PC 74-238_ _ ,. - "~ , _. . __,. _ ,.. _. _.. _ . ~ . RESOLUT~ION N0. PC74-23a A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANN[NG COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCc N0. 2645 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verificd Petition for Variance from L. V. BOSTWICK, 200 West Midway Drive, Anaheim, Ca13fo~nia 92805 (Owner) of ce;tain real pro~~rtY situated in the City of Anah2im, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth ;n ful~; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public heariug at the City Hall in the City af Anaheim on December 9, 1974~ at 2:00 o'clock p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly ~iven as required by law and in accordance with Ute provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection thercwith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itselP :md in its bchalf, and after dce consideration of all evidence and reports oCfered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. Tl~atthepetitionerrequests the followitig'vgt'~P~ieces frnm!the Anaheim Municipal Code, to permit the continued use of an existing trailer sales and service facility: a. SECTION 1£3.40.020 - Permitted uses. (Trailer sales and service not specifically permitted) b. SECTIQN 18.4b.020 - Requirement that uses be conducted wtthin a buildinq. (Out- door display a~d servicing of tra~lers proposed) c, SECTION 18.40.070~2)(a)5a - Mi~simum building setback adjacer,t to R-A zoning. ~(10 Feet required; none proposed) d. SECTION 18.40.070 a) - Maximum building heioht within 150 feet c,f R-A zonin .(20 feet proposed; 0 feet permitted) e. SECTION i8.40.070(4)(a)2f - Minimum number of arkin saaces. (~~ spaces re- quired; ~8 spaces proposed f. SECTION 18.40.070(6)(a) - Required block wall adiacent to R-A zon3ng. ~6-foot block wall req~ired; 6-foot chainlink fence existSng} 2, That Waivers 1-a and 1-b, above-mentioned, are hereby granted fo~ the proposed use which shall be limited to trailer or commercial vans not to exceed outside ,,.~asurements of 8 feet 11 inches in height (from the ground up), 7 feet 6 inches in width, and 38 feet in lecigYh; said trailers or commercial vans sliall not exceed a gross empty weight of 7,500 pounds; and freight (cargo) or furniture vans shall be prohibited since sales and service of such vehicles Would not be suitable at the subject location; as stipulated to by the petitioher. 3, That Waivers 1-c.and 1-d, abc~ve-mentioned, are hereby granted on the basis that the adjacent R-A zoned property is developed with a school. _1_ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-238 DEV-66•E d/Yn~.'. •/Il .. . . . ~ ` ., 1 . ~~:V I~JJ ~~{'t~~. ~ ' ~ n~~:;r.^1PTIC~~I: ..~;.~~~~.~ ~. "~>> r. ---_.~„ . t;~~•,S:C~.L i :------...__. _ ~_..._~..__. -,,. iti/~T i'Tii.TIO:! 01= LOT~ 'L .A?l'J 3 U~• T~IL" JO~tiPi: fl_;C,;S :;I~i:,iIViS~G;: j IP! il:. CI'TY :7i= /,t:::l~r~4~ CO;. iY OF ~~i'..'...G_~~ :;T,^,'i!~ C~ Cl~.L:F:'C;:I~ taS 1'::,- t~S^ i::Ci;:;L'~~ i?i :~QCi:~3 C'f,G£ 73• Of' tiI5CLLLr~.: _GUS ,:!;6'S~ r It: itiG GF1=3C~ GF T:~Ij~ COU~+7Y f:~GCl:D~R OF :;nID Ct?U:iT'f~ p~S~CI:ii:D ,",S PULLC:i~: ;3':C,It::'~I(:G .'1T A POIl.T G;•1 Thl~_ SGU~~iI:RI.Y LIt:~: UF :.AIU LOT 2~ DISTI3•iT *,t:U7'rl ,i^,° 5it~ a6" _r~~7 llr'~,~•; ~~r~ Pr'•+?;: 7ii~ :OllT~~:;:S7 CO':i':FiI; ~1~ S;IQ LCT 2~ Tl~~id~;~ I;QF;ii~ G° ~:21' 3li°' t!~5T .5:'%.17 P~T:T PARALLF3L ;liTli T;IG ;:'~`ST=i'LY L?t OF T:i:' ;7ATi= ~;Tfii.;;,'i~ 1G~7..;0 Fi:~_T !•.'IDE~ i~> :~.If~ i{I~~it!!f~Y f::i`Ti::". 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ChJ;;~: U~ S;;i<T:'. .,"~~ Iil Tt~~ Ci'il' CF /:":11,::Ii;~ C:)U~iTi Gr JPAiiv`=~ SillT?i (%i= .^.l.1.iF:,".ilh~ I.5 P:R li;•~'~ C:iSCO:^.i;,r:i~ ~„ `.1G?~~i: ~1 i",G:: IC UF III~C~.LI;,:.c.GL'~ i',..:' ;~ i~~ 7;f~ ±~t~i':Ci:: C~ i~~:: CCUh:TY f:~CU;:GuR OE= ~A1L` C::ii?il'Y~ U~'::Ci;I;:.'.~' ~~S ;'i)LLG:,:i: G::t:I;ltlI!•.G AT ilt~_ f10RTh4`~AST COR~7~R OF LQ'f 2~Oi• 71:E JOSt=i~N FIe:Ct,~S SUui)IVISIONf P.S 17~:R 1~.4P R~CORD`~D Itl L~QOi; 3(~;~G;i i3 OF t~:SCr4L?'•FIEOUS NAPS~ Itl 'it~lE OrFICF OF THti CUUidTY f:cCORGkF; UF SAIi) CGU,f71'; 7~:~tdC~ GASTERLY ALOtdG THt Pr^.OL01•lGATI0~1 OF Thif: i:C?7~IL•T'.LY l_IilE CF SAIQ LOT 2 TO iT5 It•I7En5E~CTJOh1 4lTTH ThIE 1'IEST~RLY LIti~ (1~= TIiE STA7E FtIGf-i4lAY, 1Q0 FE~7 ~fID'c, AS 5AID 1•IIf:H;~!/IY E;;ISTi:U GP; RP[dTL 29~ 1~~'>~~ 7HC(:C~ SOUTi~Ct:5T[FLY !!L(:PIG• TIi~ ~'~.STi_^LY Li„c OF SAIC~ HIG;I',•t/\Y 70 IT5 I(•:Tc:R5~CTI01t t•lITFI Thili G,~i:;T~f:LI' P~;CLCt:~ATICPd 4i= TF~c C:{I:TER Lit;E OP hEIC~JA'f bRF.VF~; ~~5 St;OI:'Pd G~d S~tIU I:F'~P U1~ Ti~?E ~1U5FiPH FISCUS SUCDIVI~IOh~j TI•li:PlCc tiL-57EF.LY /'~LG'':G ~l~ID f~RC.1- LQi::GATIQP: T~i I'i5 It.Tt25~CTICt: ~~Iili TI:C SCUT~i~~.LY F'^OLGi;CF',iIL`il Of' 71;~ ~l15'~:.