PC 74-94RESOLUTION NO. P~ 74-~4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLRNNING COM~IISSION OF T~IE CITY OF ANAHEIM RE~~TM ION FOR F~ECLASS FICA i0NIN0.~3~~`''I~Y O BE APPROVED T WHEREP_S, thc City Planning ~ommission of thc City of llnaheim did recelve a veritled Petition for Reclassifica- tionfrom A, H, STOVALL, Jr., 1475 Santa Diarga:its Drive, Fa1lUrook, California 92028 and DOROTHY M. FlT'~LER, 7.52 Skyview :ferrace, Ventura, Cali.faraia 93003, Owners; and LARMOR DEVEZOPM~,]T COMPANY, 11tl1 SouCh t;r~9~ix1 ~ve'rue, Suite K, Senta Ar.a, California 92705, Agent, of certain real property described as follows: A1i that c~ertafn lend 'situa+~ed in the State of California, County o£ Orar,ge, City of Anaheim, described as foiYows: The I~orth 33a feet of the Rortheas~ quarter of the NortheasC quarter of the Northwest quarter of Ser.;tian Ik, Township 4 South, Range il West, iri t'he Rencho los Coyotes, as shown on a map recor3ed ir. boak 51, psse 1Y, of. Miscellar.eous Maps, records of Orange County, Except the East 340 feet thereof, ; end WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing et the City He1S in the City of Aneheim on April 29, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice oE said public hea:ing having been duly given es requIred by law end in accordence with the provisions of the Aneheim Municipal Code, Chcpter 18.72, to hear and conslder evidence for end against said proposed reclnssification and to investigete and make findings end aecomnsendations in connection therewith; and 1YHEREAS, said Commissioa, efier due inspection, invicetigatlon, end study mede by itself and in !ts behalf, end efter due cunsideration of all evidence nnd reports offered et seid hearing, docs Eind end determine the followii•~g fecte: 1. Thet the petitioner proposes a reclessificetion of the above described praperty from thi 20NB, to the R-3, MULTIPT.E-FAMILY RESIDENTI?.L, ZONE. 2. That the proposed reclassificetion is i.n confonnance with the on the Auaheim General PTa~1, R-A AGRICIILTUR4L, land use de3ignation g 3. Thet the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessery end/or desirable for the orderly end pco- per development of the community. 4. Thet the proposed recleseification of subject property doe~ propedy relate to the zones and their permitted uses locelly esteblished in close proxlmity So subject property and to the zones nnd thefr permitted uses generelly estab- lished throughout the communlty. 5. That the applicant stipulated to instaPling a Fire alarm system as may be required by the Fire Depertment. 6, Thar Variance No. 2594 fEiSecl in conjur.ctian wiCh aubject re~Tassification has been withdrawn since the applicnnt has reduced the nue~ber of unite, and said variance is no longer needed. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINUING: That the Planning Commission recocrc.nenda to Che Ciry Council that the subject project be exempt from the requirement to peepare an En•vironmenta! Impact Report pursuant to the pro- visions of the CaEifornia Environmental QuaYity Act, R-A -1- RESOLUTION N0. PC74-94 _ T _.-P. , ~NOW, THEREPORE, BE I~ 56LVED C~at the Ar&heim Cit P~nnin recommend to tne City Council of ehe Cxky nf Anaheim thaL subject Petition~for6Reclasstificay tion be approved and, by so doing, tha[ Tiele ~II~Zoning o£ the Rnaheim Municigal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the R•R, ~GRICULTpgAL, ZONF., and tiu incorporste said described property into the R-3, MULTIPL~ ~AMTJ.Y RESiAENTIAL, 'L~N~;, upan the following conditions which are heieby fNz~nd tA he a n~cesssry preteq,~isite to the ~ko- posed use of subject p~roperty in order to presea~e the safety end,gen~r;el w~et~are of L•he Citizens of the City uf Anaheim: 1, That street li.ghting ~facil'ities along Lincaln A~ver.ue s~fa1T bc :astaZiEd as required by the Director af Public Utfli.ties, and in accordanc~ wit•h sta~s~iard ~Inr.s astd ~ specifications on fiY~ in the Office a~f the Di.rector of ~~:b1ic UCili~ies m.nd that a bond in an amoant and form satisfactory to the City o~ Anah~im shall be postRd wieh the C3ty k6 guarantee the installation of the above-meiztioned requirements. 2. That the owner of subjECt prop~erty sh,;:;EZ pgy to the Ci'ty ~o.f Anahai~n Yhe sum o£ 60C per front foot afong Lincoln Avenu~ for tr,ee pla~cing purposes, 3.• That Crash storage areas sh~ll be provide~` in aZCOrdanee ~;ith approved plann on i:ile wir.h the office of the llirector of Pub4ic W~c~~CS, 4. That fire hydrants shaTE ba iustaFled and charged as required and determined tu be necessary by the Chief af the Fire Department prior to commer.cement of structural framing, 5. That aIl air conditioning facilities shalY be properly shielded from view, and the suund buffered from adjacent pruperties, 6. That subject property shall be served by undergruund uttlfties, 7. ~hat drainage of subject pruperty sha1P be disp•~aed of ic: a manner satisfactury r.o the City Engineer. 8. That the owner of subjece property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-iieu fees as determined to be apprupriatE by the City Cour.cil, snid fees to be paid at the time the buildin~ permit is isaued, 9, That a fire slarm system sha3Y be it,sLalYed as may be required by the Fire Department, 10. That subject property shall be deveioped substantisriy in accordance wiCh plans and specifications on file with the City uf Anaheim marked Ext~~bit N~s. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. LE. Prior to the introduction of sn urdinance rezoning subjeat property, Condicion Nos. 1 anu 2, above-mentioced, shaTl be campleted. The prcvisioes ur rights grented by this resolutiun sha17. become nul't ar.d vcid by action of th~ City Council unlesa setd cendttions are compYied ~~ith within one year frcm the date here~f, or s::ch further time as thE City Cour.cii may dra•~.c. 12• Tl~at Conditian Nos. 's, 5, 5, 7, 9, ar,d Y6, above-mer.:ior.ed, sha11 be ccmpYied wtt.1~ orior Co finaf butlding and zaning inapections. 'PHE POREGOTNG RESULUTION is signed ard approved by me thie 29th da~• of ApriY 1974. ATTEST~ ~~IR*fAN ANdHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION SECRL•TARY YRO TEMPO HEiM ClTY ti,pNNiNG COhA1ISSI0N STATE OF CALIFOFtNTA ) C01iIITy OF ORANGc; ) ss CI'Ti pP l,~IAHLTM j I, A. Iiurges~„ Secr,eF.asy ~;to ~~;pQre ~cF C;r~+~ (fity Planning Commtssion of the Cii•y uf Anaheim, do hereby certify t;a~ ti~n ~~crrE$~sq.~yg reael~tion was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning, ^,otmna.saton of t~G 'City oti Atsa~hei.m.,~ hEed on Apri]. 29, 1974, nt 2:00 o~cYuck p,m,, by the following vote nf ~n~ ~~Ty~ers tir~reof: AYES; COMMISSIONEkS: COMPTON, FA~2AN0, Hi:RAST, 3pHNSON, K1NG, MORiEY, GaUER NOES: COMMISSIONERS; NONE ABSENT: COMMI'SSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thfa 29th dey o£ AprLl 1974. SE( <; TARY PRO TE.tiPi 0~ aNAHLIM CITY PLANNING COMMI ON R2-A -2- RE'SOLUT.ION ~U. PC74-94