PC 74-130~~~ ~ ~ RESOLUTIGN N0. PC74-130 A RESOLUTION Os THE CITX PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING T~^, :i[E Ci:Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT YETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 73`~4-63 gE APnROVED WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did initiate.a verificd. Petitioa for ReclassificaCion un certain reai property situated in tke Ci'y o£ Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exh3bit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full cand WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrtission did hold a public hearing et the City Hall in the City of Anaheim en .Tune 24, 1974, et 2:00 o'clock P.M, notice of seid pub•_ic hearing heving bee~ duly given es reyuired by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.72, to hear ond consider evidencc for end egainst said proposed reclassificetion end to investigete and make findings and cecommendetions in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, ofter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itsel( and in its behalf, and efter due consideretlon oE ell evidence nnd reports oEfered at said heering, does Eind and determine the following facts: 1, That,:the City Planning Cocmnission proposes a.reclassification ot the above- mentioned property from the Cnunty of Orange Ai (AGRICULTLTRsL DISTRTCT) 'LOSE to Che City of Anaheim R-A (AGRICULTUPu+L) ZONE. 2, ThaC the proposed reclassificatioa w~uld establish the Clty of. Anaheim holdirig zone on the subject property pending approval of a development zone at a later date. 3. That ~he proposed reclassification is ~n conformance wiL•h the Anaheim General Plan. ~~, That tha subject µroper~ty was ennexed tc, the City of An~heim in Jenuary 1973 as : portion of "Sunta Ana Canyon No. 4 Annexation," 5, "!"het fhe pEOposed reclnssfficetion of subject property is necessery ond/or desirAble Eor the ord~dy nrd pro- per development o€ the commu:~ity. 6. Thet the proposed recleasification of subject property does properly relate to t15e zones and lheir pcrmitt~d uses locally estublished in close proximity to subject property and to the zones ar.d their permitted uses generally estr.b- lished throughout Uhe cummunity. EN~IIRONMENTP.L IMPACT REPORP FINDING: That Che DirecCor of Development Services has determined thaC the proposed tecrivity Cakis within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1 of the CiYy of Anaheim Guidelines to tbe Requirements for an Environmental Impect Report and is, therefore, categoricaYly e~cempt from the re~uirement to file an EIR. g_p -1- I~SOLUTIUN N0, PC74-130 ..~ ~ + . '~ . .ne 25, 1974 ~~~~~~~~ Cc~" To: Developsnent Service~, Attn: Annika From: Riqht o~ V~ay & Lanc3 S°ction g~; ?,~7a1 dascription c ovcring t~1= property to be contained in ~~ . ;?~class. 73-7~~-63. 1hat p~~'~~~- of lancl in the City ~of Anaheim,` CountY •of Orange, Stale. of Caliroznia, beinc~ c`pozto nest t8 HN~r~&~ist ~9aahown~onsacmapn filcdY~inhBoo 1cUtlp~g~ •%ocaf ~ecord of Survcys, in the ~ftice of the Cr~Un~Y '^~o=d~r °F ~aid Orange County, ueocribed as followe: 3egianin3 in thOYn98i~"R°C0='drofraurvey t thence~Sa28° 42~C50"a~ shov:n on a Mep alonc~ the ue,terly Lounoary line of said paxcel 1008 feet to t e point oi• intersection wii:h thetnort•hezly ~lyaloaf the sai3 northexly 5anto 2na Car.poa Road; thence .7urtheasterly 9 righC of ~aay line ot the Sar.ta ?1na Canyon Road 400 feet to the poin~ of intersectioa ~~1tI1 a lino thatnbe372.3S fe5t; thence~39 `eet; thc,nc° ~~ lan9 sa id 1 ine t: 4 55 -, IT 2g° .1~' 30" F1, 627•82 feet; thence S 46° 54' 30" :~, 6G £eett thence S 73° 53' 14" W, 474 feet to the point of beginning. George Q. Dietz Fi,ht ~f ~~ay llepresent3tive GRD:lg , ~ Rev. D~, ~3- ~S~-(~3 r "~/ NOW, THEREFOP.E, SE IT OLVED that the Anehcim City Plennin~ mmission does heceby recommend to the City Councll of the City of~aheim thnt auDject Petition foc ReeJesai~ica~ion be appmved aad, by so doing, thet Title 1&Zoning of the Anaheim Munieipal Code be emeaded to exclude the above described property fcom the County of Grange A1(AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT) ZONE and to incorporate said described property into the City of Anaheim R-A (AGRICULTURAL) ZONE. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and epproved by me this 24th day of June 1974. //l i.~l,ce,~ . CNAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AT.TEST: ~ ' ~~~~ SECP.ETARY ANAHEI!N CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'fY 0; ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia .8. Scanlan, Secretu~~ . i the ~=".y P9a:~ning Cammission of the Citl• oE Anv,neim, do hereby certi4y lhat the foregoing resolution wes p6ssed arv: adopted et ~~ me,etlrR o~ the ~ity Plunning Commi,sion of the City of Anaheim, held on June 24, 1974, et 2:W o'clork P.M., by the following vote of lhe membcrs t~~reot: AYES: COh1MISSIONERS: CQMPTON, :ARANC~, JOHNSON, k..HG, MORLEY, GAUER NOES: COMM?SSiON:;RS: I~ONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST IN WITNESS WHEFEOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 24th day of June 1974. ~ • • /'~ • /~LiGS/fW~L SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RZ~A .y_ RESOLUTION N0, P(:74-130