PC 74-5~ ~ RwSdLUTION N0. PG7~-5 A RESQT.UTION CF' ;HE CITY Pi.tANN'fN~C C~:MhiISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOF2 VARIANCB D10. 2572 BE GRANTED IN PART WHEREAS, 2he City planninq Commission of t;tie Cit; of Anaheim d'ad receive a verified Petition for Variance from I.AWRENCE GALLEf;(~S, 2100 Ylest Bali Roau;, Ananeim, California 92804, Owner; TRANSAMERICAN CONSTRUCTION, IiVCORPORAT,F.D, 9252 G~rden Grove Boulevard, Garden Grove, Czlifornia 92644, Age,:: of ce'rtain real pro~erty 5ituated in the City of Anaheim, County oi O~ange, State o'f Laliforn+a d~saribed a~: PARCEL i: 7he North 180 ~Fet of the East 92 feet of Lot 6 of Tract No. 1Ci2, in ths Ciiy of Ar'~ahe3m, a~ ~hown on a map thereof recorded in book 12, page 6, M'asceilaneou~ Ma~>, reco~ds o~` s<~id Orange County. PARCEL 2: An easement for private road ~~rp~ses over the South 2il feet of the tJorth 190 feet of Lot 6 of Tract No. 162, in the Cit~~~ oT Aneheim, as sh~wn o~n a map therco~` recorded ir, book 12, page 6, Miscellaneous Maps, records of sa+d prange C~unky; EXCEPTINo TMEREFP,tlt1 tfiat partion included in Parcel 1 above de~cribec; KLSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM the East ;2 feet ; end WHEREAS, Lhe City Plenning Commission did hold a public heering et the City Halt ir. the Ci.iy oE Rneheim on Janua ry j, 1974, et 2:00 o'dock P.M., no:ice of seid public hearing having been dulp givc•n as required by law and in eccordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipel Code, Chepter ?a.68, to heer an~ cunsider ~vi- dence for and against seid proposed varience and to investigate end make findings end recommendationc in r.en~taction therewith; and WHEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inspection, invesiigetion, and study mede by itself end in ite beholf, and aEter due rnnsideration of eil evidence end repo~ts ofEered nt said heering, does find end detertnine tf~C f0:lo~vang fects: 1. That the petitioner requests variances from' the Aneheim Municipal Gode, as follcwa: e. SEC1'ION 18.04.050(1) - NonconforminR buildings in a"C" 2one. (Expansial a~ e nonconforming building not permitted; expansiun of a nonconforming Uuilding is proposed) b. SECTTdN 18.4Q,050(d) - Limited comnercial use of a residential structure. (Therapy and massage parlor not permitted; therapy and massage parlor proposed) 2. That Waiver 1-a, above-mentioned, is here?~y granted on the basis that the submitted plans adequately conform to the development atandards for the C-1 Zone. 3. T.hat the petitioner stipulated Co withdrawal of Waiver 1-b, above-mentioned, and further sLipule+ted to terminating the existing non-conforsing use (therapy and massage parlor) immediately upon completion o£ the development proposal, and that said building would be util- Lzed entirely for general business vffices tliereafter. 2. Thet there ere exceptionel or extraordinary circumstances or canditions applicable to the property involved or to L'~e intended use of the property thet do not epply generelly to Lhe property or class of use in the seme vicinity and zonc, ae granted 3. '?'hat the requested variancdis necessery Eor the preservetion and enjoyment of a substentiel property right possessed by othet pco~erty in the seme~~ic~~~~~$ zanc, end denied to the property in question. A. That the requested veriance wi 1 not e meterially detrimentel to the public welEare or injurious to the prop- erty or improvements in such vicinity and zone ir which the property is loceted. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Commisaion, in connection wiCh dn Exemption Declaration Status request, finde and deCerminex that the proposa'_ would have no significant environmental impact and, there"^re, recommends to the City Council that no EnvironmenCal Impact Statement. is necessary. Vl-G . _ 1. RESOLUTION N0, PC'4-5 ~ ~ ~ in part P:OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grandsubject Petition [or Variance, vpon th~ following conditions which ere hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the pco- posed use oC the suhject .property in ordrr !o preserve the safety and general welfere of the Citizens ofthe City oE Annheim: (1) Tbat tha owner(s) of sebject prop~rty shall Pay ~~o the City of Anaheim the sum of $2.00 per front foot along Ball Road and Empira Str~et for street lighting purposes. (2) That the owner(s) of subjec~ property sha71 pey to Che C~ty of Anaheim the aum of 60 cents per Lront foot along Ba11 Road and Empire Street for tree planting purposes. (3) That• appropziate w2ter assessment fees as determined Uy the Dirrctor. of P~iblic Utilities shall be paid to t.ne City ui Ansheim prior to the i8suance of a building permit. (4) That a perpetual ~asement 2greemenf. for a stri}~ of land 20 ,feet wide for road purposes located in the soutli portion of sub}ect property sha11 be submitted to and approved by the C2ty Attorney's Office and tF~en be filed and rer_orded in the office of the Ornnge County Recordes. (5~ That subject property shall be develo,ped substaatially 3n accosdence with plans and apecifications on file with the City of Anahe~.m marked Exhibit Nort. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. (6) That Cond'ztioz~ IdoS. 1, 2~ 4 and 5, above-mentinned, sha11 be comp.ted with prior to ~ne ~ommencement of the activity authoriz~ed under this resolution or prior to the time that C'he building permit is issued, o.r c33thin a periad cf one year E;rom date hereof, which- ever occu.rs first, or sucfi £urther ti~ne as rhe Rlanning ~CccamLssion zsay ~granc. ~7} Th~t the existing no~confarming use (CMerapy and massage p~rlor) ahall be term- inated aad/or discontinised :n¢nediately upon CO'S.plPt~Ori of Che ~evelopment proposal and thaC said building wlll be atilized entirely fnr general ~buainese officea thereafter, as stipu- lated to by the peCl.Cioner.. TH~ FOREGOING tiESOL1J'TION ls aigrecd an~ epprove3 by~ me thig 7Lh day ~f January, 1974. _...~I~~~F-ye'"' ,Eeu/SS~C,~'~_____~ .~rL[~,L1.P CHAxRMA~i ANAHEqM CITS~ ~LANIVING COMMISSION ~ ATTEST: ~ ~:~..~~ ;a ,~~c.~.~ SECRETARY hhtAHEIM CITY PLANfiIING~ COhiMIS3YQN STATE OF CALIFOFd,N1A ~ COUIVTY o~' 012hNC~ } ge, CITY OF ANAHEIM ~ I,Pat~-icia FS. Sc~a'nlar6eeretery o: the City Yle:~nin¢, Commiasion aE thrt City o~ AneSieim, do hereby certify thot the Eoregoing r.esolution w9a ~as~ed ond edoptet! at a metliag ef tht City Plaening ~ontmiseion of the City of Aneheim, held an January 7, 197t+, et Z:00 o'ciACK T'.'i , h;, tcite foilowing vote of the members thereoE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: PARANO, HERBST, KING, SEYMOUP,, GAUER. NOES: COMMi5SI0NER'S: NONE. ABSENT: CO1dMISS10NERS: NONE. Ild SVITNESS WHEREOF, I heve heceunto eet my I:end this 7th day of January, 1974. ~ ~ • /`-~. ~ S~CRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSTON V2-G '2" RESOLUTION N0. PC7~F-5