PC 74-28RFSOLUTT~NO.^ PC 74-28 ~ ,f~ R'F`54L1~'d"tON t~F THE CITY PLANNING C095MISSION,01443 CITY OF A:IAHEI~1 THAT PETITION FQR CONDITI4NAL USE PERh1I_ BEGRANTED S4'HE'L2EAS, the G,ty Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a veritied Petition for Con- ditnunai i~se Permdt tr. m LEc, C. and JOAN H. SAMMIS, 94 Linda Isle, Newport B~ea,r,h, Califainia 92Un~L 0.wners of certain real property situatzd in the City of Anaheim, County of O~a'n;ge, Sfiate of Califorrcia, described as follows: ~~rc~el C iti 2Me Cfty of Anahei:n, County of Jxange, State of Californi~Y as showY~ on a map f31ed, in Book 44 Page 15 of parcel ~uaps in the oifice of the couniy zecorder of said county and that portion of the southwest quarter ~~f the northwest yuarter of Section 8, Townsh3p 4 ijouth, Range 10 West, in the Rancho San Juan Ca~n~ de Sanl-a Ana, City of Anaheim, Caunty oF Orange, State of Califorr.ia, as per map recorded ir Bool: 51 Page 10 of miscelT~aneous msps, in the ofFice of the county recor.der of said county, described as follow~: Beginning at a poflnt on the southerly line of said couthwest ~uarter, east 822.00 feet from the southweat corr,er thereof; thence north 491.53 feet psraxlel with the west ~ir.e of said southwest quarter to the south line of..the north 25.00 acres thereof; Chence east 520.7a ¢eet nlong ,said south line to the east line of said southwest qcaster; ther.ce south 492.07 feet to the ~outheast corner of said souehwest quarter; thence west 518.90 feet to the point of be,~g9tr.ning. ' Except that ~ortian,Lhereof Fying rortherly,of Che south line of the Iand descz•ibed in the deed to Orang~~Cio~nty Flood Control District, recorded January 26, ll960 in Book 5068 Page 304 of offic:a?~ records ;end WHEREAS, the'C'i¢y'Planning Commission did hold e public hearinp, at the CityHall in the City of Anaheim on F~bruary 4, 1974„ at.Z :00 o'clock P.M., notice of said pub~'ic hearing having been duly giv~n es requimd by levr and hn accordence with the provisions oEthe Anahein Mun'tzipal code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evider~r~e~ ![or and ngeinst seid proposed conditional nse end to investigete end make Iindmgs and recommendatior.s 'sr, ~onnection therewith; and WHEREa'S, said Commixsion, efter due inspection, investigetion, ond study mede by itself and in its 'L~e- halE, end atter utue consideretion of all evidence and i~po~ts oEfered et said hearing, does Eind and determine the following facts; 1. Thnt the proposed usc is properly one for which n C~nditinnel Usc Permit is euthorized by Code Sectians ~.~..52.050(1)(g), 18.52.050(2)(a), and 18.5'1.050(2)(b), to wit: este~blish a planned uni~Eied industrial ser~ice center includi~~g a restaursnt and catering fac~Yity, general business offices, and retail di,~rribution firms, with waivers of: a. SECTION 18.52.020 - Yermitted uses. (Business offices with s~rvice to the generaY public not permi::ted; bueinesa offices with service to the general public propos~d) b. SECTION 18.52.060(4}(f)_ - Minimum number oP requ:.red parkin~_~aces. (620 spaces requir.ed; 589 spaces propcsed) 2. That Waiver 1-a, above-mentioned,,i~ hereby granted or. the basts thet the Plannir.g Commission has granted previous similar cequests in cor.junction witli an industrisl compYex, and the petition~r stipulated there:would only be incidentel service to the general pubbic. 3. TFet Wa:ver 1-b, above-mentioned, is hereUy graated on the basis that the Planning Co~nission determined the plans, as aubmitted, nrovided adequake patking for the proposed complex. 4. That the petitioner indicated a desire to have on-eale beer and wine in cinjunction with the sale of food, and not as a bar; and since a request for same c~uld be considered iu conjunction with the subject Condittonal Use Pezmit without additionel public heating, the Planc~ing Commission'determined that eaid request for on-sale beer and wine i.a hereby granted on the basis that this use, as requested, wculd be appropriate at the subject location. 