PC 74-66~ d2ESOLUxION NO PC74-6E A RESOLUTION OF T!i£ CiTX PLANNiNG COhi11iI55I0N OF T'riE CI'TY Ofi P.NAME3A1 RGCO\ihi@NDTNG TO THE f,:ITY COUNCiL OF TNE ClTY OF tA.KAHEIP+( THAT PETITS'ON F012 RECZA~SIF,fCAT10N NO. 73"74'49 BE APPROVED WHEREAS, the City Planni'ag Commission oE the City af Anaheirn, d:d :eceive a veri(ied Petition for Reclessifica- ; tion from HENRY F, and ETIIEL C: pE?. GIORGIO, 2535 Wesk i.~a Palma Avenue, Aa~alteim, California ~ 92301, Owner~; THE McCARTHY CO~iP.'~NY QF SGi9THER,1 CALIFQRNTA, c/o E. R. Fulier., 2535 West ~ La Pa1c~:Avenue, Anaheim, Califnrnia 92801, A~ent, of zerYain real ~ropeat•y' situated in the ! City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, ae described in Exhibit "A'~ attached ~ hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WFIER~AS,• the 'c;ity Planr~Yng Comn~ission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Annhelm on ;larcJl ~$,, i974, a(~ 2:00 o'clock P.r1. notice of said public heering heving bee~ duly given as required by law and in gecc+tdance w.ith the provisions of the Annheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider evidence for an3 against said ptopo~Ed teciassi.fication and to investigate end meke Eindings and recommendations in cannection thcrewith; aad WHEREAS, said Comn.ission~ sifter due inspection, investigation, and study made by itseit and in its behalf, and after due consideration of nil evidence and reports ofEered et said hearing, does find end determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a reclassification of the above described property trom the R-A AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, to the ~-H-10,000 ZONG. 2. That the proposed reciassification is in conformance with the land use design2tion of the Anaheim General Plan and the Scenic Corridor (SC) Overlay Zone. '3. That the proposed reclassiEication et subject pro{uerty is necessary and/or desireble for the orderly pnd pro- pcr developmcnt oE the community. 4. That thc proposed reclassificetian of subject' p:operEy does propcrly relate to ihe zones and their pcrmitted uses locally esteblished in close proximity to subject pro?erty and to the zones and their permitted uses generelly estab- lished throughout the community. • 5. That five persons appeared representing approximately twelve persons ptesent at said public Viearing in opposiCion to the proposed reclassificaCion; that one telegram and one letter were received in oppo~ition; and that one pcrson appeared in favor of the pro- posed reclassificaCion. ENVIRONMGNTAL IMPACT REPORT PINDING: ThaC the Planning Conunission recommends tliat the City Couuci.l certify ta haviao reviewed and considered the inEormation conrained in ~nvironmental Impact Report No. 120 and that tfie final tiIR has been completed in compliance with the CaliEornia EnvironmenCal Quality Act and the Stal•e Cuidelines. - R+/~ '1' RESOLUTION N0. PC74-66 b {20'~0I • . . ~ ~ 1 ~~~~~~i~ C~ A » .. ~ , . ' • . ~ ``a .