PC 74-195~~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-195 A RESOLUTIO?OF THE CITY PLANNING CO'~Z131ON OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM TfIAT , ETITION FOR VARIANCE NO. 6 6 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance fcom LONG BEACH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 10945 South.Street, Cerritos, California 90701 (Owner) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, a~ descri~ed in Exhibit "A~' attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth i~ fuli li;r,? ~ ; and WHEREAS, the City Plar:ning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Aaaheim on September 16, 19]4, ;•.t 2:00 o'clock P.M., notice'of said public hearing having been duly given as requi:ed by law and in accordance with the provisions oE the Maheim Municipal Code, Chap4er 18.68, to heac and consider evi- dence Eor and against said proposed variance and to investigate and meke findings and recommendations in connection 'therewith; and WHEREAS, said C~mmission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repo:ts offered at said hearing, does find and detennine the foll~wing facts: I. That the petitioner requests the following variances from the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, to permit thcity-five (35) advertising banners: a. SECTION 18:52.1~30 - Temporary display of flaqs and banners, b. SECTION 18.62.145 - Proiectinq sians prohibited. (Di~splay oF filags and banners for advertising purposes permitted onl in the C-l, C-2, C-3, C-0 and C-R Zones; an,d 35 banners are proposed in the public right-of-way and on R-2 Zonad property) 2. That the petitioner stipulated that the proposed banners would be flown on Saturdays„ Sundays and holidays, only, for a period of tirne expiring January 1, 1975, in view of the fact that the petitioner indicated, if the banners could be flown immediately, the con- dominium u~its would probably be "sold out" by Janu~~y 1, 1975. 3 That there are ezceptional or extraordinary ciccumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use,o€:the property tliat do not apply generally to the properry or ciass.of use in the same vicinity and zone. • 4. That the :equested variance is necessary for the presecvation end enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other property in the saRa vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 5. That the cequested vaciance will not be materially detcimental to the public welfare or injurious to the prop- erty or improvements in s~ch vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppositior, and no correspondence was received in oppositioii to subject petition; and that a petition was presented conraining approximately forty (~+0) signatures of residents living within the subject project, all in favor. ENVIRONt1ENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of Development 5ervices has determined that the proposed acti~iity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 11 of the City of Anaheim Guide!'ines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Repori and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirements to filp an EIR. _~_ RFSOLUTIO;a N0. PC74-195 C ~.C1~~~~~ ee~» ~-11439U1 I. I'. DtaCPIPTiC';; .....,....,. _....._.~.. _.._..-....._.,.y..,.........~..,..~...,..,,,_..._..._..........~ _...............,.......,.._.~....._... _ ,~_......All •~iu.~ c~rta~n ].arc: s;.~,~1:~1 in the St~te oP C~lifo^iia, Count`J o? Cra~~e, , ` City o~' D:a^1~~i~n, descr~ed as foll.rr~ra: FPSc~'BL 1: Units 1 to 91, inc7usiva a~ r~.3r] ur.its tira s."•ct~m on ~~=e ~16 ~nOfflciul miniL~n Plan recorde3 l+ugu¢t 29, 1o7g in Booi: 1G~_)9, ~,,, Reco±7ls of ~a=r1 C~nGz ~o~~Y, C~.litorni~ a: d as defin~d in that certain Declaration of ~~estrictious (erabli:~~ecluratian est~:~iish~ a p7r~n £or conlc:ainiace cr~n~ sin°~oox io5,ro IrRe 3 0£ OPfic±~l~Recordacof ts~d February 2j, 973 ~ ~ Ora~~e County, Ca7.iTo~ nia. PAR(:3L 2: Lots A at~3 B of 'Prect I:o. 52~2, as shcsan on a. n•,^_p recorded in Boolc 290s ~es 3~+ ~0 37 ~Glusive of ;~i~cellnneous :-~.P~ of Oran6e Connty, Califo~ia, sho~ar_ er.d aeTined as co~n~n flrea on the o.bove reference3 Condozinium P7.g.n e.nd Eeclaration ~f Restrictionse (F~:cept tl:e units as described in Parcel 1 ahove.) Also exceptin(; thexefroai ell wa.tex, oil, gfss, asphsltncn a~3 other 1~yrdro~ carbons, au3fother nir.erols, yheLher similnr to~ ~~ S omieAi~l propertq or aot, 4iith~n or t~17.erlying, or th~t may P herein descrfbed; also the ri~ht to develop or produce water, oil, ~.s, asphnltwa An^1 other hydrocarbons, ansl ether m9nersls fro~ the property by directiottal clriiling ~r uz~y ~ther m~i~ ~h ~~rbut not inc~uding of the svrface of aaid lex'.1s ~" ~ p° ~ion of the sur£ace ot esid the risht to enter upau or occupy ar~l p p.~-aperty for such gurpose, a~s reserved aTS3 conveyed in deeds oP record. ~ra~w* RPS:lds ' Plata enclosc3 CC&R's encl.oee.ci. hote 1: Accor3£ri3 to the public reaards, there have been no deena con- veyina the '~a'oFrrty descrihed in tnis report recorde3 within a period aP six aanths pr~~r to the date oP this report except os Sollows: ~Tone. desc iption covcring conveyance~s of the ins3 vi ~1 dvelling unitst ~~1 gether rr±th urr3ivirled interest in the common area. The Yollot+is~ descri.bed recil Fmoperty situated Cvunty oS Oz+3~ve, State of California: /, ri161?•; . 1 ^,~~~~' A*.Condoinisiiwn compri.Eeci oP: ~ AUG 1974 ;=;~ c~ ~'r'"l`t;• ':i ~ r..~_..~~ra ., ~:, ;;~ut~:~ ., ~' ~+tvi::icN ,, . \~,, ~;~' . . Page 4 \~r--- -~ ~CL ., ~ - in ~ihe City of Aneheim, ~~~~S~,t,~~ 1'~~. r~:~: ~~ -- ,.(~tinued) -. ~ .. ~ ~ ~ . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gtant subject Petition foc Veriance, upon the following conditions which ace hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pm- posed use oE the subject pcoperty in ocder to preserve the safety and general welfere of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: l. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specirications on file with the:City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 2. That this variance is granted to permit thirty-five (35) banrters to be flown on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, only, for a time limitation expiring on January l, 1975, at which time this variance shall become null and void. THF.. FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and eppmved by me this 16th day of September, 1 g74. .-~ ~~ /~ CHA MAN ANAHEIM TY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ , y~.~.~,~ ,~ ~~ ~J SECF.ETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIF~RNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) sB. CITY OF ANAHEIi~ ) I, Patricia Scanlan, ~~=~'`ary oi the City Planning Cor,imission of the City oE Anaheim, do hereby certify thnt the focegoing resolution was passed and adop:ed at n meeting oE the City Planning Commissior. of the City of Ane}~eim, held on Septemher 16, 19~4, at 2:04 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members theceof: AYES: COMMiSSIONERS: JQHNSOPI, KING, MORLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COMMISSIONERS: FAP.ANO ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hend this 1'`vth day of September', 1974. ,(~~~~~~ ~ ~,~,~C~~~ Si•.CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G '2- RESOLUTION N0, PC74-195