PC 74-221~ ~"f ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-221 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TEIE CITY Of ANAIIEIM THA'f PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2641 BE G12AIvTED IN PAR:f WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of thc City of .4naheim did receivc a vcrificd Pctitioa for Vari~ncc frnm ALDOR CORPORATION, 363 South Main Street, Suite 108, Orange, Ca. 92668 (Owner); ICB:~Y~L'iH L. PAYNE, 1115 Diane Avenue, Placentia, Ca. 92670 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described ns the North 185.00 feet of the East 203.00 feet of the North half of the northeast quarcer, of Lot 14 in Block "K" of the Kraemer Tract, as per map recorded in book 12 pages $7 and 88 of Miscellaneous Records, in the office of the county recorder of Los Angeles County, California; and WHEREAS, lhe City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in tl~c City ~f Anaheim on November 11, 1974, at 2,:00 o'clock p.m., noticr, of said public hcaring having been duly ~iven as required by law anJ in accordance with the provisions of the Maheim M~nicipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to Itear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to inves!igate and make findin~s and recommendations in connection therewith; anJ WHEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspn.ction, investigation, and study mudc by itself and in its bchalf, and aftcr duc considerotion of all evidence and reports of(ered at sai~d hearing, docs find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests the following variances from the Anaheim Municipal Code, to esCablish a recreational truck and recreational trailer rental and repair facility: (a) SECTION 18.52.020 - Fermit¢ed uses. (Recreational t.r.uck and recreational trailer rental and repair not permitted) (b) SECTION 18.52.'040 - Permitted outdoor uses. (Outdoor storage and servicing of rccrcational trucks and trailers not permitted) (c) SECTION 18.52.060(2)(a)1 - Minimum front aetback abutting an arterinl highway. (50 feet required; 6 feet propoaed) (d) SECTION 18.62.100(a) - Permitted ei nin .(Roof signs prohibited) 2. That Waivera 1-a and 1-b, above-mentioned, are hereb;~ granted for re~reatior,,al truck and recrer~Cional trailer rental and repair on L•he basie thr~t the petitioner s'cipu- lated that said vehicles would not exceed Cwentiy (20) feet in 12ngth and there wo~'ld be no more than ten (10) vehicles displayed in the fro~t atructural set~acks at any one time and no more than five (5) vehiclea stored inatde the fenced area at any one tim=; and Chat per.miseion is granted to make minor repairs out-of-doora •lnside the fenced area only. 3. That Waiver 1-c, above-mentioned, is hereby granced in part to allow thr display of a maximum of ten (10) r~creational vehicles in the 50-foot f,ront setbacks; and ttiat absolutely nc~ servicing of any kind will occur in aaid' setbacks. 4. Tha'c Waiver 1-d, above-mentioned, is withdrawn 3y the petitioner with the stipulation that the sign would be attached to the f~ace pf the bu~tlding and not roof- mounted. 5. Th+it the petitioner stipulated to removing two of the existing driveways on the aub~ect property and exte;~ding the 10-foot wide landscaped plantere, as required by Code. 6. That the petitioner stipulated to removing the pumps and pump islande, inciuding the pump is.land canopies, and to filling or removing the tanks ae required by the Fire Department. 7. That there are exceptional ox extraordinary circumstances or cor.ditions applicable to the property im~al~•ed or to the intended use, as granted, of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of uae in the same vicinity and zone. oEV-66•E -1- RESOLUTION N0. YC74-?,2Z ~ ~ 8. That the r~queaSed var3ance, as granted, is necessary for the p:eservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed by other' property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in questian. • 9. That the requested variance, as granted, will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or in;jurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 1C. That no one indicated their presence at said public h~~riag in opposition and one letter was received expressir.g concerxa regarding the sub~ect psc+posai. EIv'VIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of Development Services ~as deterw;ned that the proposed activity falls within the definition of Section 3.01, Class 1 of the City of Anahe~n Guidelines to the Requirements for an Environmental Impact Report ~r~d is, therefore, catagorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. 1~IOW, THEP.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City PlannfRg Commission does hereby grant in part sub~ect petition for Variance, upon the ~c3.JowSag co.r:ditions whF.ch are here- by found to be a neceesary prerequieite to the proposed sac of the sub,ject property in arder to presezve the safety and general welfare of the CiYlzens af th~ City of elnaheim: 1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordac~ce with ayvprvverl plans on file with the off3ce of the Director of Public Works, as sti~ulated to bq the ;~etitioner. 2. lhat the most easterly driveway on Miraloma Avenue and the most northerly ~lr~ve- way on Kraemer Boulevard be removed and replaced with standard curb and gutter and si3~- walk, and that the 10-foot wi3e landscaped planters be extended across said areas. 3. That the owner(s) of sub~ect property sha.ll remove tt~e existing pumps and pnmp islands, including the pump island canopi.es, and sha11 fill or remove the gasoline tanks as required by the Fire Department, as stipulated ta by the petitioner. 4. That the existing structure shall be brought up to the minim~ standards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Electric~l, Housing, Mechanical and Fire Codes, as adopted by the City of Anaheim. 5. That sub~ect property shall ba developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2, except as modified by the foregoing conditions of approval. 6. That Con3ltion Nos. 1 through 5, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the time that the bui.lding permit is issued, or withir. a period of one year fr~m date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the PlanninK Commissipn and/or City Council may grant. 7. That the use of subject property sha11 be for recreational ttu~k nnd recreational trailer zentals and minor repairs; that the number of said rental vehicles ahall be limited to ~ mxximum of ten (10) displayed in the front structural setbacks and five (5) stored inside the fenced arca, each being a maximum of twenty (20) feet in length; and that said minor repairs, as permitted out-of-doors, shall be restricted to the fenced area, ae atipulated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this llth of November, 1974. C IgMAN AN CITY PLANN:NG COMMISSION ATTEST: ~ -- " ,~ ~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COPAfISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUN'iY OF ORANGE ) ge• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) _Z_ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-221 . ,. 1`• ~ ~ :(f Patr'.cia 3. Sca;lan, Secretary of the City Planning Commiss3ott of the City of Anahetm, do her~by certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahe:[m, held on November 11, 1974, at 2:0(1 o'clock p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FAZtANO, GAUER, KING, MORLhR, HERBST NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON, TOLAR IN WITNES5 WFiEREOF, I have hereunto set my i~and this llth day of Novembe~r, 1974. ' J~ ~~J SECRETARY ANAHEIM 6ITY PLANNING COMMISSION _3_ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-221