PC 74-55~ ~r ~ RESOLUTION r0. PC74-55 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING CUMMISSlON OF TNE CITY OF ANP,HEIM THAT PETITIOh FOR CONDITTONAL USE PERMIT N0. 1456 BE GRANTED IN PbRT WHEREAS, the City Plannirag Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditionaf Use Pecmit f.rom FREE~AY COI,iMERCTAL PROPERTIES, INC., Attention Nels M. Ostrem, 900 WiTshire Boulevard, Los AngeYes, California 90017, Owner; and CARL KARCHER ENTERPRISES, INC., ~ttention B. Karcher and/or D. Garrison, 1200 rTorth Harbos Bou?evard, ~nsheim, California 92$03, Ag~nt, of certain rEa2 property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibl[ "A" attached here[o and refer:ed to herein as though set forth in fu4i; and WHERFAS, the City Planning C~mmissian did hold a punlic t~earing in the City HaY1 in the City or Anaheim on March 4, I9i4, ae 2:00 o'cloc~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having beer. du~y giver, as required 'oy iaw a:id in accardar~ce with the provisians of the Anaheim MunicipaY Code, Chapter 18.64, t~ hear and corsider evidence for and ag~inst seid proposed condi.ti~nei u~~ ar.d to Inves~igr~te ~r,d m~ke fis:dings and recommendaY.lor.s in connection therewith; ar.d WHF.REaS, seid Commisaior, aEter due inspection, investigal-ion, end study made by itseY,'' ar:d in its behalf, and aftQr due consideratLun of alI eviden,:.e and reports offered at said F.earing, daes £ind end determine the foiTawir.g faets: 1. That the propesed use is pr~perly osie for which a Cor.ditior,aY Use Permit is authorized by Co3e Sectiar. 1$.40,iSb0(e}, to wit; e drive-in and walk-up reatauran~, witb waivers of: (a) SECT'fON Y8.40.0'i0(2 a-3 - Minimum Yandscaped aree. (3 fEet reyuired; 0 feet proposed). ~ (b) SzCTION Y6.62.090 b-il. - Meximum i:~~moer of free-st~nding_signs. (2 signs permitteds 3 signs praposedj. (c) SECTION Yd;62.050~II-2) - M_aximum heiaht of free_„_standlu sign. 55 feet per.ni~ted; 70 EEet proposed). (dj StiCTIOr i8.62,a90(Sj ~ Locatl~_r, oi frre-stbnding sign. (Center LO% required; Cencer 20% Yi~~ proposed}. (e) SECTION I8,62.690~B-~ - MYnimcm distance between si~ns. (300 feet required; 20 feet prcposedj. 2. Thdt Waivers i-a, 1-d and 1~E, abuve-mentianed, are hereby grsuted ar. ehe uasis that 'he petitianer demanstr~ted tY,et a hardship would be cr~sted iii syid waivers were r,ot grantEd. 3. That Waiver 5.-b, sbave-menticned, is hereby grar.trd on ~he basis that the petitioner sr.ipuLated that ehe pruposed slgni*..g was to accommodake the deve'Pepma.~. oP the entire parcei. 4. Thal W~iver Y-c, sbove-mEntior.ed, nereby grar.ted i.n part, ~ince the Co:nmissiun determined thet a 60-feot sign woufld adequaCeYy advertise the subjrct: resCauraTet. 5. That it was determined thet the easterly driveway providing eccese to :N~~:~hester Avenue should be eliminated. 