PC 74-188! ~ v ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. Pc74-188 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. Z634 BE GRANTED NHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim did xeceive e verified Petition Eor Variance fcom STERLIRG DEIIELOPMENT COMPANY, ATTN: COtJNiE PRIEST, 3150 East La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California 92806 (Owner); BRISTOL BAKER CORPORATION, ATTN: WILLlAM L. DUNN, RICHARD lJAD410RTH, AND J. P. WINTON, 1237 Baystde Drive, Corona Del Mar, California 92625 (Agent) of certain real property situated i~ the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on Septembet' 4, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice of said public hearing having been du]y given as required by law end in accocdance with the provisions of the Meheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18,68,to hear and consider evi- dence foc end against said proposed variauce and to investigete and meke findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made 6y itselE nnd in its behelf, end after due consideration of all evidence and reports oEEered et seid hearing, does find end determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner requests •the fol lowing variance from the Anaheim Mund¢ipai Code, to establish a sand'wich shop in an existing industrial complex: SECTION 18.52.020 - Permitted uses. (Sandwich shop not specifically permitted). 2. That the above-mentioned waiver ts hereby granted for a period of two (2) years, subject to review and consideration for extension of i.ime by the Planning Commissian and/or City Council upon request by the petitioner. 3. That the petitioner stipulated that there would be no food consume~ on the premises, but that the establishment would have "take out" service only, and there would be no alco- h~lic beverages sold or consumed on the premises. 4. That the proposed use at the subject location would be appropriate to serve the industrial community. $'• That there are exceptional or extraordinery circumstnnces or conditions a~plicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property thet do not epply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 6• That the requestPd variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of e substantiel prc.~erty right possessed by other property in the seme vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. ~~ That the requested varience will not be materielly detrimentel to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- eriy or improvements in such vicinity and wne in which the pcoperty is located. ," 8. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposit.ion and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. FWVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of Devalopment Services has determined that the proposed activity falis w~iEhjn the definition op Section 3•O1, Class 1 of ~hP City of Anaheim Guid lin s to the Requirements for an Enviro~~ental Impact Report ana (s, tF~erefore, categor(cal~y exempt from the requirement to fi~:~ an EIR. Vl-G , _ 1_ oev-sc•c RESOLUTION N0. PC74-188 ~ ~...' ~ c~::.: i:i ~. np.t ~~~Y&~1 JL tt~f) r.,u v•.~• v.ini :.va~~~u ,~~ ~.~e~n ii~~:.socinrio~r~onri vvi.~cv ~a~o 234507 Wlf:l :+TIt~ Li Il..i 1.~~':.~.~I'.t:f /.':iC:•::I.tf4l COVf1~Af.C. CALIFPI:IlIA NLGION ,~ ~`9`.. FOR t~'+: Y/If~l 1 fi :.1:1) 1,1.':fl.tl'f:1' I•r~LiCll:.'. t~o 4000 CALIi0111i1h LAtiL1 TI7LC. ASSOCIAt'IVt! '.1/INUAIiU ~~ ~ ~ ~~/~ COYEIIl.Gt 1•Ol I!.l' f(•1:'.: .. ~'.1NYNIGHT IPI:] 1 ~ ~' ~' h't~~F ~9~q ' _: N joy..J!