, • NOW, THEREFORE, AE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Coumdssion . does hereby amend Resolation Nu. PC71-58, nunc pro tunc, approving Reclassification No. 70-71-40, deleting the legal description in its enti.rety and adding a new legal ' description to read as follows: A parcel of land in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, being all of the land within the blue borcier of map filed in Book 50, page 43 of parcel maps, records of said Orange County described as follows: Beginning at the Northwesterly terminus of that certain course in the boundary of sa2d parcel map sliown as "N 13° 44~ 57" W 202.43 feet"; thence along the boundary of 3aid parcel map S 13° 44' S7" E 202.43 feet, S 24° 31' 11" E 62.65 feet, S 37° 14' OS" ~ 62.80 feet, S 30° 03' 16" E 91.85 feet, S 21° 10' 26" F. 135.66 feet, S 11° 31' SI" E. 190.84 feet, S 53° 25' S6!' E 3q.00 feet to a point on a non-tangenC curve concave Southeasterly with a radiuc of 600.00 feet a radial to said point bears N 53~ 25' S6" W, Southweseerly along snid curve Ch:ough a central angle of 0° 34' OG" a distance of 5.95 £eet, tangenC to said curve S 36° 00' 00" 4] 217.73 E,eet, southwesterly along a tan~ent curve concave Northwesterly with a radius of 600.00 feet through a cer~tral angle of 20~ 0'8' 25" a di.stance of 210.91 feet, tangent to said curve S 56.° 03' 25" W 236.00 feet, N 33° 51' 35" FI 115.OQ fect, Nnrthwesterly a3ong a tangent cur~e concave Southwesterly with a radius of 810.00 feet through a central ang7.e of 31~ 58' 33" a distance of 452.05 feet, tangent to said curve N 65° 50' 08" W 28.10 feet, IQ 2~F~ 09' S2" E 94.31 feet, ~Imrthea',.y along a tangent curve concave Westerly with a radius of 600.00 £eet throu~h a rerC'::L.'~ngle of 52~ 59' 15" a disCance of 554.88 feet, radial tu said curve N 61 1G' '~" ~`:~.00 feel•, N 70° 51' S7" E 338.29 feeC and N 83° 25' 15" E 258:59 feet e; C`c: . t~ o£ Ueginning. ~ Containing. a~.: t~r~e. ~. '~i' 15. 916 acres more or. less. ''~ THE FOHi~OTNG I2~SOLUTIOr is signed and approved by me this 29th day of Pisy 1974. CtTAIP.MAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0~41ISSION ATTEST: /~~1~~ S~CI:LTAP.Y AMHrIM CITY PLANNING COrIMISSIUN STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COi1NTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OP ANAIIPIM ) i, Patricia B. Scanlcn, Secretary of the Citiy PlanttinE Commission of thc Cil•y of Anaheim, do hereby certi£y thaL• L•he f.oregoing resoluCion was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City I'lanning Commission of the CiCy oE Anahei.m, held on May 29, 1974, at- 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the fullowi~g v~te of Lhe memUers L•IiereoE: AYLS: COrQ1ISSIf'~ERS: COPiPTON, PARANU, }IERIlST, KI~G, NORLEY, GAUER P~OTiS: COMMISSIONERS: NONL ABS~NT: COTIMISSIONh'ItS: JOIiNSON IN WITNGSS 411:EREOP, I huve hereunt•o sel• my hand ti~is 29th day of: May, 19?4. - - ' ~ ,~~~<J SiiCltli'TARY ANAtILIM CI1'Y PLANNINC COIfitI5SI0~1 P.E;OLUTION N0. PC7~~••115