PC 74-54~ . ~ RESOLUfION N0, PC74-54 _ ~
WHEREAS, the Ci::y Planning Commission of the City ol: ~1n~heim did receive a verified
Petition fc: Reclassif3.cetion trom rREEWAY COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, INC., Attenticn Ne1s M.
Ostr~m, 900 WiZshire lsaulecard, Los Ar.geYes, Caiifornia 90617, Owz:er; and CARL KAR~;HER
ENTEP.PRISES, INC „ Attention B. Karcher 2nd/or D. Garrisun, 1200 North Harbor BouYevard,
Anaheim, California 92803, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim,
County of Orange, State of Californi~, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and
referred to herein as L•hough set forth in full; and
WHEREAS, the C•ity Planning Caaanissian did hold a public hearing at tha City Ha11 in
the City of Anaheim on March 4, Y974, at 2:00 p.m., not3ce ai said public he~ring having
been duly given &s required by law and tin accorddnce with the pravisions of the Anaheim
MunicipaY Code, Chapter Y8.7'L, to hear and cansider evidence fur ~nd against said propused
recTassification and to ir.vestigate and mek. findings and reccmmendations in connectian
therc~u~ith: and
WHERE,9S, said Cc¢nnission, a£ter due inspECtion, ir.vestigation, ar.d study made by
itself and in its 'behelf, and after due consideraCion of ail evidence and reports offered
at said he3ring, does find and determirie the folYowing facts:
1. That the petitioner proposES a reclassification of the aoove-described praperey
2. Ths,t the petitiotier demonstr3ted that the proposed racYassification was the
high~st. and best use uP the p'c•cperty.
3. That it was detetmined thet the properLy was a difficu'!t one to daveYop with
any use, and that sny ukher use wouY3 create ar lea~t as many problems with regard to traffic
in the area.
4. That klie propo~~d reclassificatian of subject praperty is necessary and/or
desirabie for the orderly and proper deveTopment of the commun:ty.
5. That the propased recYassificatiun of subject prcperty does preperfy re'iate tu
the zones and their pecmitted uses 9.aca1ly established i.n c£ose proximity to sutject property
and t•u the zones and their pecmitted uses generalYy es=ablis:ed throaghout the cocnmunity,
6. That it was determined that thr easterYy driveway prc~viding acc2ss tr Manchester
Avenue should be elinrinated.
7. That the signing o£ the pr.~po~ed w.xlk-up, drivE-in restauran*_ shall riot exceed
60-feeC in height.
S. Thak it ~aaa detetmined that any reuf'-maur.~ed or other Air-u:und:tianing ~eaaipmenC
should be prcper~y view screeued, ~,nd the sound buffered tram adjacerct pr.operCies.
9. That one person sppeared at said public hearing ar.d prese•.,:ed a Setter i.r.
opposition to subJect reclassificatiun.
That the Plarr.ing Commissl.on z'ecommends to the City Coancil t.hat tht sub;;e~t prdject be
exempted from the requiremer.t to prepare an Envlror.mentaP i~pac~ Repox~~ porsuant ta tne
provisions o£ Che CsTiforzia Environmental Quaiity Act,
NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT RL'SOLVED that the Acaheim City P3antting Co~nisaion d~es hEraby
recommend t~ the City Council of th~ City of Anaheim that subject Petiti~n for Reclassifi-
cation be appzoved and, by so doing, thet TLtle Y8-Zuning of the An.~he.Im I.unic:Lpal Code be
amended to exclude the above-described pruperty frc~ui the R~e~, AGRICULTL'~R~1L, ZONE, and ta
incorporate said described property ir.to the C-Y, GENERAL CO~IMERCLA~, ZONE, upor. t.h~
following conditions wl~ich are hereby found to be a necessery prerequisite to the prapos~d
use of subject property in arder to preserve Che safety ar.d general we3f~zre of ~he
Citizens of the Cfty of Aneheim:
1. That a~l engineering rzquirements of the City of AnaY~eim along Kvteila Way and
Manchester Avenue, including preparation of improvement plaiis arid insCaTlaCion of ell
improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalks, street grading arid paving, drainage
facilities, or other appurtenant work shall be complied with as requiced by the City
Engineer and iu accordance with standard plane and specificatiuns on fiPe in the officP af.
