PC 74-99,. -.'-._ .. ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC74-99 a~ Y A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE ~ITY OF ANAHEIM THAT PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 2600 gg' GRANTED WHEREAS, the City Pianning Commission of Ute City of Maheim did receive a verified Petition for Vaziance from '. R. H. GRANT CORP., 221 West Dyer Road, Santa Ana, California 92702, Owner; and E. L. `~ PEARSON & ASSOCIATES, 3955 Birch Street, Newport Beach, California 92660, Agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, ('ounty of Orange, State of Cali£ornia, as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and r.eferred to herein as though set forth in full WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at Ute City Hall in the City of Anaheim on May 13, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law ann in accordance with the'provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.68, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewiUi; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspection, investigation, and study made by itseif and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and repr rts offered at said heuing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner requests a variance from the Maheim Municipal Code to construct a subdivision' containing 86 R-H-10,000 zoned lots: SECTION 18.04.075 - Requirement that sin~le-familv residential sCructures rear ~ on an arterial highway, (Required that single-family structares rear on an arterial highway; two 7.ots to side on an arterial highway proposed) 2. That the above-nentioned waiver ic hereby granterl on the basis that the elevationa of the two lot~ ace above tfie grade of the arterial highways and that the petitioner stipulated to providing insulation in the ceilings and the walls of the homes adjacent to the arteriol highways, as well as double-pane windows for the walls facing the arterial highways; to properly sound buffer the two ].ots affecCed, 3. That the petitioner stipulsted to dedication of one-half the ultimate width of Imperial Highway south ot• Nohl Ranch Road, to be included within the boundary of the Tract No. 8533; and further stipulated that any fill necessary for the entire ultimate width of Imperial Nighway would be done as part of the development of the subject property. 4. That a representative of the Anaheim Hills, Inc., stipulated to dedication of the easterly one-half of the ultimate width of 7mperial Highway south of Nohl Ranch Road, and that grading af said easterly half would ba accomplished at the time a grading project is undertakeu for development of the adjacent subject property. 5. That discussion was held at said public hearing and the Planning Commission directed Staff to prepare a condition of approval of the subject petition concerning maintenance of the slope area landscaping which is a part of the development of the subject property; that said condition of approval shall be presented for Planning Commission approval prior to City Council review; and that this Resolution shall be so amended to include said condition of approval when appropriate. 