PC 74-98. - . _---- ------ __-------- --- -: .---- _ .. , . ~ ~ ~ RESOLUTION NO PC74-98 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI1'Y PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ANAHEWi RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR RECLASSIFICATION N0. ~3-74-56 gE AYPROL•ED WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Maheim did receive a verifierl Petition for Re- classificetionfrom R. H. GRAirf CORP., 221 West Dyer Road, Santa Ana, California 92702, Owner; and E. L. PF.ARSON & ASSOCIATES, 3955 Birch Street, Newport Beach, California 92660, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and referred to herein as though set forth in full ; and WHEREAS, the City Plenrting Commissian did hold e public hearing ut the City Hall in the City o[ Aneheim on May 13, 1974 et 2:00 o'clock P.M. notice of said public hearing heving been duly given as cequired by lew and in aceocdence with the pcovisions of the Meheim Municipal Code, Chepter 18.72, to hear and consider evideoce for and egainst said proposed reclasaification end to investigete endmaKtr ;indings andrecemmendetions in connection.therewith; end WFIEREAS, seid Commission, efter due inRpection, investigation, end study made by itselE and in its be- half, end eiter due consideration o~ ell evidence end repocts offered at'said hearing, does find end determine the following facts: 1. That tlie petitioner proposes e ceclassificetion oE the above described pcoperty from the R-A AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, to the R-H-10,000 ZONE. 2. That the proposed reclassification.is in conformanc~~ with the land use designa= tion of the Anaheim General.Plan. 3. That a representative of the AnaSeim Hills, Inc., stipulated to dedicate the easterly half'of the ultimate width of'Imperial Highway from Nohl Ranch Road southerly to the south boundary of Tract No. 8533'; and further, that the petitioner stipulated that ~ any fill necessary for the entire ultimate width of Imperial Highway would be done as part of the development of the aubject property. 4. That diacussion was held at said public'hearing and the Planning Commission directed Staff to prepare a condition of approvsl of the subject peCition concerning maintenance of'the slope landscapir.g which is a part of the development of the subject property; that said condition of approval shall be presented for Planning Commisaion approval prior to City Counc?!. review;'and that this Resolution shall be so amended to include said condition of approval when appropriate. 5. That aubject property is included in the Imperial Highway Interim.Reimbursement Agreement Diatrict which has an average fee of one thousand, five hundred and twenty-five dollars ($1,525.00). 6. That the proposed reclassificatinn of aubject property is neceasary and/or • desirable for the orderly and'proper development of the community. 