PC 74-30~ RESOLUTION NO, FC 74-30 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CIT1' OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. 73-~4~Z9 SE APPROVEL WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Reclassifica- tionfrom LE ROY and SUSAN HEITMEN, 289Q0 Ironwood, Sunnymead, California 92388, Owners; l~iER BELLEHiMEUR or I~NRY M. ROBERTS JR., 946T Grindlay, Suite 206, Cypress, California 906305 Ager.ts; of certain res•1 property situated fn the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of CaliEoraia, described as follows: Parcel 1: The ~sst ??2 feet of the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of the S~u~~east quarier of Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, as shown on a map thereof recorded in book 51, page iI, MisceT~ianeous ~iaps, recurds of said Orange County. ?areel 2: AIlY that portion or" the South half of the SouthwesC quarter of the Southwest qu~rter of the Sou`ue~st r~uarter of Section 14, Township 4 South, Range 11 West, San nez~:ardino E~se and Meridi=a, in the City oi Anaheim, lying E~st of the East line of the Y~nd described in the deed iram E, ~. Miles snd wife, to Seve~iano J. Perez, recorded February Y0, 1950, ir, book 1966, page 548, OEficial Records. F-~CCErTING TIiEREFROM the Esst T~2 Peet thereof. ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Anoheim on FebruSry 4, 1974, at 2:00 o'clack P.M. notice of said public hearing heving been duly given es required by law and in accocdence with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18,72, to hear and consider evidence Eor end against seid proposed reclassificetion end to investigate and meke findings and recommendations in cannection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study mede by itself end in its behelE, and after due consideraiion of el! evidenca end reports offered at seid hearing, does find nnd determine the following fects: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassificetion of the ebove described property fr~m the R-A9 Agricultural, Zone to the R-3, MuTtiple-Family Resider.tiaY, Zone. 2. That the propased recTessification is in conformance with the laud use designa- tion of the Anaheim Genzra£ Plar.. 3. That it was determir.ed that a 20-foot wide landscape strip, ixi conjunctior with the required 6-foot high ~r~+so:ry wall, shouTd be provided along tfie north property 9.ic_e to properYy buffer the adjacent sirgYe-family residcnt£al properties; and that the petitioner stipulated to cor.~inuing said 6-foot wall wea~erly of the subject property's north property line, to the ,tall width of that R-1 parcel wFich partially abuts si:bject pruperty at the r.orthwest boundary. w~ That the proposed reclassification of subject pcoperty is necessary and/or desireble Eor the orderly and pro- per development of the community. 5• That the proposed eeclassificetion of subject pcopecty does properly relete to the zones and their pecmitted uses locelly estnblished in close proximity to subject propecty end to the zones and their permitted uses generally esteb- liched throughout the commanity. 6. That eight persons appeared, representing approximately 23 persons present at said public heazing ia opposition to subject petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT rINDING: That the Plannir.g Co~nission, in connection with an Exemption Declaratian StaCus request, finds and determines •thaC Che proposal wau4d have no significant environmental impact andy thereforey recommends to the City Council that no Environmental Impact Statement is necessary. R-A -1- RESOLUTION N0. PC 74-30 ~EV-GG•A r~. Nnw_ Tk~REFO?~_ SE ~RESQL~ED that ~7e Anaheim City~snning Commisaior. d~es hereoy re:.amme:d to the City Ceur.cil of the City of Hr.aheim that subject Petition for Reclassifi- c~tion be approved an.d, by so doing, that TitYe 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude Y.he above described property from the R-A Agricultural, Zone aad Y.o incorp~rate ~aid described property ir.to the R-3, Multiple-Family Residential, Zone, upan the follawing conditior.s which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed ~sa of subject praperty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of ~he Citizens of the C•lty of Anaheim: la That the owner(s) of subject property sh_il deed to the Ci*yo uf Anaheim a strip af Tiand 53 feet in width from the centerline of the street ~lang Sall Road for street widenir.g purposes. 