PC 74-93~ ~ RESOLU'~INO. PC74-93 ~ A RESOLUTfON OF TFIL CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 259~ BE DENIED ~~ ~ - . WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission oE the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Variance from CO'~i.INS :i,'It4iTED PARTNERSHIF, Dev~d Collins, General Partner, 1077 West Bail Road, Anaheim, CaL~forni.a 92802, Owner, ioE certain• r.eal~aff~~perCy aituated intthe~•G~'ky~:o~f Anaheirt; County u{ Or:-:zoe, State of California, as described ir: Erhibit "A" attached hereto and referred•to herein as though set forth in fuii WHL'REAS, the City Plaaning Commission did Uold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anahcim un ~:pr~l 29, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly ~ivcn as required by law and ir accordance with the provisions of the Mahein? Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposcd variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and ~4HEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation, and study made by itselC and in its behalf, and a(cer due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: l. Ttiat the petitioner requests a variance from the Anaheim Municipal Code: SECTION 18.52.02d ~ Permitced Uses. (Focd ~~aEes wzth beec and•wine nar. ~ permitteai [oud_sales wich beer. and wine p~posed} 2, That there are no exceptionaf or extraordiaary cS.rcumstances or coc~ditLor•.s applicable to the properL•y invoived or`to ~he intended use of the property thet does appTy generalYy to the properl•y or cPass af use in the same vicinity and zane, 3. Thac the requested veriance is n~~ recessary for the preservation and en;eyment of a subs~antial pruperty right possessed by rCner proparty in the same viciti:ry ar,d zone; and denied ro the proper~y i•r, yuestion, 4. That the requested vari.ar.ce wiiL bz m~terially detrim~i_tal kn tHe FuLiic w~~lf~re or injuriaus to the property or improvemeats in such vicinity end zane in whic~~ the p¢operty is located, 5. That or.e per~on yppesred in cppu~sition, 6. ThaL ic was detezm~ned that ceriditiuns of appruval of Variarce no, i349 must be completed. ENVIRONh1EN7'P.L 1ZiPACT REPORT EINDING: That t'ne Direr_tor of Le~•<:opment Serviccs h3s determir.ed that the praposed acti~iry ia11s. withi^ the definition of Section 3.01, Class 3,~of. the City of Anahe:.m Guide3ines ~u the Requirements for an Envfronmental Impact Report and is, therefore, cstegorically er,empt from the requirement to ftYe an EIR. V1-D -] - RESOiUP10N N0, PC74-93 DEV-66•E . ~~ : ~-- --., ~ , ~ ,I~\`; SA,i=ECO TITL:E INSURAf~ICE . OMPANY HAFECO ~ 8:~ NORTH DROACWAY. P. O. BO% 208, SANTA ANA, CALIFOANIA 92702 • 17~41 S47•7231 TITLE .~~~I~I'T ~ ~~„ Ntarch 29, 1974 ~ Planning Deparcment City ~f Anaheim • Gen t le men : A check ~f our rec~rds sh~ws that the f~ll~wing pr~pert,y is vested in COLLINS LIh4LTED PARTNERSHIP as of this date. SZJBJECT PROPERTY: Beginnin~ at ~ p~int ~n the S~uth line ~f West BroadwaY which said p~inL is 4J feet Sout•h of a p~int which is 132.88 feet East of a cemanL monument m3rking the Northwest c~rner• of L~t 47 of"Anaheim Extensi~n," as sh~Vm ~n a N~aP ~f Survey rtC3de by Wm. Hamel and ~iled f~r i•ecard with therheuinter~ection of the S~utheline~fy~ Calif~rnia, said p~int teing West Broadway with the West line of Ada~ Street, running thence S~uth 0° 10' West al~ne the West line of s~id Adams Street and the c~ntlnua- tion thare~f 455.75 feee to the South line ~f the tract of land c~nvey- ed to the Anaheim N~nufacturing CompanY by deed rec~rded Noverrnber I2th, 1920 in B~ok 378, Page 396 0£ Deeds; thence S~uth 88° 57' West along saLd S~uth line 100.40 feet to.a poLnL on the East llne ~f the right of viay of the Los AlamLtos Branch of the S~uthern Pacific Railway; thence N~rt-h 0° 09' West along said East line 248.44 feet to a point and continuin~ along said r.ight ~~f way llne ~n a curve N~rtheasterly with a radLus of 3'S2.25 feet to an intersecti~n ~n the South line of said Broadway Street; thence N~rth 88° 55' East al~ng said South line 34,4u feet to th~ int ~f begLnninQ. incer ly ,y -"'"'J~ t~i~ Rabert N. Scove A:,sistant Secretary P ~191~~~~% ~ . pV ~, R~o V g N `~ • . '~'dZZ12V?'6`~ VARlANCE NQ. ~- S`~i S MBM~fiN: AMBA~CAN LANO iITLL" A:~l+Ot:l/~TI1~~~ ~(CnL~Rpr1NIU LANO i1TL8 4tl6UC1nT10N 1' ~ ~ ~..: ~ * ' ~ . • v •, r NOW, THEREFOR~, B~ IT Rh OLVED that the Aneheim City Planning u~misslon does h~reby gcont subject Petition for Variance, upon .the foilowing conditions which are hereby fo=snc tu be a necess~nry prerequisiEe to the pro- posed use oE the subject Froperty in orclai to preserve the sefet~ end generel welface of the Litizens of the City of Anaheim: Tk~E.FORE~OII~fG R~~OLUTION is signed end approved by me th:s 29th day o£ April 1974. O //~I~~IA~ ri~~(/l w~/~~ CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM C1TY PLANNING COINMISSION ~ ATTEST: (~%~~1 ~"~.eh~ SECR- ETARY/ANA • IM ~ TY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) es. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) Pro Tempore I, A. IIurgess, Secretary~of ~the City Plenning Commissian of the City of Aneheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wae pessed end edppted et .s meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Aneheim, held on April 29, 1974, at 2:00 ~'c~ock P.M., by the following vote of the members thereoE: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: COMPTAN, rARANO, JOtIN50N, RING, MORLEY, GAUER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST ABSENT: COMMYSSIONERS: NONE, IN 1VITNESS WHEREOF, I have heceunto set my hand this 29th day of April I974. SECRETAR7~ ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G _Z_ RESOLUTION N0. FC74-93