the City Engireer; that street lighting fscilities alor.g Kate%la Way and Manchester Avenue
shall be installed as reguired by the Dlrector of Public Util•Lties and ir, acr.ordance with
standard plans and specific~tions on f1Ye in ehe office of the nLrector oF Fublic UtiFities;
~_1 .y,~ RESGI,UTICr N0. 1'C74-54
f • ~ ~ x ~~~~~
L, ~ ~ • ~~/ ~~~~~~ ~
• ~ ~ ~~~. ~rJ.~
I•.''.~ -'.' ~'.The estate or interest in the ]and descri'ued or referred to in this schedule co~~ered by this report is:
s fce
Tide to said estat~ or interest at the datc hercof is vested in:•
Fltl'i:'.:'i7Y CGI^ei:u.I~L P°L'I'ERiIES~ I'+~C.. a CaliL-ornia cox;soration. -
The land referred to in this report is situa:ed in the State of California, Countp of Orango
and is described as follo~+s: '
~'~"rr'"' ~ ~ .
i'hat aortir.R o= the 5o~z~i~~,~~st quart:~r ef t;~o soutts~aest C.L'a_2tt]X of
Section ?.3, ,aa~~`:i~ ?'=ou~:~q ~:~~ae 10 Glest, in ti.~c ^ar_c:1o :1a J~3an
Cajor. c:? Sa:~~a F:na, Cit{ o_° Ar.v'~eir~~~ot:ntfi o` ~'an'erP'~?toFof
Czl? farni~, a~ ^ha~~ on s r•~~;~~ recer:icd n_aoY. 5_, f_~3 -
2'.isccllai_.^.ous '.?au•-.• in th~ o•F°ic~ of t:~e c~unty =ecorcier oP said
county, descrir~e3 az follaJSi •
Ba_Ginninc7 3t t'l~? F~4tnr~Y tr.X^!it-u3 oi' Lh~ course sho~rr.i as °South fll•
~,±~ 3~• :~;nst, 359.Z? ~~r_t ~:itiin Pazce;. I o,". L.'~r_ 5tate I:i~hcray T:r.li:~-
qui!~h~er.t .+o. 52~ rccczr?eG t)cac.~r5er 27, 13G,i irs .~m:: a7.~G, pceqe 3"5 of
CPficf.al :;e~ords= ~Llr^.^.e al~:~~ t:e baunr~ary of said rrlin~~13.~ t::*en~ t:ie
folla,rir.q c~ur~^~s: Soiit~a. t31' lI' 34" ;aas~ 35f3.12 f^e~ to ths t~eninning
of a cur~:~ ca :cave :'astr.rly Itaving a zadiu4 0~ 55.J0 fF:et, s:r.zt~rly.
~o.tii:~orcterl•~ :ta~ soiith~rly 77.^7 f~c~ alona s1i.^ cu~~ t:ra'1r,i a c:r.trnl
u.-~y~e of ~1° 13' d5", ~o~th 0° 02' 15" L~a~t I4.3~ fc«:t to a point on n
r.~n-tar.rye:ct rn~rve cnncave :'ozt.h^-1y ;1avi^~? a radius •ef Z~fl.O~ fret, a
r.~:ia1 t-c sai~1 ;:oin~ h^.ars 5outn :?° 57' S5a rna~~ ~.a,~texl.y ~2.37 f~et
~lo:~? ~ai~ ::urve t~rl~:IR~t a c^ntral :i:.~;In ~f 30° GQ' 3~", iinr'~..~'~ 5~° 57'
4S" F.~~t i')7.Gr3 fn~t, !;orth 0° 02' 15" .~~t ~o a noint on a 1on-tangent
curve co;zc;~:^ :ast'~tscsterly Ylflvin9 ~ xa~=iu~ of 970.00 fcet a r1c?iaZ ~o
~~, ~ ~5° 5:1' 22° :'ast, 1<ozt?torE~tez2y 95.23 fcet
saict ~~ai..^_t :~_~z.. =;•~z~:i a be~7inning.
