PC 75-153~ ~ RP,SOLliTIOV ~0. PC75-153 A RiiSQLUTIO;. OF Tl:i: CITY PT.AN:4IT]G COF~•IISSZ0i1 Or TIIIi CITY OF Nd.11ICI?t THAT PETITIQN FOR VARIAPTC:. N0. ??14 RI: DL:7IF.:~. k'IITi?ZL~1S, the City Plannin~ Commission of the City o£ Anaheim di.1 receivr_ a vcrifieQ Petition for Variance from I[A'tT11A BIRCIt£li, 311 Bircher Street, Anaheim, Ca. 92301 (Ocuner); IdALTLR TiiOP.fJTOt•1, c/o TIC TOC S1ST~?IS, I?IC.. 2530 2Je~•mort Blvd., Co~ta ilesa, Ca. ~2fi27 (Agent) ot certain rzal property situathd in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of California describec as: That por.tion of the Southwest quarter of the 5ou~citwest quarter of Section 8, Toomship h Souti~, Ran~e 10 ilest in the Rancho Los Coyotes, as shown on a:4ap recorSel in Boolc 51, page 10 of ?Iiscellaneous Maps, recoriis of Orange Coimty, _ CaliEornia, described as follows: ~3e;;imiin~; at the *Iorthsrest corner of said Southr~est quarter of th~ South~rest quarter of Section S; thence South u9° 31' 0!1" East along the idortherly li.ne of said Soutlro~est quarter of the Soutlnaest quarter of Section ~~, a distance of 30.~'~ feet to the true point of be~innin~; thence r_ontinuin~ South ;~Q° 31' ~!1" East alon~ said idortherly line 1<<6.0~ f.eet; thence Soutki ~° 16' 1~" East 35.1~ feet; tiiencc AJorth S9° 31' 00° Sdest 29.~~ feet; thence South 0° 16' 10" ~ast 2.90 fPet to a point in the Easterly prolongation o£ thr iSortherly line of the l~nd ~lescribe~l in Deecl to the Department of Veterans Affairs of the State of Calif.ornia, recordec? Jnne 24, 1953 in ~oolc 3527, page 62 of Official Records; thence ~Iortli 4~O 31' 0!1" ldest alon~ said idorth line of said .land of the Department of. Veterans Affairs and alon~ said prolon~ation 117.00 feet to a point 3n a line that is par.allel wit}i an~i distant liasterly 30.0~ feet from the Sdesterly line of snid Section 3; thence :Iorth 0~ 1f~' 1!1" idesC alon; said parallel line E8.~0 feet to ttie point oE heginnin;;; and l•!HIiR,~4S, the City Plannin~ Conmission Qid hold a public hearing at the City Nall in the City of Anaheim on July 7, 1975, at 1:30 p.~., notice of sai:l public hearing havin; been duly given as required by law anu in accordance caith the provisions of the Anahein `lunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to liear and consi3er evidence for an~l against slid proposed variance and to investif;ate and nake findings and recocunendations in connection therewith, and lTiliRliAS, caid Cor~mission, after due inspection, investigation and study nade hy itself an3 in its behalf, and after due consideration of a.ll evidence and r.eports off.ere~ at said hearin~, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That tlic petitioner requests the following waivers from the Anaheim ~funicipal Code, to establish a self-service gasoline pump at an existing convenience marl:et: a. S]3CTION 18.44.030 - PerniiCted accessory uses. (Gasoline pump not • permitted in con~uncCion with x retail market) b. Si:CTIOtd 18.G4.062.011 -~faximu:~ buildin,r, hcieht. (1 foot and 5 feet permitted; 12 feet existing) c. 1. SLCTION - 1•tinimum buildinP setback abutting a local street. (5 feet required; none existing) 2, SECTION -:•tininum building setback abuttinF; a residential zone boundary. (!0 feet required; 1 foot and 2 feet existing) d. SF.CTIOtd 18.44.064.Q10 - iiinimum frontage landscaping. (3 feet required; none existing) e. StiCTION 1£ - Minimmm ~umber of parldng sPaces. (1F required; 7 proposed) RESO~.UTION N0. PC75-153 0 ~ 2. That tlie aUove-mentioned waivers arE liereby clenir.~l on the basis of the fulloc•~in~ reasons which are unique to the sub~ect property: fl. Th,e sub~ect propcrCy is presently over-built; anrl U. 'Llie existing and prnposad parking is inadequate and all. the proposed parl:in~ spaces are not fully accessible; anci c. The proposed use would set .,n uncleeirable precr_n~lent f.or future simi]ar. requcsts, and furthermore, if ~asaline sales r~cre permitCed in con~unction ~~i.th convenience food mar};ets, f.ood sales miglit be enL-itlecl r.n be per~itte~ in conjunction zait}~ service stations. 3. 'lhat there are no e:tceQtional or extraorclinar.y circu~sstances or conc;itions applicable Co the property involved or to the intenderl use oi• the property Chat ~lo not apply ~enerally to the property or class oE use in L•l~e same vicinity and zone. <<. That ttie requested variar.ce is not necessary tor tiie preservation and enjoynent of a substantial property right possesse:l hy other. property in tlie saile vicinity an~l zone, and denied to the property in queslior.. 5. That the requested variance will be materia].ly detrimental to Che public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vi.cinity and zone in which the property is located. 6. That no one indicated their presence at said pub7.ic tiearing in opposition; however, one (1) letter in opposition to sub~ect petition was receivecl. C:7l~IR0;I:4~IITAL I:[PACT RLPORT FIMDIf1G: That the Planning Commission recommencls to t11e City Council tliat the sub~ect project he exempt from the requirement Co prepare an environ~ental impact repor.t, pursuant Co the provisions of the CaliLorT~ia EnvironMrneal Quality Act. ,IOl1, T]IER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED tliat the Anahein City Plannint; Commission ~loes hereby Seny subject Petition for Variance on the basis of tlie aiorementioned findings. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by n!c Lhis 7Ch day of July, 1975. /.vlc,r~L .~/ /~i'-~;~_~ ~; Ci AIRi•tAN PRb TG~iPORE APIAIIEI"1 CITY PLANNIiQG CO}ttISSION ATT~S'1': . lf~.t4.~~_J~ SECRETARY, ANAIiEIPi CITY PLANNING CO:~^17.SSIOP7 STATL OF CALIFORNIA ) COUPITY OP ORANGG )ss. CITY OF AP1AlILI*f ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan~ Secretary of the City Planning Comr.dssion of the CitY of Anahcin, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was pnssed and adopted at a eteeting of tlie City Planning Commission of the CiCy of. Anahein, held on July 7, 1975, at 1:30 p.~., uy tt~e following vote of the members ther.e~f: AYL•'S: CObL'tISSIONERS: RARNES, IiBRRS'f, JOH'ri50',I, KI?~G, TOLAR, MORLI•:sf IIOGS: COT~ifISSIONGRS: NONIi ABS:i•!T: COhiDtISSIONT:RS: FARANO I\ WITNF.SS WIIL•REOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7th day of Ju].y, 1975. 4~ ~ ~ B SrCItETARY. ANAl1EI*t CITY PLANNI,l~G COI•CIISSIO~~ -~- ~ R~SOLi1TI0N NO.PC75-153