5. Thet the petitioner etipulated that retail commercial uaes would not exceed $% of the total floor aten of the 10-building complex; and Chat said retail com~nercial uses would not incli•3e general retail uses, but would include thoae uses which are: quasi- CI-G "1" RES4LUTION N0. FC74-28 industrial in n3~u~e, su~ as baai.ese m~cY~ines equipme:'t~ d1spS~y, drsf4:.r.g, blceprintind, photocopying se•rvices and a 6•asir_ess statiunery sLppPy fsci2~~ty. 6. That tY~e petitioner stipulated that Buildiugs 1 and 4, portior,s of S~siPd~~gs 2 aY~d 3, and thE end ur..its of Buifldings 9 and 10 would be aYlcc;aCed to office-type us~~, said office space not to zxceed 3~% of the Lotal f~oor area of the YO-building compTex. 7. That the petitior.er stipuTet~ed that the proposed restaurar~Y. wo¢Id 'oe iocated on Lhe Crescent A~renue frontage, and wauld contain a msxtmum 3,000 square fee¢ of floor 8L2d. 8. That the petitioner stipulated that the types of afEice ~ses shali be IimiCed to the following pYus uses norcnaEly permitted in the zone. ~,ny other uses sha51 be requested in writir,g from the patitioner and be sabject to Pfanning Ca~mnission and/or City Council review and approval: General business offices Accountants and financial services Advertising and mailing services Architectural servi.ces Engineers Graphic Arts :~ttorneys Contractors Industria'i real estate agents SaYes representatives Manufa~•turer's representatives Insu.ranae Photographers 9, That the petiticner submitted a Ye~ter dated 3a:uary 3I, T974, wili~h fur~her substan:iated the above findings 5, 6, 7 ar.d 8s ared, Cherefor~, tn~ PEanr:3r.g Cortcnissioa determined that appro~aT of s~bj2ct Conditional Use Permit shac~d be mede subjsct to the petitioner°s scatemer`s contair.ed withfn sai:? Petter. Thet ±he petitiar_er stipu3:ted Cha~ where parking 3s to '6e Tocated where e trv:.k doar i~ shnwr. on the piar.s, as submittad, the truck door snauPd be remaved aud replaced with s waiE ~redfor giass e:.c=usure. Z0. That the proposed use wi41 not adverseYy affect tFe adjc,i.^.ing land uses and the growth and deveYopment of the area In which it :Ls propased to be 4ocaced. Y1, That the size and shape of the si~.e proposed for the use is _deq:~ata =o a1Fow the full deveYopment oE the pr.opa~ed use i:e a menr:er nat detrimer~aY ta ~he p5rtiuu4ar. area nor to the pesce, heaYth, safety, s^d g~:era1 welfare of L•he Citize:as af the Ci~y of AnSheim. I2, That the grari~ing of Che Conditionai Use Perm•Lt under ::he car..di;:'ozs imposed, if any, wi£4 nct be detrimentaY ~.o ~hE peace, hea9.th, sefe~y, ana ge~t~ersi w~Ifsre ct the Citizens af the Ci~y oE Ar.ahzim, ENVIRON[~IENfA1 IMPACT REF'ORT FINDING: That the Planricng Commissiun, in connECtion with an E'xemptiozi Dectara!~ion Ste_~us reqnest, finds aud determi.nes that the proposa5. wouYd have no si.gr~ifie~rt e!:i~irur.me:.L-ai imp~zt snd, therefore, recomme.~ds to the City Council thst no Em Iror.men~al Impact 5ts~2me:~t ~?s necessary. NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plar.ning Co~¢n3.ssio_~ d~ta hereby grant subject Yetition for Conditiar.~l Use Permit, upo-._ the f~~i7LCwirg co.cit£ons which are hereby found to be a necessar.y prerequisite to the prapesed cs2 af ~he snbje~~• property in order t~ preserve the safety and ger.eral welfare of the Citizer:~ of ~he City of Anaheim: i, That eTl engineerir~g requtrements of the City of Anaheim aiezg Crescer~ ~~ec.~e and Valley Street, including preparation of improvemeri plans and irsL3~13~10: of ~2~. improvements suah as curbs and guL•ters, sidewalks, street gradt.ag ard pavi•cx3, drsi:a~;e fac~iTities,. or other appurtenant work sl~all t~e compY~ed with as requ~r~d by tF.e Ci~y Engireer end in accord9nce with standard plar_s and spECificatio:s ar. rile in the offiee of tha City Engineer; that street lighting facilities a?ang Crescent A:~erae and 4aileq Street shall be instalyed as :equired by the Director oi PubP3.c L~iPities and i~ accordar.ce with standard pYSns and specifications on fiTe ir, the affice ef the D_'rec~or.• of PubEic Utilities; ar.d that a Uor.d in an amount and form satisfactory to t}ie C3~y of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to gu3ranteE the instsli&tion of the above-m=--~i~ned requirements, C2-G -2- RESOLlTPIQfi N0. '=C 74-28 • 2. That the brid~acras~ the 0_ar~ge Co~nty Piood~n.1'6Y DLS~L'~C': Ch3Yi^EY sha~"t be widened as required by the City Engineer, and a bond in ar. emount and f~rm satistactary ta the City of Attaheim shall be posted to gua~antee its construatia~l. 3, Th~t trash storage areas shali be provided in ac~a•rdanae with appr•oved plans ou file with the of.fice of the Director of Public Works. 