6. That the petitioner stipulated that the roofing material for the homes in the - subject development shall be wood shake. 7. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to tt~e3ntended use of the property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the same vicinity and zone. VI-D - I - RESOLUTION *70. PC74-99 ~' ~ OZ 2I4~393 Pa~e ~i ~~:~~ :~I"iC;l ??.i ~.:a_ caxta'~ 1a~d a;,~aa*a3 ~~ tha Scs_~ of Cali,`.orr_ia, Coua:p o£ ;_. ~~s, Ciz~ o: ~^.a:~ai-~, d.^.~c^~ad a3 £oL~,~s: .'_o?os~i '~: :; ~~~33 ~~•!.^.~ d.,+_b~i.~iaion o~ a nortiun o: tho ~oll:nr3~g: ~ mP:~C~, 1: . 1 ~::at ~ortir.~ ~~ P~~a 1:^.ad, 1;;=a •-~ t!~3n ~a~el 1 0~ "sscutiazs ~Je+.d re..ordzci ~ ~-~ bao:c 3a=s5, ~a;~ 927 of O.Y.ic~J. :Leca~3a o~ said Cot;.atn, ci~.9c*i~ed as znlic~r.s : :. y3an3~3 ut c::a :•+ort?raest cor._e= o~ ~31 ?~ rcal ?, s~~id iTozth~~rsst co:~ne> a1~o ue^?n;; 'so Sou:~aest coraer o:: irr~c_ :io. 93b, s~ par ~sp ~=carc'.~i iz b.no?c 30, ~a;~ 1 sr.d 2 oz Y4i~c~1.J.an~ovs 2:ap~, recorda of ~a'~: (;ot.a~y; ~:i:~'ica ~'or.q t?:¢ Soutl:ez~lp bou~daxp o£ said ixact Suu:n E:9° ~~~ ~.~'~ r;t9C .°,i55..°,u fett t0 8 pO2Il~ d~t1~~ ~.C~ YCCL' ±~~7 ~=1II SOUL~IN;lSC co~n~r of a.~ci 1Yact, ;.zi1 ;,o3.~t al~o ba'_ng on ` cu~e concs~e t•ies~erly .. .•r?a; a r~dius oF :CC.'.J.v"~ '_aa~, 3 Lr1da.A1 ~o .,aid noint b3azs South 6;i' . :.1:~~ 1nt~ ::33~ ..'L'C$ 5:r.tL'c.~.~l~ a2o~eg r,~d c:::ca t~zau~:~ a centxal naalfl oE :2' ~2: ~b„`azi ^xc a_r~~sr,. n: 210.p5 :cet; L'hn*~cfl ~an~~nt to ~ai1 catia Eout~ 1a° Sl' n~:,~ :•;estn173.7a icei to a. s~~n~ c~ c~c~rs !:?3~:Y7.'t~ f{,^.»4r:g a r~.:diu~ o~ ~:l~n 1C.'at~ .`.~:^r1`.CO .r'iOtlff:C':~.V l~OII~7. E3~~C1 C'13C'J'L~ CrzaL,^,a ~ c::n~:z?. a~ry1i ~~ 17° 37' ~i2" • ~re s~3.3~ar.ca o: ~07.57 _*-ce~: ~2r~-u:a 4a~;~-~t to 3aici c~~~e 3a~~~h 0° 4u' _'•" :ia»i 505.a2 i:cat to tba ~•a ~:L:~~:y o£ a t~-.~:~_ cu: ~~n coac~~ ?~eaLerlq ha'rla,; s radius oc 12~0 . ~`.`::~; LI:~ cs 5~:ti :nz7.~ a3~a; oa3.~ ^:c~ ar.d throu;~z ,3 c:~stra3, angla of ~~!~ :U~.`~."S:t ~II 1:C C3.~.3`u .'^C~ O~ {~~~~9.~E3°Cy i.1:2iC13 C.1_^."°•.lt i.U E3~C1 Cll . ~~ ::'itt~(3 3.i~Y ~~~ 54~~ ii;?9.'. 15=i:.~.12 '~CCt CO' i.::c. :'iOTCl:~!'~?J hGl3A[~d~ O~ ~118 ~ ~:=3cn"_sa,~l ;?_~~:.z=vn z:s dascri~~z:.l =~ dacL.-~en': sr_cord?d in ~oo~c ?388, ,;. :;~ 3a0 ox 0`~1v'..a3 .^,::coxc33 0,` saJ.d Cos~n~r~; tcr::ccs .laa~s ~ai3 bcunda~ t:t~ x~~~r.,r.~.-.; coer~ee; Scv:h 33° Su' 1sI" ?:ast 22~+4.00 f.:~L•; S~u~h 0" 55' '."' '•?~~~ 530.~70 L~~~~ :~~TLil S9' Q3r J.?" ~.7as~ nicn~ ~aid hvur_da~ and 3r~ "~~.5;_rw7 r~o'!un~a~_rns 1'!:~^.~0 fr-_~a: to ti~e tTe~~trX~ 1~!^a o~ :;aid ,azer_7. 7.; :~z~r.c~' al.o:s~ ~`c~ b~:~.:~dary oF ~~.d i aw^1 l, dior_h Q" ~b' 2t1" ^as: 23~5.3~ f•_~i, S,^,u_a 5~' 23' 4•:f~~ ^a~t aGD.qO :~nE, nnd '_~arth 0° 3G' 20,~ ~~a~ S~i.:~7 E;:et ~to ..:~e po-?nt oi b~i~aian. ~456~~9 . . /"~~ fn~' p, ~% £,:.~~?