PC 75-147~, ' , ~ ~ RESOLlJTIO:i :d0. P(:75-147 A IL~SOLUTION OF T}tC CI'CY PL/uY:•]I'.dG C01-C4ISSI0*: OP Tlil•: CI'PY OF At7A11TsIt+ FECO?•L`[ENDI:~G TO 'Tlli•. CITY C~U,;CIT. OF TlLT: CITY OE A~~A1i~SI'1 TIIAT. PB'fITIOid POR RECLASSIPICATIO'4 N0. 75-76-1 ISf: APPRO~~Is'1. !:;Gii<liAS, the City Plannin,^, Co:mnission of the City of. Anaheim dis receive a verifiel Petition for Reclassification Ero~n ARDI:~:.D. STRAi+:), 34~ West Grove St., Orange, C11iEornia 92665 (~mer) of certain real property clescribed as: Those portions of Blocks 24 and 25 of the Gclden State Tract, in the Ci•ty of Anaheim, County of Orange, StatE of California, per map recorded in Book 4, pages 66 and 67, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County, described as follows: .. Beginning at the most easterly corner of the land described in the deed to Holly Wade Davidson, recorded April 4, 1908, in Book 8563, page 67, Official Records of said Orange County, said point being the intersection of the westerly,right-of-way line of Glassell Street and the northerly right-of-way of the Santa Ana River; thence North 30° 13' 21" West, along the boundary line of deed to Holly Wade Davidson 177.30 fet~t; thence South 74° 32' 28' West along the nortYserly line of afc+resaid deed 45.75 feet to a point in the southerly line of the land described in the deed to the State of California, recorded June 4, 1963 , in Book b573, page 167, Official Records; thence 5outh 74° 32' 28" [9est along said southerly line 46.49 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave northerly and having a radius of 471.99 feet; thence wes~erly along said curve, ident~.aal with the southerly line o£ said deed to the State of California, through a central angle of 27° 48' 39" an arc length of 229.10 feet; thence South 28° 43' 38" East 298.45 feet to a point on the southeasterly line of the land described in Parcel 1 in the deed to Holly Wade Davidson, recorded March 18, 1955, in Book 3000, page 254, Official Records, said line beirg the northerly right-of-way line of the Santa Ana River and said line being a curve, the center of whicl-. bears from last-mentioned point South 28° 43' 38" East 12325.70 feet; ~thence northeastPrly along said curve, through a central angle of 1° 22' 38" an arc lenr,th cf 296.25 fee~ to the point of beginning. FTFiLR~AS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearin^ at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on July 7, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., noCice of said piiblic hearinF havin~ been duly given as required by law and iri accordance with the pr~visions of the Anaheim @tunicipal Code, Chapter 14.Q1, to hear and consider evidence for 1nd a~ainsC said proposed reclassification and to investi~ate and z~ake finclin~s and recotmnendations in connection therewi.'_h; and LJl',~P.EAS~ said Commission, aEter due i.nspection, investi~ation and study nade by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the followinE facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassification of the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000 (ItESIU~NTIAL/AGRICULTUftAL) 7,ONS to the CL (co~r.t~t:CIAL, LI>fITLi7) ZON~. 2. That the Anaheim General Plan uesignates subject propertv for special park uses. 3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desiraUle for the orderly and proper 3evelopraent of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property Soes properly relate to the zones and their permitted uses locally established in close proximity to suUiect nronertv and to the zones and their Permitted uses ~;enerally est~blishe~l throughouG tlie co~unity. RESOLUTION N0. PC75-1G7 ~ ~ 5. 