PC 74-52^'~ ' ~ RESOLU'TION NC. FCi4"~2 ~ A R~SOLUT_ON OP TH~ CITY PLANNING COMMFSSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT FETITION FOR VARIaNCE N0, 2583 SE GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Planning Cccmnission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from PETE HI'L'TSCNER, 918 West RomneyaDrive, Anaheim, CaYifarnia 92801, Owner; and POTTS-BRUCKNER CORP., ii341 Irvlne Bou'Ievard, Suic~e 111, Tustin, California 92680, and JOHN E. COWLES, JR., Y8582 Reach Bou'Sevard, Suite 214, Euntington Beach, Cal3forni~ 92468, Agents, af certair. reaY praperty sitea*_ed in the City of Anaheim, Cour.ty of Orange, State of Californi~ described as £ullows; That portion of Lots 9 and TO of Mi.3.es Rancho, ir, the C:ty af Anaheim, Courty of Orange, Sr.ate af Ca~ifuraia., as per map recarded in Book 4 Page 7 of MisaeTlaneous Maps, in the office of the caur.ty r.ecorder of s3id cuunty, descrihed as follaws: Beginning at a point an the nnrih Yir.e of fot 9 of said Miles Rancho westerYy 328.98 feet from the northeast cori.er of said Yot 10; thence easterYy 174.6o f.~et aYong the north iine af said lots; thence southec•Yy 1319.20 fee~, in a d~rcct line to a polnt un the south line uf said Pot 10 westerly 156.32 feEt Erom tue ~outheast ::orner of said iot Y0; chence westeriy T74.66 feet aYar.g said soutn Yiuc; thence r.ortheriy f3I9.30 feet ir, a direct line L•o the point of beginning. Except the east 1'L feet ~f the north 85 fEet, AYso exr.ept ch~~ portiun iying soucher5.y of the nur~~nerly tine ai the land described in the deed recorded Jure 6., Y963 in B~ok 657i page 2090 of ofPic~al rec~rds. WHEREAS, the City Planr.ir,g Commi~siou did hold a public hesrirg at the City HaY~ in the City of 9r.sheim un March 4, 1574, at 2:00 o°clack p.m., r.u:.ice cf said pubTic hearing having been duYy given as required 'by 1aw ard in accord~,r,.,:e w~Ith ~he provi~i~~rs uf. the Anaheim MunicipaY Code, Chapter Y.8o68. to hear and cansider evider.ce far ~nd ag:~i.^.s` said proposed v~riance ar.d to investigtite ar,d make fir.dir>gs and recc;~mierdations in cunr.ec`_~ian therewith; and WHER~AS, s~id Ccmmissian, sfl•er dua inspectiu~., inves?:igalian, ar..d s~udy made by itseYf and in its beha:f, and aftzr due car.sideratiaa of ai~i evidErce aad reporL•s offered at seid hearing, da~s fir~d and de~ezndrt~e tht follawing iac-..s: 1. Tha: lhe ~e::itioner requesto carisnces from the Aitaneim Mnn£cip~i Gade., es fu~L'~.aws, to ctnstruct s 25-ureit apartmer.t cumplex: a, Sec:2e>.i Y£3.U4~090 Y Z•~ Maximum fence he__~__fh= in fr~nt setbeck, (3° 6" required; 6° 0" pr~posed}, ~ b. Sectiun 18~28.050(5)(bj W Maximum buiEriinR_hei~ht within 150 ieet~~3f R-y Zone. (On2~stc~ry requirzd, 2-stur.ias praposed) c, Section 4$.'L8,050 6~- Minlmum ~~r•acr..uraE setba~:k Prom caTSec.t.~r ~~r~~~t~ (26 feet req4iredy T5 fest propased), ~ d. S~ctior. Y8.28.050(6)(e)2 ~ Maxi.mum masonrv weTY height in frant s~ e,_tbar.k, (s` 6" required; 6~0~' proposed) e. Section Y8.28.050(7~,a~, - M3.nimum distance bztweer. bui~ldin s, (L7_fe~t. ~r;d 3~„feet_ requir.edr 'G~ £zet ~nd 9Y fe~c pti'upased). 2. That Wa;.vers T-a and 'i-d, abovermer.t~?~xied, ar.e herel~y grsrted on 'r:ne basS.~s `:nat l-he fences are dec~srative i.n nature ar.d Qre compstioie wi.th the arenil:eetuice 3. Th~[ Waiver S-o, abovE-mentt.oned, is hereby grerited on ~he d8313 tnat a two-story apartment compYex is ai~uated beiweec~ the subjecC prcper~p and the•R~9 pstcel ::o the w=~t, 4. That Waiver_ l~c, above~mencioned, is hereby gra-:ted on tha UssLa th~~ :he iro~t setback would align with the set'backs ni Che adjacer.t properties. 5. Thtac Walver T-e, above-mentioned, is hereby gr9r.ted un the n~sis ~.`:~t ~he reruest is mi.nimal. 6, That.there Qre exceptior,al or extraordir.ary circumstences or car.nitior.s epp'tfcable to the praperty invoYved o: tc Che i.nter.ded use of ~he prcperty :F.at d~ r.ot appYy generelLy to the property or class of u~e in tFe ssme vi~fnity and zone. 7. That the requested varianc:e is r.eceasary for L•he preservatian snd er.joyyment of e substantial property right passessed by o::her pruperty in che sr~me vi.cir.ity atxd za°ce, and denied to the praperty in questiou. 8. That the requested variance wil'i r,u~. be materielly de~rimzntt,5. to the pubiic welfare Qr in}urious to the property uz' ite~rov~mer:!'s in sac'r. vicinf.t:y ar.d z~ne :n which the properCy is located., 9. That the petitioner s~•iguYSted tc che completicn of Re~iassiFication h~s~ 55~56••46: now pending. Vl-G -9.