~ia; tl:eraz:a~ t?~^.t partion descsi~ed a~ fo3lcras: • ~L ~P~ ~9~cp ~,, . ~ r { ~ 1: \~~/ i.cr.r~r.cang a:. a poln~ in t~za Sauthazly 13ae ar T•ract :do. 936 L'3 per ~aa .1~~'~N~~`"'t~ ~~: r^c~~d-.~d ±~ bcol: 30. ~aw~a 3. :ir.d ~~ oi ?.'is,celL~.aeous b:aps, ±r. ~iia o-.'fi`ce }~' ~~~`~' ~~, o~ t;:a Covr.L'~+ Rc~•~rdar oX ea:.~l Cciat~, naid po.nY. beir.,^, distaat :Tortn `y~~~ ~ 0.% 4>9' 13' 1.9" Sle:~t ~,C3 fcat ~~o~ ~ho 5sstnes:~~ cozn~r o: aald Twact~ 6aS.d~2~?ZtZO'"~'~. ~.a'n~ a2ru bain; on a cazva co..cs~e ?ieatcr'!q hay3.n~t a radiu5 0? ZC~O.C~) . ~°e*_, a rad=~1 t~ snid ~a'_nt b:.axa 5rn:th fi5° 14' S8" rant; ther.aa Sout ;orJ.q alcnry aaid cur~a t:tir~u;a a c.^.n~ral ::inla o:: 12° 02' QG'' aa arc di~i•a:!ca ~~ 27.~.J5 irot; ~: ~nca t~.n;caC to rai.d cu.~~ 5outii 1G° 31' 43" ~;e~t 7.73,7~ feet: ho a~aa;ettt curva coac:~+ia E;.3;:er1y hnvir.~ a rud3us of. 1000 {raL; c}:_aca Srniti:~rly Mlo^~ 3a3d cu:vc~ tli:ou;n a centra3. nngle oF 7° , ~ ~'f~[llri',~~.t ~~t~). ,,,_`" f ~ ~_=~-=---~...-...,..= ~ ~ oe 1146393 Pags 5 [~9' 00" an ~rc distaaca o°_ 13~.43 £eet to th~ true point of beginniag; "l~.~c~ co~ti~uia~ alang 3a3d cur~~ th:ough a central ang~a of'9° 48' 42" ~z arr_ disCaace of 171.24 fast; taence ~a-*~gea~ to said carv2 South 0° 40' 34" ~a~C 479.62 £eat; theac~ .lozth 82° 52' 09" t+est 327.45 feet; th:;a~a ?Torth 14° 2i' 31" Z•izst 303.40 feet to the cant_rline of Noh7.'. Raac'~ P.oad, fo±-~erly iiaco:n Aaani:e, FiO.OG feet ia ~rid~:n, as showa oa pl,ns for water transaissioa ~ais, Lipit ~io. 8, Sheer No. 5, Drewing No. L~-1].72 ~a_th a r~visad data of January 21, 1965,~oa .£31e in the City of .~,aaizai~, said Coimty o£ Orance; i:heaae a3ong said cent_rline as p_r Saeet :io. 5 of said plaas iiortn 74° 17' 32" r^_ast 198.07 feet; thsnce leav~g sa3.d cencerlina ITorth 15° 42' 23" ttest 257.35 feet; thence vorth 88° 05' S?" East 2t35.40 =eat ~o the true po3nt of begianing. 41.so exc~~ti.ag taareiro3 tt!os~ porticas 1yi.ag Westerly of tae Fastarly ~ bo~ndaries oP 1;.'act iio. 755?, as shown on a nap recorded in book 301, pa3as %, S aad 9 of PLiscella_~eous 2L~ps, records of Ora.nos L'oun~y, Califorraia, a~u Tzact tlo. TuB, as szown c~ a 2•iao recordad in book ~14, pages 11, . L, 13 and 1G oz I~iscellanaou= a~aps, racords of Orange CovnYy, Cal-1Eoraia. Also e-r.cen:ing tl:ereiron tha porCion lyssg Southwes;.erl.y of tl~a South- easterly est,x:!sicn of Che iTor:h~sterly lina of Lot lu of ilact Pio. :7.55°,, as sho:an cn a tL~p racordsd in book 314, paoas 11 to li iaclusive o~ .iiscal2a.z~ous P:aps, re;ards af Craage Ccaa:y, Califoru3a. /,1 g4S!i~~' Also e::~~nCin~ titereirom the nortion lyin ;~Tortt:erlp of Ch= canter ].izie ,~3 ~: y~~~ ofi ito;L P.31~h F.oad as con•;ey~d to ta=,County of Or~age by deed zecordzd t' -~Q •;` 3una 22, 1973 iu book 10765, paga 501 of Orf:.cial Pwcords. ~: MA'~ ~g.~,;a w, ~ `~ ~"'i+~^" ., P~~C?L 2: , o- ?C :~D.t :`s . '~ Sc, D•~:~" ;:,. Co.~..zaci~g at a point in tha Southerly line of Tract 2d~. 