PC 74-144~ RESOLUTTO'N NO. PC74-144 A RESOLUTION ~JF THE CITY F'LANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PF.TITI~N FOR VARIAN~CE N0. 2~17 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tne City .~lenn5ng Ci>mmissivn~ of the City of Aneheim dId receive a verified Petition for Vacience from VILLAGE Ifii~ INVE3TOK5, Attn; b9ERVYP: r^h~LAN, 1911 EasC Center Street, Suite 203, Ar.aheim, Californis 92805 {pwnerJ of certain resi p~operty situated in the City oi Anaheim, County of Orange,, State of Califotnia, described as fullows: Lots 1 and Z of Tract No, 255, ~gst An~heim Subdivi'sion, as ahown on a Map recorded in Book 14, page 25 of. Miscellaneous Maps, recarde uf Orange County, Calif~rnin. ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing et the City Hel! in the City of Aneheim on July 8, 1974~ et 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of seid public heari~g having been duly given es required by lew und in accordence with the provisions o: the Maheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,68,to hear end consider evi- dence for end ageinst seid pro~ost~ veifence end to investigate and meke findings end remmm~ndatlonc in connection :herewith; and WHEREAS, seId Commissi,n, after due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itself ecFd .in its behalf, and nfter due consideretion o[ a:l evidence and ceports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fnllowing facts: ' 1. Thnt the petitioner requests :the• foll'owing variance from~ the Anaheim Municipal Code; to construct n free-standing sign in the C-0 Zone: ~ SF,CTION 18.62.08.^~ B) - Pexmitted siRns (free-standing signs not permitted in L•he C-0 Zone) 2. That the above-mentioned waiver is hereby granted on the basis that other similar xequests have been granted ~reviously in the sub~ecc area. 3. That it wa~ determined that the trash stortge area ahould be brought up to City sCandards, including access thereto. 4. Thet there are exceptional or !xtraordinery circumstances nr conditions appliceble to the property involved or to the inkended use of the property t}!at do nut epply generally to the property or class oE nse in the seme vicinity and zone. 5. That the requested v~riance is necessery for the preservation and enjoyment oE a substentiel property right possessed by other property in ihe same vicinity end zone, and denied to the property in question. 6. Thet the reque~ted variance will not be materielly detrimentel to the public welfere or injurious to the prop- edy or improvements in auch vicinity and zone in which t~ie praperty is located. 7. That no one appeared at sairl public hearing in opposition and no corres~andence was receive4 in opposition to sub,ject petition. ENVIRON*iENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of Development Servicea has determined that the proposed activity falls aithin the definition of Section 3.01, Cless 3 of the City of Anaheim Guidelines t~ the Requirementa for an EIR and is, therefore, cate~orically exempt from the requirementa to ' file an EIR,; ' " V-iG -1- RESOLUTION N0. PC74-144 ~ ~ ~ WOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVtiD thsf ihe Aanheim City glenning Cpmmission d~rAL hereby granf subJect Petition [or Verience, upon the following conditions wnxe}s are hereby found to be e pceessary prexequisite to the pm- posed use of the subJect property in order tu pteserve the sa~ety artd g~nerel welfacc of the Citizert.^, of the Ctty o{ Anaheim: 1. That subject property sha11 be rlevelop~d substantiully in eccordanae witA plans and specifications on file with the ~ity pf Rn~heim maYked IExhAbit iJog, 1 and 2; p-ovisled, however, that trash storage areas sha11 be provided in accK+'tdarce with appravad plans ori file with the Office of the Director af Public Wcxrl:s, ine2uding acceptablc acs,ess thereto, THE FOREGOING RESOLU'~ION ia ei~~ed and epproved by me this 8th day of July 1974. 1 CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CaMMISSION ATTES'T: ~ • ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY GF OLtANGE ) $e. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) t, ~atricia II. Scanlan, Secretery oE the City Plenning Commtssion of th- City aE Aneheim, do hereby certity that tS~e f~teg~oing resolutlon wes pessed ,nnd edopted at a mceting of the Clty Plenning Commission oi the City of Aneheim, helr3 on .Tiz1y £3, 1974, at 2:00 ~'clxk P.M., by the Eollowing vote oE Uie members thereof: AYES: C4h!ML~GS:61t~k~: NOES: COM"?ISSIOPIER&: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JO;f~~~Li~, KING, MORLEY, GAUER KOtr' FNR1N0, HERBST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this $tk~ day of 3uLy 1974. ,~/~~~~. J SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G -2- RESOLL'TION N0, PC74-144