PC 75-137~ ~
WkiEREAS, the City Planning Co~ission of the C3ty of Anaheim did receive a
verified Petition for Cond;.tional Use Permit from ROIiBRT E. GROSS~, 2421 W. Edinger,
Santa Ana, Ca. 92704 and SANFORD li. ANZEL, c/o James A. Llberio, 1720 W. La Pa].ma
Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, Ca. 92801 (?wners); SnUCE C. FOP.G~, 2006 ;1. E:oed~:~e~,/~222,Sar.-~s
Ana,Ca.,92706 (Agentjaf certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County
of Or~nge~ 5tate of Cali£ornia, described as:
Beginning at a poini in the Southeasterly line of the 60-foot road known as Santa Ana
Canyon Road, as described in the deed to the County of Orange dated May $, 1928 and
recorded in book 171, page 144 of Official Records in tLe office of the County Recorder
of said Orange County. which poi.nt is 30 feet South 45° 59~ 30" East from a bolt ~arkin~
th'e Eastern end of a curve in the center line of said road, described in said deed as
being concave to the North, having a rad~us of 450 faet and a central angle of 37° ~2' 45"
ar.d running thence from said point of begit~ning Southwesterly along the Southeasterly
line of said road on the arc of a curve corycave to the NorthwesC, hr.ving a radius of 4R0
feet, through a central angle of 23° 05' 24", a distance of 193.4 2eet; thence South
2~° 14' 15" East 77Q.58 feet to the Norherly 13ne Af the land cenveye~' to ~dwin Emil
Kettler and :~rife by deed dated October 7, 1947 and reco~'decl November 8. 1947 in book 1591,
page 142 of Official Records in the office of the CounCy Iiecazder af said Orange County;
thence North 80° 40~ ZS" East along said Northerly line 150.)6 Er.eE; thence North 2F,° ?4'
45" West 164.48 feet; thenoe North 20° 57' 30~~ West 159.78 foc±; t~enca.t:orth 9° 24' 15"
West 98.91 feet; thenoe North 49° 21' 40" N~ast 133.74 feet to the mo~t Southar,ly corner oY
the land described in the deed to Louis Brody, dated Juna 26, 1947 and rac~crded ~uly ?2,
1947 in book 1526, page 361 of Official Reoords; chenae North 42° 59' 30" 'vVest a3ong t5e
Southwesterly line of the lanu de~cribed in said deed to Brody, 423.32 Yeet to scid Sou~h~
easterly line of Sants Ana Canyon Road; thenoe South 44° 00' 30" West along said South-
easterlg line 47.~6 feet to the point of be6inning; and
WIiEREAS, the City Planning Commission did schedule a public hearin~ at the City }lall
i.n the City of Anaheim on June 23, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearin~
having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of Che
Anaheim 24imicipal Code, Chapter 18.G3, to hear and consider evidence for and a~ainst said
proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in
connection there~aith; and
WFiEREAS~ said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itsclf
and in its behal.f, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said
hearing, does find and determine the following facts:
1. ThaC the proposed use is properly one for which a conditior.ai use permit is
authorized by Code Section, to wit: consCruct a veCerinary hospital in the
CL(SC) 2one witli waivers of:
a. SEC'LION 18.44.06A.010 - Required biock wall. ~6-foot masonrv wall requireci;
none proposed)
b. SECTION 1$.84.062.Q14 -*Sinimum landscaped setback. CZ~ feet adiacer.t to
Sanf.a Ana Canvon Road required; 5 feet proposed)
c. SECTION - Minimum landscaped setback. (10 feet adiacent to
residential zonea required; none propoaed)
2. That Waiver i-a, above-mentioned~ is liereby granted temporarily subject to the
stipulation by the petitioner that a bond ir~ an amount and iorm satisfactory to the Cit~
will be posted to guarantee the installaticn of the required six (6) foot masonry wall
ad~acent to the east, soutti, and west site boundaries in the event said wall is required
by the City at a future date.
3. That Waiver 1-b, above-mentioned. is hereby granted waiving the minimum landscaped
setback adjacent to the right-of-way, subject to the petitioner requestins and receivinr
CiCy Council approval for the abandonment of a portion of tbr. old Santa Ana. Canyon Road to
be added to the sub~ect property and utilized to meet said landscaped setback requirements
of the CL(SC) Zone.
RESOLllTION N0. PC75-137
~ ~
4. That Waiver 1-c, a~ove-menticned. is hereby gr~nted waivinP the minimum landscaped
setback adjacent to interior boundaries, on the bases t3iat the RS-A-43,~Q0(SC) zoned
properties to the east and west have resoluti~ns of inC,nt to Che CL(SC) 7.one and futur.e
development of the property to the south is undetermined.