935, as pex yap ~`2~~~~1~ r=ro_3e3 in boo'.c 30, pages 1 and 2 of ~il.scallaneous ~~aps, :L~ the office of th~ Got~ty R°cordsr of said Cauaty, sa3d point being distant Llorth S9° 12' 19" tdest 2.03 £eet fro:a the Southeast corne; of• said Tract~ said paiat also being en a cursre ccnc.:va ~~est_rly havin~ a racLus of 1000.00 £ee~, a:edi.al ~o said ooint U~ars South 05° 10' S3" Esst; tkence Sourherly alun~ sai3 cczve t~zoua~a a c~atral a~g1a of L° 02' Oo" an arc distance o~ 210.05 fea*_; thence tan~~nt to.said curve South 16° 51' OEi" Flest ].%3.74 feet to a t~l~eat curva concave E::sterly having a radius a* 1000 iee~; thence South~rly alrng caid curve e;zrouoh a central angle of 7° ~t9` 00" an x~c di~t.nce or' 13u.~f3 ~eeC to the trae point of beg3nn3ng; ~hence contiauing alon~; said curve through a central a~le of 9° 48' 42" .ra arv dis~~nca o:E 171.24 fezt; Che.nca tangant to said curve Sout:~ 0° 46' 34" i:asc ~+79.62 fasC; tn~nca North 82° 52' 09" ~~Tes~ 327.k5 feet; L'lier.ce itorxa ].4° 27T 31" Wsst 308.40 feat to the cenCerline of 2Ioh1 P.3nch Road, ior~~rl~ I,incoln &vanu2, 60.00 feet in Width, as slzocon on plans £~r ~r:i~eT ~r~as~i~sioa rai~, UsLtt Pio. 8, Sheet Pio. 5, Drawiag P:o. A-1172 wi.tii a revisad date of Jvzuazy 21, 1965, on fil.e in the City of Lsnahain, sa,9.d County of Orang=; thence along said centexline as per Sh~et tio. 5 of said plaa3 ;~ortn 74° 17' 32" East 19(3.07 feet; thence • leavin~ ~aid c~nterlize r:osth ]5° 42' 28" West 257.35 feet; thence i~orth SII° 05~ 52" Baat 2c1G.99 feet to the erve point o.t beoianing. 1 ,` r1,fi }-r ~ v~~-~~F;~~~t (CU. r•"Ll:.~t.J'c~ . .. . . _.... .. _. . _. . _ . . . . _ . .. . .__ - ~~~u~ ~. ~ ' OQ 1ZAo393 ~ r3~ s ,~.~apt~g t.iszaf:.a e^a nm_~tioa ?yi°y' tfoz~h~zlq of tha c;~t~ ^ 32ne of tt.h? T.ar.,c:y :trzd as caa~~«i Lo ~^a Cauntq o? (=~--k,e bq deed record~ • ,~~;~, 22~ ?973 in ~ooK 107n~, p:l~a 50I of Of€icial P.~.corda. a,:~j°`~~ ~ ir o! k 3! r.~:32~ ~ota: ina oa17 ^a='.=~ ~.~'ae =i'~tu=~ ars nec~asa.-y to offnr a~x dedication :~ny s~a.t~ cr allcys ~:iosra ~:s t~a 2~? °~ F=a?oa~:d iYact i:o. 3533, a:e ~ f~31:.s~s= Zob~r: L. ~raat Ca:y:o~aL~an, 3 C~.3+.Dx"•.~SL COi`D~7T3tian, (aat ?ot ~c~ozd ~:r.~ar ax" a13 0~ ~z:3.3 1.~:.3), ni.o~ A~er3can Ti:.l~ Insu:anca Ccm*~:~y, ~ Cu3i~aza.i.a G~rrozxt? :u, Tzur;taa ~ds: Zead of tsust recardxd 3a ~nok ~.0~??, ~a;;s 332 0° 4Pfic3:1 ?ecord:s, Titlc+ Insu:anco aad 2rusr Co~nuny. _ ~o,~-:orzt_o:s, ==y9i~a L3 ~erua oi :C:x:at, recozded i~ book 97~5, pages 5, I1, :]. end 3~ oP CL~3.aia1 ;-acozds. `~7~a s:c.~'cy~ o£ thu Li~ o£ !~I:ein ho3~3er o.° an ease:.~nt fUZ pip~ 1•L^es, xoa.is u~d i~c9,c?t~nH.i3. ~u::caaa i~q~ deads YrCATCI~CZ ~Uo.19t SD~ 19b5 3a booic 7032, nag3 ?3, oz O:fic_a7. ~oror~ azd on J~e 2?, 1973 i~. book .?07b5,, Fag~ 5~1 of Lrfix3.~il. aecorda~ s,~y ba ccvrr°_d Bp~i^doxarient aurs•san~ to S~etian 1]5;3i ~d/or Seet{rna 1L3i 3 0, th~ i.uaiaa~a ~.a. i'ra£c~ .1.ors. Ccas. , • A Ts :~:~ t.n•f~ya~ of t~:e CoLn~ c'~ Cr~ „e cril.l be necessKrq. li T`act :?ns. 0572 a:~i 8~33 ur•~ rr_casdad c.