PC 74-33.., ~ _ _ ~
tdHEREAS, the Ci~y Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified
Petition for Varianc.e from WILLIAM HARMATZ and WILLIAM L. SHOEMAKER, 617 West 7th Stree~:
Room 70i, Los Angeles, California 90017, Ow^.2rs; ANACAL ENGTNEERING COMPaNY, Yost Offica
Box 3668, Anaheim, California 92803, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City
of Anaheim, County of Orange, State o~ Califurnia, described as follows:
Being a partion of the nurthwest quarter of the tiortheast quarter of the northeast quarter
of section 21, township 4 south, range 1C west, in the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana,
as per msp recorded in Uoolc 51 page 10 of miscellaneous maps, in the office of the county
recorder of said ~ounty, more particuZarh desr_ribed as follrnas:
Beginnit:g a~ che centerSir~e ir.tersection of Ball Road anJ Walnut S::rezt; thence south
0° 15' 26" edsc aYong the centerli.ne of Walnut Street 368 ieet to the true point of
Ueginning; thence north 89° 30' 42" East 407 feet; thence south 0° 15' 1b" easC 294.10
feet; thence south 89° 24' 39" west 407 feet ta v point on the cenrerlina of said Walr,u~
StreeL, thence nurth 0° 15' 16" west along said cent~rline 294.82 feet L•n the true ~SOin.
of beginr.ing.
; end
WHERE6S, the City Plar.ning Commission did ho'sd a p::blic heariag at the City lisll :!..
the City of Anaheim on Februar~ 4, 1974, at 2:00 o'c2ock p.m., noti~e oi said put,lic
hearing Uaving been duEy given as required by iaw and in accorda~r.ce with the plovisia;ts
of the Anaheim MunicipaY Code, Chapter 18.b8, to hear and consider evidance fur and agb~ne'c
said proposed variarice and Lo ir.ves*_iga::e and make findings and re~ommendations ln
connection therewith; r,nd
WHEREAS, ssid Commiss•Loa, after due insp2ction, investigat;.on, aud studp made by
itseYf and in its behaPf, snd after due consideration of a11 evideece and repurts effar.a3
at said hearing, does find and determine the foliowing facts:
i. Thst the petitiorer r.equests a v.~riarce from the Anaheim Munici.pal Cade, ~s fol.la~,;s,
eo estaUli~h an outdoor traiYer and "ooat storagc ysrd:
a. '~8,37.020 - Permieted uscs. (storage yard not per.mitted; storage yard pro}snae~;~
b, 18.37.030 - Requirzmert that uses be conducted wiChin a~buildin~.
~ ('buiYding required; none proposed)
2. Ttia~ Waivers ].-a ar~.d 1-b, above-mentiuned, are rereby approved on the basis ttiet
similar types of uses heve bEen established on nearby parcels of land.
3, That the petition.er stipuiated to re3.ocating the entrance ~o sabject propert~ '.~?
directly oppas3te Goodhue Avenue.
4. That it was determined that approprtatE surfacing of the storage area end
driveways should consist of AC asphalt.
5. That it was determined that subject Conditional Use Permit be granted subje::i: t:o
adequatE protecL•ion Ueing given to the residentiai integrity of t•he exisling homes to
the west, and that dense landscaping and walls should 'oe installed alor,g the propc:r.t~ :iir:~;:
to fully visually screen and sound bufEer the propoaed use Erum tlze ~urriiu:tding ~sr•c+; :•:i~:::
the exception that the petitioner scipulated to providing denae landscaping sr~i ~ cns=u'ti;:~:
fence alon3 the south property line and, in the eeent the property to the south is r.ot
developed with a 6-foot block wall abutting the subject property withir_ or~e year froni rhe
date construction begins on the suhject development, the petitior.er further stipulated tc~
removing said chainlink fence and to installing a 6-foot bloak wall at said properf:y '~.~~re.
6. That since the proposal was determined to be an interim use, a ~ime limic oi
fifteen (15) years should be established.
7. Tha~ it was detet~~ir.ed that vehicular access rights t:o Walnut SCreet sho;~3.d 1:+~~
dedicated to che City of An2Yieim.
8. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstal:ces ur condiL•~ons app?i::~'L-:.c
to the property involved or to the intended use of the pr.operty that do not apply ~e~E~~"t:?y
to che property or class aE uce in the same vicinity and zone. •
Vl-G -1- RESCT.trCTON NO.FC74-33
` 9, That the requested~varia:acc is nccassary for the p~servation and enjoyment oP a
substan~ia5. prupzrtp right posa~ssed by other property i.n the same vicini:q and zone, and
denled t~ the property in onestion.
10. T11At the requested variance wi11 not be mater1a11y detrimental tu the public
welfare or injurious ta che proper.ty or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which
the property is lucetzd.
Ii. That t•hree per'sons indicbted their presente at said pub'lic hearirg in oppasitiua,
one of whom appear~d and aubmitted a 1~etter containing approxim~tely six signatures, all
in opposition,
Tha:.~ !:Y~e Plauttic:g Conunission, in cur.i:eccion w2th a•~: ExempcioYi De~c2aratton Status re~uest, ,
finds and determir.~s t.het the propoeai would hsvE na signi!`icar.t Ea.virenment•al impact and,
chzreiore, x•ecommends to th~e Cii:y Co~:~cLP tha_ tio Er_viz•oc!xc2ntal In.rsct StsLEmer_t ia
NUW, THEREF~RE, b~ I'i' RESU'~VF'll t'h~t Lhe Ar_ahe3m City Fi.snnir_b Camsui3sion duas hereb'~
grant subje~t Feti~i.on fur Conditio;:51 C~ae P2rnic, upur~ th~ f~21~wi.ng cor:ditions which
~ire herzUy Pound ca be a ne~.essary prEZequi-r.:.te to the p:opo~ed use oi' the sab;e:et pruperc~
in or•',~ET' CO preserv2 :hz s~fe_y a::d geiiersi we2rare of the CiCiz~;:s o£ ~i:e (:iLg o1.'
1. That aiZ eiiginewring ~eq:~irEm~ii:s uf -.he Cit•r of AnahEim, alor,g Walaat Srre<:?-
•Lr.~luding preparatiun oi improveman•`_ ~Idi13 ~nd irstaiYaCion o£ e11 impravements saa~.ss
cuz•bs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading ar.d paving, drair.abe fseli~Cie~, or oth~r
appurtenent work sharl be compiied ~Lth as requi•red by tha Citq Lc:gir.e~r ~nd ia a~~::ordar.c;r
with stsndard pYane and spzaifications on ii7~ in Lhe ~ffice ot tha City Engin~eer, tl~a*
streec Yighting facilit•Le3 are:~g Walnut SCreet shall be i:~st:.aYYed ~~ z•equired by thc
Dire;:tor ~f Yub4i:: UtiYi.t:es, aud irc accordsnce with s*andard pEans a~d specifics~ior.s on
fi5.e in the oifice ur ~•he Direc~or of PubTic ti~iYities and tnst a hun3 ir. an amount ana
Eorcn ssti~factury to the C~ty of A•reheim sha1Z be posted wit'ti the Cicy to guarartee thc
inse~l3atian o~ the a'bave=nentioned re+quirements.
2. TtiaL• vehicuZar accrss rigtits to Wainul S*_rEet stiall bz dedicated ~o Y.ne i:i~y
ot Ar.ah2im.
3. That tha uwn~r(s} of subj~ct pzoperty snaYl pyy ~~ tlie Ci~y oi Ai;.ahEZm ~he s~tt~
oL 6C4 per front fool- siong Walnut Street f~r tree pEantic:g p::rposes.
4~ That trash s;:orege area3 sha'LY 'be p~o•rided in accor.dar::t w2th appra~~2d p1=r.s o.i
fiie with tlie o£fice af ~he D~:.re~.:to: oL Fue41c: Werks.
5~ That E3re hydra;:r.e sha3T 'ae ::nata'1'led an8 charged as reqc:3c~ed ~:~d de..er.mir,.ed Co ~~e
necessary by the Chief o'r the Pirz llepstCmen*_.
6. Thyt 6-fooC high m3sanry walis shall be constr•ucted a2ong the ru~~n prap~_ty i'L'=~'•
and rhec s 5-fr.ak wide Lsnds~ape area Lncluding s minimum of Y5-g~7.ior~ trees U~ ts:e^.ded
tt~raugh ehE praposed storage area inside said w~11 2nd ins~de the aouth p•ropert.r Fi.ne.