^, . r °'~~~c ~'a, ;ti:. SCTII:Di?1.1: A-Cnnlimtod s •"',: - .~o --... " I 'I~L•c l.:ud rrfr•rr~ ~l 1u in ~I~i: ~~nlii•~• i~ ri~u:urd iu ~L~• Stalc of C~lifurnia, (:~~imiv ~~f OT7.ricJC ~ C1t}~ O,`. i~21tLlCt:i.1,: . and is d~~ariLed a.lollmv~: p~,,-«,i j~*~, 7.: Th~t poi'tinn ot• that ccrl:ain parcc:7. of: lriiid shown '~,;-~~~r~;;~~~U~:,: rcir.cel" on a i•Iap iiled in P.ool: 47, Pac~c 17 of: I'ar.ccl i•i;,p.^,, recordec' i.n i:li~. oL•fice of. the ~COtmty Rrco~-cler of Oran~c G~unty, C~l,i;'ornia, L~ounded and descriiied as folloar,: ltounded o~2 tl:e 1•lor.tli hy th~ Soutli linc of: La Palr~~ Avcnue, as -2io:an cui sa.id 1~an; hovr.cied nsi tkic t•:cst by tlie Bast ].a.nc~ c~L• the Or~.nRe Cowtty Flooc? Cuntrol Charinel a~ shown on S17.G ltai~; bounded c~n tize So»th b; tLc: l:ortticrl.y linc of the Rive~~side Prco:•~a}• as slio~•m on s<1id t~tap; anil bouncicd on the 1:ast by a line described as folloti•~s: }3r.gi.nninci ~~L• 1 point on ~aid South line of- I~a Palria Avcnuc, distant thc:reon 5oi:eti 73° A4' 00" t•Ies~, 154,00 feet f:rom the Northr.rly pra- ~.OP<JAt~^?1 Qf tl'^_ I•iCS{: ~1.^.~ Of Parcel i\O. ~ 35 S}).C:•:^ J:1 .iE11~ t.t~P~ thence SoutY~ 1G° 1G' 00° East, 173.50 feet to iiic beginnin~ oi• a cui-vc:, co~icavu S''esterly and having.a radius ~f. GG0.50 feet; ihence Soutlicrly a].onq said curve through a central anc~le of 33° OQ' 00" an a?-c di.si:cr~ce~ of 3~5.03 f.cet to a line tanc~ent; thence al..^, said tzrigent lit~c, South J.G° 4~1' 00" I9est, 2G0 fect mor.e or less to a point in saicl tdorth linc of tlic Riverside Pree~•~ay. F:;C~PTI::G ~.iIL•'Itr'T'P•.OIt all mi.nera].s, gas, oi.l, petroleum, naphtha znd other hycirocarbon ,ubstarrces in znd undcr thc nbovc de~cribed land, together :~ritJ~ all necessary and convenient riRhts to ex~lore £or, develon, ~~:ac?uce, er.Cract and i:aY.e the same, suUjert to tne expres:: limitiatio:i tllat ar.y and all operations for the e~:nloration, develop- m2r.t, production, e>:traction and taking of any of said substances sliall Ue carr.i.ed on at levcls l~eloa~ ttie cieptii of 500 f.oc;, f.rom thc rttrLacc of t:tc ~bov^ d^-scribecl J.~nd., aJ :^.ea~s ef nines; wcl].~, ~lor- rick:: ~nc]/o~: ot.lier ec?uipr~ent f.rom surf~ee locat?.on ~ on adjoi.ning or. nei9hbori.nr ].and lying outsicle o£ the above descr.il.~cd land, and sub- ject fll~tilCl' to i:iie e:cpress limitation tliat t}ie foregoii~c~ reserva- ti.on shall in no ~•~~iy be intcrpreted to include any rignt oi entry i.n and upon the surface of tlie abovc clescribed land. Pcircel td~. ?.: T}iat portion of• tliat cer.tain Parce]. of 2and s;zn~-~n i~ "1~CB1Cll1;1J.~ P11CC~.° on a ldap i•iled in lloo}: 47, ]'zcie 17 of Parccl Pt:~7 ~, rocorcicd in the office of: the Cou~ity Recorder of OrZnqe CouTity, C:ali.for.nia, Uounded 1r.d clescril~ecl as Lollo~•rs: uoundr_d on th4 I7orth by the South line of La Pa.ima Avenue aa sho~,m c~n ~ai.cl itnn; bot;ricled on the i:a^L• by the l4est linc of: Pareel :70. ]. a:; ~li~~:m on r.aid ~Inr, and L•he :aorther.ly proJ.onctztion thercot; bound- ed on thc Sc~ul•h by tha t~orL•herly linc of thc Rivc~:~ide i'rec~•fay as :;ho•,i~i on ~n.id ;•tar; and nou:-~a~a on tJie tJest by a liiic dcscrik~ed as f:d].loa~~ : ~~` ~ ,~~ (co~t~inucd) :i~i11i~~~~uL I:O. .''` lG' ~L -- -- '~"~ ~ I:_r:il (''~::.~~~.i.j?L'lCi'1 /rr:)lt].riG~r~l ~ P^~iinriir:t at .i n~~=nL- on ~uid Suitth li^r. af La ^a1ri:: T.vc:iiue, di,tanL- th^_rcca~ "our.h i3° 4d~' 00" ~le:~t., 154.00 f:cet f.r.or~~sai.d P]o::lticrly p,-o1o;~~.