- RESOLL'TION N0. i'C74-52 ~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FTNDING: That ~he Planning Commission recnmm~ends ta the Cfty Council that the subj2ct project be exempted from the requirement ta orepare an Environmental Impact Report pursusn: to the provisions of che CaYiforni~ Env~:ronment•al Quality Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the rlnaheim City PLanning Comv~issiaa does hereby' grant subject Eetiticn for Varisnce, upon the follawing cnnditiot:s which are hereby found to be a r.ecessary prerequisite Lo tF.e nropos~d use of the subjecC property in arder to preserve the safety ~nd general welrare of the Citizens of the C1*yo uf Anaheim: 1. That this varian~.e is gr9nted subject. tu the cum~letion o= Reclassificar.ian No. 55-56-46, now pending, as stipulated to by the petitior.er. 2. Thac the owner of sub~ject pruperty shalY deed to rhe City ot Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet in width from che cer.terYt.ne of i:he street along Romneya Lrive for street widening purposes. 3. Th9t a13 er.giaeerir.g reqc~z•emen~s of the City ef Ar.Sheim, alorg Ramn~ys Dx'fve including prEparatioa of improvemen~ pians ar.d instaYYation of aTE improvements s::ch as carbs and gutters, sidewsYks, stree= grad3ng snd pav:~.g, drsinage facilities, or other appurterant work sha~il be complied with as reyuired by the City Engineer and •Ln accordance with standard plans ar.d spe~ifi.aation: oa Eiie in the Of=ice o[ ttie City Engineer; that street iighting facilities alang Rcmne~a llr.ive shsll 'oe insta~Yed a~ r2quired by the Director of Public UtiYities, and ir. aacor3ance with standard pYans ar.d specificatiuns oa fiYe ir, t!~e Ottice cf the Directo:~ of Public Utilities and that a bond in an amount ar.d form s3ti.sfactory ~o the Citv of Aneheim shaS.L be posted with the City to g~arantte the installa:ion of the above-merctioned r~quirements. 4, That th= uwner oE subj~:.t property shali pay to t•hr City of Ar.aheim ttie sue~ GT 60C per front faot aYong Romneya Drive and Lodge Avenva Eur tree p3arting purposes. 5. That trash storage areas shall be pr~vided in acc~rdance wieh appraved pSans on file wi.th the Office oi the Directur of P4blic Works. 6. That £;re hydrar.ts sh~ll be instalEEd s:d charged as rr:quir2d and determined L•o be n2cessary by tre Chief of the Fire Depertment priar to commencement of structuxaY framing. 7. That all air-canditior;irig facilities sha1Y be properly shia~ided from view, ar.d the sound buffered from adJacenl• px•operties. 8, That subject property shalY be served by underground utiYities. 9. Thar drainage uf subjact property shsll be disposed of in a mar.ner sr~eisfactory tu the Ci*_y Engin~er. 10. Tnat the owner af subjeci~ property sha11 pay ta the City of Ar.ah~eim the appropriate park and recreatian in-Iieu fees as determ•lt:ed to be appropriate oy the Ci~ty Cocacil, seid fees to be paid at the time ehe bul'lding peimit is iesued. lY. Th~t this v&riar.ce is gr,snted subject to Che comp'letion of RecYassificsti.on No. 55-55-46. Y2. That scbject praperty shPYR be devz4aped substbnCiaIlPy in eccordar.ce w3ih pTsns and specificatiuns or. fiYe with the CLty'of Anaheim m~rked Exhibit Nos. T, 2, 3, and 4. 13. That Candition Nas. 1, 2, and 3, above-mentior.ed, sha11 be compYied witt~ priar to the commencemeat of the ac*_ivity authorized under this rESOlutian, or priar ta the time Chst the building permi~ is issued, or within a period uf ane year fru~ d~te hereof, which- ever occurs first, or such further time as the PYanning Commisainn msy gren~. 14. That Condition Nos. 4, 6, 7, 8, 7.0 and F1, above-merationed, sha1Y be samplied with prior to final buiYdi.^.g and zon3ng inspections. TtiE POREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me tYd~ Y.~~rtR d~a~ of Maach 1974~ ~~.v_1s~'~•~. Cl~".IRMAN ANANEIM CITY PLANnING CO~ISSw'At~ ATT ~~~~~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CI'TY PLANNING COMMTSS'.LON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of ttie City Planning Commission of the City of Ansheim, do hereby certify thac the foregoing resolut~or. was passed and adapted aC a meeting of the City Planning Commission of ~he City of Anaheim, held on March 4, 1974, at 2:d0 o~clock p,m by the following v~te of the members thercaf: AYES: COMMISSION£.RS: COMPTON, FARANO, NERBST, 70HNSON, KII~~, :SORLE7C, GAUER NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sec hand_this fourth d y of Marcn, 1974. ~_ ~T ~ A, Ais _. ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-52 SECREtaRY'ANAHEIM CI'PY ?i9NNING CU~1iSSIUN ''