PC 75-148~ ~ RESOLUTI0:7 N0. YC75-14II A P.ESOLUTION OF THE CITY PLAI3PII.1~G CO~L*lISSIQi•~ OF T1iE CITY OF A:IAH~IM TNAT P~TITION FUR VARIANCE N0. 2718 BG G?tA.'~TRD, IN YA.~tT• WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition fos ~'ariance from ARDEN D. STRANI), 84Q.West Grove Street, Oranf;e, California 92665 (~mer) nf certain real property described as: • Those portions of Blocks 24 and 25 of the Golden State Tract, • in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, per man recorded in Book 4, pages 66 and 67, of Miscellaneous Maps, Records of said Orange County, described as follows: • Begianing at the most easterly corner of the land described in the deed to Holly Wade Davidson, recoxded Apri1 4, 1968, in Book 8563, page 67, Official Records of said Orange County, said point being the intersection of the westerly,right-of-way . line of Glassell Street and the northerly right-of-way of the Santa Ana River; thence North 30° 13' 21" West, along the boundary line of deed to Ho11y Wade Davidson 177.30 feet; thence South 7~° 32' 28' West along the northerly line'oP aforesaid deed 45.75 feet to a poi.at in the southerly line of the land described in •L-he deed '~o the State of Calif'ornia, recorded June'4, 1963 , in Boo!: 6573, page 1'v7,~Official Records; thence South 74° 32' 28" West along said southerly line 46.49 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave northerly and having a radius of 471.99 feet; thence westerly along said curve, ident~ca3. with the southerly line of•.said deed to the State of California, through a central angle of 27° 48' 39" ari arc length of 22g,1p feet; thence South 28° 43' 38" East 298.45 feet to ' a point on the southeasterly line of 'the land described in Parcei 1 in the deed to Holly Wade Davidson, recorded March• lg~ ~955, in Book 3000, page 254, Official Records, said line ~ being the northerxy right-of-way line of the Santa Rn~ River and. ~aid line being a curve, the center of which bears from iast-mentioned point South 28° 43' 38" East 12325.70 feet; ofel°e•22;r38eaanearc lengthsofd296r25~feet tohthecpointlofng1e beginning. WN~REAS, the City Planning Commiseion did hold a public hearir.g at tha City Hall in the City of Anaheim on July 7, 1975, at 1:3(1 p.m., notice of saiil public hearinp, having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim ;iunicipal Code. Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidpnce for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and -,IHEREAS, said Co~ission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by ttself and in its behalf. and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said heartng, doea find and deternine the followine facts: 1. That the petitioner requeats the following waivera from the Anaheim *iunicipal Code. to construct a commeYCial shopping center: a. SECTION - Maximum number of free-standin~ slgns. (1 permitted; 2 proposed) b. S~CTION - Minimum distance between free-standing ai~ns. 300 feet required; 135 feet proposed) c. SECTION - 1•taximum buildin~ hei ht. 5 feet perriitted; 15 feet proposed) RESOLUTInN N0. PC75-148 r~ u 0 d, SI:CTI09 18.44.OG3.010 - RequireJ bloc}• wall adjacent to a residential zone. (G-foot !aall required; none pzoposed) 2 That k~aiver 1-a, lbove-nentioned, is aithdr.awn by the petitioner with thc sCipulation that the subjecC px'opercy is proposed to be subdivi~le~l into two (27 parcels and, subsequently Chere will be one (1) sip,n per parcel, in conformance eritli Code requirements. 3. That tdaiver 1-b, above-mentioneft, is witl~drawn by tlie petitioner with tiie stipulation that the subject property is proposed to be subdivided into t~ao (2) parcels and there will be one (1) si~n per parcel, in conformance with Code; provide3, iiowever, that the si~ns will be located nn cJ.oser to any property line of an abutting parcel (other than streets) than a distance equal. Co forty (40) per cent of the ~ridth of each parcel, as stipulated to by the peCitiuner. 