6. That :.t was determined that the granting of Chis ConditionaT Use ?enn~t fs far the development of ane (T) drive-iu, we1'k•~up restaurant. 7. That the proposed use will not edversely affect the adjotning lend uses and the growth and development of che area in which it is pr~rposed to oe Yo•.aCed. 8. T.hat thc sir.e ar.d shape c~f' the site pr~posed fSr l•hz use ia ectGu~=e ta af'Pow the full development of che pruposed use in a manreer not de":rimentaY tc t:he p~rt£c::ler. area nor Co the peace, hegYtn, safety, mad generaP weYfaL•e uf the Ci.".izens ot khe CYCy uL Anaheim. 9. That the gr~nting of the Cundttional Usa PecmiC under ~he c:or,dltiu:~a imposed, if any, will not be detrim~r.tal to the pey~e, i~~a:th, safety, a:~d geT'_er~l weYfere JL the Citizens of the CiLy oi' Ansheim. 10. That ane persar, uppeared ~e said pu~39.c heerir.g et:d preseni:ed a f~etez in opposition. ENVIRONMIiNTAL IMPACT RF:i'URT FINDI'~G: That the Planning Cammf~siun recommends to the C1ty Council thae the suUject prGjact be exempted from the requirement to prepare br. ~n•sironmenta? Impact Reryart p~rauant Co the provisions of the CaYtfurnia Erruironmental QualiCy Act. C1-G -1- RESOLUT'ION N0. :C%4-55 . . .. • " . • .~ y . . SCHEDULE A ~ i~ ~» ~y~I.~~'~, ~ . .: , . The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this schedule covered by this report is: a fao Tide to said eslate or interest at the date hcreof is ~•ested inc e;~„r;•~RY CO:S'iL4~."'I~y ~==erT~i'.TIF.S~ ZriCe~ a California cor.poratione The land refeaed to in this report is situated in tl~e State of California, County of Orange aad is described as follows: ' .~--'- PAF.CEL Is ' ~het portion of tne sout~~r~st quarter aa :ha South:!^3111C.~0 ^an Juz..~ Scctian 23, Ta~r_-~!:i_r. 4 Sout:~, F.antie 10 Wes~, in tha ~ajen d~ ~anta ~'_na, City o_° lnzheir',~ County o~ or4ng~r~;i~toFOf C.'elffornia. aa„ahamznnChe o_°ic^enfnt`~encounty~recor~r_r of said Miscr? lastcous a? ~ • , ~ounty, descri~eu as folla+ss ~eqinnlnq aL tiA FsstQrIy ter~inus o~' ~'~e course sha« ng '~outh fll• 11' 3~° :;est, 39°.Z2r-°-rcd~necen'~ert27. 13~G inybcakt8].3a. nz~i~j,3~~n°f quishrer:t t~o. S.-5 ~ .o~ . : CfFi_Cj,al ^-,r.corc~st ~h~•r.ce t~lo:a tii~ bounr'ary o~ said relinc!i~..'•:1I::~':1~ '~z1C ' follarir.g conrz^~%s 5an~ Ale li• 3~~ :1v3t 3S+i.12 Fcet tio ~h~ ~~~~Rning of a eune c~ :ca:•s :'asterly :iavinq ~ zaaiu~ af 55.00 fe~t, i;c:sterly. go~~n;~er.terly ~-~ S~u~'~erly 77.97 f~ct al°n9 ~~1~~' ~~~ tZraUrh 3 cnntrul aagl~ of ~1° 13• d5". ~o~~h 0° 0~' 15° Ezst 1~.3~ fert to a point on a non-ta,^.g•^_nt curv^ cnncave 3:~ri:.'~erly :lavi:s~ a rac?ius of l~a.CO fec.~~ a radi.al ~e sai~ ,.oint ;~ears ^out`~ ?.9° 57' 45" :=~~*, ca~t^rly ~2.37 fret alcr..? saic: cvrvL t'~rosn:~ a c_^.tral ~u:ale ~C 3(1' GO` 30", iior~.'~ 5`-° 57' 45" L-'ast d07.F`t °^^ti. '~~x~`~ 0° Q2' I5~ fcet to a,r.oint cn a non-taa9cn:. , ciirv^ coaca~~~ ::out`ivrr~tCrly hr~7ittg a rac?i~s of 970.