PC 74-156~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-156 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COhASISSION OF TEa~ :I'i'Y OF ANAHEIM RECONAfENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF TfiE CITY OF ANAHEIM AMENDME~IT TO ANAHEIM MUPIICIPAL CODE, TITLE 18, ZONING, PERTAINING TO GARAGE SETBACKS AND PARKING STANDARDS IN ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONL'S WHEREAS, at their ~oinC work session on May 15, 1974, members of the City Council and Planning Commission expressed concerns that an existing provision in the Zoning Code pr_rmitting a reduction in the required front setback of private garages in one-family residential zones in instances where automatic garage door openers were provided had not satisfied the purpose for which originally intended and could prove detrimental to residential neighborhoods, if utilized extensively; and WIIEREAS, Staff was directed and did atudy the experienced and potential impacts of the foregoing provision on one-family residential developments and reported their findinga and recommendations to the Planning Commiseion for consideratian of amendments to the Zoning Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Cocmnissi~n did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 24, 1974 at 2:00 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been given as required by law and in accordance with the pro- visions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and againat said proposed rimendments and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission continued said public hearing of June 24, 1974 to July 22, 1974 in order that sub3ect amendments could be discussed at Planning Co~iesion Work Seaeion on July 18, 1974; and further continued from July 22, 1974 to August 5, 1974, in order that sub~ect amendments could be discussed at Joint City Council/Planning Commission Wo:k Sesaion on July 29, 1974; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commisaion, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itaelf and in its behalf, and after due consid~ration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That a gurage setback of six (6) to ten (10) feet from the front property line is currently permitted .'.n all one-family reaidential zones (R-A excepted) when sutomaCie garaBe doors are provided, re- gardleas of the normal required aetback of the individual residential zone. 2. That the application of a sCandard designed to maximize the utilization of small loCs (RS-5000) to the development of all one-family reaidential lota would appear detrimental to public ssfety by placing garages too close to the front property line for adequate visibility of potential pedestriaa/vehicular hazarde. 3. That reduction in the aetback of "front-on" garagea to jntthe drivewa of the property line preclndes nny op@(} tandem ,part(¢Fg ) of such lota, thereby eliminaf ~+e ary posU~,'p~}1'sy of providing more than two (2) ~,~seit~ parkclii~ ~p;~T€s` P~r dveZlii~~. ~"ahl~ch is even ].esa than YequLe~'- in apartffil~Pt d~weiop~en~ which, sta'tieC4~ally have 7.ess pari~irig d~nanrd eh~qn ~t~-faa~~ f ~tAeli_~~, 4. That ~~e ektensive uwe of tih~ ~~8ting ~od@ ~~'owlsl`,;n ir~9 anF• area defeata oae of t~7~ Futt~'sposes oL ~&~id pr9)*yislpn~ r~e„ to provtde for variesl setb~cl~s ro [~?~'~sve ,the ,q~pp,tongq of uriifoFm, ~etbnCks, and inste~.d cYeates a c1utCFTed >""~saraace: b,y min~mizitt~ building setbacks adjacmt to streets. 5. That t'i~a C~t~e ~LSVi,.slon p~tt~~~11~1~~~; ~~d~~Ce~ $$F8$e eetbacks in cases where automatlc garage doort~s are pxo+rided ahould be reacinded or modified i~- t3?;;~2r to reduce pozenCQsi pedet~l~l~ian/vehiculur traffic hazards and e,ahaur?'~? ~he ~~p@&i~~nce af residential neighborhoode; and that the park~~ :ecandar~l8 oi e11 ~PI~~~+~ily residential zones ahould be amended to reqUire a,.@iaimum of four (4) parking spacea per dwelling, at least two (2) of which ahould be covered or encloaed, in order to assure the provision of adequate on-eite parking in such zones. _1_ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-156 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plann3ng Co~iaeion does hereby adopt and recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim the adoption of 2mendmenta to the Anaheim Municipal Code, Title 18, Zoning, per- taining to garage setbacks and parking standards in one-family residential zones, as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. TkiE FOREGOING RESOL'JTION is aigned and approved by me this 5th day of August, 1974. ~ ~ CHAI !AN AN CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ! rL~r~ct t -n~~ 's~r'-2'r .~n ~~ SECRETARY AIQAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTS( OF ORANGE ) as. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patriria B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commiesion of the City of Anaheim, 3o hereby certify that she foregoing resolution wae passed and adopted at a m~eeting of the City Planniag Co~iasion of the City of Anaheim, held on August 5, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the membera thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, JOHNSON, KING NOES: COMMISSIONERS: MORLEY, TOLAR, NERBST AH5ENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE 7k1 W1'1NESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thi~s Sth day of Auguat, 1974. :/riTi~c..UC.