PC 74-67RESO~ON N0. PC74-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING C(~hfMISSI0N.01457 CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR CONDIT[ONAL USE fcRMIT N0. BE GRANTED NHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Analuini did receive a veriGed Petition Cor Conditional Use Permit from HENI:Y F. and ETHEI. C. DEL GIORGIO, 2535 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California 92801, Owners; ar.d THE PIcCARTHY COM?ANY OF SOL"7:h~RN CALIFORNIA, c/o E. R. Fuller, 2535 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, Califdrnia 92801, Agent, of certair. real property si'*_uated in the City oY Anaheim, CounCy of Orange, State of CaTifornia, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein a3 though set forth in full ;and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did huld a public hearing in the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Ma rc'n 18 , I974, at 2:OOo'clock p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly ~iver, us required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.64, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditionai use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 1VHGREAS, said Commissiun; after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered ai said heariug, does find and determine the following facts: 1. 'Chat :he proposed use is properly one for which a Conditional Use Permit is authorized by Code Section 1.$.0~-.020(1)(E) to-wit: to estab'~ish a five-unit pYa•nned residencial development to be u~ed 3s ~ medel home complex with saYe~ nffices for the prcpmsed construction of one ;~nt~*_ive tract with 99 dwelYing un2ts, with waivers of: a. SECTION E8.b2.d6U(S) - Maximum number of free-standing signs (3 sigrs permitted; 9 signs proposed) b. SECTION 18.62,060(B} - Maximum si~,n erea (YO square feeC permitted; 48 square square feet proposed) 2. That Waivers 5.~a and 1-b, abave-mentioned, are hereby granted on the basis that the praFased signing is of a tempc,r~~y nature, and the petieioner stipulated to removing safd signs immediaCely upon "se11-out" of the tract, 3. That the propesed use wili not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be locateJ. 4;' That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the uarticular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfarc of the Citizens oP the City of' Anaheim. 5. That the grantingof the Conditional Use Permit uader Uie conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, saiety, and ge~ieral welfare of the Citizens of the City bf Anaheim. ENVIRCNMEhTA~~__„IM2ACT REPORT PINDING: Th~t the PYanning Commission recommends that the City Co~r.cil certify to havLnb reviewed and considered the informatiar, contained in Env~raamenta~i Impact Report No, f26 and that the f3na1 EIR has been completed in compYiance with the California Er~viranmental Quality Act 5r.d the State Gui3eYines. CI-G -1• RESOLUTION N0. PC74-67 DEV-66-D d-~ <t ,//'~~ >> ro e:~ u_~oi . ~ . . . . ,~ ~ ~ `'i~~~JL.J'~ i "-, . .• .~~ ~ . Title Insurance and ~ust Company~ . ~ ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE • 800 NORTH MAIN STREEi' SAN7A ANA. CALIFORNIA 02702 . ~ TELEPHONE (714) 847•9333 ~ • Ih1PORTANT ' When rcplying rcfer to • .7'HE M: CAR~'HY COMPANY OF OurNo. #8G6$6 SOU'fHEP,N CALI FORNI A ' 2535 4lES7 lA PALMA AVEa ' ANAHEI~4~ CAi.IF,D 92801 YourNo. ATTN: GENE FULl.ER ~ ' In response co che abm•e referenced application for a policy of cicle'insurance, Ticle Insurance and Trusc Company hereby repores chae ir is prepared co issue, or cause eo be issued, as of che dace hrrmf, a CaliFornia land Ticle Associacion Standard