7. That the propoaed reclassif3cat9o: of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in cl.ose proximity to subject properry and to the zones end their permitted uses generally established throughout the cammunity, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: Environmental Impact Report No. 125, supplementing Master Environmentxl Impact Report No. 80, having been considered this date by the City Planning Commission, evidence both written and oral presented to supplement said draft E1R No. 125, the City Planning Commission believes that said draft EIR No. 125 does conform to the City and State Guidelinea and the StaCe of California Environmental Quality Act and,'based upon such infqrmation, ddes hereby recommend to the City Council that they certify said EIR'is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act. RA-1 -1- RESQLUTION NU, PC74-98 ~ ~~~~~~'~' .«~„ G^.-~.'s6393 P; ~a t- L'i:5f,^.;i?~r2C.'[ ' ~•~~ ;-;a; ~===y= 1=~3 ;J.~sa'zd i~ th~ Sta=e aF Caliicr-*_:is~ Cnunty o£ C:a:~e, C?_7 6f :.:~.:2'_~-~. 3~~c=?~e3 a~ Fol?~us: ,~:e^c~~i T-: ;,- ~~33 b.>_i.-:; a su:~i~±sion a: a porl:ior. or t~:s ±o3locrL3: •tL~~.~='r.:~_~ . j ry•~~w~ ~: ~ ^:-:~~ ~o~ti:m c~ t::3 ~~_3 J.;-?~; ,i*-:~=n Pa:^*_al 2 of ~x~cuta:~ ae~d reaorded ,,•... ^a^_ ~:.'7 0~ Or:_cial Tecoraa of said C~:r.:;r, tlescrJ.bed ss :_'i JufJ:L -ri.7~ _ _ ~ Q.~.? IIS7~ : ;,.s,•.'_^n3.~:S sxt th~ ~ oxt::a~st coraer ~i :.ail ?arcal 1, ~a3d iiort~aost eo:::er a:.co te'_^.3 ~::3 ~cutiz,~e3~ eo~er o; ^ract i•'o. 936, : s oar ~ap rt:~o-:d=d =~ b+~r,k ~D, ~z;_s 1^ad 2 os" 2*.i3c_llaaacus ::csps, record~ o£ ca:.d Ccua:7. t::zace ::l.or;~ t:.,~ Sr,ut'.^.ezly bo~~.daz; o~ raid 'i act Sou:ii 29° ~o+ i9" ??a3L 32G~.55 ~=a~ to ~ point d:~ae.:~.t 2.03 ;:~et P~ t'~e Sout:seast cox:;e: oti ca~!:l 's'~~a.*_y ~rici noia~ n13o b=._ag cn ~ cs:~e caacave ~•instprlY a::v;:~~ a_•:alis~ ni 'Or~.~~~ ;.~e~, a zalial to ~aid pa3n~ b~rs Sosta &~° 7.v' ~3" i.^a~; ~:-.4~ca S:.ru_: ezl~ :i1c*_i;~ .aid cs~^:a L•cr:w_.^,'n a c~txal nn;la e•= i2' 02~ Q~' ::s az c:a~~.c~ o: 210.05 ieet; L•;~~~cc+ tn^;ene to ~aid •~i;:-vc :Y~u~:~ ~.~° :;1' •.".•:" :.~s ?73.iJ~ °-=e= =a a u^r.~~nC ~t::~t~ co^..^.ava FKa2:~.1~ h'~~i=:t < fad~_u~.oi+~•"•00 ~cet3 th.ssca S~uL'naxlq alon,; ea`_d carv~ u1:7~:2:1 ._ C•`:St°`.'L .- nlL~ OT' ?~' 3:~ ~t~~~ .::1 R~II C'~^ui:^~:~. O'i .~i~7.Fi7 F22t: :_'.c•zr_a C~ ~~°_:~- ta z.a3~t c,~.:_-~e .;:m~h 0° ~~S' 3~a' F.a.vt 50L• ~52 ieet to t~a b~ ::L-~~S aY a t,=:;~s`c c~~~ conc~."~e ?~%~.ster2q t:avir.g ~ rad3us o; 1200 i~t?'C~ 4'::C::'1CD .~i~tI~:1L'+~1`J 73i.a71; 0:.7.~ C:lLV~ A:~ a°.i1.Otl~ti2 ~.1 C•^.'1tL.1~. ?.II~~.3 O~ Z;' ^~~ 22'~ :~ ^.rc d.';s1•~-.cs oi .39,59 ~cat; ~1:~ncyY tan~~s~ ~a c;~.d cur+e ";t:,~it 1C'' ~7~ f,3~~ T,7~~~ ~s ;:!.i2 i eat ~o th-~ :•iortu~~z2~ Scu.^.da~ of t'~~ iy:ww~ali~Ly.-n'1 ;~~sY:-ve ~.~ c!:~sc=3.U=.ci ia 2ooc~eat recor~~d in bcok 3333, ;,a~a ~i~ or, d"; •:.~:~.al ?ecor3~ o~ :~r~3 Ccznti; t~enaa alon;c ~aid boun3a:y L;:e i~ilcai-o coLr3efl; SA+aFh c9° SS' ~>1" ~7p.9C 2:.44.C0 fca~; Souttz 0° 5G~ ~' 03~ 29" !~es~ :zlon~ ^aid 'uour_da:y und it~ µ~t~ nT~:.`l: JJ'.i.7 YC°~i ?~OYCil ~ ~:<~3_ez=~ rza?~nr~:ioa 311t.'~0 "~4t to th~ i?eet~rJ.v 1:Lze of sai~ '_'arc:.7./ r- ~~~:,:nc~ a1o~^ tia ~~ci:ndaxp ax said Paxc.1 ?,:~cr~h 0° :;6' Zp:, Eas: /,c~' ~ LS?b,23 ~_n`, 3:uth 3`J' 2~~ :;~" ~2aC ~OO.OQ f::ot? and :•ia~t!~s 0° 35t 2 f~, . ~~ :i:~~ 5?l..].7ysee:: to tiie po~n* o~ be~i~3c6. ~, E:.:e~tJ.~,; tL•Vsefr~n tik:: ~art3on 3?3CT~~uEt1 ~~ £al.l.c.