PC 75-128~ ~ RESOLUTIOV ~0. PC75-123 A it1iSQLUTIQN 6F THE C3TY PI.hNNING COiL*lISSIO:~ OF TH~ CITY OF AYAIILI}i RP:CD`t`tE:mING ;^ TliE C?T'z ~OUI:CIL OF T1iC CITY OF A11AlIfiI*1 TIIAT PETITIO"t FO~~ R~CLI!S&T.sCCATIOP] N0. 74-75-36 BE APPROVED. ~dl;iiRFaS, s_h~ City P],aniiitlg Commissibn of the City of Anaheia did receive a verified Petitia~n for Reclase~fication from JOSEPI{ D. HUARTE, 14F4 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, Ca. 92~05 (Qwner); JOH1I G. FNART:, 14G4 E. La Palma Ave., Anaheim, Ca. ~2f;~5 (,Agent} of. ceste.in r~.ll property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of OranFe, State ez ~'•a?.ifo,rn,ia, described as: PARCL'L 1: T:.:~t pc~~tf~:n of the ilortheast quarCer and tl~e i7orthwest quarter of Section ~, Towns'hip 4'r;r~uth, Range 4 WesL•, i.n the Rancho San Juan Cajon de Santa Ana in the City of Anahel~, as per map recorded in book 51, pa~e 10 :tiscellaneous `[aps, in the office of the coun~y recorder of said c~unty, described as follows: Be~innin~ at the Southwest corner of thaC certain property descrihed in Certificate of Title :do. 4937, recorded in toolc 20, pa~e 174, Register of Titles of Orange County, Californnia, said Southwest cornc~r being the iiortliwest corner of that certain 1~ foet strip of .land described as excepted from the above mentioned property, and running thence South along the West line of Section 7, Township 4 South, Range 9 West, San ]iernarc:ino Base and :teridian, 1Q.OQ feet to a 7.ine Parallel to an~l 99~.~~ feet No*th of the P.ast and West center line of said Section 7; thence Easterly along said parallel line, 3502.62 feet, more or. less, to an intersection with the Southwesterly line of Clie Golden State Tract; thence Northweste:ly, alon~ said Southwesterly line, to ~ point which is distant Southesscerlyo measured aloi~~ said Southwesterly .line 558.4~ feet from the ~desterly corner of Lot 4. said Golden State Tract, said point being the EaSterly corner of that certain trian~ular shaped parcel of land described as excepCed from Certificate of Title No. 4936; thence, West along the Soethline of said Trian~iilar parcel and the l•Iesterly prolongat~.on of said line 267.25 feet, more or less, to an intersection caith a line parallel with and distant 1331.32 feet P.ast of the West line of snid £actian 7; thence Southerly alon~ said parullel line, 1~34.50 feet, more or less, to the. Sontheast corner of property described in Certificate of Title No. 4937, sairl Soutl~east corner tiein~ Northeast corner of the 10 foot strip excepted frc~ said property; thence Weat al~ng the South line of said property 1331.32 feet to the point of beginning. i:XCEPT all that certain 1'ni~d describ~ed as follows: Begtnning at the Southeast coxner of that certain property described in Certificnte ~f Title No. 4937~ recorded in book 20, page 174. Register of Titles of Oran~;e County California, said Southeast corner bei.~ag the Northeast corner of that certain 1~.f1~ feet atrip of land described as excepted from Che above-mentioned praperty; thence South Q° 09' 20" West, 1G.OQ feeE to a roint in a line parallel to and 99~.0~ feet Nortli of the East and We.st centerli.ne nf Section 7~ Townahip 4 Southy Ran~e Q[dest; thence North 89° 51~ 10" East, along s~aid parallel line, 2171.29 feet~ r~ore or less~ to an interaection with the Southwesterly line of the Golden State Trnct; thence North 61° 17~ 25" West along said SouChWesterly line, 1555.~1 feet, morP or less. to a point ir. the Southerly line of ft~ture Jackson Street, said point lies in a curve concave Northeusterly. having a radius of 632.00 feet; a radial line to aaid point bears South 19° 36' 36" Iilest; thence Northoresterly alon~ eaid curve, Chrou~h a central angle of 0° 30' 25", an arc len~tli of 5.59 feet, to a point in a revnrse curve concave 5outherly, having a radiue of 568.n0 feet; thence We~tecly along said curve, through a central angle oE 20°15' S1" an arc length of 20(1.88 feet; thence continuing along sa~.d South 11.ne and the Westerly prolongation thereof, South 89° 51' 10" Ncst~ 612.97 feet~ to a point in a line parallel with and distant 1331.32 feet bast of tiie West line of said Sectlon 7; t:herce Sour.h 0°09~ 20" West, along said parallel line 774.17 feet !o the point of be~ginning. • PARCEL 2: That certain parce]„ af '!,and located in the County of Orange, State of Califnrnia~ shown as Parcel 1 in Parcel Map filed in book 11~ page 16. in the office of the county recorder, of said cc~unty; and RESOLUTION N0. PC75-128 ~ ~ I~lEREAS, the City Planning Commission did schedule a public hearinp, at the City Ha11 in the City of Anaheim on June 9, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing i~aving been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ltunicipal Code~ Chapcer 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; said pvblic hearing having been cor.tinued to the Planning Commission meeting of June 23r 1975; and WIiEREAS, said Co~ission, aftzr due inspection, investi~atiun and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence an~ reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000(~). RESIDENTIAL/ACBICULTURAI.