PC 74-87~~~~ RESOLU'~1 N0. YC74-87 ~ ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNIN~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCG N0. 2591 BE DENIED WHEI2EAS, the City Planning Commission of the City oP Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from C~Ri•ETON, BROWN & CO., INC., 1000 Wilsiiire BouYevard, Los Angeles, California 90017, Owner; and ROBERT BROWN, Cox Neon Corp., 17ii Biuff Road, Montebello, California, 90040, Agent, of cert~in real property situated in the City o£ Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as follows: That porti~n of the West half of the Northwest quarter of Che Northwest quarler of Section 16, Township ~i South, Ran~e TO West, as showr. or, a map recorded in book 51, page 10 of Miscellaneous Maps, ree:erds of said Orange County, said 2and being furtlier described as the West halE of Lot 4 of Heien and Lynch's Addition to Araheim, as shown on a map recorded in book 442, page 158 oE Deeds, records of Los At~geTes County, CaYiforr.ia, described as f.ollows: PErcel No. 3, as sr~own on a map fiied in book 51, page 24 of Parcel Maps in the office of the County Racorder of said Grange Cocr.ty, WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in thc City of Anaheim on ApriT 29, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly ~iven as rcquired by law and in accordancc with the Frovisions of thc Maheim Municipal Codc, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidencc !or and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 1ti'IIEREAS, said Cornmission, aftcr duc inspection, investigation, and study made by itself and in its bchalf, and after duc considcr,ition of all evidcncc and reports offered at said hcaring, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a variance from lhe Analteim tAunicipal Code to permiC a free-s tanding sigr.: SECTION 18.62.090,b L} ~ Maximum free-ster.ding sign heiRht within 300 feet of residentiel structare. (25 feel• permitted; 32 feet proposed) 2. That there are no exceptional or extraordir.ary circumstanccs or conditions applicable to the propErty i.nvulved or~to the inter.ded use of the property tht~t do apply genera~ly to the property or c].ass of use in the same vicit~ity and zone. 3. That the requested variance is nor necessary for the preservation and en,joymenC of a substanti.el property right possessed by other properCy in the same vicinity and zone, ar,d denied to the property in questfon. 4. That the re~uestEd rarionce wifl be meteriall~ detrimentai to the puUiic wel.Eare or injurious to the praperty or improvements ti: auch vicinity and zor.e in which the property is located. ~ ENVIRONMENTAL IM'rACT REPURT FINDING: That tne Director of Deve4upment Services has determined Chat the proposed activity fu1ls within the definition of SecCion 3.01, Class 1 of the City uf Anaheim Guidelir.es to the Requirements for an Enviror.mental Impact ReporC and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement Co file ari EIR. Vl-D ... ~_ RF,SO~UTION N0, PC74-87 DEV-66•F_ ;~.,r• ~ ~ .~ . NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T RESOLVED that the Muheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny subjcct Petition for Variance on the basis of the aCorementicned finds. THE FOREGOING RESOUITIQN is signed and approved by me this 29th day of April 1974. ~~~ ~ ~~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION~- ATTEST: ~~ SECRETARY/ANA CITY PLANNING COMMISS[ON SfATE OP CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Pro Tempore I, A. Burgess, Secrctary/of thc Ci:y 1'lanning Commission of the City of Anr.heim, do hereby ccrtify that the foregaing resolution was passcd and adoptcd zt a meeting of tlie City Planning Commissian of the City uf Anaheim, held on April 29, 1974, at 2:00 o'c~ock p.m., by the following votc of the membcrs thcrcof: AYES; COMMISSfONERS: COMPTON, FARANO, HERSST, SOHNSOi1, KING, MORLEY, GAULR NOES: COMMlSSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havc hcrcunto set my tiand this '!9th day of April 1974. SECRETARY/ANAHEI PLANNING COMMISSION V2-D --2- IRESOLUTION N0. PG74-87