~ Title Irxsurance an~ Tru~t Comp~ny ORfiNGE COUNTY OFFiCE ~ 800 NORTH MA1 ~LEPHONE (714)A847 9 33"FORN9A D2792 . . I11iPORTANT When replying rc[cr to .7HE M: CAR"iHY COMPANY I~F OurA'o.48G6~F6 SOU'(HERN CALI FORN1 A 2535 WES7 LA PALMA AVEo yourNo. ANAHEIM, CALI F„ 92801 ATTN: GEhE FULLER ' In responsc to the abov~ rcf:renccd applicacion fur a policy of ticlr insurancE. Ticle Insurance and Trusc Company hereby repotts chac ic is prepared co issue, or cauu co be issued, as of che dacc hermf, ~ California l~nd Tide Associaeion Standard Coverage form Polrcy o: Ticlc lnsu:ance describing che land and ehe escace or interest th.cein hereinafter set lorch, insuring agairuc loss which may be s~stained by reason o( nny defect, lien or encumbrance t.ot ~linwn or referred tn as an Exceptian below or no[ excluded from coverage pursuant co ehe prineed Schedules, Conditions and .5tipulacions of said poliry form. 'I1~is. reporc (and any supplcmencs or amendmenes ehercco) is issucd solcly for thc purpose of facilicating ~he iuuance of a policy of ciele insurance and.no lisbilicy is assumrd hereby. if ie is desiced chat liabilicy be asswned prior co che issttance of a policy of cicle insurance, a Pinder or Commicmenc should be requesced. NO M at 730 am. ----~5='"`~c-"'~--.-~'.. ~.Lf/ttit'4'' Daced as o( ~-~-FQ- ~ 2---• 19~' LES L I E E o DAV I 5 Tiele Of~icer ' The estare or ineeresc in ehe land hereinafmr described or rc[crred eo covcrcd by chis Reporc is a fee. Tidc ro said csracc ur inccresc ar chc darc hrrn~f is ~•esccd in: HENRY F, DEL GIORGIO AN(3 ETHEL Co DEL GIORGYOp HUSBAND AND W1FEo AS J01N7 TENA~1'So . ~ Ac the date !~ereof exceptions ro cocecagr in additiun tn [he princrd excepcions and ezclusions conmincd in said policy form wuuld bc as follows: lo TAXCS TO FOLL01~l, 2o AN EASEMENT FOR Ei7HER OR DENTAL PURPOSES AS FOP.TH iN 683 PAGE 4C2o OFFI•`C~~7`:L~O, CORDSr PARCEt lo ti`~~ +D `~':~ M F~e ~~ a ~~ ~v ~, . ~~~~~n~~~; S`~qzCZ~~2 . DOTH POLE LINESo CONDUfTS AtJD INCY- AM INS'fRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK OWER THE SOUTHERLY PORTION OF RECLASS. 1V0. `~~-"~•'4-- ~`~ , ~ ~~; ~.: ~ . ,.,. , ::; :; . . ,SCRIPTION: . • ,PARCEL 1: D SAN ~. THAT PORTION OF SECTION 6 TOYlNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE g~'~~~~LIFOItNIAn '! SEP.NARDINO MERIDIAN IN THE COUNTY OF ORANGE~ STA1'E Or ACCORDING 70DESCR'~iBED ASLFOLLOHISF SAiD i.AND FILED IN T:E DTS"fRICT LAND OFF1CE „~,,,,..o..e.