~~ ~~. c _~ csJ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLAN::ING COMMI5SION _2_ RESOI.U'TION N0. PC74-156 ' ~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" AMENDMENTS TO GARAGE AND PARKING REQUIREMENTS - ONE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL ZONES A. Gara~e Setbacks in One-Family Aesidential Zones 1. Chapter 18.13 (RH-'_0,000 Zone) Delete all of existing Section 18.13.020 C1 and replace with: 18.13.030 C1 Front Yard. The minimum landscaped setback from any planned etreet, highway or equestrian trail right of way line ahall be not leas than ten (10) feet. Provided, however, that the minimum aetback to anq "frontone" garege shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet. 2. Chapter 18.14 (RH-22.000 Zone) Delete existing subaection 18.14.030(2)(a)3 and replace with: 18.14.020(2)(a)3. The minimum setback to any "front-on" garage shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet. 3. Chapter 18.18 (R-E Zone) Delete exiating subaection ar.d aubstitute: 18.18.030 2(a). The minimcro setback to any property line ehall be not lesa than Fifteen (15) feet, provided, however, that the minimum set- back to any garage or carport having a vehicle accesa "fronting-on" to any street shall be not leae than twenty-five (25} feet from said street. 4. Chapter 18.20 (R-0 Zone) Delete existing aubsection 18.20.030(1)(a) and substitute: 18.20.030(1)(a) FRONT YARD: Not less hau twenty-five percent (25X) of the depth of the lot, excepting eaid aetback need not exceed twenty- five (25) feet. Provided. however, that the minimum setback to any "front-on" garage ahall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet. 5. Chapter 18.24 (R-1 Zone) Delete existing subsection 18.24.Q30(1}(a) and substitute: 18.24.030(1)(a) FRONT YARD: Not less than twenty-five percent (25X) of the depth of the lot. excepting eaid setback need not exceed twenty-five (25) feet. Provided~ however, Chat the minimwn setback to any "froat-on" garage ehall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet. 6. Chapter 18.26 (RS-5000 Zone) De:ete existiag aubsection 18.26(5)(a)3 and 9ubetitute: 18.26(5)(a)3. The minimum setback to any "front-on" ga•:age ahall be not lesa than twenty-five (25) feet. B. Parkin8 Standards in One-Familv Reeidential Zones 1. Chapter 18.13 (RH-10~000 Zane) Delete existing subsection 18.13.030F and eubstitute 18.13.030F OFF-STREET PARKIN~ e*1D LOAbING REQUIREMENTS 1. Miaimum number and type of parking spaces; aot leea than four (4) epaces per dwelling, at leaet twa (2) of which ehal.l be enclosed ia a private gara8e.. Provided further that any open parking epaces may be in tandem to enaloaed epaces. _3_ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-155 : • ~ ~ 2. Parking or storage of vehicles other than passenger vehicles. (a) Vehicles, other than passenger vehicles as defined in Section 18.13.030, C-1, Front Yarda, ma.y be permitted to be temporari'i~+ placed in the required front yard for a period not to exceed twenCy-four 124) consecutive hours in any consecutive peri.od of seven days, for the purposa of loading or imZoading persons or property. (b) Vehicles, other than passenger vehicles as defined in Section 18.13.030, C-1,.Front Yards, may be permitted to be parked or stored behind the require~ front yard in front of permitted building, provi@ed such vehicles are completely screened from vi~w 4y a solid fence,.wall or hedge, at least ten (10) feet ir: i,aight. or are ~laced ins~de a building. 2. Chapter 18.14 (RH-22,000 Zone) No change, proposed amendment incorporated by reference to Site Development Standards of Section 18.18 (R-E Zone). 3. Chapter 18.16 (R-A Zone)' Delete existing subsection 18.16.050(8) and substitute:. (8) OFF-STREET PARKING R~QUIR~MIIJTS: Not leas than four (4) parking spaces per dwelling, at least two (2) of which shall be enclosed in a private garage. Provided further, open parking spaces may be in tandem to enclosed parking spaces. 4. Chapter 18.18 (R-E Zone) Delete existing subsection 18.18.030(6) and substitute: (6) OFr-STREET PARKING ItEQUIREMENTS: Not less than four (4) parking spaces per dwelling, at least two (2) of which shall be encloaed in a private garage. Provided further, that open parking spaces may be in tandem to enclosed parking spaces. 5. Chapter 1$.20 (R-0 Zone) Delete existing subsectioa 18.20.030(5), and substitute: 18.20.030(5) OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIR~MENTS: Piot less than four (4) parking spaces per dwelling, at least two (2) of which shall be enclosed in a garage. Provided further, that open parking apacea may be in tande~ to enclosed parking apaces. 6. Chapter 18.24 (R-1 Zone) nelete exiating subsection 18.24.030(5) and aubsCitute: 18.24.030(5) OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Not less than four (4) parking spaces per dwelling, at least two (2) of which shall be enclosed in a garage. Provided further, that open par~cing epaces may be in tandea to enclosed parking spaaes. 7. Chapter 18.26 (RS-5000 Zone) ~ Dele~e er.iating subsectton 18.26.050(5) and substitute: 18.26.OSC(6) OFF-STItSET PARKING REQUIRE~f~NTS: Not less than foux (4) pa=king spaces per dwelling, at least two (2) of which shall be encloaed in a garag~. Provided further, that open parking spaces may be in tandem to enclosed pnrking apaces. _4_ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-155 '