Coverage form PoLiey of Title Insutance describing ehe land and the es[aee or incerest [herein heteinafter sec forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance noc shown or referred ' to as an Exception below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to che princed Scheduies, Condi[ions and Seipulacions of said policy form. This. repore (and any suppiements or ~mendmenes chereeo) is issued solely for ehe purpose of facilicating che issuanee of a policy of ~itle insurance and no liability is assumrd hereby. IE ic is desired thac liability be assumed prior to che isstlance af a policy of cicle insumnce, a Binder or Commiement should be requested. Daced as of NOVEhf~~P .1.~_.__, 19I3-, ac 7:30 a.m. _---~~u---G~--. ~~'u`Q'- LESLIE Ee DAVIS TidcOfficer The estate ot intercsc in die tand hacinaEter described or referred m covered by chis Report is a fee. ~ Ticle co said escate ur intctrsc ac thc datc hrrcr~f is ~'rstcd in: HENRY F, DEL GIORGIO AND ETHEL C, DE~ GIORGYOD HUSBANt~ AND t~l1FE~ AS JOINT 1'ENANTSo . At the d.ite hercof extr,ptians to ct>~•rragr in addieion m che printrd ex~eptions and exclusions conrained in suid policy , form wuuld be as Enllows: 1, TAXES TO FO~LOIde 2, AN EASEt~ENT FOR EI7HER OR BOTH POLE LINESo CONDUfTS AND INCY- DENTAL PURPO,SES AS SET FORTH IN AN INSTRUMENT RECORDED IN BOOK G83 PAGE 4~~6p:F.F1~~,2~e1- RECOP.DS~ OVER THE SOU'THERLY PORTION OF PARCEL 1~ ,.,a !;y ~,~~ ~UND. USE PERMIT N0. ~~:-~`~ .~ ~ WILLDAN ASS~IATES ~ CONSULTING E~~INEERS & PLANi~IERS ;~ L,' '~~ January 28, 1974 ~'.~'~ ~~ L..~': r~.Y ~a~€'%~~~ L•EG~L DESCRiPTION F'~it tIIcCART'rIY C0. (~3ode1 Site 1)el Georo*io Propert~j) That portio: o'_' Saction 6, Toxnship 4 Su~:th, Ranoe 8 West, San Sernarclino ?~Teridi~n in tha Conat,v ~f Orange, 5t2te of California, accorcL'ng to the official plat oi srud land in the llistrict Land Office described as follows: ~~ Begi~ning at tha Nc:th~vest corner oY said Section 6; thence alon~ tk:e Nlest~rly lin~ ihereof, South D° 02' 00" ~ast, 8i1.73 ~eet; thence East 20.C0 feet; thence South ~7° 3~?' 00" East, 2 io.S4 feet to ~ne Ueginning of a curve concave ~Vestarly, hacing a radius of 60.00 feet; thence Southeasterly 66.99 feet along said curve througii a cer.trsi zr_ole of 63~ 58' D~7" to a tanoent line; thence South 16° 24' 00" ~vest, 44. ^o"o fe~± to tYie b~4 nnino of a curve concave Easi?riy, havin~' u 1~adius of 12~.00 :pet; ther.ce S~ut?:~::s*-°=1~ 96.45 Fest along seid curve througl! a centr3l nn~le of 46° U3' 00" to a tan5~nt line; thence South 29° 39' 00" Ea.st, 197.63 iee: !o the trua pcin: o~ be~znr.ir.g oi' the ?and hereia described and the bebir.r.:n~ of a cur~-~ concave j7es2e:ly, .iaving a radius of 100.40 fe~t; thence Southeasterl}• 75.OL' f~c: a;ono said curve tlirough a cantral annle of 42° 5S' 00" to a tangent line; thenc~ S~uth i3° 2G' GO" ti'dest, 1~1.68 feet to the beginning of a curve conca•re Ivo:U:::as~er.ly .• havin~ a radius of i00.00 faet; thence Southwesterly 23.04 feet alonp sairl c;ar~e thrc:~oYi a central rzn~le of 13° 12' 00"; thence Soutli 87° 07' 00" ~:ast, 172.G7 feat to an aaole point ir. the Northeast~rly line of the in~id descriUed in ine Deecl to kichard E. l~~n Flcet et. n~. > record°fl Octooer 26, 1555 in Bool, 3258, Paoe 3uG of Jificial Yecords; tnencc alono ihe boundery thereof South 11° 3c' 00" ~as*., 61.f7 fee:; :Y.encc South 78" 22' (10" ;Mest, 92.11 feet to :he be~zr.r.i::o ~f a cer:•a concs~a Southeaster~~ having a radius c: 59.14 icet; t,~:ence Southtivesterly 80.5? feet ai~n~ said oui~ve through a central 4ngle o: 7QO 24' to a point tvhich is South G° 02' Ou" Eas~, 7.7G5.0~ faet tind ~;.st 20.OU feet from the Northc~eat coraer of said Seclion G; tiienca parallel'r~i:;t the L':e~terly lir:e of suid section South 0° 02' f,~" East 47.00 feet; thei~ce leaving the L~oundary of said Van rleet l:uid, South 22° 5P,' 30" East, 320.53 feet; thence South 11° 55' 00" East, 97.