~.. BEGINNING A7 THE NORTHWE`5T CORNER OF SAID SECTION,6; 7HE 00" EAST 8~Io73 ALONG YHE WESTERLY LINE THER[OTHENCE750UTH047° 3~WES~ERtYaT FEFT; THENCE EAS1' 20 a 00 FEE~T, 276084 FEET TO TNE 8EG1NNING ~rTHENCEV50U'OfHEASTER~Y 66e99 FEET n OF 60~00 FEET; - HAVING !a RADIUS qLONG SAIb CURVE THROUiH A CENTRAL ANGLE 0~ 63° 5$ 0 'fHENCE SOUTH 16° 2~+i ~~~~ U~ES~ 1F4'88 FEET TO A TANGEN7 L1NE; THE BEGIP~NICG OFTHENCEVSOIioI'HEASTEP.LYS96R-;S~FEETIALONGRSAID OF 120000 F-ET~ tdl'RAL AHGLE OF 46° 03i 00" TO A TAN6EN7 LINE; CURVE THROUGH A ~E ~~p„ EAST 197063 FEET TO THE BEGINNING THENCE SOUTH 29' j9 OF A CURV~ CCINCAJE, ~'»ST02~FEETAAi-ON6ASAID1CU°V~ THROUGHFpET; THENCE SOL'7HEASlERLY 75° 00" TO A TANGENT LINE; THENCE SOUTH ~ CEi~TRAL ANGLE OF 42° 59' 13° 20`tfl0" ti~EST lOlo68 FEET TO THE BECINNTHENOE SOU7HJESTERLYV~ PSORTH4lESY HAVING A R~DIUS OF 100~C0 FEET. FEET '~0 AN ANGi.E ~3o0y-FEcTv ALONG SAID CURV~~~~~wE5TG172,67NTR~t ANGLE O(= :3° 12+ pp~~; THENCE SOUTH 87° 1N THE p~INT ty THE NOR"fHEASTERLY L1NE OF TR~C KDED OCTOBER~26p 1955 ~OEED TO RICHARD Eo VAN FLEET Eo ~Xc IN BOOY. 3258 PAGE 3b~, OFFiCIA~ RECURDS; THTHENCE~SOU'iHH7'gBOUhDAR ~'TNEREOF SOUTH 11° 38° 00" EAS'f 64,57 FEET; ~ry~ p~~~ 1•JEST 91a1~ FEEi TO THE BE~'~~14NFEET~ATHENCE SOUTH~ESTERLY 50t)TNE~'+'STERLY HAVINv A P.ADIUS OF 590 80092 fE~:7 ALONG SFID ~:1RVF 7HROUG~~AOOENEAST 17G9E03Ff~ET 24+ TO A P~Di;JT IrIFIICH I~s ~Ol1TH 0 0- AND EAST 20~C(~ F~E7 FR~h~,~TFi~S•lESZL-i~iLYSdFCSAIDRSECTI0NDS0UTHI0N 6~ THENCE PARD.i.i,~~ ~'~'~~~ ~~ r~~~~~ ~E~y,I~G THE E30UNDARY Or p° 02a UO" EAST 47~00 f~E'~i o•• 61 3~'~ ~f,~r.~T~ 340~52 FEE7; THENCE SAID VAN FLEET LA.NaB SOt~3H 2.~ 5 TH~~~,~ $~~.~~ lgo 39" 00" SOUTH 11° 55' 00" EQS7 193o'1y ~~ET; ~0" ~.E~.~ i0~~00 FEET; EAST 359a73 FEET; THENCE-SOUTti 85° ~6~ THENCE SOUTH 15° 169 30 EAST ~+1.,51 FEET TO AP7 APJGL~ POIN'f IN 'PHE NORTHERLY l1NE OF THERECORDEDSDECEMBER~29H~195~+~~~ BOOY NE~IEL C, CHRISTFI~L~EN E7 ~~~ THENCE ALOPJG THE 60iJNDAR`f ` 2908 PAGE A 4~~Td~~y~,~JAL RECORDS; THENCE SOUTH 79° THEREOF; S,~~H~~85o ~~<~49" ~AST ~~°82 ~EEc' ~ " EAST 103v02 ~ ~~ 5T 1Qfr~3~~ FE[~T; THENCE NORTH 53 57 37 05 34 Epy. o~, ~ 17t1 EAST 305~82 FEET; THENCE SOUTH FEET~ TNE ~CE S~SU;ft,{S178 'S~ THENCE SOU7H .'.•60 37' S4" EAST 71° 30' S~~' E~.S'~;~'~'~a~ 0~ FEET; TH~I~c2,'SOUTH 39° 06° ~6" EAST [63009 FEE~~~T52NCE ~ 5 e O I FEE~T;; 'r;!ENCE SOU1'ti 10° _GUTH 51° S'~k~35"~El.S'f l61eQ3 FEEoi~29 00" ~.1FST 43040 FEET; EAST 259 ~ 54 ~~~~'r~HENCE NOt2TH 70 F_AS7 TtiENCE LEAVING THE E30UNDARY OF1N~NC~'.CNORTHE55°N12ANOOSOU'fH 41° 13~ ~~" EAST:87~+e90TNEi~r'o 17~ ~~„ WEST 281080 FEET;•THENCE 267v07 FEET~ TNENCE NOR 48~6~6, pAGE 4 RECLASS. NO• ~~'"'~~.'~ ~~ ~~~~ ~ 13~~ - -- , " ; I!; ~f~ ~• ` °, . •:: ~' r ~ . i~ ~ r; ,~ ~/ ~ ~ ~ ~ NQRTH 39c ~~~ pQ" EA~T 62D40 FEEo; 7HENCE K~STH357o0$IFEET; 1JEST ?3~82 ~EET; THETlCE t~ORTH 46 04 00 THENCE NOR7H 12° 27' 00" WEST I77~6$ FEE7; THENCc. NOR'(H 9° 55` 00" ~iE57 229e3'L FEET; THENCE NORTH 1' 28~ 00" 129e15 FEET; THENCE SOUTH ~0° 57` 30" t•JES'f 72~35 FEF7; THEIJCE NORTH 15° 39p p~" t+IEST 630~53 FEET Tf~ THE BEGINt~iNG O~F A GURVE CQNCAVE SOUTHi9EST~RLY HAVING A P.A~IUS OF 200000 F'EET; TH£t4.CE NORTHFlE57- ERLY 2220£2 FEET A~ONG SATD CURVE THP.OUGH~o z9~; ~flOL WE51'~~.GSo41o ~p 00 TO A TANGEt4'f ~INE; 7HENCE NORTH 7. FE~T "f0 '1'HE [3EGINNING OF A CUi:VE CONCAVE NORTHtASTERLY HAVING ~c RADIUS Oi- 300000 FEET; THENCE NORTHS'lESTEP.'tY 288.