PC 74-88. _ ~` RESOLUTION NO PC74-88 ~ ~:~. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY FLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIAl RECOMMENDING TO T,HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFI~ATION NO. ~3-74-51 gE APPROVED WHERF,AS, t!~e City Planning Commi.^.sion of the Clty of Anaheim did receive n vedfied Petition for Reclasslfica- tionfrom JERR1 D, NILSSON, 1720 West Bal1 Road, Anaheim, California 92804, Owner; and WARMINGTOtd DEVELOPMENT, INC „ 1752 Langely Avenue, Irvine, California 42725, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anoheim, County of Orange, State of California, as describe3 in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold e public hearing at the City Hell in the City of Aneheim on April 29, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of seid public heering having been duly given as required by law and in accordcnce with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear end consider evidence for end against sald piopased reclassification and to investigete and make findings end cecommendations in connection therewith; and • WHEREAS, said Commission, efter due inspection, investigetion, and study made by itselE and in its behalf, and sfter due consideretion of ell evidence end reports oEfered et said hearing, does find end determine tne following fects: 1. Thet the petitioner proposes a reclassificetion of the above described property from the R-A AGRICULTURAL, ZONE to the R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY, ZONE. 2. That the proposed reclassification is in conformanae with the land use deaignation of the Anaheim GeYieraY Plan, 3. That the proposed reclessification of subject property is necessery and/or desirable fo: the orderly end pra- per development of the community. 4. That the pcoposed reclassificetion of subject property does p:operly relate to the zones end their permitted uses locelly esteblished ia cloae proximity to subject property end to the zones and their permitted uses generelly esteb- lished throughout thc comnunity. 5. That one peraon appeared in opposition. 6. That Che r~pplicanl• stipulated to erecting an S-foot wall along the west border, separating the subJkct properCy from the F~ I~property, ENVIRONMENTAL Tr;PAC'f REPORT FINDING: That the Planning Commission recommer.ds to the City Council that the subject properCy be exempt from the requirement to prepare an F~nviraamental Impact Report pursuant to L•4e ~rro- visions of the California Environmental QualiL•y Act, R_~ _1_ RESOLUTION N0. YC7G-88 ~ . . . '~ ~ • ~ ~~ .... ~ ~ ~ . i . , . 1 ~ ~ ~ -.~-... .. . _ . .. _....._._ _ . . .. . . . . . .. ~ . , ~ . .~ .1 n s2aa.s teaza • ~111 A.i.8.J1~ ~ c~» 5 ~~ g ~~~-~. L~.~-~- . ~ DESCRI?7IOT1: , TF'A7 P3nTI4?i OF 7Y.~. P;OF:TFsGAST QUA~TER CF 7HE iilJRYN~AST QUl1R7cR CF 7H~ t;QRTH~_a5T QU~RTER GF S=CTICN 24 "fQ°~t'~SHIP 4 SQUT;i~ R~1KGE 11 rtEST, • I~~ 7tii RAt~CHO LOS C4YUT~5, CI7Y Or /1;~A+1~IM~ COUPiTY OF 0.°.AI'iGE~ STA7E' OF CkLIFG~:~I.4, A:i SHG'r!t! Ut: `". HAP R'cCU?,JED I:~ BQOK 51 Pkf_. 11 OF ~ MISCztLAt:_OUS t•fAPS~ It~ T~lc OFFICE OF T~i~ COUN7Y YtCGRQ_R OF SAID ~ CDUf:TY~ O~SCRICc'D ~5 FOl.IQt•!S: E{EGF'r,r~I::G A7 TFiE r~OR7Ht•t~ST C~~~~R C~= T.i~ EAST 252.30 F°=7 OF SATD AJr~R7:-+c1:5T f`,•U~S~TEF.~ ~ri~i:Cc SCUTI-1 332.00 F~f.7 AL"vl:G '--tiE 1d^c5T LIt.2 pF SaID ~:~~7 2G2.30 F~~T ;C Tti~ RCr7~i LIi;= CC 7H~ SOt1TH 323.0o F~_7 Or Ti~= PJ3~1'H~.4~7 nU~,:4Tc'P, UF 7Nc` ~;O~;THEAST QUARTcR QF 5.'iID fi1JRTH~A57 Q11~°T~.°.; 7!'.;,;;C'~ FAST 2F.2.3Q F=^T fiL0?!G S~ID ?,~R'ftl LItd;-; SO Tii~ £AS7 LT';~ GF SnI D t:4;R~CH~."i57 Q11:'~~R7: R~ ~'I-f~i;C~ SGl77:1 1G4.OfJ FE£T nL01G SAID EAST LI::~ 70 Ttii~ SCUTNCnST C:Ji~i:.~.'~ CF T:~E rJ~RTli 15~t.04 F~~Y CF Tii~' SCU7li 32`3.00 F~ti•'~ OP SAID tiO~:Tti~rzS7 f;U:,R'E'.$.~r"t; TFIEi~~CL• iIc'S7" 230.00 FcF:'t rSL~i:G T!i' SOU7Pi [.I?!~: CF SAID ~:LI~TH lblt..!?0 F'~c7 70 '~7f~ ~A57 LI::° OF YHE i:_ST k00.0~ F~F7' ~3F 5AID *3GnTif~AS7 Q',JA~ t'cit; THKNCL SGUTN II2.00 FF_G7 AL:ttiG ;ELIO EAST L:ti_ OF 7tiE +.~~ST k00.00 FE~'C ?0 ~1E SJt1'C~i LI,~~ GF 'fHc WO~iFf t1ALF G~r 7!~i~ ;~t37H 1~.4.07 F~,cF Oi= SAID ?:CRTH~A57 QllARTcR~ TF;:~.C~ t?c5T 29E.00 F,•~7 /~LQ;~(: S~::O S~.^.U7H LIPt~ TO 7HE EAST Lii;c CtF 7li- ucST 132.00 ~~ET f~F SKtD ;tFG~t'.T-•1~6Q";2' "f?UA47~;; TFiF,~;CE s~O;.Tr~ 496.OU Fc~T AL~.:'r<G SAID ~?A~T LIt~E 10 ~t:~ C~;ql~~'}~ ~,~;t~;, ~p SAiA ScCTIOt~i; 7't1E;dCE EAS'T 265.70 f`z,T ALO,tiG SAI[Y !;('~k'YM L'Itdc ~'0 YF;E POIyT OF CcGI.aP~IYG. ~.~----- . . . Pp~ g7a < ~~~ a ~s,tla ~s-~-~~• ~ `• ~ •~ -t.~: 14 -51_ • ' ~ '! i • ~, . ~ ;~ ' ,.2 . r: . , • ~ .~ .. ' ~ ~ . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Co~nission does hereby recommend to the City ~ouncil of the City of Anaheim Chat subject Petition fex Reclassifi- cation be approved and, by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exciude the above-described property from the R-1, AGRICULTURAL,, ZONF.; and to incorporate said described property into the R-3, MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL, ZONE, upon the following conditions which are hereby foundYn be a necessary prerequi~ike to the proposed u5~ uf subject property in order to preserve tne safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City o£ Anaheim. 1, That the owr.er(s) of. subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim a strip • of land 53 feet in width from the centerTine of the street along Magnolia Avenue for street widening purposea. 2. That aTl engineering requirements cf the City of Anaheim, aiong Magnolia Avenue including preparation oE improvement plens and insCaTlation of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidewalka, street grading and paving, drainage £acilities, or other appurtenant work shaF1 be compli.ed with as requfred by the City Enginee=`~'and in accordance with standard pian: a~d specifications on fi'Le in the Office of the City Engineer; tt~~t street Yignting .Eacilities alor.g Magnolie Avenue and BaiE Road shall be installed as reguired by the Director of Public UtiYities, end in accordbnce wiLh standerd plans and specifica- tions un file in the Office of the Directar of PubYic UtiPities; and that a bond in an amount ard form satisEactury to the City o£ Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the_instalPation of the dbove-metitioned requirements. 3. That the owner(s) of subject property shaYl pay co the Ciey of Anaheim che sum of bOq per front foot along Magnolia Avenue and Ball Road for tree plar.ting purposes, 4. That trash sCorage areas shatl be provided ir accordance w~th approved plans on fil~ with the Office of the Director of Public Ldorks. 5. Thet fir~ hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Depsrtment prior ta commencement of structural framing, 6, That all air-conditioning faeilities shali be properly shie~ded fram view, and the sound buEfered fram adjacent pzoperties. 7. ThBt subject property shall be served by underground utilities. 8, That drainege of uubject property shall be disposed of in a manr.er sarisfbceory cu the City Engineer. 9. In the event that subjecc property is to be divided for the purpose of saYe, lease, or financing, a parcel map, to record the approved division of subjecC praQerCy shaYl be submitted to and approved by the City of Aaaheim ar.d :hen be recarded in the Office of the Orange Caunty Recorder. 10. That the owuer(s) of aubjecC property sl~all pay :o the City of Anaheim the approrriate perk and recreation 3n-Yieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at rhe time the baiYding peneit fs issued. 'L1. That compLetion of these reclassificatton proceedinga is continLent up~n the grar~~ing of Variance No, 259'L. 12. That an eight (8) fooC block wall would be constructed along :he west boundary of subject property as stipulated to by the pPtitioner, 13. That sub~ect property shall be developed su'ostantiaFly icix~ccsrdar.ce with pgans and specifications on file with the CLty of Ar.aheim marked ~xhibit Nas, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 14. Yrior to the intruduction of an ordinsnce rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3, and 9, above-mentioned, shall be conpleted. The provisiuns or rtghts granted by this resolution shall become null and void by ac:ion of the City Councll uniess said conditions are compYied with within one year from the da~~ hereof, or sucY, f~srther time as the City Council may grant. 15. That Cond;.tion Nos. 4, 6, ?, 8, il, 12, Blif~ i3, above-mentioned, sheYl 'be compPied with prior to finai buifdir.g and zoning inspections. THE rOREGOING RESOLUTION 2s signed and approved 'oy me this 29th day of April 1974. ___.~~~~~~-L'~?~=-~--.~ CFIaIRMAN A[~AHETM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION ATTEST: SECRETARY PRO TL2SPORF HEIM CITF 2LANNIIdG COMMISSION R2_p -~- RE~~LUTION N0. PC74-88 .y • • ~ ~ • ~. STATE OF CP.LIFORN7A ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, A. Burgess, Secretary Pro Tempore of the City Planning Coffinission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adapted at a meeting of the City Planning Co~mnission of the City of Anaheim, held on April 29, 1974, nt 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: COMPTON, FARANO, tiERBST, JOHNSON, I:ING, MORLEY, GAUER r0E8: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONF. IN WITNES5 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thiss 29th day of Apri: 1974. . ~.~~ SECRETARY PRO TEMPORE A IM CITY 'PLANNING COMMISS R3-A -3- RESOLUTION N0. PC~4-88