PC 74-230'~ ;- ~ RESOU~N N0. PC74-230 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAH@IM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 'L65z BE DENIED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the Ciry of Anahcim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from WILSHIRE WOODS, INC., 924 l•lestwood Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90024 (Owner); COLONY REALTY, ~NC., 1400 North Harbor Boulevard, Suite 240, Fullerton, California 92635 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to hereir as though set forth in full; and WHERF.AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at thc City H~II in the City of Anaheim on Novembe r 25 , 1974~ at 2:00 o'clock p.m., notice of s~id public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions o: the Anaheim hlunicipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consid~r evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, inveciigation, and study made by itself and in its bchalf, and after due consideration of ai1 evidence and reports offered at said hearing, dues fnd and determine the following facts: 1. Thatthepetitionerrequests the following variances from the Anaheim Municipal Code, to convert an existing 115-unit apartment complex into condominiums: a. SECTION - Minimum buildincLsite area per dwellin4 unit. (4,000 -' sq, ft. required; 1 296 sq. ft. existing) b. SECTION 18.3~.062.012 - Maximum buildina heictht wi"hin 150 feet of R-A zoninq. (`2-stories permitted; ~siories existing) c. SECTION - Maximum site coveraqe. (40% permiited; 47.4%, existing) d, SEC•TION 18.3~.063.024 - Minimum structural sPtback abuttinq R-G zonir.G. (20 feet required; 16 feet existing) e. SECTION 18.31.~63.030 - Minimum recreational-leisure area per dwellinq unit, (l~„200 sq. ft, required; 603 sq. ft, existing) f. SECTION - Minimum off-street parking. (288 spaces required; 1~1 spaces existing) 2. That the above-mentioned waivers are hereby denied on the basis that they are too numerous and too extreme, and do not cone~tains to tfegconve~sion ofWexistenteapartmentseto ment standards of the RM-40~0 _ore, as p condominiums. 3. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to the Froperty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. 4. That the requested variance is noi necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substanti~l property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 5. That the requested variance will be materially detrimental to the public welfare ar injurious to the property or improvements in s~ch vicinity and zone in which the property is located, -1- RESOLUTI4,'. N0. PC74-23~ DEV-56-E ~ ,1:.. -. .. ~ ;,_..,:;~.: ` -_~.° ~~ cc A » ~~ /~ _ ..___._.__...__... ---:: ~ ' - --.._, _..._._..___..._._.....---,..._.,_:.,_,,--„~-::. _-,<:_~~: ~,_~::..-.-•:_:~..._ ............. k All tl~at cerCain land situ~tc~ in tiie State os California, County of Orange, ~ ilaz:crihecl a:; iolloa::.: P:V:C£L 1: The :lorth 3G0 z•sat o~ that por.eion o~ Lot 35 of Analieim ExCension, in tne City oE AaaScirr,, C:unt;: o_` Orangc, State of California, as said lot is shown on a nap oP sur.vey by ~•'i 11ia~ }iai~ e.1, a co~~ of, which is slint:•n in Gonic 3, PnFe 163 a1d 1G~~ of "Lo:: ;.;;gcl~s CounCy :taps", in tiie o`fice of, tae County P.ecor«cr oi sai~l Oran~e Cou^ty, to~c~her elith that porCion of the Southeast 1/4 of tf~e Sout!uresL 1/!~ oL• Sectian 9, Toc:-nship 4 Soutli, Rangc 10 [test, as siioorn on a map racorded in •.',ooic 51, i'a~e 10, .•[isce].laneous i•:sps, records of ~aid Orange Cour.ty, described as f:ollo:.•:.: ~egir.ning st the intersect=en of tne South line of said Section 9, 4~ith the South::rly nrolon;aeioa of tiie •,•;esterly line of Tract 544h, as per map recorded in L'coi: 21U, Pat,e 2E and 29 0; `!iscellan.:ous :•faps, of said Orange Couney; tl~ence idorCherl^ 3^_~.~~ icet alou; said 5outt'~crl~ prolongation, Chc Tdesterly line of said iract ~1'~4 and t}ie `+orthe.l.;~ prelongation of the Idesterly l.ine of saicl Tract 5444 to L•hc Southeast corncr oi l.ot ~ oc the Anaheim :lor..estead lract, as pcr~map thereof• recor.ded in ~oul; 2G, Pa~e 10,.:fiscell~neous P.ecords of Los Angeles County, Cali~or::ia; CL.ncc Ide_;terl~ 615.0^ fe~t alon~ the South line of said Lot 5 ancl the ScuCh 1i~ie o: s~i.d ?