4. That fire hydrani~ shalY be installed and charged as raquired aYid d~ier.nir.2d to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commer.c~ner.t of sCruituraY framing, 5. That all air cor.diCionir.g facilit•I~s shali be pruperly sr.~~zaEa from v'ew and the sound buffered from adjacenC properties, 6, That subject property shaY4 be serve4 by underground ut•lll~i~s, 7, Thai drair.age uf subject property shaY~ be dispased of i.r~ a m~ci-~er satisfe~•~or'q to the City Engi•neer and the Orange Caunty FYood Con~roi DistrirF, 8, Ir. the ever.t that subject praperty is to be divided Yar ti:e purpuse of ~~Fe, iPase, or fir.yn~ing, a pareel map to record the approve~ div_~ian of sucjec_ prup~rtp be suomictad to and approved by L•'r.e Ci~y ~i Anaheim snd then be recarded ir. the office of the Oran~e Cour.ty Rezorder. 9, Thar subject property shaYl be developed subsCantiaYky i~ accords~ce wi~'h vY.ens and specificstions on file with t.he City of Aaafieim marked Exh~bi: Nos. Y z•._d 2•, prcvided, however, thet where parking is ta be 4ocated where a truck da~r ~s ahow: or. ~`e submltted pTans, the truck door sha11 be removed and repYa~ed with E W8yI ~r.d/or gpae~ e^closure, as stipuYated by the petitYOner. Y0. That Canditior. Nos. 1 ar.d 'l, abova-meatianed, sr,a4l be ccmp"sied wich pr•_~r to the commezcement of the activity authorized ~nd~r this resalutton, o: prio:• ~o rhe cfine that thz bL3l.ding permit is issued, or wi~h~r. a period ot one year irom d3~e nereaf, whichever a::curs rir~t, or sur:h furcher time es the FS..~nrirg Commission ma_~ grs:_~. Tf. That Condition Nos. 3, 5y 6. 7 a.^.d 9, above-merctianed, shsPl be cu,-~pY.Zed with przor to final building and zunir.g inspactions. Y2. Tha: rsts2l commercia2 uses shaYL r.ot ex::eed 8% of the ~cs~aY fluar sre~ of the ].0-bu•Llding complex, as st3puiated to by the pe4itioner, aad srsPl be Yimited as set forth in findtng No. 5 aboce. Y3e That Buildings 3 and 4, p6reions or BuiYdings 2 s:~cd 3, and the ~:r_d ~rrci~s af Bai9.dings 9 and 10 shsl.Y be aliaca:ed to office types us~es, srid ofz3ce spac~ r.at te exeeed 35% of the tota~i fYuor area af Che YO-buiEdLng comp9.ex, 2s sttpu_H~ed Co cy th~ petitioner. E4. That the propcrs~d resteuran~ shaY~. be 7ioc9ted on the Crescex:t 9~••e-:ae frontage of subject deveicpment and shall :.ontain a.maximum 3;000 squ~~re feet o~ iYoor 2rc~, as stipuiated to oy the peti*ioner, T5. That the Cype of oEfice uses shalY be ~imited ta !'[7658 enumar.s•~ed a'oa:-e, srcd as stipuEated to by the petitionerY and thGt any other uses sti~?Y be r~ques"ed i:t writing by the petitioner and sha1T oe subject to Pi~nning Cccr¢nissiun a~d~ar Ci:.`y Ca~aciP review and spproveF. Y6. That epproval of subjec~ Conditior,al Use Perm?t shAil be made ~ubjFC~ ~a these statements and ~tipulations cont5ir.ed within the petiticnec°s ~ie=~e~ ~e '~•-~ "r'i4:r-:'.g Commisston dated January 31, 1974. THE FOREGOING RESOLL'TION is sigr.ed and approved 'uy me ~his fourth day of Feer.uar.q, 1974. .O.r .Y ChAIAMAN ANAHETM CITY :'_AIdNInG CUNL~f~S~TC4 C3-G ~3- RESOLUTION N0. PC 74-28 ' ~ ~ . ATTEST: ~~~~~~ ~ S~CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COAl.MISSION STATE OF CALIFORhIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE j ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. Seanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Couanission of tF.e City nf Anaheim, do hereby certify that the f~regoing resolutio~ was passed and adopt~ed at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, hald on February 4, 1974, at 2:00 o°cYock p.m,, by the following voCe of the members thereof:: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSOV, KING, GAUSR NOES: COMMISSIONERS FARANO ABSENT: CO.IIdIS5I0NERS: HERBST Y974 IN WITNESS WHEREOP, ? have heYeunto set my hand this faurth day of Febrasry, .~~a~,~:~.:~,,r.~ ~ ~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PL.4NNI•NG COMMISSIOr C4-G -4- RESOLUTION N0. PC 1d-28