PC 74-32RESOLU~ N NO.Y~~4-32 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF TRE CITY OF ANAHEIM RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT "~ PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION NO. ~3-74-38 gE APPROVED ,\ WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission of the City af Anaheim did recelve a verified Petition for Reclessifica- tionfrom WEST ANA?~EIM COMMU-NITY HUSFITA'L, INCORPURATED, 3033 WesC Grange Avenue, Anaheim, CalYfurnia, 92804, Owner; LRANCIS C. WEBER, 3955 Birch Street, Newport Seach, California 92660, Agent, of cer.tain real pruperty situated in the City oi Anaheim, County of Orange, State oi California, descrYbed as foilows: The E3St 5 acres af ~he we~t YO acres ~f the suu~th half of the sontheast quarter of the r,ortheasC qu~rter of sec:Cicn 14, tcwnship 4 south, range 11 west in the Rar.cho loe Coyotes as show:. on a map recurd~d in bauk 51 page i1 of miscel3ar.eaus maps in the office of the cunr.C} re~order of said cc,un'~y. ExcepC a strip of 4srd 75 feet• wide, i~in.g :orthweaCerly 45 i~et and southassterly 30 feet fram the f~sflowing described ~iti:e: iieginr.ing at the centerEi~e int2rsectian of OrSnge Avenue and Westerr Aveaue as shown on Tract No. 7241 recarded ir. boak 275 pagES I3 ar.d 14 of said miscellar.~ous maps; t•her.ce south 0° 33° 45" e~st 199.ii feet aEong said centerline of Western Avettue to Che true poin~ oE begir:ning, ssid puint being cn a nar.-tsnger.t cu5rve cor.cave northwesterly having a radius ef Y600 feeC a radisl ~o s~id paYnt bears sauth 21 27~ 45" east; thertce northeasterly 27.96 feet along seid cur-ve thrQCgh a centrai angle af i° 00' 05"; thence r.orth 67° 32' 10" east 2073.61 feet tu the beg'I.*ering ui a ccrve coacave northwesterly having a radius of I800 fEer; thence r:artheasL•erZy ~P3,55 feeC along sa;.d curve Chrosgh a centrsl angle of 9° 58° 50", ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning ComR~ission did hold a public }iearing at the City Hell in the City of Anaheim on February 4, 1974 at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public heering heving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oE the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18,72, to hear end conslder evtdence for and against said proposed ceclessification and to investigete and make findings and recommendations in connection therewtt.h; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inspectiun, investigetior., end study made by itself end in its behelf, end aEter due consideretion of all evidence end reports offered at said heering, doas find and determine the following facts: 1, That the petitioner proposes e reclassificntion of the above described property from the R~A, Resider.tial AgricuYtural, Zone,to the C~O, Cecr~ercial Off:ce, Zaae. 2, Ihat the majer p~~rtf~: of subject pruperty fs in confa:mance wiCh the Isrd ass desig::ation of the Anaheim Generai PTan. 3. Thst ti~~e p~Cit~oner st~pulated to submitting revised plans f•ar Planning Coa¢aission ard/ur City Coanefl car.siderat-~1 for deveicpm~nt of that portior. oE rubject proper_y wk.ich is 4oce_ed north ~f the C~rba: Creek Chaui.el, prior to Che cor.structi6n aE a bridge over said C~ar~nel, 4• Thet the propo~ed reclessification of subject property is necessary and/or desireble for the orderly end pro- per developmant oE the community. 5• Thet the proposed reclassificetion of subject pmpecry does properly relete to the zones and their necmitted uses locelly established in close proxlmity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estab- lished throughout the community. 6, That two persons appeared at said public hearing ir~ opposition tu subje:t pe~i~fon, one uf whom also submitted a letter in oppoaition ar.d s peCitian bearing approxi- mateYy 96 signaCures, aIl in opposition; said oppoaition being speciiically reiated to Chat portion of subject property YocaCed r.arth of Carbon Creek Channei. ENVIRONMENP9L IMFACT REFORT FINDING: That the Ylanr,xng Cammise~:.on, in connection with an. Exemptiun Dec~laration Status request, finds ar.d det~rmines thaC tE~e propossl wouYd have no signfPicant enviror.mental impact and, therefora, rECanmends to the City Council that no E~.~irunmentai Im~act Statement ia ~cAessary, -1- RESOLUTION N0. 