+-,~'~rouga a c~r.tsal a:~~lc of 5° 37' 03° te ~'~e ~cir.t a~
E.'tCiPTF?~~ Tj'•r~f•~~%~~ all ninerals, oils, gasca nnd oth~r hyclrocas'.~en~
~•~ za::at:zcev~r ~r,;~e :r.c~cn t:zat r. ~;- b~ uit:~i.n or untler t!:e pazceS, ot Iand
d; or ~^ine
~~rein.b~ve ~~scr~~tc', ~•jti~1~••t+ haa^_rrr, tn.e zfr.nr. tn @r~.21• .9
~ilzcuc;ii tn~ su~i'ac ~;~9~4 ~',!~9~~~er 50i1 fcet thezHOf.
FEB 1974 ~, contl','.~t 8d-~ ~ // ~
RECEIVF~ `" KECU~SS. NU. ~ ~r _-7,• ~
zon-na °'
q~V18tON a.,~
P.I16C IG.S.)
CLTA Yreli:ntnary Rcro~~ Form ~C~
.1' ''. .
... ~F P~,T 21
~ .`~ . . • - . .~,..
"'hat gflrtian of t.`~e ^on~l~rPSt ~jaart~r of tli~ soutta~est qnatter of
cectioa 23, To~~r:sui~ ~:,out:~s ~:ang~ 1Q ;'~~t, iz~ tjie ~•'.anc.no Szn 3w:.a ;
Cn jon de Danta ~'s.-sa, C:.L~ o: :,r.ahefr.~, ~o:~~*_p of 0~-anc;o, Stata .~= Caiizo~ae
~s ner ~a~ recordeil i.n L•^c:. 5J., ryace IO of ~tisc~Il. n4au~ :!aps, in y.he
ufiico o= th° i:oEZntl i:ecarcisr of ~yad Ca+~ty, c~~s~~~a ~~ io3.3cwe t
B~,inr_in9 a~ t~`:e ~as~r.r.3.~, ~.ar,:.inuss oP tha ~FOrthesiy l~ne oP tiiat
cexi :.':~ g~zceZ ot i~:,3 '~~ui4~.c1 ca'~n1o~clp ~n ~11 s:.das bY Parcal 1
of State xiinr•r:a2 1?elinc{~i~i:,-:ti~nt .~o. 525, a> si~own or. the nap ~iie~l in
boo!c ~, Pag'a 3<.nd ? o~ liic,:zcra[ t.,ap~ ia the offic:~ a~ t3ir~ T'iecord~r n~
eaid caunty, aa~u :Jn;t,:•a~~1 I.iua ~ho~aa ~s ,iavi.nc~ a~earin~ aad dia~~ir.e
of Saa~ 41° 12~ ?4~ ::~~c~ 353.12 _~~tt 4:.'~unc~ alang said :iortherll
IIri th~'var•:.n~y cn:srrca z~ txa Y~~unclarq~ o~ ca.d I.r.n~, 5osth ~3.° 13•
30" :;•~st 355.12 feer to •~.`~a b^ginniag ~i a i:an~~nt czxvc cona~v3 to ~ha
South~a~~ h::vi:~g a saaiua of 55 feett ~hancc alohg saicl curv~ thraug~ a
ceatra3 anglc of til° Z3' ~'~5'~ an src distaa~a of 77.9? f~ct~ thnnc^ ~nc~nr.t
to ss~.d ~arv°~ 5cn~-t~ 4" 03• 15° ~~a~E 7.4.3~3 ~eet ta ~:e 7%e,.isminq o° a
ncatangen~ ct:z~~G cvncavQ to the tdo~h~ast kiaving a raui~:a ni ~~~ i~~~