^,s: - 1 12:: '3 a' -;~ t1~AY 1974 ~;=~, ~:F:Ci:Vti°~'•i t, zocair:c =' G1VIuCiN ,~ J Cc-:,^er•ci^g ~r a nvi,^.; ~.n zh:.• 5outierlq i2tta nE Tr1ct ?10. 93n ar ~ex eap - a.~acr,a.ad ~~ ~coi: 3J, ,a~•:s 1^^d 2, o° i~1i~c~J.lar.ea~s ifaps, ia ti:a af£ica a~ t,;~ ~ounty P,c•:crd~~ oz n:~id C~.ntq, :~aid , oint be1.n,^, di~tant• 2;orth i:7° 7O7 19" 5;~.^.~ 2.Ci3 Fr_e~ sr~:~ t::c S~:tha3a~ .^.oraer o° aaid Trattt~ eaid ro~rz ;,i;,~ bain;; en a c~:rv3 cn:.r.,y:o T~cutc:3~ hsrL-~~ a:a1iu~ of ZC00.09 ::^~t, u xadi~i to :a33 po?aC li~r~ Scuch o~° 10' S~~• tasi; t?:ettce Southorlq :~~•r._; Laid ~i:. ~. ~: r~~,;a a caatr_~1 :~~io o: 12° 02 QG ' an arc di~t.ar.ce c° 3I.O,Q~ ir.ot; L•~~~:ca Ccar:~ir Co aaid cu~vc ~m~th 16" 51' Q3" T~est ].73.7~+ fc?~ Co a.nL^er.t cu:ve concata Fnste.rl9 ha•ring a raciiu3 of ~~DO ~~~~; t;i~::r_a Soa~i:e.ly ~:toag saail cu:~a throu3ii ~ cantral mt?Ic of (* `ti~ •.~~7, ~if~ S"G:'~ ~ iz~.c~s .,. r ...~_ , ~~ ~ 03-114b393 Paga 5 49' 00" ~ arc ~3st:r=cs o~ 13u.43 feat to tha trua point of beginr3n~; o , +~ tu=nca co^.tiauia,; alor.~ said curva th_ough a cent.al an~1.°- pf 9 48 [f2 ; n arc di:::._zce o£ 172.24 s.'ar; th=n~= ti~^.~z~t to said curva Sou~h 0° h5` 34" ~s~t ~~79.u2 f~=t; Chtce :iarth 82° 5?' 09" t•I=st 327.45 EeeL; t4:nc:: .Iortii 3.4° 27+ 31~~ tTast 305.40 S•eet to tha centerlin_ of i~olil. :;:ic'~ ?~sd form~rly I,incola A;rzaae, G0.00 feet in v-idth, as eaown oa pl~, :3 ~03' vrate•r traasni~ai~ iaaia, uni~ 2io. S, S.1eet Plo. 5, Dra:v3~:.g Itio. 1}-1172 :.iLh a revisad data of .7anvary 2i, 1965, on file in the City of n:~Laia, said Co~ty o~ Qt~^~~; "^~nce aloag sa•~d centerlir.e as psr 5:=at iio. 5 0£ said pl^:a .iorth 7=+° 17~ 32" E:.st 193.07 feet+ 2heace 1~~~~•~ u~drC~Gt28 90 fe_t to th~2tri:e"poiat of7beg'~~aS.theuce .torth 80 0~ 5_ Also e~aepziag ~haras'=on thosa por.tions lyiag 4ieaterlp of the Eastarly :ooL.-tdari,^..s oP Tract ~io. 7553, as sho;an cn a raap recordad Coimtk ~Cal•lfornia, p~~~s 7~ g~lg 9 of i•Liaca~.~.s.'1dOU3 i~ps, records of Or~ngs 3 es 11, an3 =ract i,o. 7563, aa shown on a 2~Iap r~corded :[a book 314, p g 12, 13 ~ad 14 of Mtsca~laneous i!sps, recorde of Orange County, Califoroia. r1Zso esc~nt3a ; thersfroa Lh~ portion lying 5outhweaCerly o`> ths South- eaeterly e::Ceasion of ~h~ Northeas*_erly line of Lot ~ L~ l+ainclusive .9~c3, as ~a~wn u~ a.~,3p r~car3~d n boo'. 314, Pa~'~ oF 2•iisa°.? lazaous 2~Taps, recards of Or~n~e CounCy, Cai3ioraia. 34.;r; '.. A1.so e::ceptia~ ther=f*_rna thz portion iyin; Plortlierly oEbt:ld_~a r~ooraza. ~.;1~ ~:,,~\ oi tiohl Ranc~s P.~ad ag canv~y=d to t~a.Cot:nty of Orau~a Y ,~ ~ 3i;,,~ ??~ 197~ in boo?c 10765, gs~a 501 of Ofiicial 1Lcords. ~~~ F ~ ti ~l ~9~ =` ; ~: A •~ w, N ,~C" " P ARCEL 2: ~" RCS'~~~~'" t~t • `L`. .~v' .1J~ 'v Co~..encin,n, a't a uoint in tn3 Soutlierly lina of iYacC`Ilo• 4in'the offlceP't• G}~J `~~ reco:dsd ~?n boo. 30, pave3 1~nd 2 oi• :iiscellaneous .SaPS~ \~~2~~p~v oi ~h2 Co1::ity P~corder oi seid Covaty, said point beinS disL~nt i~orth ~...i S9' 12' 19" ~%cst 2•0~ °ez~ ~xo~ t'~a Southsast corn°raoTadius ofa1000.00d noint alao ba~o cn a cur~e ce^r_4ve 4iesterly hav3ng i~.