<4'1 FEET ~AZ.ONG ,"1A1D ~URVE TNROUGH A GEDlTRAL ANGI~ OF •55° OS° DO" TQ A'~.'~~~~ENT t,jNE; THEP:CE NOR'I'H 24' 24' 00" WES7 3~+S.o74 FEE7 TA TF~E gEGdNNING 8~= A GUP.VE CONCAVE,, SOUTHIIESTERLY HRVING A RAC~IUS OF 902:75 F~~T; 1'iic~CE NURTHI9ESTERLY 200089 FEET ALONG SAID GURV~ THROUGH A~,~taTF:Ai. ANGLE OF 17_° R5~ 00" TO THE eEGINNING OF R CUP.VE ~~1H~A.yE; Nt~RTHEASTERi.Y HAVING A RADIUS OF 900D00 F~~T; TliEN~CE S1~1F:TH1~iES'fxR~Y 185062 FEET l1~ONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A GEN'fR.AL ANG4,E ~F 11° 49` 00" TO A TA~GENT LTNE; THENCE tdORTH 25'~ '2~° OU" i~~51' 124~62 FEET TO THE [3EvIDdNING OF A CUF:VE C~JNCA~~E;, ~ASTEr2LY HAVING A.RAD1Uy Or 80000 FEET; THENCE NORTHERLY 77072 FEFT ALONG SRtD CUkVE THFOUGH A CENTRAL ANGL~ OF 55° 40~ 00" TO p TANGE(}7~ LTNE; TH~t~C~ NOR?H 30° 20~ 00" FAST 2II~9~F FL-E~P TO TNE MOST SOt3THEASTERLY COP.NER OF THE LAND DESCRIDED IM THc DEED TO G11RY ~10HNSON ET UX~ RECORD~D JULY 26~ 1961 IN BOD.I` 5795 PAGE G5~,1„ OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONG THE eOUNDARY ..THEREO'r SOUTH 7~° 56~ 00~' 14EST 152e8~E FEET; THENCE nORTH 21° ~5g~ pb" 41EST 12~,e~+9 FEET; THENCE NOR7H 72° 57~ QD" ~~ST 2$Se~4 FEET TO A POI~J7 titJ A CURVE CONCA`!E NORTH~•lFSTERLY HAVING A RfidIUS OF 391~00 F~E1' A RADiAt TO SAID PO1N7 BEARS SOUTH ~2° 18~ 25" ~ EASTj THENCE LEAViNC 7NE EOUNDARY OF SAlD LAND OF J~4-lNSON MOR7N°_A57~ ERLY 1910~? FEET ~LOUG SAiD CUP.VE THROUGH A CENTRAL APIGLE OF 28° 03' 35" TO A TANG°_NT ,LINE; THENCE NORTH 10° 22" 00" t'1E51' 296,98 FEET~ THENCE NORTH 21o ilF~ pp" 41EST 2E4a95 FEET; THFNCF NORTH 53° 07" 00" 1~lEST 8Bo5~ ~~ET.; THEP!CE NORI'H 2Oo00 FEET TO THE NORTHERIY LINE OF SAID :~~•CTION 6; THENCE IJEST 441030 FEE7 TO TH~ POIN'f OF BEGINNINGe :- PARCEL 2: T'HAT PORTION OF SECTION 31 TO~+INSNIP 3 SOUTH Rl1NGE 8 1•IESTy SAN 6ERNARDINO 1!ERIDIANw I~•I THE COUNTY OF ORf~NC;Ey STATE OF CALIFORNiAo ACCORDING TO TH_ OFFTCIAL P~.AT OF SAID LAND FILED•IN THE DI57P.IC1' LAND OFFl~E DESGRIBED AS FOLLOI~IS~ BEGINNING A7 THE SOUTHt•lEST CORNEP. OF 5h~1D SECTION 31~ THENC NORTH ALONG THE l•lES,T[Rc71%ti`~f1E 7HEREOF 330s00 FEET; THENCE ~AS'~ PARALLEL WITH THE SOU~ LINE Of'.;~SECTION ~l0 132„00 FEE'f°, THENCE SOUI'HERLY PARALLEL YI1 ~' 1'F~E.o,~'~ST ~,IfdE OF SAID SEI::I'ION 310 330~00 FEET TO THE SOl17H ~;~ V~`,S~ll~ ~CTION iI; THEIdCE WES'( ALONG SAID SOUT` LINE 70 THI gf''v~~{',~Rt~A[G=_1NNNINGo r p~' ;~ ~'~~, ~5~~~ ti°ti 48G646, 't'AGE 5 ../°'~... !`~~d~ OZ~222` . R 1=GLASJ. 1 i~. 