^nea..~^_-~:iq, cne ~0~~9 in the asaounY o~ a ~ ~ , r,:;.i~it3ant.. _rs ~.ra C_w~_s :;se rvcar3:~d r~t di~~_x~at .,29~..«'t). ~0 c*~.7J. ~' k:L:.1ea, a=x: vnl.:az!~a ciiocil.l ba r.e~ues~~d rron t`ne ?l.~aa.asox aEzcr tra Ycc3i~s n• co;r~ a£ t:~e winal ira.ct ';Jap nz ezan tiracto ~-~?:s4seja ~ ( • f~ Cr~ ~ ~~' ,~ 91 ~, 1• ti ~l,P `,r„~ C~~ ` n ~~ c't ~r- • . ~`;r. 70~~-~cti ~•. D~: ~C~. 'f, ~2f-)~`,^C. ''•~i~ ~~,~. ,d(9_,_, ~~ ,~,-"'.,.....'~-= ~ f~~~~,;1~. C o:~~.s~a9a Pasg ~ ~;~xzc:~ . ,~ t'r.;iC car~aa lad sit.a_ad ±~ tha Sta~3 0~ Ca11=a:aia, Counzy o£ ~ s C:.~ os .'•Aanala, ~.a:.c^ibed as io37.oxss C.:aB , '7 4 7 - t:O~P3Bt1 Tr3~~ ti07Z~«~''~,!3~ 3 GL'Jt~SY~Y~ ~r 3~r0~={Oll OF tA8 .0..~.t+W~$• . ~,..~-~ ~~:.~L z : ; ~,~~F , o~~n o4 L> a 3~zJ, 1y:..zg t•ri~a~ ia~-sl i of B:rzcutozs D~d ~corde8 a•~a 937 oi C':~~c'_:il. P.~.~ords oi ~ai3 Cova:7. ci3scsibcui as ~ :~~~ aco;: :~oa Y o i t'~},lc,ra s ~~;,;~~g a: tha i;oz~~ea: ca:aa: og ssaid ~'azs.al ?, ~aid 2:o:ths:e~: ca~ar aiso ~a~g t.ha+ S~u:~%+esz eo.~..~r of i act 3io• 93ns,~reco:da of ~•~tns~au :~ bnaic 3~), p~~~9 b a:~ ? o=~'+' a~~rj o ssai.d Traci ~outh 89° eaid C~w.s; C'r.~r3 a?cn3 tia S.~it'aer_y ~ ~a ~~~f .: S~ .^'~?i~j•So i~Cii. !:O ~ F01:1L cL3,.AAG ~.D~ ~30: ~~OA fi~111 SOUtt1CF1BC co.~aa: ~z aaid i7ae~~ said oe:.~~ al:+o~ei~~o ~a3.,ic oa'C baaz~eSouth~85° cxli:.~ a z~J•lcs o` 1Q00.09 ::~eL~ a xa ~,2,m ~p+ 5g" ;;~s~; ~aerct S~n:aazl7 :.l3~ng ~aid car've tarou~h a caatr~7. ~n° ~.° 7.2° C~° CS'~ ~ are di:;e•.:a;.s cf 2~!9•05 iesti ~:~nco Can~°.~t Co said ~c~sva S~u-h 36° 51' 0,3" Wast i7~.74 feet ro a-:a~;,auz cus°8 can~aw3 ;?: sta;3y !~~i~g a radiua af 1D00 fe~+t~~ Ca~.1co Son.haxly nZoz-~ ~aiQ c~"va ;'axaugl a cm•~-.:3 •^.a~.=a. o;: 17` 37' A2 ~ arc :;~~3n.a of 307,G7 fext; . ~n~ ;.n ~aid cu~va SouL'h 0' G~ ~•'~- `=~~ 500. "v2 {caC to Zlla n i:L.~.Ai,.ai4~j•• 1 y.::i--'1i au:va :anc~v.» ;7~s~orly liari~ a:ad3us o° 3200 0 f 3~ ~`S 431C8 SOl1Cak3:~ J 1~ ~r,°i :! 'Z-~'~ CU: T9 .'i~.^.:~ {:A~OU$atl 3 C'~riw.'3~ :1t~.3 CI~ o•J •i ??" an as= ai~t:..n: s o£ 2~9..9 ~^-az; ~~z^..ca ta~lg:-nt to sa~ld casnro ''~ ° u ~•o ~~~ T, oi Lha 5~1L'~ ~.q' 39' 45 Ti~:it ~H-.3:. at to tas _~oxthexlq nou.ydar3 ds~ricultural r rss4rSra s~ c:zscr"~e3 •±a docu.~pnt ra~arda~l 1a bco:. SB38- r" ~,a~s IIu0 af G-ficisl ~~cnx:s nso aid Co~~Ky; ~i:^~co^~'_~na~°aSrnth 0~ ~ i wJ:1'~53A~ Sauih 59 56 k2 ,~at 2..-~k,.. ~:~a i~ll~a.ng ,° 03' ~" ,iu~:. a3cn;; caid ~cuicl.~:~. ~td 3a t - ~`~ `0^9~' iTOiLS .~~ ~ ' ~"rCA~. tt?~ L~~2II~ ~.tQ.~ .... f • 9 OF IIH..ii ... ~3~•` tii~s~~~-~~ p-•~1AS~~S3.'~ca 1110.0~~ f~at ~a tlz~a i~i2stczly ~o J~~ `~„ ~~ \3 e: :~orCh 0 0 el 1 r id ?' ~, , a^ . ~,; ~~~aa~s :~?.a~g ~:te 3u~rac:a~ oi .:a ~~o.eo ~3ee. :.na :;orth a~ ,q~ 2p+~ ~ ' 23' 4c:~ ~sz , • ~ u d~. ` ~ 1s95.z3 xc:.~-, sou~~ a9 :':ha poi~~ 04 ba3..nnia : " ° ~ " tBAY i97'~ z.et ;:aat ~31~17 'f. ~ CEi~:::~ '; ;tE O6t3S ~1~~. :LS Lo~.l. °pt CU~rzs"ic:s L•hat ~.v:'-iaa caacribt~d ~•3 ~- ; Ltii:ICt:~ ;~ ~vi~ ~='~~ ~ r . ... , w 4 ~ C ~' a.