~10 fcet a rzcl±al to : ast, :<orL2twe~tarlY 95.13 ~cet saic: ~i.^.t i~ea:s :~artii ~5° 5 r• 2x° t~`~rough a c~r.trai anqle of 5° 37' OJ' ta t-'~e pcir.t a.`. 9r9inni^g. ...~---'-"- ~asca and other hyarocazaaor.a' ~tCi.pTlt.r. ?ISE'tE~'rOrt aXl r, ineralg. ai19, ' ~~ ;,r;~atscerc. _. a^o knc~n t`~at r..ay b~ witi.in or un :er t`e pnrcrl of Ian~' -:w~~.. ~.~Y,~~:]t.~].^,4~ ~{~.;.•:~;hc~1 -ait;iG':~~ e17~7r;r,rgTs f,~l^_ rir~r, td @rill. t7i~J QT :oi.r.e ti~tr~ugii t'.ta ~uzfar2,~~~~-9S~~~n~~r 5!30 f.ec~t th~reaf. ,~~ ~ '~ `'%, -conti:suec'.- fEe 1974 ;, , • . R~z~~ N~° m~ ~uivu. u~t Ntrc~v~~ i ~~u. ~S!.~~~ ~V191~N ~y~~~ - 2~'. I`~""'. . ~ • .~ I •,~ ~ : I , ~L 2: . _.~ ' .~ ~ '~hat ro~ction~of ~:a. 5o~thze7i tqu'rn ~~o f~~Q i~~~~e3~n~ San 3~an Sec~ion 23. j~~~~i~ g Cajon de Danta .~~~a, City os ;~aiioi:a, Counfiy of O?•ango~ Stato ot Califorr.s.a. as r.~r r.~kp reco~til~d in bo.^,x 5Z• +~aS~,I~O of t!i~cellan~ous :~:apa~ in Chc office of 'ti110 CO'.I=1'ty ~acordsr e~s ~aia CauntYa ~=~~~` ad aa iollaf»s geginning at tIie i.as~era~ ter,a3.nun oQ t-hQ r:orthcr]~y line of that Ceztain ~arcel oz"*~l~:s:d boun~eut ::o.nl~?y,yasns~a::n3on~tnof 3prfilaa fn ~f ^•ta« ttzqh~ray ..el~nc,i:~~:=:.n Y;,~a„~s in che vfif.ca oE t?~o !tecor~:~r of book 4, pagc~ 3~;~d 4 of r3.~'Rtra said caunty, sai:l c=orth_rly li~a ci~a:n as havir.g a bea~'inc~ ana di~taacn of South a2° 11° 30° '~'.e~~ 353.12 ~e~=~i oans333i~an~,asov,tn E1°r11.,~,...e and th~ earioa-3 cat:rsc:s ~a t~t boLn:.r~ 36" S4est 358.12 ~eeC to the ;;cy~nnir.g o~ a tanSant curvo concavu to t.~o t thc_ncr~ a3onq saici curve t:iroun3i a : Sautheast having a snc?iu~ of 55 fc~~ central ang~e °So~ztte 03• ~2~Y15n ~~ st 19t33 fa~t to tha~be59.nai-groi~a ~nt ~ ~ . tp G~id CU]CVe r i~ nenta~~~:nt C'1•..•,•- r~'~~~7[` Y.o f'^.e '?o:.-thenst having a radins o£ la0 ,:•~e a radial line tnrc~c~gh ~aici 'uaginning oz curv.~ u~a2J ;:ozcn ~9' ~7° =?: Eust~ thenco r~leaq sa.id crs°~_ t:.hrouqh a een~r~l auZ~714 af 30° 00' 30• • an nra dfstance oz SZ.37 feet to tha ~o1r alYax~ic~21ai ~zcQ a£~t artht d5°Y 1;.~ae of said parcel of 7.az:d ~avis~9 `~ o£ said Paro~l oE 5?+ +S5' Ba3t d07.68 fertt thcr.c~ 1na~3n~1 the bounclaz5t lzw3, along a curv~ c.:::c^n~ to su:.~3 ~outii~r.xv ii. a~nd co::~ave ~o t:^..~ ti'orther-st liavinc? a~a~~ins of i5~ ~~~C throug:~ a c^.~-ra~ a-`~glo c,£ l~t° 3~ ~ QC~• a.z arc distar.co oi 53.2C fe^t to a Foi.nt of co;,,nound ~•urvc , a raclfa2 line ~~i~cugh said ~aiat be~rs Santh lQ° 27' 15° t•tc:stt ~:1CIICC along said aa"?'~~a ~-"''~' h`'ving ~ xaaiur~ of 35 feet throueth a c~: ntr~l angle of 230° 02' a~~ an azc c3iatanc~ oE~3~..n1 feet~ R radial lej1t tors~izi the oaci of said curva bears ::ort-~ 31 ..0 00 'ri~st= thencQ tiane~ ~ curve tlo~t.'~ 58• 30' 00" : a~t 5~.00 L•~et7 ~env coa avajtn th~Z~o~'.