-OIL PRODUCTION OVERLAY ZOJIE to the RPI-1200(0), RESIDENTIAL tSULTIPLE-FAMILY-OIL PRODUCTIOli OVERLAY ZONF.. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan designatea property for medium-density residential uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of sub~ect property is necessary and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of the co~unity. 4. That Che proposed reclassification of subject property does properly relate to the zones and their permitted, uses locally established in close proximity to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generully established throughout the community. 5. That no one indicated their presence nt said public hearing in ~pposition. and no correspondence was received in oppoaition to aubject petition. ElQVIRON(•t£NTAL IMPACT REPORT FIIIDING: Tliat the Flanning Cocmnission recotmnends to the City Council that tlie sub~ect project be exempt from the F.equirement to prepare an Envi:~nmental Ir~pact Report, pursuant to tYe provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act. NOW, THEREFORE, IIE IT RE50LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby recorunend to the City Coi;~~c~l ^f the City of Anaheim thEt subject Petition for lteclassification be approved and, by so doing~ that Title 18-7.oning of the Anaheim *tunicipal Code be amended to exelude the above-descrihed property from the P.S-A-43,QO~tri), RfiSIDENTIAL/l+GRICULTURAL-OIL PRODUCTION OVERLAY ZON~ and to incorporate said described property into the RM-120Q(0)~ RESIDEt7TIAL PfULTIPLG-FA~tILY-OIL PRODUCTION OVERLAY 2A>]E upon the followin~ conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the propased use of sub~ect prope.rty in order to preserve the safety anci general welfair_ of the Citizene of the City of Anaheim: 1. That these reclassific:ation proceedings are granted subject to completion of annexation of sub3ect property to the City of Anaheim. 2. Thnt street lighting facilities along rrontera Street, Park Vistn Street~ and Jackson Avenue shall be installed as required by the Director of Public Utilities and in accordance with atandard plans and specifications on file in the office of the Director of Public Utilities; and that a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the CICy of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to g~saranl•ee the instal:ation of the ubove-mentioned requirements. 3. That the owner(s) of subject proFerty shall pny to the Ci.ty of An:.neim the sum of 60 cents per front foot along Frontera 5treet, Park Vista Street, and Jackson Aven~ie for tree planting purpoaea. 4. That trash atorage areas ahall be provided in nccordance with apptoved plans on file with the office o~ the Director of Public Works. 5. That fire hydranta shall b~ insCalled and charged as required and detetmined to be necessary by the C~t:f o£ the Fire Department prior to commencement of structural framing. • 6. That sub~ect property ahall be served by underground utilities. 7. That a 6-foot masonty wall shall be constructed along the east and northeast property lines. -Z- RESOLUTION N0, PC75-12H ~ ~ 8. That drainage of subject property shall be d~sposed of ~Ln a maaner sztis~act~r~ tu the City Engineer. 9. That the owner(s) of sub3ect property shall pay to the City of Analieim the anpropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate hq the City Council, said fees to be paid at the tine the building permit is issuecl. 1Q. That appropriate water assessment fees, as determined by the Director of. Public Utilities, shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a buildi~~ permit. 11. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoninfi subject properCy, Condition Alos. !, 2, and 3, above-mentioned, shall be ccmpleted, The provisions or rightc granted by this resolution shail become null and void by action of Che City Council unless said a~nditions are complied with within one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the City Council may grant. 1Z. That Condition Nos. 4, ~~, 7, and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections.. TH~ FOREGOIYG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me his 23rd day of Jime, 1975. ~~~ ~~ CHAIIL~tAiJ PRO TEMPOIt~ A,tIAHEIM CITY PLAt~PiIIVG COMI•fISSIOPI ?,TT~ST: ~ ' ~ ~~~ S~CRETA?tY, APIAHEIPS CITY PLAN:+ING CO:4IISSION STATG OF CALIFORNIA ) COU:ITY OP ORANG~ ).^.c. CITY OF AtdAH~I~t ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Plar.ning Comnissinn of ti~e Cit,y of Anaheim, do hereby certify thaC the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a neetinr of the City Planning Couunission of the City of Anaheim held on June 23, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMh1ISSI0NERS: GAUER, JOHNSOT.I, KITIG, t•10RLEY, TOLAR, FhRANO NOBS: COt•L~IISSION~RS: NUN~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HERBST IN WITIZESS S~IiEREOF, .I iaave hereunto set my hand this 23rd day cf June, 1975. ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~~ SECR~TARY, AtdAHF.IM CITY PLANNING COt~i"iISSION _3_ R~SOLUTION N0. PC75-128