•~,y 1~~1A Oi LiE1~L i:0. ~3~ 39 pB: LL1;3,'{` ~SI Glit~ OS2iCQ~~~ •8 i'~?9 ~ ~ II . ~ ~ . ~~, ,,.iS~,l~. ':~/~ ~ j~~33 ~. :U]~ 2~ Of 2~;a.SG1~LS.~OL Jp . ~ p~..d ;.~ vIIO~ `~•-~:i pn~~ b~i.n~ d33i2ut IZOµh ^ ~ C _ ot .,~ Y+ o: E::a i;CCa~y i•sco~dtis~ o~ ~.~d as; oi 3aid i~act. aa3d S9° J?' 7.9" :1>~t 2.03 F~s= ±zom ~ize Souti:oaat cor i~3 a rndiu 1 2 o ~:.~r o g~.W~ ~lao L::3ng ca m cL~':a coaravc~ f-~stez ~Lencc3 Soutf~- o~t b4ars SouLh ~~ lo ~3' ~asti t i " ' p i an nzc 06 ~a:.+L~ 1;.rcl:al to aa :ai3 cu=va zhzaugh u eeatr~. r,n31u o;: 1.'.° 02 South 1G° 51' Q3n Z~ ~ ~ y a ~r d~?nta.~ca of 23.0.05 ~cat; Lh.^.aco ta.-~~ant tio aaid ca:v~ E•~aCS.l) hss~rln8 u r.adiia of coar~vc~ S:'es~ 173.7a ieat to a~c.^.~cut~c•.+rvasi~l ~~xvs ~:axou;i2 a esa'trul xi;la of ong t . . 1^v~.0 taa~i ~l:.acc~ Sot::.c3r..3 : ~~~~~FZ~a~c~ ;tin. ^.~`~`r~_________:. ~ . ~ • • 0~ Zt54892 ' Paga 5 0~ t~g+ 00" an ~rc d~t~ca of I35.43 faet to :.ha trus poiat o~ bagia~iao; ~;;;~rs continu.iy3 al~ag aaid cu~ Chrou3it a~nL:~3. :si,r,la o` 9' 43' y2,~ ~1 :xc dis:as~eca o~ 173..34 :~at, thaaca ean3ant to .^.ai3 curra Sout~ 0° l~ci' ~ti' ~3sr 479.62 ~ce~; ~cenw iiort+i G=' ~2' a9" tiest 327.45 £eat; ~I:ance i7or"~.h 14' 27` ~i" ~:aat 303.40 iast ta t;^.A CL'ri237IS+^.f3.0I ilOa~. P~nch Road r'ar.s~rly 7iacola Av~.ue, bO.GD fcat in widzh, as s:wwn on pJ~:as for .atar tra:~z~i~sica rsiu: lini?1:io1965,,ca f33a~~~the ~.ey ~o£• D-11.72 ir±th a~v-~~ed Zat~a a£ .Ianuary ..-. eLZahaa, :;a~.d County o£ Cran3a; ^~enze aluag saiu ceat~rl~aa na ~x Slicnt tio. 5 0; ~ai3 ~~axi~ 'atorth 7~~+. ;'J yp ~'-.~ ;:ss'_?'J3.Q7 £eat; thaaca ?ea~'..ng said c~x~r]j.ze :lor=h 15 ~+2 ~ weat ..a7.3.:~ eat, th~ace Yort~i Si3' U5~ 52" East 2So.9J f:.~a~ to t3a tzua point o= begiaa3n3. t17.3u a~u:apt3ao thoznfrom ~aoea po:tiaa~ l~in$ Iinaxarl~ ox Lh¢ Dasterlp b~xactazias o: lrac.". .io. 7~09, aa ~Y;o~.ra ca a~ap r2aoz3od 1.~ boo~c 30I, paC,e~ 7. 0~ad 9 0- :~: ssul?:uuaous :•S:.ps, r.cox3s oi O:an€a Cowtq, Ca133uxaia, aad s~.t tio. 7~b8, as ~iio~~ _^ a msh xsco:3ad ~?~aod 32~, pAaes 11, '+..^, 1~ :ud 14 of ?s3scal?aneaus~ :daps, xecordg oA O:an~a County, Cali:on~ia. 11~o exc,apt~g ~ha :oxticn Zyino Sour.hweatar~y o: t`~fl Soutaeaaterly • c:steasi4a o; tua ;:o~~aasteri~ ?.3ne o~ Tay ~'of~? Z3=~d•71e,o~~l4isr.~l~ Ehos~u ca a t!~o recosced 3n b.:nk 31a, FaZ lannou~ ~~pa~ recoxds o~ Or~n~s Cauuty, Callfos:~a. ~?.,~o n:u.cs~'.~g t~.raErcia ~::~ »or:i~n 2~ing fauena~?9 0? the ce3~3r Iina of tioh7. P.~ca _aad as cca~lsyad to ~~a Go:ux~q oz Cru.ngy bp dsad recordsxd 3u~e 22p 1971 iz book 1~755, paga S10 0£ Ciiici.sl ~cords. t u.L:iL 2.: Ccr~ncin ; ur a poisst ia tha Southorl! 3~ne af 1Y~nt Mo. 930, as pe~ s.~p ~acaz3ad ia Ucok 30, pagsQ 1 fi.~d 2 of :..;~calianeQUS t•:aps, i~ tha ozfica a: t:1a Ca~tq P.eeozctaz os ~~id Coumt!l, ~aici paiue bfl`sag Sistsat ?;orYh ~9° 2.?' 19" t;ea~ 2.03 ~cat ir~m t2:a Southaa3t co::ar o: sa3d Traat, said pQ?.