4. That idaiver 1-c, above-mentioned, is hereby Franted on the basis that the adja~:ent land to the west and south is currently zoned RS-A-43,nnn and County A-1; howe~•er, a multiple-family development is pendin~; on the property to the west anca thr property to the south is part of the. Santa Ana River/Santiago Creek Creenbelt plan. 5. That Waiver 1-d, above-mentioned, withdrawn by the petiticner with the stipulation Co construct a 6-foot hi~lx masonry wall alon~ the ~oest property line. 6. That the petitioner stipulated to development nf the sui>~ect property precisely in accor~ance with the ~•.ibmirted. ptan: for Ll~r propoe~d cotmnercial shoppin~ center and market. 7. Tiiat there are exceptional or extraordinary circue~stances or conditions aprli.ca.ble ta the propert}• involved or to the intended use, as ~ranted, of the property that do not apply gencrally to tFe property or class of iise in the same vicinicy and znne. 3. That the requested variance, as ~ranted, is necessary foc tiie preservation and en~oyment of a substantial property right possessed by~oCher properCy in the snm~ vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 9. That the requested variance, as ~ranted, will. not he mztcriall.y detrimental to the public welfarr. or in~urious to the pronerty or improvements in auch viciaity and zone in wl~ich the properCy is located. 10. That no one indicated their presence at said puUlic heari.n~ in opPosi.ti.oii; and no correspondence was reccived in opposition to subiect petiti.on. ENVIR01~[ENTAL IIdPP.CT REPOFtT PTNllTNG: That the 3'lanning C~nunission recor,Lmends to the City Council. that Che ~~~hject p~:oject be exe:npt from the requi.rement Co prepare an envtrcnmenCa.l. i~epacC rePorC• pursuanC xro ?:he provisions of the California Environmental Quality AcC. NOW, T;iL'RCBORE, EE IT RESOLV~D that the P.naheim CiL•y Plar•nin~ Cnmmiesion does hereby Erant, in part, cubject Yetition for Variance, upon ihe L'GL1041.{.Sl~* conditior.s whtch ~r<a hereby found to be a neceasary prerequisite to the proposr..d use of the sub~ect ~roperty itt or3er to preserve the ~afety and ~encral wel.fare uf: the CiCizens of the ~City of Anaheim: 1. T~hat t!~is variance is ~ranted, in part, sub~ece Co the corapletion of ReclasslSi~ation No. 75-76-1, now pending. _2_ RES~LUTiAN Nfl. PC75-14R ~ ~ 2. Th~t subject property shall be developed precisely in flccordance witli plans and Specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked P.xhibit Nos. 1 throup,h 5; provided, hocrever, that the si~ns shall be in accorciance with Code requirements for the CL 7.one. as stipulated to by the petitioner, and a six (Fi) foot hiQh masonry wa7.1 shall be constructed alonE the weaterly property lines, in addition to constructin!; a six (6) foot high earth-toned masonry wall along the south property line. T}(P. FORLGOIyG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 7th day of .Tuly. 1975. / ~ ~' " ~ /' % ~ P~c ~i.i -/~ ' /~ ~ ~ ~~~- '' ? ` ~/ CHAIC"Iti~, PRO TP.PII'OKE A1JNiT:I:4 CZTY PLAhI'dI:1G CO'CSISSI;1'•i ~ ATTi'sST: ~iG2~GG~C~QJ~ SiiCRliTARY~ ANAIiEI!~I CITY PT.Ai~tiING CODtllI~S70:~ ST.ATL Ol CALIFORI~IA ) C:)U^1TY OF ORA;~GE )BS. CITY OF tiJAlIL•'Zit ) I, Patricia n. Scanlan, Secretary of Che City Plannin~ Coeunission of the City oF Anahei..i. do liereby certi£y that the fore~oinE resoliition ~aas paased and adopteu at a meetiti~ of the City Plannin~ Cor.vnission of the City of Anatieim, held on July 7, 1975. at 1:3Q p.m.~ hy the following vote of the meoibers thereof: AYCS: COi@iTSSIONfiRS: BA~::ii~ _, kII:RBST, JOIiASQ:i~ KItIG, TO':.AR, 4SOPJ.°.Y ':iOEE: CO?@IISSIOP'IEN:: f':i~Ei ABS1iW^l: CO)E4ISSIONL'T~o, " rARA110 I;I ~dlT::liSS S~:ILIL~OE, I have liersunto set my hand this 7th day of July. 1975. /:~~-:~~,~s~R~.~~ SrCitL~T.AR'Y, ANAlIF.Iti CITY PLA:°JI'IG CO"r•SISSIO" -~{. RESOLUTL(1N NQ. PC75-14R