2, That aIY eng•~neering requirements of the City of Ansh~im, a2ong Ball Road including preparation of improvement pla~'s ar.d iastallation of a1! improvements such as curos and gutters, sidewalks, s~ceet grading ard paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenant work shsYl be compPied wi.th as required by the City Engineer ar.d in accordsnce with stendard plans ar.d specificatior.s on file in the office of Che City Engineer; th~t street Iight:ng fac3lities aTong Ball Road sha41 be inst~lled as requ3r~d by the Dixec:or of Pubilc Utflities, and in accordarce with standard pla~s and specifica- tions an file in che offiLe oi the D3re~tor of Public litilities aad tha* a band in an amount and form sstiaia~tary to the City of Andheim sh~11 be posted with the Cit~ to guarantee the iastaYYation of the above-mentioned requirements. 3, Thst the aw:~e~r(a) of subject property shaYl pay tu the City of Ar.~hefm tFe sum af 60C per troat foo~ along Dall Rosd for tree planting purpose3, 4, That trasn storage areas ~haYl be pravided in sccordar_ce with approved plsn~ or. fiSe with the olYice of the Director of ?ublic Works. 5. Tl-~at fi:a nydrs,.s shaPi be insi•~YYed s,d c.harged as rer~uired and determi~_ed to be necessary by the Chi.ef~ of the Fira Dep~rtment prior to commencemtnt of atrnatural framfng. 6. That aYi air cand_tianir.g facifities shaTl be properlq shielded irom view,, a:.d the sound 'uuifered from adjacen*_ properties. %, Thet subject property sY~aYY be s~rved by underground ut•ET•?tie~. 8. Thet drainage of subjett praperty shP~I be disposed af in s mers.er satfsf~ctory to the Ctty Engineer., 9, Th~t the owaer(s) of subject property shall pey to the C3tq of Ar.aFeim Lhe appropriate park and recrestion in-Piea faes s~ determir.ed to be eppropriate by t2:e Ciry Counci.l, seid fees to be paid a~ *_he time the building permit is issued. I0. That completioa uf these r.ecPsssification praceedings is CJ::i3ngFn: upan cFe grarting oi Variance No, 2568, I1. That sLbject prcperty shsYl be developed substa.ztiallp in ~ccorda»ce wi.h pls::s and specifications an f1Ye w•ith the City of Ananeim msriced Exhfbit N~s, Y, 2, 3a ana 4 (all revision No. 1); providing, Yawever, that 3 ZO-P06t wide fandscspe s:rip, f:~ ca:.- jsr~ctiaa with the required 6-xoot r.iaso:ry wail, shaiT be provided along the r.ar~ii prapNr:.y fir~e, and that said 6-fooe wy3.3. sha1F be car.t3nued westerTy oE the norCh prJp~r~y I~.nE of subject property, to the full wfdth ~f that R~T parcel which psrt3a3Ty au~ts smbjec. property at the rorthwes; banr.dary, as stipu~e~ted to by the peti~ioner, P2, ?rior to the introductian of an ordir.ance rezor.ing sub ject praperty, C~~c~nitic.: Nos, i, 2, ar.d 3, above-mer,z3aned, shall be comp'~eted. The pruvisiors or rig?-:ts g•raci~ed by this resolutian ahaYF became r.u3Y and void by action of the City Counc3i uniess sa3d conditions are compTied with withi•n one year trom the date hereof, ur st~ch further tfine as the Cil-y Counr.ii msy grant, 13, That Condition Nas. 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11, above-meltionede shall be compP•ted with prior to finsl building ard zoning ir.spec~i~ns~ T974. THE FOREGOTIvG RESOLUTTON is sfgned a~7d approved by me this fcartn day of F~bresr~ ~iL/~~1~/'1'w'~.. - CHAIFiPfAN ANAHEIM CiTY r'L.4NNING Cu~IlKISSiU.' R2-A -2- RESOLU'PiON N0, rC %4-30 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'TY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAfiEIM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, 5ecretary of the City Planniag Commission of the City of Araheim, dc hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Coimnission of the City of Anahe3m, held on February 4, 1974, at 2:00 o°clock p.m.y by the foElowing vote of th~e members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO, JOfiNSON, KII~G, GAtiER NOFS: CO:Il~SISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set ~y hand this fourth day of February, 1974. ~~~0~ ~' SECRET9RY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION R3-A -3- RESOLUTION N0. FC 74-30