-~:.: oc~ o~: t:he t•:ast li.nc: of saicl Parcul .~c. 1; i:lict:r.c South r~~'• to the bcginr..i.n of <~t curvr, cnr.cavc ~.E7° ~.t~~. l:.l~~ T::.t:iL~ Z~I.~i.SO ~...~.~. ~T ;;~stcr3.;> n:u; iin:~~.nc~ a r.acli~~:~ cf GGE.50 f.cet; tlzcncc Sou~:lr..r].y along ~a~d cti~.:-vi: ti:lot~ql~~~~ ceni:r.a1 ~inc?le of 33° 00' UO", an arc distancc ~g 3ft;.0:; f:~~ct tu a.line i:~;r~.:;~:nt; thence aloncT .nid 'cancten~ line, Sout}i .lG° ~:%.' 00" c•ic^t:, 2GG ; e~:=t r..ore or lc,s t~ .:~ Point i.n said .'~o•rtii iin~ or i:hc I:iversici•= 7'rr.eway. ~::iCI;i~2'Zi1~: 7.'?Il~i~~ 1'!:C):1 i:ll T:1117f:::Alfi ~ fia13 ~. Ol~. ~~Ct:]:O].CLll~~ 11;~}~~lt'.}lA Ft11C1 Ut~1CT ~1V/~.°.OCc)'~SQI7 .^+~L'~StclI1CC:.S 7.11 i..IIC~ llilC~!:~ 1:11C i.illOVL' clc~.criacd 1~::<~~ ~o9^.thc;~ ~•'i`..~ a11 ;tr_r4.^.SEIi';r' <1riG convenicnt ri.r_,'.~ts to C?:p1o1'e fOZ'r de:~elo~~, ~~rou•~cc, c. ~ract and take the r:a:ae, snbjc:^t to, thc r_xrress limitat.~ ~n ::hat nny ~nd ei.ll a~~eratioi:s ; c?r tiic cxplorati.on, develo~- ia~ n:., n;:odt:cti.on, e::tractioii and takin~ of any of sairl stil>>tances s'.iall l~e c~irri.~d on at lev~ 1:, l~elo;a tlie depth of. 500 Lect. °rom thc surf:acc c~': ti~e a~ovc ci.^ccri::~~d land, by mcans oL• mines, ~::clls, Qcr._ r? cl:s ~ nci/or ot•lic:r rcrui.nmcnt ,`.ron sur.face 'locations on adjoin~ncT cr neic,hb~Zi:iR land J.y~.ne~ ou{:sic'.e of- tlie above descriaed l~r.d, and suLi- j;ect fur::her to thc ex}?ross ].i.iaitation that tlic forcyoinc,, rescrvai:i.on siiall in iio ~aeiy Ue interp~:et~:d i:o inclucic any r.i.g;iz of cntr.y~ in and uoon tl~c ~t:r.f:~~cc of. tl:^ .:i~ove describc~ lan~l. ~t~~~n9i0tiir~~,Y ~ ~ ~~ 191 A ~ U~ ~rc, . ~~E~v;:~ v \`a : c~'~,:.,~~' : `,'~'~ VhI~IN1Y1.rC I~GU. ~~' '/ y„~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditlor~s which ere hereby found to be a necessery prerequisite to the pro- posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the sefety end genecel welfere af the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: (1) That subject propety shall be devetoped substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file wiYh the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1. (2) That this variance is granted for a period of two (2) years, and upon request by the petitioner, an additional period of time may be granted upon approval by the Planning Commission and/or City Council. ~3) That there shall be no food consumed on the premises and no alcoholie beverages sold or consumed on the premises, as stipulated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is si~ed and epproved by me this 4th day of September, 1974. CN IRMAN ANA CITY PLANIZING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~~_~~a~G~!(~r~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY FLANNiNG COMMISSION STATE QF CALIFORNIA ) CO'UNTY OF ORANGE ) 8s. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I,Patl'ieia B.Scanlan, Seccetery of the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pessed and adoptecf at a meeting of thc City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on September 4, 19]4, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereoE: nYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANG, GAUER, JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOIJE ABSENT: COMMISSIONEFS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOH, I have hereunto set my hand this 4th day of Septembe~, 1974. ~ ~ ~ ~~~~.~ SECR~TARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G _2_ ' RESOLUT ION N0, PC74-188