~4 feet; thence • \Torth 73° 05' UO" Ea~t, 47.00 fect; thence A'ortr G7° ~1' CO" ~ust, 2G7.5° feet; :hence ~,g789~pr . North 55° 46' 00" Last, 32.00 feet; thencc w,~, ~ H,'~ ~~?~r•: . ' 2:a:;h ~5° SO' 00"• ~ast, 32.00 feet; thence .~: ~~ ~g1A v:., Nurth 4° 2n' 00" Eust, 117. i0 feet; tlience ~ F~~~Qti c:• horth 56° 10' OQ" East, 136.00 faet; thence ~ 4~~~ ~~p~ ~' Z,0 ~pN a`, ~ ~J~•' c?. ~~'~~ r~S~ ~ ~~2~~~ S~SZi.~2~ . ~ ~ t,u~~;u. USE PERf~'iiT NU. ~~:~'~ 125 S. CLAUDINA STREET. ANAHEIM, CALIFORtJIA 92605 PHONE (714) 774-5740 (213) 924-1631 ~ . ~ Legal Description for I~IcCarthy Co. paoe Tvro C~ North 76° 30' 00" East, 13.00 feet to a point on a non-tangent curve concave Southeasterly and having.a radius of 4U0.00 feet; thence ~orth~vesterly alono said curve from u tangent bearing North 13° 30' 00" ~Vest, u distance of 232.25 feet along said curve through a central angle of 33° 16' 00" to a tangent reversing curve concave Nortin- easterly and having a radius of 800.00 feet; thenCe \orthr~esterly 238.99 feet ulong said curve tt~rough a central angle of 17° 07' 00"; thence tangent North 29° 33' 00" ~V~st, 118.00 feet; thence South GO° 21' 00" ~Vest, 18.00 feet to thE true point of beginning. ~Containing a gross acreage of 6.307 acres more or less. ' Prepared under the supervision of ~~ ~ ~ ., ~ '~ l~L J~ .Gl•~%' - , Gerald D. Masgai j ~~ L.S. 3786 ;~ 1~ , FF-91~°r~ E-~~ ~o~ JN 1699 GOPJD. USE PERMIT N0. ~4~'~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ r ^ NOW, THEREFORE, AE IT RESOLVED thet the Aneheim City Planning Commissior. does hereby gra:d subJect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which ore heseby found to be a necessary pcerequisite to the proposed use oE the subject property in order to presecve the sefety end generel welface ofthe Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That ~rash scorage areas alisll be provided in accordance with approved plans on. file with che ofiice of the D'!rector of PubYic Works. 2, That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged ~s required a;Ld determined tu be recessary by the Chief of the Fire Departmer.t priar :o conrtnencement of strnetura9. fracc3r,g. 3. That suoject property she1Y be served by underground uti2ities. 4. That r1~Y signs shaYY be removed immediat~Py upan "se9.1-out" of the subject traci, as stipuiated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIQN is signed and appmved by me this lSth day uf March, 1974. ~~'~G ~.~..o ~~....~.u,.v~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATT ES'i : ~~~2~~ SECRET•ARY ANAHEIM CITY YLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ~Ot)NTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF P.NAHEIM ) I, Eatricia B, Scan'~axi~Seccetary af fhe City Plenning Commission of the CiCy of Aneheim, do hereby certify thet the foregoing resolution was passed end adopted at a meeting oE the City Plenning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on March 18, 1974, at 2:00 o`clock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: JUFINSON, KING, :10RLEY, GAUER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: COM.pTON, HERBST ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: PA1t~1N0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hend this YBth day of Merr~h, 1974, ~~~~~. SECRETARY ANA'HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION C2-G -2- RESOLUTTON N0. `rC74p67