a r~~iai I~~e 1::7.-aL~ih sa;d i:~gin:~r.,c, of curva Y.ears ::ort~- 29° 57• ~%~"
En3ti ~~~~o glo~~ said cur~z 'ti~-rouch a centr~il angle of 3tl' 00' 3~'
~sn arc ciistar.cc~ a~ 52.37 fc.~t to tha tle.~tcrlp terreint.~ o~ t.he Sautl~er3y
li.~e of said parc~2 of 3znd iiaving a 1^,eetz~ing and di~t..nce af tTort~h o5°
~}~ C:, ~. y !~f :.-:+• - '~ :~...,~ 's..^.zv.:n•7 ~'s:e 'r.r,nn~:.~r.-y or" sz~u Purc~l ~=
SI ~J ~~1~ ~VI~4L 1\ u~ ~.~'~.~a~:
la:id, aioaq a ~uro~ t~'~?er,c ta sai~ Souttisrly ii.~.~ aad ce;.cavr. to t.~~.° •
4lo~~as~ lia~ir,g a xauiu~ of 155 ~•~et throuqh a cc~ntral an~'-Q of~ 180
~ u c •~ iv°~ ~O 3~O?]lt Ot CfJ~. nOL'i7C~. C1lL'~TC2~. 8
a0 QO an arc di.,tar.ca cF 53 3
x~dia2 13n~ t:~xouch sai:l point b~ars South lQ° 27' 15' ?•?ent~ th=-'ca
alor.g e:~i3 ce-~r,~cr.nd cttwe h:~vixtcF a radius o= 36 Peat thr~agh ~ c~ntral
angle oE ~.3tf° 02' 45" ~n arc distanco of~81,~1 Yfeot, aA=ai:ih~,,~lpnt t~s~.~Z
the onci o~ sa~ci curvr~ bears ::o~n 31 30 Q0 T,:.3ti i:~l.-RC~ q-
carve .1ort!~ 53° 30` ~0" r.a:s_ 57.00 ~ee~s ''•.1:ence L+ortY~ 33.° 53' 20" z.ast
~87.~3 =e~t ta t~-~~ begixaing oi a t-sn4c~ t c•~r~e cancave ta tti~ ~=ortnt:e~t
ht-~ing a radiu~ o-". kZ se:~~i 't..henc° aZo: g sai3 curve '-,.hrauyh a central
a~gle af 87° 33' 15" aa ax'e cii~tancr: of 52.7.I "s^.et, a raciial liao
ukr.a_z~a•ieent~linp~Seu~is 39°chb~~4G^ i:as~ G6,19~feet~to thojpain.tcotalca~
~xCyPT~*tG a~ to ptirtian ~~ said 1an~, aZl ~xistin9 0±1, oi:. ri.~}h~s,
~ii.ncr~3., ninrxal ra.47i:~, r.aturJ. qa~, n:tura7. gas rigiit.9, an1 other
hydre;ca;.baas, by ~:hatNresvc.r n~:.~ %~na~r that ma~ i~~ within or wzcer r.hc~
ani~ l~r~~, vitzout, hoo+tv.^.r, t~e rig!i~ ever ta drill, clig er rsi.ne t.hrough
t'~e surface~ ci ~aid 1..;;::. ~'•ic:refor~ ar ~~hez~-ise c:evelop car,u~ 3.t1 auca
rs~~.--er as to cada,ar tk:~ r,aiaty oE any hig:i~~ay C]zat .;a{ be censtruc{:cci
an t:e land~ ~~ ;:.~:e :;~~te of ~zil.iworni:z, by d_ed recorded ia hoolc .