^•LY ~I1:~ CF SAi~ LOT 2 UF TI~I~ JJS[P~i FISCUfi :iU~,- DIVIS1Ct:~ f~iL?JCG t.Ci;TiiGRLY ALOt+G SP.ID P1:CLUh:G!`,Ei.b?t I,~!U tiLCP:u T11L FA5T~::~Y LI:f~ OF LOT: 2 ~!~D 3 OF SAID JUS_PFI F:5CUS SU~pIVT510P; 7U i~1E !'OIP:T GF EEGTi:41TF1G. A PGRTIOt! t~F 5F.ID LAf~iU IS ItdCLUQE:D I~IThiIPJ 'fNE P.P-.FA SHO~1P: Q~; A i•iRr^wifi: ~,~t) TFJ L'OCt: 3~ t'ACG 21 Of' (:'cCOF.J UF SU+^.Vc'f5 li7 71iE OI=FIC(c UF'•iff[ COUt7TY r:~ca~r.~~r, UF ~AIG COU?JTY. --- ,.~:~ ' , r' ' 1' ~~~ , ,~cCt~~~v ~. . ~ ' "p~ ~~0~3 ~~ ~ r; ; ; ;, . • • '~ , ///.+~' ~J ~~\', `Y . .\I:~. 1tlf. ~~Vi. __'__"~. ~ •~~~' ^ • 4` _ ' ~ ~ 4. That Waiver 1-e, above-mentio~ed, is hereby granted on the basis that the pro- posed parking is determined to b~e adequate fcr the proposed use and that should the proposed use change, addittonal parking space would be available in the area desagnated for the out- door display of trailers; however, if the use proposed for the second floor of the proposed new structure, or the overall use, shall change, then additional parking may be required pursuant to the site development standards of the C-1 Zone. 5, Tlsat Waiver 1-f, above-mentior,ed, is hereby granted on the basis th~t a 6-foot chainlink r'ence and tall tree hedges are er.i~ting, and the adjacent R-A zoned property is developed with a school. 6. That the petitioner shall submit a letter requesting termi„ation of Variance No. 2267, which permitted a mobilehome and travel trailer sales lot ~~ith outdoor serv3ce facilities, ard a mobilehome ta be used as an off9ce. 7, That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or co~ditiors applicable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do r,ot apply generally to the praperty or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. $, That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment nf a substantial property r3ght possessed by other property in the =ame vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 9, That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvemerts in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. 10, That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppasition, and no correspondence was received in opposition to subject petition. . ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Commission reccmmends to the City Council that the subject project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an Environmental Impact Re~ort pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance. upon the foll.r„?_ing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to pre- serve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That trash storage areas shail be provided in accordance with approved plans on file with the ofrice of the Director of Public Works. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 4 (Revision No. 1). 3, That Cor.dition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections, 4. That the proposed use sl7all be limited to trailer or commercial vans not to erceed o~!tside measurements of 8 feet 11 inches in height (from the ground up), 7 feet 6 i^cY~es ir width, a;,d 38 fee*_ in length; said trailers or commercial vans shall not exceed a gross e~pty weight o~ 7,500 paunds; and f~eight (cargo) or furniture vans shall be pro~ hibited at the s~bject locatio~; as stipulated to be the petitioner. 5, That if the pro~osed use for the second floor of the proposed r.ew s~ructure, or the overall use, shall change, then additional parking may be requirer! pursuar,t to the si~e development standards of the C-1 Zone. 6. That the petitioner shall submit a writ*.en request to termir~ate ail proceedings in co~r.ectio~ w~*h Variance No. 2267 on the subject properYy. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and appro~ed by me this 9th day of December, 197~+. ~~ .. , _ ~. ~ ~~ ~C R N ANAH CITY PLANtJING COMMISSION ATTEST: t_~[,~fiuc-~~~GZ~C~L'~O ~c__/ SELRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION _2- RESOLUTION N0. PC74-238 _ .~ ' - ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia e. Scanlan, Secretary c~f the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~aas passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on December 9, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, GAUER, JOHNSOt:, KiNG, MORLEY, TOLAR, HERBST NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NQNE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of December, 1974. <~~~,~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC74-238