~» y~3n buia.g on a currs c~nc.svra 17estar27 F.av-~~3 a=1di.uT oi ?000.0~ k~aY, a zaaLa7. to ;aai3 ~o±ar u~a Sou,:it 35° ].0' 53" L~t; t~aacs Sau~- e~.iy a1,.."n~ esid eurns 2hsouFa1 a c_KS==a1 ,^ai;,1.s of L?O 02~ 0'v" a.n a:= dis~:~nca nf 210.05 F~at; ~'azuca t:s;~aiit to :.aid c•azva Souxa lu° 53° 0~,~ ;Faet 3T3.7k ~rut to ~ Cau~:.u~ curvs ccncava i.astazly tta~rag a rac:3us oZ X~00 z-aat; thEacE Souihc~rly a2en? aaid cur~e thzou~ A c¢.^~tz:e3 :~~1.a of 7' A3' OD" a~ arc dia..aar.e a« 'S:so.4S. £•~~t Co CY:a tn;a ~oi*~C o: oegl~n~gS t;•.~ncs cantinui.~~ alcng wai:l c:~-~a~ th.fluga a. cantral an;.,lss oE 9 4~ 42 ,o/, ~<S~~ an :~r~ di.3tnace oi 171.'l4 i~3k; twsnca C~a~snx to n~id car~p Sou::S tlo 123~~. ~s5' 3~" ~r~t l~79.62 f3at; C: r:aco ;iorth 82' S2' 09" T?est 327.45 £~aL•; ~~', "~ ,~ `\~.. ta~nea tlozel~ ].lr° ?.'l~ 31'~ :,~.xt :i08.~r0 f~a;, ~o L':~a e^.n«ez~..3aa oE cioh1 ~;. MAY 19 _•' P~nca•P.aad, ~or..,ax].q I.3acaln ~.w•nu~, G0.00 :es~ ia t~adth, ~ s;~owa oaj:`' S2c~r.lVi~~ `.'' 1~ ; oz 'uato: txansa3suian :zsin, IIni~ :~o. 3, S::eox .~a. 5, J:aa:.n3 :ld. 7or:t;,;, " P, ~` ' D-L72 cr1=~ ~ xavised dato o: Jaaua~~ 21, 7.955, an tila ln th2 C'_tp uP =~, p~~~~«~~~ .C~~,. ~1.naheic~. caid Countp oz Oxaugc:; thanco nlong .~atd r.~a~.:rll~a as Pc:r ~\-~~ 4`~- ~nACat ;to. 5 oi caid planu ?Sozth ?~~° 17' 32" F.a:~t 1~3.U7 f.an+~; ~~wca ~!?cc[~t~~ - loavin3 nnid c:nturlin3 Pi~rtn la° 42~ 28" iyost 2~7.35 ze,-ak; tiiancn 27oxth ~ g};~ p5~ 52" En3c 2L'n.90 icet ta tnc+ Crw ~iSat of be~i:u~i.-~g• ; ,~E l~tu ,2 ra~' ~ ~Vi~~K~~l~d -~ ..,_,_.........-----°^`~.'~"_' • ~ ~ ~ • o~ 13.54892 pa3a 6 . / t~r line of ~ Southerly of tha•can 3s~aptia~ ~1~r=:rm.a tbs poz~ica 19~g of Graa~a b9 d~ad racorded :.T~i~1 P.~cich ?2Dad aa con~a~°d to~ ha,D ~"o£ Offic~i Reco.-da. ~a- ,T•~a 22, 7.~73 i-~ b~o'c '_07'v~, P • _ ...._ ~ ~r :s :k ~ [r~i3:~1 - = foz ~~iaa who ~i~~aturas a~a neca:3sar~ to oPza Tract YIo. Ld.>~~: ~n aa) ~~~-a~s ox alla,s ahot,n oa tha 3i.:n of Propasad ~'G72 ars aa ~oLous: ot record F.oue=~ li. Gs~:nC Co:poratica, a Califor,~ia Co*pozation, ~°C Y- o-zasr o£ a11 0~ sa:.d ~3• ~irot •L~ri^~au Ti.tia l~~~ce Camnasiy, a . i::zL~o:~'?a3C3~ °oi`a~i^yialSR~corase« ~zd of txust recozdad in book 3.0127 r P< s T9.t1~ Insuzaaca aa1 Tr~~ C~pany, 1-*ustea wder Dasd of Tx~L recoxde 3.n '~oo'.c 978a, p3b39 5. 7.3, 21 aad 30 0: D~fici.~11 °~cords. ~n holdai of ~~. Y a 5outuar,a Calisoxn=a Te14p~aae Coap Y II dseu 1'r.e 1~to:as~ o_ tu 9 urooaes as s~o~ ~ . , - ~+„~ ~n~l =::cidan4a7. P UZ os Ux~icial i:aco::ds, ~^±+x . ea: r..~at XJ~ 'i~Ji~ i:co~d^".3 3~y 10, 1~)~4 'l.n boo:c G83' P3b~ ~' ~ io~ i i. as purposas . ~ ~ 7;~e Ccmga.ny hcldex of .~ ~asara:n.. for P na 3~:9 •^..~d ^3~~a6 ~?r~a dea8 _'ecor~ed ilove~i~_z 3, 19~7 ii book 4~89, ~~~ xacor~zd ~aa,.:.;ue~ 21~ ?954 ^::: boo?c 5~2~r, P?.~g 239 of~0ificial F.:cords, 5:.13 C3.~y o~ :~..-~a~~ nal3er og a~ casaz~t fo~ Pj.T2d' ~--123 and incidant~]. pu~osas as 3iiow~s ia vaYious d~eds oi szaorc~ xecor3acl Au;u3t 1b, 7.905 ~~ 1907 in ~on={ SL60, p7Ue ~~42 of Oific~- :~co'_c "1'u32~ Y-~.