5. That the Planning Commission does hereby determine th~t the property owner(s) shall
make an irrevocable offer to dedic~te far a b4-foot wide right-oF-~aq Lhrough the sub~ect
property along an zlignment ta be determined by the City Fn~ineer ~t a future date.
6. That vehicular access rights to Santa Ana Canyon Road sha1S be dedicated to the
City of Anaheim, as stipulated to by the petitioner.
7. That the proposed use will noc adversely affect the adjoinino land user, and the
growth and development of the area in wiiich it is proposed to be located.
8. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequats ta a11ow the
full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the part~.aL~iar ~xea
nor to the peace, health~ safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City af Anahein.
9. That the granting oE the Co;:ditional Use Permit under ttie conditions im~;~sed, i.f an;r,
wi13 not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the C3z.Lzens o1'.
the City of hnaheim.
10. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; h~wever,
one (1) .letter was received from the Santa Ana River/Santia~o Creek Greenbelt Commissicn
containing recommendations regarding the subject proposal.
That the Planning Commission reco~ends to the City Council that the subject project
be exempt from the requirement to prepare an Environmental Im~act Report, pursuant Co t`.ie
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act.
NOW, TH~REFOR~. BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
grant subject Petiticn for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which
are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the sub~ecL propert;~
in a~rdar to preaerve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
1. That ttis Conditional Use Permit is granted sub~ect to the conpletian of
I{eclassificatio~ No. 72-73-49, now pending.
2. That trush storage areas sha11 be provided in accordance with approved plans on
file with the office of the Director of Public Works.
3. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and determined to
be neces~ary by the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of structisral
4. That the vehicular access rights to Santa Ana Canyon Road shnll be dedicated to
the City of Anaheim~ as stipulated to by the petitioner.
5. That in the event that aub~ect p'~~perty ie to be divided for the purpose of sale,
lease, or financing, a parcel map to recor6 Lhe approved division of aubject property
st~all be submitted to and approved by tiie City of Anaheim and then be recorded in the
office of ¢he Orange County Recorder.
6, That a bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City shall be posted w~ith
the City to guarantee thQ inetallation of• the required six (6) foot masonry wall adjacent
to the east, south~ and vest site boundaries, as sriown on Exhi.bit No. 1, in the event said
wall is required by the City at a future date.
7. That Wniver of the minimum landscaped aetbacK requirement ad~acent to Santa Ana
Canyon Foad sha21 be conditioned upon the petitioner requesting and receiving City Council
approval for the abandonment of a portion of the old Santa Ana Canyon Road, sai.d propcrt:y
to be for the purpose of being added to the sub~ect property and atilized to comply witli
said landscaped setback requirements of the CL (SC) Zonb.
8. That the property owner(s) shall make an irrevocable offer tu dedicate for a
64-foot wtde right-of-way through the aubject proper.ty along an alignment to be determined
by the City Engineer at a future date.
_2_ RESOLUT.ION :~0. PC75-137
~. ~
9. That subgect properCy shall be developed substan'tlglly in accordance with plans
and specificaCions on fzle with Ehe ~iCy of Anaheim mark~~ Fxfiibit :7os. 1, 2, 3, and 4•
10. That Co~dition lios. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied with
prior to th~ comaettce±nAnG af the activiC'y suthorized under ~his~ r~solution, or prior to the
time that the buildin~ perc~it ie iss.ued, or Within a pe`riod of one y~ear from date hereof,
whichever occuts first, or s~c~ furt~er time as t~e Flann~ng Commissi.on and/or City Couneil
may g~ant,
11. Tfi~at Cottdi't2on Nom. 2~nd 9, above=men.t:iotied; shall. he coezplied with prior to Lin~l
biiild3ng and zonin,g inspections.
THF FQAEGGING 3EF.SOLUTI42~ is slgtted anci approved b•~e this 2`~r~ day of June, 1975•
CIiAI ~SA25, Pk0 ~'II~flRE
I, Patricia II. ~canlan, Sacretary of the t;iC~ 1'lanning Commission of the Cit}• of
Anaheim~ do hereby certify that the fore~oing resol.ution was passed and adopted at a
meeting of the City Planning Commission af Che Cit}~ of Anaheim, held on June 23, 1975,
at 1:30 p.m.. by the following vote of the members thereof:
IN WITNE5S wHEREOF, i have hereunto aet my hand this 23rd day of June, 1975.
~~11~J /~ ~Ar 1~A~~
_3_ RESOL'JTIO*1 N0. PC75-137