'that the propose.l reclassiLication o[ r,ubject prop~rty re~uires ei~e ~le~.lication and i.iprover:ent of ahuttinF sL•reets in accor.dance ~.~i.th the Circu]ati.on Cle:nent oi the General Plan, due to the anticipate,l increase i.n traffic o~hicL ~~ill be f;enerated by the intensification of land use. 6. :hat the petitioner stipulatecl to :levr_lonment of tlte suhject pronerty precisely in accordance caith tlie si~briittr_d plans f.or Chn_ propose,l co~nner.cial shoppin~ cer.ter an~l r~lrket. 7. '.L'hat the petitioncr proposes *_u s~.ib~livide the subject pr.operty inr.o two (.~) parcels and stipulate~l to finalizin„ the CL zor.inE concerrer.r.ly or. Uoth parcc?.s. ° Thst the petitioner stipulat-ed to e].i~.~inatii:±; onc of the two prcpos~rl adjoir~3n~ driveways on Frontera Street and to constructin~; one (].) sin,^,le, share~'. drivetaay access not exceedin~ thirty ('l0) feet in width to sr.rve bot?~ parcels fro:v rrorL-era Street with a further stipulation thnt a urutual in,^,ress and e~rr_ss easemenr. s:u~il be f.iled and recorde3 in the Office of. thc OranFe County l:ecorder. - 9. T_hat the petitioner stipulatel to constructin~; a si~: (6) Lnot lii,^,li ear.th- tr;t:~ '. ~asonry wall along tlie sout?i properCy line, sai:9 wzll to he coripatihle coith ti» ~vn11 i~rop~sed for the adjacent apartrsent complex to the o~est, a~ requested hy the Sa !~na ;:iver/Sa is o Cre k Greenbelt Com;~ sion in addition to constructin~ a six ~5) '" ~o.: ~fiigh masonry wa~~. ~long tcfie west property ~l~ne. ' 1~. That the petitioner stipulate<1 to provi:linE trash stora~e areas on both ~~:.crls in accordance with approved plans on file with tlie Off•ice of. the Director of i'uhlic ldorlcs. 1. That no ot~e indicated their presence at saicl public liearing in opposition; ~n:i :.~ correspondence was receivecl in opposition to subject petition. :;i.V'C~;O:Z,iC:ITaL I'iPACT FEPORT FI'IDIAG: ThaC the Planuing Commission recoim~en:ls to the City Counci] that ehe suLject ni~ct be e~:empt fron the requirement co nrepare an environmr.+ital iiapact report, ,..i n.,ant to the provisions of the California ~nvironmantal Quality Act. ~Old, TIiEREPORE, Bi: IT R~SOLVTb that the Anaheim City Planninh Commission does hFreby reco~end to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that subject Petition for l:eclassification be approved an<l, by so doin~, tliat Title 13-7,~~nin~ of the Anaheim >iunicipal Co:le be amended to e:~ciude the above-~escribed property £ron the RS-A- 43,~U0 (RLSII)EITIAL/AGRICULTJRAL) ZONS and to incorporate said descr3he3 propPrty into tfie CL (C^'•r•tERCIaL, LIt•tITLD) 'I.OtI!i, upon the following coniitions which sre i-~ereby found to Le a nECessary prerequisite to the proposed use of sub3ect property in. order Co preserve the safety and general welfaze of the Citizens of the City of lnahei.m: 1. That all engineering requirer~ents of the City of Anaheim al.on~ Frontera Street anl Glassell Street, including preparation of imprave~ent plans anii i~s~aliation of all improvements such as curbs an~i ~ul•ters, sidewall:s, street orndir.C and paving, drainage facilities, or other appurtenanC worlc, shal? h.~ r_~np7.3eu ~~jt~~ :'. ~ require~] hy the City Gngineer and in accordance with stan~lard Pl.ans an~l speciiications on file in the office of the City Engineer; that street lightin^ facilities alonp, rzontera Street and Glassell Street shall be installed as rem~ired by the Directar of Eublic lltilities and in accordance with standar~l pilns an~~ speciL•icatioas on file in the office of the Director of Public Utilltics; an-1 thr.t a bonl in an a;aount and form satisf.actory ro t}~e City oE Anahei~i shall he posrer~ ~aith the ::ity of guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned requirements. 