'rC 74-32 DEV-66-A NOW_ THEREFORE, B'c ~tESOLVED [hac che Anaheim City ~-nr.i;ig Com:nission does hereby recommend to the City Council cf the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for RecPassifi- cation be approved ar.d, by so doing, tY,at Title F$-2or.ing of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amerded co exclude the above described property frum rhe R-A, Residential Agricultural, Zoney eT~d to incorporate said described property into the C-0, Commercial Office, Zone, upon che following conditions which are hereby found t., be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use oF subjecc propercy Ir order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the CitizeRe oi the City of An9heim: i. Tha~ s~reet ii~hti.ng fa~iliCits along Orange Aver,ue shell be installed as required by t?;e Lirector oE Public UtiFities, and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on 'rile in the office of the D:rector of Public Utilities and that a bond in an emouti: a,:d iorm satisfactory to the City of Araheim shall be posted with the City to guatan::ee rhe i*.staTlation of the above-mentioned requirements. 2, Thee th~ owr;er(s) uf suoject properry ~hsll pay to the City of Anaheim the sum of 60G per frunc iaae a~ong Orange A•ae::ue for. tree plsnting purposes. 3. TY~at ~rash storege ar~as shcYl oe pruvided in accordar.=e wlth approved plans on iile with Che effice oC the Uirec:or of Public Wor.ks. 4. Th9~ fire hydr.s,-.ts sheYl be inrstall~:; and char.ged as required 3v.d determined ta ba necessary by :he Chiei uf [he Fi.re Departme*:"_ prior to commer..^emeat ef sr,ructural fr~ming. 5. That SUDJECt property sheYY be served 'by undergrour.d utili.ties. 6, That a 6-foo*_ m~sonry we'L1 aha11 Le eor~a~ru~ted aYo::g the r.orth and wesC property lines. 7. That any p~rxing area 1'igt.ting proposed shalZ be down-lighti,ng !.'rum a maxi.mum heigh~ of 6 Eeee, which ligtiting shsil be directed eway irom the property .~ines Co protect the residentisl integrity oi the area. 8. I'ha~ draindge oF subje~t property sha21 be di3posed of ir, a manner satisfactory to che City L•ngineer end Che Orar,ge Cocnty F1ood Control Dirttict. 9~ That tne final. partcLr,g plan sh<_il be approved by the Deve3opmenc Services Departmer:t, ard any Iar.dsc~ped bre.as in the par.king are~s shell be prot~cted with 6-in~h high, concre:e cutbs, snd cancrete whEeY stops sha1Y be providea for pa_king spaces. 10. That suoject property shSiY 5e deveYoped ~ubstantially ir, eccordance with p].a~is a:d specificatioi:s an £i~e wich the City~ of anyheim marked Exhibit Nos, !, 2, 3Y 4 and 5; provided, howe~rer, the:. cor.seructian of a oridge o•Jer Carbon Creek Chaanel to develop that p3rtiot: of the pruperCy Yo~ated norch of said Chann~el shbll r.o~ be canstruated until such time as revised plsns ara s~bm'.ttedv reviewed end approved by che Pir~miing Commioaion rind the City Coar.rtl, lI, ThaC ConditLon Nos. 1 and 2, abcve-meiztiuned, sha11 be complied with prior to the :ammen~ement of the ac~ivir.y aucnorized under this resolutlon, or prior to the time that the building permtt is issu~ed, or within a period of. one year from date hereof, whichever uccurs i~irst, or sucn f•~rtliar ti.nre as the P3er.uing Commission moy gr3cct. 12. Tha; Cnnditior. Ncs, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ar.d 10, abov~-men~:o::ed sh~lY be comp2ied with priar to finaY buiTding and zonir.~ ittspeciion. Y974. THE FOREGOING RESGLUTION t.s signed and spproved by me this f~artn day of Pehra&ry, ~~'~~~/''~~!''~.e ~ ` "'-~~Lt CHATRMAN bNAHEIM CITY F~iANNIIGG COPIMISSIO ATTEST: - • ,~~~.u,~..e~,,~/ S~CltETARY ANAHLIN CITY PLANNTNG C0.~4dlSS1UN STATE UP CILIFOR'~lA) COUtdTY OF OR?NGE j ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) R2-A -2- RESGT.UTION r0. :C 74-32 ~J . ~ i, Patricia 5. Scanlan, Secretary of the City PPanning Cosmnission of the City of Anaheim, da hereby cert.iiy 'that tF.e foregoin~ resolution was peased snd adopted at a meeting ef the City Planning Cacc~issior of the City ef Anahe:m, held on February 4•, 1974, at 2:00 o°clock p~m,r by the following vcte of the members thereof: AYES: C0~41ISSIONERS: rARANU, JOHNSON, KING, GAUER NOES: COI~tISSTONERS: NONE ABSENT: CGMMISSIONERS: HERBST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereur.to set my Yiend this fourCh day of February, 1974. R3-A ~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIhG COMMISSION -3- RESOLUTION N0. 'rC 74-32