>.t, a r.acii~l to said puint bear~ South i35° 10' S8" La~t; thencs Southerly alea~ sar.d curve thrae~:~ a c2atralJ~dlcuzve Sou~th' 16°1151n 08" ~Iest~~e o£ 210.05 feet; Chence taa~ent Co a Yadius of 1000 173.74 feat to a tsn~eat cuzve coacave Easterly having feet; thencz 5outherly aloag caid curve througu a ce.ntra7. angle of 7' !F9' 00" :ui rtrc distanca o: 136.43 .~eat to the true point of bebinning; tlte.aca conCinuing alon~ said curv3 trrough a central alglc af 9° 40~'42" ~ arc dist:tacs o: 171.24 ;cet; thenc~ Cang.nt to szid ew.ve South 0° 46' 34" L~st 479.52 ~aat; thence ,]orth 32° 5?.' 09° S~Test 327.45 feet; Ct1C11C3 t•iurth 14° 27' 31" Uest 30$. GO £cet to the ceaCerline of tloiil R=_~yc:~ P~nad, ioz~erly Lincoln Avenua, 60.00 feeL ia width, 33 ahotrn on plans £or iratcr traas~i.ssion ~s3n, lis~.t 2:0. if, Sheet Nu. 5, Drawin~ tio. A--1172 :~ith a revisa3 date of Januar.y 21~ 1965, on file in the City o£ ~nahaim, s~id Coi-.'ztY oi Crange; thenca aloag said centerJ.iae as per. S~a2t tlo. 5 oL• aaid plan3 :~IorCli 7h° 17' 32" East 198.07 fr.~t; thence 1~lving said c:a~n:l%.~~ i'Ierth ].5° G2' 28" ~vest 257.35~n~~ thence Nortt- £~3° 05' 52" 7:ast 23G.90 fc~t to tce trua point of• UJ ~ b• . ~~.c~;s~. r9u. 7~ •~`/- s~r , . , ''-cept3~~ t;~;rofrosa z~~ar~i~-a l;d~~ .tar.~orl~ o* the txr linx of '_';:a'! ~Tir.c:z :tr,ad ~:s - ~'~-J~i to Li:a ;atr.:~y os (1:=:~,a o~ dca~d recordod 3~ns 22, 1~173 2n bcs_t i]7'v~, ?.13~ 501 0: O_°?icial n.:.totds. r"'>' . ~ ie ~t :t '~ ii w:.`~.~? . i.o_~: _~:3 calq ~.~-t'=~ *~io ~i~nat-.ires ara nacessarj to oF~er .°o: d=ditation a~j ~-~cat~ c: a31u~ s?~w. a ca tha `r[a~ oQ c ro?oae,~3 i5'aa~ 'r.a. 3533, uza :..~ ~ollc-rs: ~•.~~:~:L :ia G~aat Co:r.orat~n, a Cy~o~~ ~o~araiicn, (~at yet =eeazd c•: te: o~ :~ i o~ n~i3 l~nc) ,,'~i~ ~ ~-'~'icaa ?itio Yarnsz~nca ~c~a?a~p; a Cti•;.`o-L:a Car;oza`•icn+ 's~~ ~.3t~e tr..der d~i af Lruat recardzd 3n ~co:c ?~?12i, r~^.3 33~ o, b:~i=3al ~=c~_3~, ?itlo Ya^uraaca and LiLl~~ CC~!~IILYf a na:~o=.:icn. i~:stas af a^_eda of i':-~s3~, ~acarded 3.n b~ok 9735~ paves ~, i3, 21 =:ai 3~J os' Gi ~icial iiacord.s. i":o 3.uta::.:~~ o•Q t~:s Ci:~ o_° :La::~ ho]der of ~n eas~+-~t fox pipe ~„~, Ta~tj3 i's~.c; isc•TC? ~fia3 rur.cees by caed3 zecardxd : u~usi lv, 1955 ~:a l~cak 7'~~2. n~qs ?~, o_° 4:~:iaiaJ. ?:~cerds :~d an 3una 22, 1973 3a boox .10i~~, ^:~g3 ~Ol a= Q~.'_-~ -3. ~ecor3a+ r.a? ba ccrered bq lr.dor~~ent r.urava.~: co Sec~3.on 31~37 r_~d/or fiec'tion 1?~37-~ o= the Eusiaess ~ad i'ro?•~ssio~~ Cad~. . A ~~. ::arsl. in ~.~*»s os' th~ Couay o; O:za;,s ;~?IY be necass:irq. I4 ^ act 2;~a, ^uai2 t:~d "533 ~r~ =ec.ord,~ co~c~:~~i.;. one i~ond in th~ ^wouat o4 $2?, ~20.C0 ~;113. u~: a+.°ii~i~nt. '~r ~^a t=asCs a_e zcco:d~i at di~fcr~t ~~+•~~:~, e=x: va~ ati ~ v=c~a.d bu r^_nuosteFi ~~an t~a A~3233q1' ~~~ar uu recai.vc+ n c~;y o~ tha ~ir.a2 ~Y~ct '.!ap oi eac;i t~a~t. ry~'~~~~~~ 5 ~. ~ ~ ~,~AY ~9~1~+ tiJ FE~ ~;a,~ ~,~~ plVlSlGh R~CI.~SS. NU.%::~'?r~ s~? --~ I ' ,r D~SC3IPTZG:i ~ ~ Oc'L-1154392 P3gn 4 A3.7. Chat c~rtaa lasd aiLua~nd {.a tha Stata of Caliso:nia, County of G:.:ag4, C?.~y oi ~xaaa3a, d~s~::ibed a:i :ollaKat °ropoaad Tract E572, beiag a~:s~div'--sion of a po:=3on o£ tha followiag: 1 ~,~~ ~ • ~ ~ ~an_ no:C?