PC 74-51. ' ~ ~ RESOLU"'ION I2~. PC74-51 __ __ _ A RESOLUTION aF TNE CT'TY ~LANIiiNG COMMiSSTbN OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM REPETI1TIONFOSi. REC'f~ASSI ICl~TIQNIh'0. ~~ ~~~Y O BE AAPPRO ED T tion fcomH JAMES~ t~iite Plalninc/o RUSSEL A.~BE~iKEg~ RI520~ Miiramarl Drive~,fiFulLee~tton~~Ca~i~ornia 9263i, Owner; and RUSSEL A. BETKER, 15i0 MirbmBr., Fu"LErton, California 9263i, Agent, of certain real pruperty s~tuat'eJ in the City of AnSheim, Coamty of Orange, S~.ate of California, described as follows: That portion of lot 24 of Araheim Irvestm~nt Company~s tract, as rer map recorded in Book 7 Pages 33 ar.d 3~ of Miscellaneaus Maps, in the ofEice of the county recorder of said county, lytng westerYy of the westerly line of Tracr To. 2802, es per map recorded in Book li7 Pages 45 and 46 of seid m:sceliarieous maps. Lxcept the south 450 feet. A portion of said Yand is shown on a mep filed in book 9 Pege 37'of parcel maps in the office oF the county recorder of said county. '. ; end WHEREAS, the City Plenning Commission did hold a public hesring nh 'the Ci:y Hall in che Clty of Anaheim on March 4, 1974, at 2:Op o'clnck P.M. notice of said publlc:,heaikn~ having been duly given es ~equired by lew and in eccordence with the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal: Code, Ch~nptier 18.72, to hear end conslder evidence 4or and against seld proposed reclessi(icetion end to investigete and:mi:;ce'findings end recammendatlons ir. connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, e{ter due inspection, investigetion, and study mede by itself end 1n its behelt, end aEter due consideretion of ell evidence end repods offered af suid heanng, does find and determine the tollowing fects~ 1. Thet the petitioner proposes e redessificetion'cf. the_obove d,esctibed propetty (rom the City of Anaheim R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, ta the R-3, MULT1:='LE-F.4MILF RESIAEI3TIAL, ZONE. 2. Thut the proposed reclussificetlon ;oC subject property fs necessery end/or desireble fo: the orderly end pro- per development oE the community. 3. Thet the proPosed reclessificetion ot subject property does properly i.lele to the zones and thei~ permitted usea locelly esteblished~ln close'proximity to subjrct property and to the zones und their permitted uses generelly esteb- lished throughout the communiry. ENVIRONMENTAL IMYACT REPORT FLNDING: That the Plannin~ Coimnisaion recommenda to the City Council thet th~ sub,ject project be exempted from the requirement to prepare an ~nviroumental Impect Report pursuor~t to the proviaions of the California EnvironmQr.tai Quality Act. R.A _1- RESOLUTION N0. PC74-51 "' ^ NOW, THEREFORE, BE ~ RESOLVED that the Anaheim C:ty~ar.ning Ccmmissian does ~ereby recommend to the City Councii of the City of An~heim that subject Petition for Recl~ssifica- tian be approved and, by so doir.g, that Title IS-Zoning of the ~naheim Municipai Code be amended to exclude the ebvve described property irum the R~A, AGRICULTURAL, ZO~E, and to incorporate said described property into the R-3, bfULTI`rLE-FAMILY RESIDcNTIAL, ?ONE, upon the follcwing conditions which are herety faund ta be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subjec~ proper~y in order to preserve the safety and generaY welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: . 1, T_hat th~ owners of subject property shali de~d ro che City of ~r.aheim a strip of land 53 feet in width ir~m khe centerline of the street aPang B~iY Rcad for street widening purposes. 