~a ?.3, };ay ~• , ~g4 501 af Ofs"icial R:cords, Rn~o;.'da and c~ sun~do*~~~nt °7b~~'~C~tf~ Sect3on 115E7 aazl/or Sect3.on ~ r.~sy 5 ~ cover~d by u~a~-n o_~ t•~~ B!I3'L'1293 ~a ~ro~~3~~.~-~~ co•~~, A Taa Ecn3 ~?~ :~`r~x uf ~ha Co~nLy oi Oraagn :r3.7.2 be uecsssa:9• IE Tract . ona ~ond 3n ths a3»uat os" ars~ zecor:.ed caaaursr.at Yr "~~" ~we tr~cta are racord~d at d1=z~Ye~t ~ ::os. co,.. ~td 35~3 u;.--°=r.-~t. yZ9~2?O.OD Lij.7.1 bL' '_; ~F4 If ^~3~.17_345~ j,; t:~s, n ts:t val.ua~ion ~hossld be xe4'~o£'''each tract.~osssor a'~tar ue~, ~;: i1,\ o£ tiia ~1nal i~acC NL3P x.^.C"d3:iS II CO~y ~ „t~`S ~~I~ h~ ` ~~'r1 - f;~ (`Suf~l~~ ~'i 5,,.,:~ ~~' `,:1..~~'.! . ``` . :,1\. . ~~ !G VG~,\`: ; i- ~~1~-?lAld(1t"-. V~ll. ~ i ~`'_...~-..~----'`"'""~`- . . ' ~ ~ ~ 8. That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possesAed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 9. That the requested veriance will not be materia~ly detrimenCal to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FINDING: Environmental Impact Report No. 125, suppiementing Master Environmental Impact Report No. 80, having been considered this date by the City Planning Commission, evidence both written and oral presented to supplement said drait EIR No. 125, the City Planning Commission believe~ that said draft EIR No. 125 does conform to the City and State Guidelines and the State of California Environmental Quality Act and, based upon such information, doe~ ~ereby recommend to the City Council that they certify said EIR is in compliance with said Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Ylanning Commiosion does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this variance is granted subject to the completion of Reclassification No. 73-74-56. 2. That sub3ect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and apecifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through k4; provided, however, that insulation shall be provided in the ceilinga and walls of the two homea siding on arterial highways, as well as double-pane windows in the walls facing the arterial highways, to properly sound buffer the two lota affected, as etinulated to by the petitioner. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed end approved by me this 13th day of May 1974. CHAIRMAN ANAHEIM CITY YLANNING COMMISS ATTEST: , ' ' ~HiL/~Ci~O~//o~. . . . SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING'COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Patricia B, Scanlan, Secret~ry of Che Cit} ?lanning.Cammission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pasaed and adopted at a meeting of the City Planning Cotmnission of the City of Anaheim, held on May 13, 1974, at 2:00 o'clock p.m., by the following vote of the ~embers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: COk11PT.ON, FARANO, HE.RBST, J91~1SON, riING, MORLEY, GAUER NOES: CONIDIISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of May 1974. ~~h.c.t~c.~~ ~~GVW SECRETARY ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION V2-G -2- RESOLUTION N0. PC74-94