13' ~ 14' '~3f ~ ~ ~ ~ " -. NOW, THEREh'ORE, BE 1T RESOLVED thot the Anaheim Citq Flenn:~g Commisston does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Aneheim that au'oject Petiitan Far Rcalassifcation be uppmved end, by so doing, thet Title 13-Zoning of the Anuheim Municipal Code be ameadad 4o ezelude fhe ebove described property [rom the { R-A AG[:IC1fLTURAL, ZONE, and to incorporate said descri.bed properi.y into the R-1i-10,000, ZONG, upon the following conditions Which are hereby found to be a neces~ary prerequisite ! to the proposed use oF subject property in order to preserve the safety and general t~elfare ' of the Citizens ot the City of Anahei.m: ! 1. That a final tract map of subject or~~erty shall be submitted to and approved by the Cil•y Council and ther, be recorded in the office of Ct~e Orange County Recorder. 2. That the owners of subject property shall pay to the City cf Anaheim tne appropri- ate park and recreation in lieu fees as determined to be approp:iate by the City Council, said fees to bc paid at the time the building permit is issued. 3. That the completion of these reclassification proceedings is conr,ingent upon the approval oE Tract No, 8560, 4. That fire hydrants shall be installed and c}iarged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of strucrural framing. 5. That any proposed covenants, conditions, and restrictions shall be submitted to and approved by the City Attorney's Office prior to City Council approval of the final tract map; that Che covenants, conditions ard resl•ricCions stiall provide for the retention of the proposed 23.5 acre commonly-owned open.space area which shall be mnintained in a natural state vith riding and hiking trails proposed through the area; and, further, that the approved covenants, condil-ions, and restrictians shall be recorded concurrently vith the final tract map, 6. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos, 1, 3, and 5, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the CiCy Council unles~ said conditions are ~omplied with within one year fsom the date hereof, or auch further timc as the City Council mey ,grant. THE rORCGOING RESnLUTION is signed and approved by me this 18l•h day of Merch~ 1974. CHAII2~iAN ANAFIEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISS[~N AT.TEST: ~~--~g ,~.~..e~.~/ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMh11SSI0N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY Oi' ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B. ScanlBn, Secre:ery oE the City Plnnning Commisslon oE the City of Anaheim, dt~~hereby certify thnt thc foregoing resoYution wns passed nnd adoptcd ot a mceting oE thc City Planning Commission ot'ihe City o[ Anaheim, held on March 18, 197k, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., by the lollowing vote o( -he mcTnbers tlieceoE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, GAUER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: COMPTaN, HERBST ABSENT: COM~1IS$IONERS: FARANO IN W]TNESS WHEREOF, I havc hercunto set my hand thla 18th day of Morch, 1974. ~~~• SECRETARY ANAIiEI~i C1TY PLANNING COAIM1SS10N R2-A .2. R~SOLllTION N0. P1;74-66