7, 'Phat a 6-faot hxgh chainYinlc feii~e sha1l be insCalled alang the sou~_h pYope~:t:}'
line, and in the ev~nt Y.ha p_operty to the sou::n is not develc~ped with a 6-fou~ tnsse+.iry
wa3Y abu~ting th~ subject praperty wlrhin one year from the darr. cot;~t:~u.:•_~iun begirs n:.
the subject develepmer.t, the pati~ioner atiall remove said chsir.lir~k f.er~ce and shall con_:'.'•~~r•r..
a 6-foot m~sonry wafl a_ said propErty line, as sl•ipuYated thereto,
S. That a heaviiy Iandscaped, minimum 3-Eaot high, earthen btrn wiCt~ a miniinum 5-1'.00~
h:i.sh soYid m~sunry wali on the top uf the berm shali be construcCed `[0 feeC ess~ or the
west propertv ~ir.e ad,jecent to Wainut StreeC,
9. That a Fandsa5pe pS.~xt irdiaat:ng the iandscspe treatmer.~. of the areas discusasd
in the preceding r.tems te suumltred to and approved by t.he De.veYopmen~ Services Dep:-rtm^_-~':.
Y0, That parking area lighting sha11 consist or down-light~r_g of e maximum .~eigl'rc c:•f
8 feet witliin I20 feet of the sln~~e-1emily residenr.es to the west, and be ditec!:ed vwu;;
from tlie propEr~y ~ines to protect the r.esidentiel integrity oi! t~he ares,
V2„~ _ 2.. RESOLUT'IUN IvO. Pi: 7~: -'~ i
° , 1~. Th~t subject pro~cy ~haiT be served by undergr~sul'!~ utilities.
12. That drainage of subject praperty shall be disposed af in a manner satisf.actory
to the City Eng~neer.
'13. In the event thet subject property is to be divided for the purpose of sa1e,
T~ease, or finar.cing, a p~rcel map, to record the appr.oved division of subject property
sha'lY be submit~~ed to and approved by the City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the
afiice of the O~ange Count•y Recorder.
14, That subject praper~y shall bz developed substantially in accordance with plans
and specificatians oa fiYe with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibi~ No. i; provided, however,
that the er.trance to subjec~ property shall be reSor.ated to direct2y opposite Goodhue
Av'er.ue, as scipulated to by che petittoner, ~nd thar. surfacing of the storage area and
driveways shall consist of AC asphalt.
'15. That Conditiun Nos. T~, 2, and ~. aoove-mentioned, shall be compfaed with prior
to the cuccmencement of the act•Lvi~y authorized under this resolutian, or ~:ior to the time
thac the buiFding permit is issued, or with3ri a period of one year from date hereof,
wtiLchever occurs first, or such further time es the Planning Commission may grant.
16, That Cor.dition Nos, 4, 6p 7, 8, 9, 20, ].1, 1'L and 14; abave-mentioned, shall be
caaplied with prior ta finsi bui5.dicig and zor,Ing inspections.
Y7, That a fifteen (15} year time Fimi_ shall be escabPished for the proposed interim
use, after which time the use sha'1£ be reviewed far considex•ation o€ aa edditional period
or time cr termir.atiun w3thaut prejadice,
TH"E FORE~GING RLSOlUTION is sigr:ed and appzoved by me thie fourch day of February,
~~~~.~ ~
.~A'~~~~C'~/~ f~~~~Cli~fiGG~f~+'
I, Pacricia B. Sc~nlar., Seare~&ry nf the Citq Planning Coccmiission uf the Citiy of Anaheim,
do hereby certify che~ ~h2 iu~regoir.g resalutiun wss passed and adaptzd at a meetirig of
the City Pia:f122b CORIRl15"slt}II oE che Cicy of Ar.aheim, heYd on Febr.a2ry 4, 1974, at 'L:00
o°clock p,m,, by the foI'.fowing vote of the members thereof:
iN WITNESS WI;~REOF, I hs'~e ~IEL'EUtltO set my hand Chis faurth d~y uf Februai•y, Y974~
~~~~~ ~/~7`Z_"_"_ "_/ --
V3=G -3- RESOLVPIUN N0. PC 74-33