PC 75-146~! y, •' ~ ~ RE50LUT.IOI4 N0. PC75-L~i6 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLMINIIdG COiCtISSION OF THE CITY OF ADIP.tii:I?t THAT PETITION FOR CONllITIONAL iJS~ P~R:•[IT N0. I546 BL GRAi1TEll [JIiEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Analieim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pennit from KILP.OY INDUSTP.IF.S, 515 S. Flower St., Suite 2300, Los Angeles, Ca. 90071 (Owner); FLUOP. CORPORATIOi7 (Attn: R.R. [{umbert), 2500 S. Atlantic Blvd., Los Angeles, Ga. 90(1h~ (Agent) of certain real property described as: THAT PORTIOiv OF LOT 2Q IN BLOCK K OF T1iE K:tATTt; R TRACT, IiQ THE CITY OF APTAHEI~•1, • COUNTY OF ORANG~, STAT~ OP CALIFORYIA AS P~R M6P R~CORDIsD I1~1 BOOK 12 PAGES 87 AIJD 88 OF ?fISCIiLLANEOUS RECORDS, IN TH~ OFFICE OF THr COUNTY RECORD~R OF LOS ANGF•Li:S ~OIJ~TY, CALIFORiVIA TOGETIiER IdITIl THAT PORTION OF LOTS 9 AND 10 OF ORANGIs GROV~ ACR~S, IV SAID. CITY OF AtIAH~IM, AS SHO~n` OH A:fAP R~CORDED Ii~ IIOOK 6 PAG~ 43 OF *tISC~LLAVF•.OiJS :dAPS, IN THE OFFIC~ OF TIiE COUNTY RF.CORDER Or ORANGE COUi1TY, DF.SCP.IBED AS A i~liOLTi AS FOLLOWS: BEGICINING AT THE INT~RSECTION Or TIlE EASTiRLY LIPdE OF SATD LOT 9 WITiI THE SOUTHGP,LY LIiv'L OF LA PALMA AVE2TUE (106 FB~T WID~) AS SAID INTERS~CTION IS SHOFT21 ON A^SAP FILED I[~ BOOK S7 PAGG 17 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IIQ TF1E OFFICE OF TIiC COUNTY R~COItD~R 0° SAID ORA?ZGE COUNTY; THEIZCE SOUTH 73° 44~ 00" WEST 379.Q~ FE~T ALONG SAID SOIJTH~2LY LIN~ TO A LI:dE PARALLEL T•]ITH AND W~STCRLY 370.00 F~I:T FRO?•f T1IE EASTERLY LI:•I~ OF SAID LOT 9; Ti.L:IC~ SOUTH 3° 45~ 10" ~AST 700.00 FE~T ALONG SAID PAFALLEL LIN~; T}IENC~ NORTI~ 36° 14~ 50" EAST 370.00 FEGT TO TH~ L~ASTERLY LZV~ OF SAID LOT 9; THE~ICi NORTA 3° 45~ 10" WIiST 732.12 I'EET TO TIlli POIt~T OP BIiGIYlC7I,dG. EXCEPT FRO1•t TIIAT P~RTI011 TlIEREOF TtJCLL1A~D idTTFII"1 SAID LOTS ~ A4~ 10 Ot1~-IIALF OF ALL :•II41EltAL5, OP.~S, PRL'CIOUS A,~ USLFUL PICTAL SUBSTAt1C13S AP1D IiYl);;OCARAOtdS OF E~~ERY KIti~ Ai~ID C1iARACTEIt ICICLUDING PGTROL~U[•I, OIL, GAS~ ASPIIALTUFI AND TAR, THAT MAY NOTd OR IiEREAFTER BE FOUNT), LOCATED, CONTAI:]ED, DCVIiLOPED OR TA1:ElQ ON, IN, UNDER OR FROt4 SAI~ LAIdD, IIllT TdITHOUT TflS RIGHT TO LISE T11AT PORTION OF SAID LAND ABOVE A DEPTIi OF 5~0 FE13T FROri THE SURFACE Or SAID LAND IN COIT~11iCTI~1rI WITFi T}iE DEVELOP*fEJIT TIiF.~EOF. PARCGL 2: THt1T PORTI,UPT OP LOTS 9 AIdD 10 OF OP.~~idG~ G.^.OV~ ACR1iS, ITI TIiE CITY OF ANAHEI"', COU~7TY OF ORAi~G~, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS P~R TIAP R~CORDF.D Itl BOOK 6 PAGE 42 OF ?IISC~LLAN~OliS t•iAPS, Itd THE OFFICE Or THr COUi~TY RECORDI:R OF SAID COUt~TY, DGSCRIEED AS FOLlOYIS: IICGINNING AT THE I:ITERSIsCTION Oi TII~ ~ASTERLY LI2IL OP SAID LOT 9 WITH THE SOUT;:ERLY LI*IF. OF LA PAL.*IA AVENU~ (lOG FLET WIllE) AS SAID INTEZSLCTIOtd IS SHOh^d ON A :~i :r FILED IN BOOK 57 PAGE 17 OP F.~CORD OF SIIR~,'~YS, IN Tli~ OFFICG OF THE C0IINTY FECORDER OF SAID ORAtdGE COUNTY; TIiE~C~ SOUTH 73° 44~ 00" I,TSST 379.0~ FErT ALOPIG SAIB SOUTHERLY LINE TO A LIPIE PARALL~L WITFi AI1D WESTERi•Y 370.Q0 FEGT FROM THL EAST~RLY LIidr OF SAID LOT 9; TH~NCE SOUTH 3° 45~ 10" EAST 799.