~n o~ ~ha LaB, ?y~~3 ;ri_'~~a °a:csl 1 oi I3~c~i:ots I2red recozded ~ i 3.~ bco:: 9'ri5~ gsoa ~37 oz C:'i:.~3s1 ?t:c~r18 0£ sa{_:.' C~,m:y, d~scribal as ~ ! foLcxa t Z7s~~aL3 a: t~a itor:hv~at pxaa: 04 yai.d Yarr.al 1. ~aid Ro :haras: cor..cr a1~o 3a:.~~ ta:n Sour::veu= so:aax of ;:act i;o. 930, n~ ger ~p «c~;~.ded :~ bco:c °~0, ~~~Qa ? ;-ad 2 of r?i:callaaeoua `a~ns~ :ecoz3s oF a-tid Co .urq; thnnca~ a1CUg t~a Sauthaxly bound.ar,/ o:c Fairl TracL South S9° 12' :.9" n~sL 3Z55.5u ccw~ ~o a pD3.ZL CL9.3:~1k Z.03 E~at :ran Chn Soutn+~et car~r o= sa?3 i«act, ~aid pa3a~ alah ~e3ag oa u c•.s.."vs scacavs h~stezl9 ~V.1~$ 1 ~.2.1~tt3 Di: ~.'~~~.L'~ FC~S:~ A~~tt~.J~ CO 91~ ~.Oj..1: ~J(.d=9 $OU~ ~~~ . 20' S3" ~»~`.; ; cc~ca 5a~i«~r1~ a~ng :aid cur,r C4=~u^~' a caatral ~~].s 02 i.r° 0.^.~ Cb" r.~ arc diyzan:~s as 230.D5 feaL, ~ne:~cs taaZPnt ta aaid c•,~^-va Sou:a lo° 5i~ 03" ld•ay: 193.?~+ f~:et ~o a i;aa,;:zst curvs con~3-ac~ Eastar2q :~aiiag a raaiua o: _lUC9 ~get: ta~ca Eout~erly a'.ong cai:l ~u.~+rs Ch~u;h u csnitsal ~.~^,~~.a o~ i7° 37' ~t2" c datan.s oE 307.G7 s~rt; tu,~.az3 Cm~~enr «o ~aid cu~ws SauC.a` 0' 46' 3!r" B~rt 500.6? aCSt to the L•: ,=a:~a3 0° a s: u~at cn: ~a c~nca:g ~as:oxly l~a•t~.,.ag a radius a!t 13~0 .r'.aRn« ~ L'1:YSSSB .ciJttt:ld': y J.1.:7R',~', ~311:~ CU~ Jtl a2IIC~ L`i~.'JU^~,:1 II CuII~".1~ i.'ll,'{1P. 0`~ ~~ L~~t ,^c?~~ .:il ~TC d:.3ta:1Cri O~ H~~.S~ L4~3t, iilPSCy Zi~„'USt CG 3a~tj C:1S,~f! SouL•a l~' .;9~ t+.gn I;::sr y4'_.L' 4,~at Co ~ha iio ~har?y cctaida_ry ox" tn~z .i~uitu~al i~~s4we: ~ c:esc:ri~~d S~ doe•.~en: :aeozdad ia bao;c 6333, l:; ~ , •~,•~. pa~s "uuU oF OfPi:i~l ?..~~r1s o~ s:zid C:.ix~~; Lh::n:~ along aai3 bo~ud:.ry ;' . ~ ,.: e : ~~3 ~0~.~.OSt73$ COU~32:J~ 5ou'th 67° .'~70~ ~~~~~ jiN3'C ?z~3~{.1~U :.:ei"k~ SO~.1~:) 0~ JJ . ~.`• Zrl" iTa:it 53D.40 ~~=~K; ;tu:::i ~9' C:,' 19" ~.':.es~ al_ag ::x:.3 6cuudsr}r ::a3 ~'~ 1J~i~f 197~k ~ s;~ !d~~tar1Y i~.-olua.y~z=ca 1i1~.C•~ ::raat to t?:u'.7::s_u=1y 11.r.a o: ~aid Parc.ttl ~•:n..~~~.•;, ; ~ , ?.; ~ivrnr.~ alaa3 Cl;a ootm3axy oi ~a;;l Pa:*..cl ?. Piorth 0' 3u' 20" iast'~'; ;~~~~~,.^,' =' 3.ia.2:, i~:_^.~, Suu«'s i;9° ?.3' !4J" I:aat ~JO.QU f3et, and'.io>kh ~° 35` 20'•':~,, otv~b~~:'. ~' ~~ F..na~ 522.17 ~.:~: Co ~~e ~~« os bagi:~ing. . •` c~` ~'~ ~~ ~U2C~.~1 ~:::cap= L•hara~ras tiuat pn_,.tou ~escribad as ~ollovas Co~~cL:~ n» a p~~t ~ t::s Sou:aezlq ~.n3 of irac: :io. ~3b aa per rsp r.^.c~~Zsd i~ bcok 30, px;,~s 1 ~.ad 2, oP i::N~.~llunaa::s ::a?s~ i.Y tlia o=;i~o of tia Ca~~t3 i•acn_c:~~. o: c.~:.d Gzt,.-zty, ~a~ Foln~ boia3 cli~t~u;. :iar:h ~ U9° 12~ X9° I;aaC 2.03 °a~t zra:~ tiio Sou~!:r~ast co~er ox" said T.act, ~a.id p0i~t rlco bei~s3 oa ~ r:::zroa eoncav~ ilnatorl7 hnving a radiun o£ 1CC0.00 F~~r, ;- racl:.al eo sn31 Fo~t c:~rs Suuth 95° 1.0' ~S" :._at; th~acu 3ovt.~- ~r'sy alon~ r>a3d cu=re th.au;3~ n c^at:~3. aa?,1~ c2 7~'.° 0'L' US" ttn arc di~taucs of 2J.0.05 ~~y2; Ch~cc~ tan~~at to ~:ti.3 curra ~outa f6° 5:~ ;3" I.4Jr. ~J3.74 i~at ta a t:.a~;cat Cui.rR concavo E~~tarx9 havL~~ a radius of ..ezt; thanc~ o~:". crl~ alcn~ aaicl c~r.~s ,.~ii ~. c:.^.tr .^_;,la c 1~C0 ° £ :: t;:r~.. RECU,SS. f:(~. ';a ?•• ~t~- S C, ---_-- ~---._...._.._. ~ ~ 03-115bo92 Paga 5 7' G9' C7" :~~ s:c d±~taao c>'' I1o•y9 f:et to t'a~ t~ poiat o£ bagiaai.no; L.':enca cc..'