2. That the owner(s) of subject property snall pay to the City of Anahei7~ tlie sur.~ of GO cents per front foot along FronCara Street and Glasseil Strcet for CTP..P. plantiiiL purposes. 3. That trash sCora~e areas shall be provi:leci in accordance witli approved plans on file ~vit11 the office of the Uirector of Public 1lorks, as stipulate3 to hy the petitioner. 4. That f.ire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and cleterr~iiie:l to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Pepartnent prior to commencenent of structural framing. _2_ RESOLUTION N0. PC75-147 ~ ~ 5. 'fliat sni>ject pr.operty s~i:ill be served hp umlcr;;r.oun,l uti].9.ties. E. Tliat ~lraina~,e of sub~ect pr.opcrty sii~11 be ~tisposr_~_ of in a n.lnn~r ...~... cactory co ci~i: City L'ngineer. 7. In tlie event that subject property is to be clivicle! for th~ ptlrpose nf sale, lense or fic~ancin~, a parcel map to record the approvecl ~ivisi.on of s~ih;}ect property shall be suhrdtted to and approved hy the City of Anahei~n an~l then he recor.de:l in the office of the Qrant;e County Recorder. 8. That appropriate water assessment fees as cieterrnine~l by the nirector oF Puh2ic Jtilities sliall be paid to the City of P.nahein prior to tli= issuance of a buildin,^, per.nit. ~1. That the subject property shall be develope3 precisely in accorclance ~~rith tiie s~ibr~iitted plans for the proposed commercial shoppin; center and narket; provi~-~ed, Lo::~v<:r, that a six (b) foot high masonry coall shall be constructed alonr the west pro~crty line; tha*_ a six (6) foot high earth-toned masonry wal.l shall be constructed_ zlon; the south Property line, said wa11 to be compatible crith the wall proposed for t;ie a~jacent apartment complex to the ~aest, 1s stipulaCed to by the petitioner; an:'., f+~r-::ar, that one of the t~•~o propose3 adjoining ~rivewa~s on Frontera Street s'.ia].1 be eli :ir,ate;! and one (1) single, shared clrivewly access noC excee:ling thirt~~ (3~) feet , . th shall be provided to serve both parcels from Frontera Street aml a autual _,..res:: and egress easement shall be filed,and tecorded in the Office of the Oran(~e County Recorder. 1~. That, in the event the sub3ect property is subdivided into two (2) parcels, r~ie CL zonin~ for Uoth parcels shall he Einalized concurrently. 11. Prior to tlie introduction of an ordinance rezonin~, sub3ect property, Con.!i:ion ilos. 1, 2 and 7, above-mentioned, sha.ll be co~Pleted. The provisions or ri;hts ~ranted by this resolution shall became null and void by action of the City Council unless said conditions are complied ~•~ith within one year from the date l~~~rcof, or such further time as the City Counr.il ma~ ~rant. 'llli. FQREGUING RP.SOLUTIOit is si~ned and approved by me thls 7tii day o£ July, 1975. ~iifi iliCi.:C. . /~/ /~~L~f'LL•L~t ctuiR~tnr,, PRO TLt'PQRT; ANAH~I:•t CITY PLA~7;JTiiG C01^tISSIni7 ATTLST: .~ ~ ,~ p~~~~ S::C;u:TARY, Ai~AIiEI_t C?TY PI.A~~Rr'ING CO?4`fISSI0F1 STA'fl: OF CALIFORNIA ) CUU:~'iY UF ORA:dG~ )ss. CITY OF A:7AlIr:I;4 ) I, Patricia li. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Plannin~; Commission of the City o!` Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoinp, resolution was passed an~i adopted at a meetinF of tlte City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim, held on July 7, 1975, at 1:.'.~ p.m., by the kollowin~ vote of the members thereof: AYi:S: CO~fidISSIONERS: BARNES, IiEP.IIST, JOii1JSON, KIt7G, TOLAR, itORLIiT VOF,S: CO1f•tISSIOtJ~RS: NONE A]iSr~J'f: COI•41ISSTONEFS: FARAPIO I:v SdIT21LS5 I1}IGREOF, I have hereunCo set nry hand this 7th day of July, 1~?5. K/ • . . SECT.tE'fARY~ A?IAl~i'sl~i CI. Y PL:1i^~I:ZG COr4?ISSIO'I _3_ RESOLUTION N0. PC75-14',