()0 ALONG SAID PARALLrL LII:r TO TF?F. TRUF. POINT OF B~GINNING: THENCE NORTH 36° 14' Sb" EAST 371'.0~ F~IiT TO SAID I:ASTIiP.LY LINE; THENC~ SOUTH 3° 45~ 1S'~ EAST 393.4 FE~T ALONG SAID EAS':~RLY LIN~ TO TH~ SOUTHF.RLY LINE OF THE I.AND DESCRIIIF.D IN TH~ D~ED TO LONG II~ACIi LEASING CORPORATION, RACORDED AUGUST 4, 196:i IN BOOK 7618 PAGIi 698 OF OFFICIAL R~CORDS; THEi1CE SOUTH 73° 48' 30" W6ST 362.49 F~IiT ALONG LAST SAID SOUTIi~RLY LIid~; THENC~ NOhTH 1G° 11' 30" WEST 452.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH~RLY LIN~ OF THE LAND DESCRIIiED IN THE D~~D TO TH1: CITY OF ANAHEIDt, RECORDED D~CEMBGR 9, 1969 I:I BOOK 7769 PAGE 192 OF OFFICIAL RECOR])S, SAID PpINT IIEING A FOINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURV~ CONCAVE WIiSTPRI.Y HAVING A RAi)IUS OF 54.?0 FEfiT, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 16° 11' 3Q" EAST; THF.NC::P70RTII~RLY 121.h7 FF.FT ALONG SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CE.ITRAL AIv`GLE OF 125° 05~ 38"; T1iENCE NORTH 73° 44' 90" EAST 51.00 F~ET TO SAID PARALL~L LIPlE; THP.:ICE SOUT}1 3° 45~ 10" LAST 76.73 FEET TO THL•' TRU~ POINT OF BEGIN~ING. E7~C~PT FROM THAT PORTION THEREOF THAT IS NOT INCLUDED WITHIN Tli~ LAND DESCi:iBED IN THIi DE~D TO F. A. TOUNGBLUTH, ET AL, R~CORDED MAY 24, 1927 IN SOOK 55 PAGC 35 OF DEEDS, ONG-HALF OF ALL MII~ERALS, ORES, PRECIOUS AiJD US~FUL M~TAL SUBSTANCES APiD tIYDROCARIIONS OF EVERY kTND AND CHARACT~R, IPICLUDING PE'L?tOLEUt~T, OIL, GAS~ ASPIIALTU*t 4ND TAR, THAT MAY NOW OR HF.REAFTER BE FOUtdD, LOCATED, CONTAI:]F.D, DIsVELOPED OR TAKEN ON, IN, UtIDER OR FROM SAID LAND, BUT WITIiOUT TH~ RIGIIT TO USE TSiAT PORTION OF SAID LAIdD ASOVE A DEPTA OF 500 FEET FROM TH~ SJRFAC~ OF SAID LANll IN CON;IECTEOV WITH TIiE DEV~LOPKENT TIiEREOF. WFiER~P.S, the City Planning Commis~ion ~iid schedule a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 23, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having bPen duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim 4lunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03. to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make ~ ~ findings and recommendations in connection therewitit; saic: public hearir.g havin~ heen continued to the Planning Cor,miission meetinf; of July 7, 1~75; 1nd l•T;[~REAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence an~( repor.r.s off.erecl at said hearing, does find and ~letermine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use perMit is aiithorized by Code Section 18.f,1.05(1.47Q, to wit: permit a helistop. 2. That the petitioner stipulated that the proposed helistop will not involve scheduled service and there will be a~aximum of three (3) fliphts (take-offs and landin~s) per day. 3. That the petitioner stipulated that all flights would occur dnring :laylifiht hours only and that the first flight (take-off. or landing) each day caill be no earlier than 6:00 a.r~. and the last flight (take-off or landin~) each day will be no later than 5:00 p.m. 4. That the petitioner stipulated to obtaining a favorable letter from the California Aighway Patrol, said letter to be submitte~l prior to City Council revie~a' of the proposed use and to indicate that the proposed flight and/or ].anding patterns will not be detrimental or hazardous to the safety of the freew:iy traffic in the sub3ect area. 5. That the proposed use will not adversely af£ect the adjoining 2and uses and the growth and development oF the area in'which it is proposed to be locate~. 6. That the size and shape of the site proposel for the use is adequate to allow the full development of the ~roposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim. 7. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and ~;enetal welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 8. That one (1) concerned person appeared at said public hearing in connection with the subject petition; that no one appeared in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to subjecC petition. ~NVIROIJMENTAL IriPACT Tt~PORT FINDItiG: That the Planaing Coimnission recommends to the City Council that the subject pro~ect be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Envi.ronmental Quality Act. PIOW, THSREFOP.E, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Co~nission does hereby grant sub3ect Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the fallowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in oxder ta preserve the safety and general wel£are of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. i. That sidewalks shall be installed alon~ Carpenter Avenue as required by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the Cffice of the City Engineer. 2. That sub~ect property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit No. 1. 3. That Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-mentioned, shall be con~nli.ed with prior to co~encement of the activity authorized by this Resolution, or prioz to the time that the building permit is issued, or within a period of one (1) year from date hereof~ or such further time as the Plannin~ Commission andJor City Council may grant. 4. That the proposed helistap shall not be utilized for schec~uled service and there shall be a maximum of three (3) fli~hts (tal:e-o£fs and landings) per day. 5. That all flighCa shall occur during daylight hoiirs only and that the first fllght (take-off or landing) each day shall not be earlier than 6:OQ a.m., and the last flight (take~off or landing) each day shall be no later than 8:0~ p.m. 6. That this conditional use permit is granted subject to the petitioner obtaining a favorable letter frum the California Highway Patrol, said lette~ indicating that the proposed flight and/nr landing patterns will not be detrimental _Z- RESOLUTION N0. PC75-146 _ ,:. .,..., . . . ,_ ... . .... .. . ~ ~ or hazardous to the safety of the freeway trafiic in the area, and said letter to be subriitted to the City of Analieim prior to City Council review of this conditional use pernit. THE FORF.GOING RESOLUTION is si~ned ancl approved by me this 7th day of Ju1y, 1975. ~~-P~l~/ ~/~_ f~ i f~/ /' .~ ' l~ CIfAIcL'`1Ail PRO TEMPORE ANAHrIA1 CITY PLANt7ING COMMISSION ATTEST: !// /~.f~~A~l~AJ ~ SF.CRL'ti~ItY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANDIING C0:-L~tISSIO*I STATL OF CALIFORNIA ) COU:ITY OF OFAIIGE )ss. CITY Or Ai1AHEI:4 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Comnission of the City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was Fassed and adopted at a meetinp, of the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July 7, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., by the following vete of the membexs thereof: AYGS: COMMISSIONERS: RARNF.S, HF.:tBST, JO&YSON, KIP]G, TOLAR, MORLPY NOES: COriMISSI011ERS: NON~ ABS~NT: COMMISSIONERS: FARANO IN WITPTESS WIi~R~OF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of July, 1975. ~ti~~,~°~~~ SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CITY PLAtT:dING COMMISSIOi1 -3- RESOLUTION N0. YC75-146