..:...^:iin:t n~,cn3 ~aid cu: -3 t~rcvyt s~nt:al :~ig:0 0: 9° k8' 42,~ ~a ar~ d{r..~z:.~=a o: 171.2a ~cot; th;anca Laa;aat =~ .:a:d cu~o Sou:a 0' L~5' ..=f' ~:+.:: =,73.53 toa_; aace itor~i E3° 52` 09" 's,2s: :a27.45 fc~at; tr.~u:.a :~or_h ~v'' 2~, ;1~~ ;3~3= 3L3.40 L•_z: to t»a cen~ar~e o: ;io~l ?.:nc~ ~aa3, _°u-~rly i~o:ol:~ ::r~.~~o. GC.~D f-~at iai a±d:h, as au~xn o~ p_aa3 •_~~ :r~:e. t:a:u.ai~:+i~o s3~, i;: it :ia. 3, Sl:..~t 3io. 5, L7ca*.riag lio. i-~7? :li:h ~ ~~ri:ed c:a:a cE 3a~t:xr/ 31, 7.905~ an £iia i:i .ha C2tp of r~:1~aa3.~, ~:.~'_:i Ca~_7 0: C_~z3e; t:~z:st~n alo-aa aaid cea~or23aa as par Si:_a: i~o. 5~~ ~.113 ~~i:s ii~::.'~ 7~ti° 17' 32~~ i::3t ?93.D7 icz~; .heneo 3es•~r.a~ c~'u cax:.ri:i.~a :tor~4 ]S° k2t 23" j7~3S~ '1.57.35 fce~; thenca :ao~a S:t° 05' S~" ~as~ ZSo.JO ~~ax Co tn~a t~ po~st o= rrgiaa~II3• Alao ~:~ca?*_in~ thax~-ros+ L:~cae po:tian~ i3~a caa~r~riy o~ the Eastsrlp bc~:iariay o:: Tsact :ia. 7~69, n~ sl:~ran m a;sap racor~ad ia book 301, pa~e~ 7. 8,s.:i 9 0•: 2•L:~es1.I:-saous :!ap~, =~ca::da of C~:a.~a Cav~tq, Cal3£oxni.a, :ti~ Trnc= tio. 7~r3, p:~ ~liuvn ca a ~a~ ~nasdad in bco:c 314, pagea 3Z, ~,3~ 33 :.ad ?.4 0~ 1=.=:r:a.Laaeouy t'aps, «acox3a o:" C:aags Coun~~~ Caii=oz~iia. :~~o ~s-a?t3~3 Liia ror'.:ica lq'.:g South~natorly os" tho Sout'~ea.ata.3y e;:t~si~ o;: t~~e ;toz~~~Qxl;* •Lu o° Lot lo o~ T~cL *io. 7~otl, as ~•t~o4m cn :~ ctap xezux~ed : n bcok 324, pagaA 11, i3. 13 and ]!i of ?fiscel~ 7.:;aauuy ::a_~~. rccoz3s o~ Crauga Cowstq, G~lif~zni.~. aLl:n o;:ccsntar.,; t: ra~s::xs t:~a por_ion 1~!s3 Sau.herl~ o~ tia c:eatar 3.ina o~ :iuiZ ?~.nah F.oad ~s r.cn•~n•;ed to th~z C:otxry ai Oraage by d~ed recordod .iu:a 22~ 1973 i1 i;co~c ?.J16S, ga3~ 510 of 0_`Si..i.zl I~.acoYds. ~~i.~.':. 2 f ~~ ! ' i~' '.~. C.uf.u_S~AC~a 4t 1~.O.t.~t ~ ~:1'! .~'.O11LH6~~ f IjS`•3 O~ xTSCr :10. ~~0 f Afi ^s.C: Lttj1 ;S~ii}' j)7.~ ~ :caor~d ia Uook ~0. ;a,;_a '1 .:~d ~ oz i:i~cesilaneous i:apa~ ~a tha o_°fico ~:,:y,::',~~y, o.` ~aa Caix'.;~ .'.^•co::l.:: c: natd Coun:y~ ca3.c1 ga~t bai.3 dia:aat :;o:t,> tha 5ouihru~t cor.^.ar ot ~1d 'S:acL, ~ai1 : 05 f r ~ " ' ' ' >, ,: •; ~r°:,. \~ ;, [»riFiOr: s zo ca ?;~:;= 3. i9 09 +..2 :C~o b~3nS cn ~ cuns ccncav9 ir~stcrlq l:avin~ u rsciius of ~.0~0.00 n~{ ~~ a ;. ~;; `' ' '" , . „ + ~ =•,L:, a z1:..~ a7. to s.,id ,~~a_ baa^s Sauta o5' 10' S6" ::aa~ ~?~anecs SouYh- " ~ '_ ,~ ~~ i:4~i an arc er1~ al:.ng ..~iu cur:~ t::rou~,'~ a c_^a==a7. axi;,le o: 12° QZ' ~G 10' 51' G3~~ 5 : ou. ~ d:t~~a: as os 210.05 ~::~;.9 ti:~co L•ca,;..n: tc ~aid cu:~rs ¢ut; cuxvo ccaca~a c~~3zly ha~.~~t u raclivs oE t~ P ~ ~ ; : to u ::4 r ~~i~~: 173.7 i000 f:et; t:::ncu 3out~»nrly alcr:; aai~3 cun;o ~.hxbn;h a cant~al ~~g2a nfc 7' L~' 4U,~ ,.--~ arc di~e~ae oE l:o.~~~ L~~a: to t~::a trua Yo!~z o_ be~iaaia3; ~~ ;:~ca can.'!.au.'.^.~T . 1oa3 :~.1i:1 cu~: ~-o C!~_aagh a acat:al r~g1z of 9° 49' G2 L'r ° . a.-~ a;:c di.a~~acy o: 17L24 `,~a~Y ~2:er.co tan~ent r.o csald cuva South 0 :~o' ~!j" L•':.s~ :~7~.G3 ,aet; •h,:ac~u .1os_:~ 8~° 52~ 09" 1~c~t 327.45 feat; taena ;ior.h 1~~° 27~ 31" 'T~'st 3~18.40 ic~t to thu c=n.az3{a~i o~ Pioiil ^za=n ?'nad, iur»~xly I.iucol.n :l~cniu~+, 60.