~~~nei:~ i[o~r~stead Tract; Llienc~ SouL•h ~62~.17 YeeL• to tne SouL•h line of said Sectio~; thence East 61E.S2 ,`.eel••to tne poin~ of . be~inuinp,. • . ESCi:PTIi:G TtiGY.iitF:OPI any nortion th.reot lying Southerly of L•he I~orL•heriy 7.ine oE i•;il.snire ,~venue as IlOFl shour of record. ' PAI2CEI, 2: Tlie G'esterly 30 f.eet of Chat por.ti.on of Lot 35 of Anahetr~ E~tension, i.n,l:he CiCy of. :+naheicr., Co:mty oi Orar.oe, SCate ot L'alifornia,.as said•I.ot is , slio~•ln on a map ot• ~urvey by !dilliam llame, a coPy of ~•~tii.ch is siio;•in in Rool: 3, Page lE3 and).G!i n'f: "Los 9n~e-les County I•tans", in the otfice oi the CounL-y Recorde: oi said Orange County, Coget:iicr. c:iLh that porCion of Lhe SouL•heast ]./h of thc Sou~ht•rest 1/~~ of SccCion 9, To~~~ship G SOllL'{l l:ange 10 i•lest, a's shoorn on a msp recc~rded in vool: 51,•Page 10, .tiGCel].aneaus *laps, records of said Or.auge Cuvnty, described as Lo'!].oi:s: • Behinr:in~ aL• the inL'e~-section oi the SouL•h line of said Sect:ion 9, ~ait•h L•he Soutliecl~ prolon~aLion of the [•lesterly line of Tr.acL• 5G44, as per m~p recorded in P,oulc ~?.10, Parr.. 2P, and 79 of 'fisce].laneous ,fars, of said Oran~e Counry; tilen Nort•tierl}• "a^G.FS feeL• along sa:ci Southerly prolongatiun, the Idestec].y li.iie of said Tract 5~oG4 and khe :iort:herl;~ prolongal•ion oE the SdesCCrl.y of said 1'ract: 54h4 Co L•tie So~:CheasC. coruer of. i.ot 5 0` thc 1n~ilieim llor.ie,teed Tracl:, as per nap Cliereof recor.ded i.n l:004; 'Lh, i'a;c 10, }tiscr_1]a.tc•.ous Racm:ds oi Lo~ :ingclr~ CotmL-y, CFllli0l"I118~ L-hencc l?~scerly G7.G.07 feet a~nn~; the South lina of sa9.c1 ].ot.S and L•he Sour.li ].i.nrs oi saici Atiaheim ilom~^slead Tract; ti~ence Soutn £~29.1.7 f:cr.L• to Ciie Soutl~ lin~ of: said Scc~ion; thence LasL• b1S.82 f~et L•a Lhe point of befinning. • i?X.CIiPtiT:+C '1''II?[:1•:F[;n?t an, pertio;~ thereof lyinF GIi?shi rn Av~~nut: :t~ sho~,~n o( reccrcl. ~ AT.SO G};C1iP'i'T.^1G ?11i; };nrther.]y ZGO f.eet Ch^reof:. [ST~ f' ( '~'f~i~ r~..F'~.. n _ ~. . :>~.~+:f . ...~~ . .. - -..-.. Ci:...e . ;;~, ~ 'J~ (.l \ 6 ~. i ', ` .~ I ~ w ~. i .~ / _ G ` _ .,/ .. t: ~ - . ~. .~... ~, ~+;r~:'~ ,J/ ~~r~~~'!~~ ..1.. l,'.~ ~' ~~ ~~ " Southerl.y oE llie \erCherly l.ine of ._...~ Certi~iedMtoTue.a,true and 1 ~ c~rr~ct co~.y of th;: ori,;inal ~ ;..;:....: ~,..r_=,:,F;JRST.r~~ If-t)?i~!U1. ! :__~ fI~L• GCiI~~`% ~~ .~•....r i -- ~~. .1.:-- _ , . ~ ~ i .; : ;~ . r;~. ,./~.,:.~..i%i~/: ~, i-~.;; .... ...........':..... ~i "./ ..i...-.. .... .... ~` ~ Til'LF. GV'1'ICF:ii / +• 6' That no one indic~d their presence at said publi~earing in opposiCion, however, one (1) letter was received in opposition to subject petition. EN~IRONMEivTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Director of Development Services has determined that the proposed activity fails within the definition of Section 3.~~, Class 1 of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to the Zequirements for an Environmental Impact Report and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to file an EIR. NOW, THEREFORE, f3E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of the aforementioned finds. THE FOREGOING RESOLUI'ION is signed and approved by me this 25tn day of Novembe r, 1974. ~ ~ C pIRMA~E141 CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: C~ '~~ . ~°~"'.c~Cl~,c/ SECRETARY ANAHFIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIOT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Pa ta i e i a B. Sean 1 an , Secretary of the City Planning Commission oF tlie City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that tlie foregoing resolution was passed ar.d adopted at a meeting oC tlzc City Planning Commission of the ~ity of Anaheim, held on Novembe r 25 , 1974, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: GAUER, JOHNSON, KING, h10RLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COM6fISSIONERS: NONE AESENT: COMMISS{ONERS: fARANO IN WITNESS WHEFc80F, I have hereunto set my hand this 25th day of Novembe r, 1974, Q~~~,~~~.~.~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ -2- V..-D RES6LUTION N0. PC7~~-230