2303~ paga 74a Of~3cia.i 'ecazds~ as reuarvQd ir sai4 deed. Y
4i0~s Said land i~ G~3cr ~t~1Y42. II2 230-RS 6~47js ~C1L~01-033a2~ ~or th~
liscal vc:nr 3973-74 ag~,'r;.>;
~ qb I • ~!
a ~ ~' •
`~ c ~9~~'`A ~~
M ~(4~ ~`~'~/~ r • . O
' ~;~ ~~~~~" ti~ ~ RECLASS. N0. 7 3- :~~/" ~c
P.I16A CG.SJ '-y ~C~, ~ Z~ , '
. • ~j ~ .
~•and that a bor.d in an amount and form satisfactury co the City of Anaheim sh?11 be posted
with the City to guarantee the installation oP the above-menCioned requiremznts.
2. That sidewaYks shall be installed along KatelTa Avenue as required by ehe City
Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications cn fiie in th: offtce of
the City Engineer.
3. T:~et driveways sha11 be removed and/or reconstructed a4ong Katella Avenue as
required by the City Engineer and in ac~ordar~ce with standard pTans and specifications on
filn_ in the office of the City Engineer,
4. Thar the owner uf subject property shall pay to the Cfty of An~heim the sum of
60~ per front L-oot aYong Katelfa Way and Manchester Avenue for tree plar.ting purposes,
5. That trash storage areas shs~T be provided in accordance with approved plans on
file with the uffice of the Director of Pubiic Works.
6. That fire hydrants shail be instslled ~nd charged as required and determir.ed to
be necessar.y by Lhe Chief of the Fire Depsrtment prior to coa~encement of structuraY framing.
7. Thet aiY air-cunditianing faci2ikies shall be properly shteTded irum vi~~w and the
sour.d buffered f~:om adjacent praperties,
8. That aubjeet property si:s~~£ be served 'by undergrour.d u::iliti.es.
9. That drair.age af subjec~ prsperty sh~1l bz dit+pused of in a manner satisfactory
Co the Clty Engineer.
10, That campYEtiun oF these reclassif~cation proceedinga is ccnt~ngent upon the
granl•ing of Corditianal Use Permit No. 1456.
11. That appropriate water assessment fees as detern:inad by t:he Ui•rE~tor of Publ~ic
Utilicies shaYi be paid tv the City oE Anaheim prior to the issuonce of a build3ng p~rmit.
I7. That subject property sha11 be deveIloped substaritially in acco:dance with p7.ans
and specifications u:t file w£th the City of Anaheim matked Exhibit Nos. i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, and 9; provided, however, that the easterly driveway providing access to Aianchester
Avenue shali be elimir.eted, and that the signing sha11 not exceed 60-feet in height.
13. Pr•lor to the intruduction of an ordinance rezor.ing subjECt prc~party, Condition
Nos. 1 and 4, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The pr.ovisions or rights granted by this
resolut3.un shall bec.zme r:u11 and void by actton of the City Courcil unlesa said .onditions
are cemplfed with wtthin one year from the date hereuf, or such further timE as the City
Council may grant.
14. That Candition Nos. 'L, 3, 5, 7, i3, 9 end 12, a'bove-mentioned, shell be cumplied
with prior to finaY build:ng and zoning inspections.
TH~ FOREGOING RESOLUrION is signed and approved by me this fu•srth day of March 1574,
1~ ~,
_ . u.//~ ~~~~.~~..J
I, Patricia B. Scanlsn, Secretdry af the City PYanning Cacmission of ihz CiL•y uf Araheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing resoiutian wa~ passed and ,~dupted s: a u~ee~ir...g uf •~he
~lty Planning Ccmmission of the City of Anaheim, heZd on ,f9rch 4, Y974, at 2~00 o°cE.o~~k p,m,,
Ly tne follewing vote of the membera thereoi:
IN WITNESS WkIEREOF, I have hereunko set my hand r,nis fourth d&y af Maich 197b.
~~%~ ~~J~~c.~,ti/
R_~ _2~ R£SGT.UTION N0, rC74-54