2, That all engineering reGuirements of the City of ynaheim, aYung B~lI Road and Paim Way incYuding preparacion of improvement pi~ns and instaYYation of aEl impravements such as curbs and gutters, sidewaiks, streeC grading and pavir.g, drain9ge faciYities, or other appurtenar.t work shalT be cmipTied wii•h as required by ¢he Cit~ Engineer snd in accordance with sCaadard plans~and specifications on file in the office oF the City Engineer; that str.eee lightir.g faaiilcies a~ong B~IY Raed end Falm Way shall he irstalY2d as required by the Diz•ector of P~b3ic Uti3it3es, and ir. accardance with ~~and~rd p2ans ~nd specificaticns on file in the ofrice af lhe D?rector of Publi~ Utilic=ea and that a nund in an amour.t snd form satisfac~ory t~ ".r~e C?Lp oL• Anaheim shali be pQSCed witn ~he City to guaraniee the instaYlation af che abave-mentianed requirements, 3. That che owners of subject property shalY pay =o •~he City of Anahe3m the scm of 60c per front foot alor.g Ba3Y Road and Palm Wey £or cree p15r,ting purposes, 4. That trash starage areas shaYL be pruvided in ~ccord~nce w~Ith approved pls::s on file wich the offiee af the Directar of Public Works. 5. That fire hydrarts sre~l bz instalred ar.d charge~ a~ r~quired aud determined to Ue necessary by the Cnief oi` the Fire Depa;~<<ner.~ prior ta ccauner.cement of structuraS framing. 6. Thai aYI air condicior.ing faciYities shal]. be preperYy shielded from view, and the sour.d buff2red frum adjacent properties. 7. That subject praperty shaiY be served by urdergrav.nd utiPit~~es. 8, That dr~ir.ege of subjeat prop2rty shalY he dispased of in a manner satisfacr:ory ~,.~ to the i.ity Er,gineer, 9. That the owners of subject property sha11 Fay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park a~d recrearion in-Yieu fees as determined *_o be apprapriat~ by th2 C£ty Council„ said fees to be pdid at tae time the buiiding permic is issued. 10. That subject praperty shall te developed substantieYYy 3n accordsr.ee with pP~as an~ specificatiar.s on fi'~e wilh the City uf 3naheim marked Exhxbit Nos. Y, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Yi. Prtar co the itetroductian of ar. ordinance rezonir.g subject praperty: Canditie~n Nos. 1, 2, end 3, above-m_nl•ioned, shall be completed. The pro~isior.s ar r-~ghts gr~.ted by this resolution shalY become nuYl snd void by action az the Cf.ty CounciT ur.3ess said condi.tions are compYied with w_thin one year from the date her~of. or such furchar time aa tne City Council may grant. 12. That Conditien Nos. 4, 6,'7, 8, and Y0, aUove-mantioned, sh~tL be cumgY:Led with pricr to final buLYditig and zoning Lr.~pections, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION ~s signed and approved by me this faurth dsy o£ Mar.h, i974. CHAIRMAN~~.2 ~ _ i-z ANIvTN~ 0?~MI~ ~. ATTE ~.~,~-~.~ ~~,.~ SECR;TARY AN,9HEIM CI'TY FI!~NNT_NG COMM7SSION STATE OF CAT~IFOfiNIA ) COUNTY Or ORANGG j ss CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ~ I, PaCricia B. Scenlan, Secr~tary of the City Planning Cocc~nise:icr. of thE Ci~y c+f br.aheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolu:ion was passed snd adopted s: a m~ehir.g of the City PZanning Cammission of the City of Anahelm, held on Merch 4, I974, at 2:00 o°ciock p.m., by the foZlowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIGNERS: CUMYTON, FARANO, HERBST, JONNSON, KIhG, MORLtY, GAOER NOES: COMMIS5IONERS; NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my and this fourcti day uf March, 1974, ~~i~ .~J/"' SECRETe1RY ANAHEIM CITY ."riANNING COMMISSION R2~A -•2- R~SOi.UTIUN N0. PC74-51