~r.resti 287.03 ~c9~ to tl.e Y>eginzi.s%g o~' a tang~ntsu~'1d carve through a cen~r~1 ha~-inq a radiu~ af 43 feecl Lhence alo:~g angla of 37° 38' 15° ar. asc di~tr.nce of 62.71 f^et, a s~~iial lin~ a noatany~ent~linag5ou'~i 3°~l6'~45" F.as~ G6.19Zfeet~to theTgflint ofal.oag beqfnning. ~ ~ I*IG a~ t~ Portir,n of uaid 1~a8, all exi3ting oil- oa 1 rig..ts, rainnrals, ~incral rign`•= , ua`,_:iru3. gaa. nati:ra~ qas ri~hts, and other hyci~ocarflor.s, by crei~tvxvcr nar~ kn4:m, tt'tat :aa~r Le wi`hinor nin~~rthrcugh said land, ~ritizost, :'r~~T~q~=. ~~~~ ri~'•'~ cver to drill, i~ tho surEace o~ sa.i3 l:..nd tli:sefor, or othen~+~sa~a~~T R~ ~ conatructed ~~,har as to endager tha sazoty of nnY hi~T ° GY~ xneorded in boo3: a-~ thG 2ands to~~~icialr~~afl~g.~AS ressosvad in said it~ed. 2303~ paqo 74~ ~ 2r'OvTi.t Said ls:.d is c~°ac~ihfsd on tha County ~ax Asse~sr.~ent i:ol7. f.cr tha fiscal yenr 2973-74 ~s F.. P.. ;io. 082-23D^~!5 & 47i ~ Q1-431. `tSa~G 78g~~,',a ' "~ EE8 191a ~'~ ' ~^ :,~ / ~ ;~ R~~E~v~A ~ l:UiyD. USE PElll'rll7 IVU. ~ y r,F P.116•A (C 5.1 '"~+ ~ H1N H ` . \~ p~ 19~0 . `,O . p• ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Plenning Commission does hereby grent subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upor~ the [ollowing condttions which ece hereby tound to be a ner,essery prercquislte to the proposed use of the subject pcoperty in ord~r to preserve the sefety end gcneral aelfere of the Citizens of the Clty of Anaheim: 1. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 73-74-48, 2. That subject property shall be developed substantialYy i.r. accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, :, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9; provided, however, that the easterly driveway providing access to Manchester Avenue shall be eliminated, and that the signing shall not exceed 60-feet in height. T1iE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is sagned end epproved'uy me this fourtY~ dey of March, 1974. ATT EST: ~~~.,~~~ ~,~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFOI2NIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) r ~/~~~1/~~ Y~~~ O~ CHAIRM N ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ I, Petricia B. Scanlan,Seccetary of the City Plenning Commission of the City oE Aneheim, do hereby certlty thet the Eocegoing resolution wes passed end edopted at a meeting of the City Plenning Commisston ot the City of Aneheim, held on March 4, 1974, et 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereot: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: CC~M?TON, FARANO, JOHNSON, K'LNG, MORLEY, GAUER NOES: COh1MISSIUNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hond this fourth day of Merch 1974 /~,li'i,/l~~ ~Z%Q~ ~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION C2-G ' Z' RESOLlJTION N0. ?C74-5i