~0 Loe~ ia ;~i3th~ oa sho~+n on ne :Io. UYavi t :io 5 S: 8 . . , lea , p1a.~ia : o: u~~a: ~z.:ns~i~~ioa r..a:°.n, (::ii: :~o. L'--L72 viL•h a zo•r'..sad daza of J:anua:y 21, I965, oh £Lla ~!a tho Ci.y oi r~:~a•L^i, c:.zld Coun~:p o~ ;r~rn~~; t:ienco alon;; s;aid c:aterliun a3 n~r 07 :cat; theaccs sx i93 J ° ?i' :32" F ' . - a h 7 u3~J: ilo. 5 ci c~d pl:as :o~ 7.oavLhg raid r~atazl:..-~a P~orth li' G2' 23" i:ost 2:i7.3~ fcei; tbrsaea 2iorth 3u° ~5~ S°" ~'~~+= 2~'n.90 f.act to trn C.^.m poS :~ oY bcy~atna• r ~~{=f~U~',SS. iyU. ~'~~~ ?~~ ''~!. ~ ' ~ o~ 1154a92 pa ;a 6 ~ ~ ~~~z~o tyu`~f~ t~e poztian lyiug Sou~aerly of tha•can~er ].~~ °f Itohl P.=nch :taa3 a3 conveq°-d to taa Cou~tp of Or~~a by deed recordzd a s 501 ot Official Y.~co=~8• ~ J•~a 22, 7.973 is bood 107u5, p 3 ,_ 1 t ~4 it : t t9 Z7a3: 3~1 ~ ttots: Tt:3 an17 Par~iaa wao si~atu:as ara ns:.e3~a=Y to ofF~r for , c?~3icsti~a ~y str~szs or alley9 a:~ou~n on Lha 1•fsp of Prapos2d Tract Ero. ~ £572 ar~ as £oLows: k r~~~e~ i:. G.a,1t ~orporatica. a Cali~o*-n~ ~rDO-ation. aot y-L recard ~ c-.ruar ox ai]. of :.aid Lzad. cirat ~+~°-.-1can T:tle Insurance Co~pany, a i Calisor.:ia Corooraticn, irn3tea v^~daz '1=~~1 °= trust racordad ia book ~ 7.0127, pa3a 33'~ o: Oiflcir3l r^.~cords. ' ~ Titla Inauraace ~d Trug' C°pa'~y, T~t3a undar Dzed of Trust .ecorded S i.a book 97IIo, pa3ss 5, 13, 21 aad 30 of Of:icial Pscozds. . r T'ae i~terss~ of zho Southera Califoraia T•=laphaaa Cacspaaq ho2dar oE an ~ ea:~eraaL for poZa ~-1~s and inci3aatal pu~-poscs aa s~sotru ~^cordsed:our ~ Yecerded JulY 10, 19:,w •ln boo~ 68~, paga ~02 oi U£Hcial s Co^ars Pi;~ i,ia= C~.'?a~1 ~~Ytler of .^.n eaae~cat for pira ].i^-aB Pt~'PoxP-3 i as cuoh-a 3a a d•~ad rsaox3ad lioveaoar 1~ 19~7 .'•n bco'~ G039, p~gg 349 and Y:cordad ~~caz~bz: 21, S:'S9 ~ boo;c 50~4, pa3s 239 of Or~icial F,:co.d~. ; 1 L•ha City o£ P.~a.`:+~3~ :iolder oz an c3saa~= for pi?,a 1'!zas wd iacidaatal t ~uzposae as oi:ow~ ~ va=l5us deeJs o~ recozd re~3 ey~02LOk3Cffic'•.alJ~ ~ ~ bao'.c 7632~ p~4;a 23~ ~:a7 23, 1957 in bao{ E2o0, i• > F:acard3 and m J~~dorn~ment pur~u:~t07o Sac~iun531587 ~^d/o~Sect ona3~ ~,"` i..J., rap ba covcrcd by ' ^ ~ ~/' '_. Li5ti7-a of tha Busiues~ a~d Prof:3:J~Ori3 Code. ~ - 1, Tax 9cnd ia favor o:~ :'ho CoLVty of- Oraa3a ~~il.l Uc necesaary. Ii T:ac~r ^~~1~Y )g74 "~. { ~. ;,•.c; c.~r~:fJ c^~~e t~ . iiaa. 3v72 N.-~d a~33 aze z~co.•?ed io"~tl~a tra'Yo arr. r coxdad~ht ~uat`nt :' ~~ ~: '. 529,2«0.00 ?aill bo ~ufFicicn~. '~~'.,,. i::st,; :t :>` L-:uas, a tax valuaticn saoul3 b+~ r3qi:esC:.d fron th~ l~sessor. afta: ::a :,~,,.<. ~,~`'~ recaivo u zopy oz tha fir,al Trac: 2L~p o;: eacl~ tract. `.~;'~., ~.~ t. ~ ' RErLASS. ~;{~.?' •~ %~`~~.~ ~~~ ~ .___ .__. .... ._ d~.-~~ .. .~ ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESULVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for P,eclassifi- cation be approved and, by so doing, that T_itle 18-Zoning bf the Anaheim Municipal Code-be amended to exclude the above-described property from the R-A, AGRICULTURAL, ZONE, and to incorporate said described proPerty into the R-H-10,000 ZONE, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of subject ~~~~••~•-'' property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That dedication shall be made of the easterly half of th~ u2timate width of Imperial Highway from Nohl Ranch Road southerly to the terminus of Tract No. 8533 and that any fill necessa•ry for the entire ultimate width of Imperial Highway will be done as part of the development of subject property, 2. That a final tract map of subject property sha11 be submitted to and approved by the City Council and then be recorded in the Office of the Orange Coun~y Recorder, 3. That the o~ner(s) of subject praperty shall pay to the City of Anaheim the appropriate pa=k and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees to be paid at the time the building pernit is issued. 4. That fire ;~•ydrants shall be •Lnstslled and charged as required and determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Nire Department prior to coimnencement of structural fr&ming. 5. That all lot~ witt~in this tract shall be served by underground utilities. 6. That all air-condieioning facilities shall be properly shielded from view and the sound buffered from adjacent properties. 7. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject property, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be complete~. The provisions or rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions are complied with within one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grent. 8. That subject property shall be developed substantialiy in accordance a.*ith plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 44. 9. That Condition Nos. 4, 5, 6, and 8, above-mentioned, »hall be complied with prior to final b~i2ding and zoning inspections. 10. Thatprior to the approval of a final tract map, the owner(s) af sub.ject property shall make irrevocable offer to dedicate an easement for riding and hilcing trail purpose's over that portion of subject property over which the Four Corners Pipe Line Company has an easement for pipe line and incidental purposes on the daCe of this resolution. Said cffer to dedicate shall be irrevocable for a period of 20 years and may he accepted by thz City of Anaheim at such time as it is determin~d that development of such facilities would be in the best interest of the City of Anaheim. Said irrevocable offer to dedicate shail be recorded concurrently with the final tract map. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed an approved by me this I3th day of May I974. !~- CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CI Y~PLANNING COMMISS ATTEST: ~~~~ ~~~~ SECRETARY ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss CITY OF ANAHE IId ) I, Patricia B. Scnnlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoitig resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 13, 14i4, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: COMPTON, FARANO, HERBST, JOHNSON, KING, MORLEY, GAUER NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEIdT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WH~REOF, I have hereunto set hand this 13th day of May 1974. ~C~i -4iE.C~Lt~A.J ~ IJ[~/l.u XLL,t~ SECRETARY ANAHEIM CI~TY PLANNING COMMISSION ~,_p -Q. RESOLUTION N0. PC74-98