PC 75-167~ ~
I~P.S'~i~~Pl'T~l~; ,`dn. Pi.75-1(+'
A RTiS01,i'TT~'? (1F T(!li CTTY P1,AV'iLir, c~n'!'iTSCt~`? Of TI:•Ti CITY OP A`IPJ!f1'?
TI(!`,T P1iTiTI!?'? Pf1P. \'AP,TA'ar.l' t.~. 277.•1 rr: cr.n~iTr>>, T'1 P",RT.
l~;!IliC1:;lS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anahcim ~li~! receivc a
verified Petitirni for Varinnr_e fro:~ R2I(;IIA'~ Y~ll'dG I:idT1~L•RSiTY, 5~ East Sonr,ti~ 'Cemple
Strcet, S:iit La}:c City, Iltzh ~~1711 (Owncr); 11AT[',iiYCF' II~~~rS, I`IC„ P. Q. Rox 741~,
llp?anct, Cali"ornia '.?1.7?h (:1gr.nt) of c~rt~in rc:il property si.tnaterl in T.hc f,ity of
:1nalieim, Co~iTity nf ~rat:Rc, Statc of California ~lescribed as fiollo~~rs:
;hose nortio~is of the Soiitheast qi.iarter of the Southieest ~uarter of Section
5, To~ansiii.p ~1 Srnrth, Ran~c 1~ 1?est, in the P.anclio I,os Coyotes, as sho~an on ~ nap
recorde~l in bool: 5~., pa,e,c 1~), 'liscellancous ~tans, recnrds nf Ornngc County,
C1liforiii~, describe,~ as r".~llrnus:
P.egim:ing at the hortheast corner of Tract Vo. 2'1~7, as shrn•m on a^~ap
re~orde~t in Uool; !3, p~ges ~t( to 4S inclusive, f~fiscellancous "1a~rs, records of s1ir1
QranP,c Connty, sai~i point nf het*,inninr also beinn a point in thc Sorathcrly ?i.ne of
tltc lnnd dcscrihr.~l in Jced to t!ic Statc of Cali£ornia, recorde~l No?~emhe,r ?.y, 1.pSS in
Unok S»S~7, pas~c "??, Oificial Recorcts; thencc F:astcrly aJnng s~id Sottthcrly ]ine
6Gi7.fii fect to an ,:~n~le poi.nt thcrcin; thencc contimiing I:a:sterly 11~n,r, sai:!
Southerl; line to tl~c ir.tcrsr.ctior. with the Pdesterly li.nc of l~nd describc~l in +!eec?
to [iert A, iets~is, recordr.~' Septe~ber :'^, i~(~ in book 5A ~3, pare Sa, Officill
Records; thence 11onfi sai~? l!esterl~ li.nc \ortii 0° ~?.' 2;" P.ast to the Vorth~t~est cnrncr
thereof; 'clience alon(; r.lie Northerl~• line of ttie lnn:l ~lescribecl i~i sairl clee-~ Y.o Lewis,
:~orth "~° 36' ~iS" East 11.~1.~1^ fccr to an an{;le point thcrcin; thence *lorth ;P° S1' 27"
E1st G~~.'d :ect to :in an~le point thcrein; thence Sont?i "S~ 2~1' ~;" F.ast GSfi.91 f.eet
to 1n anFle p~int therein; tl:ence SOLItII ^~~ 31' S~" F.ast 7•1•"•.n'? feet to an angle Point
therein; thence Soutli ~i2° 41' S0" iiZSt 91.55 feet to an an~;le point in thc Tiastcrly
line of thr. land ~.'.escriUc;l in ~r.e,i Lo I,e~ais; thenr.r alon}; saiJ F:asterly lire South
S° 0:,' 25" F:ast ~1~..'.5 feet to an an~;lc ~~oint t)icrcin; t?imicc South .1.° 16' '0" P.ast
;ifl ;.~^ fect to thc Soutln,est cnrncr or the lan~l :lcscriha? in ;cr, l to thc State of
CaliCorni.a, recorded hlarc'.i ?.S, 1~5.' i~t Uook +F~S, p~fte ^", Officill Recor~is, thence
along thc Sonthcriy linc o~ sai~! last ~~cntioned l~nd, Soutli R^0 57' ;7" fiast •1Q.Qf1
Eeet to a ~~oirt in thc Lastcrly linc of said Section S, distant South Q~ 0''.' 2.i" 1;'est
77~,nn Leet from tlie ii~st qi~arter cerner nf• said Secr.ion 5; thence along last
mentioncd F:asterly line South 0° m_~ 23~~ !1'est ]51.~5 fcet to the `:ort?~enst corncr o£
thc land ~lesr,ribc:t in ~lced tn Forc.^,t Laian Cc~etery AS50C11t3011~ rec-nrdc•1 \ove~nber 1,
].9(+7. in book !i.;~^, p:+!;e ~+'S, Offici.ai P.ecor:is; tl:ence alrni;; ?,ortherl~ line of lanl
rlescrihc:'. in last nentionc~~ dcc~l ancl thc Nesterly extnnsion therr,of. ?dorth "9° S5~ ?,"'
l?est iGS~.nn fect Lo the 1'~estcrJy ]ine o[ the F.,stcrly ]~^ lcres nf the Soi~thcast
qitarter of s~i~! Section 5; ~i ~~istance South ~° ~2' 3'" h'est 1"1~.00 feet ~o the
Srn~thcrl~ linc of sai.d Section ~; thencr. 11onr; las~: mcntione~l SouY.herly l.inc `;orth
fi9° 55' .i7" P~est 19~5.56 ~eet to thc Southcast corncr o!' tlie lam~ rtescrihc-~ in ~leed to
the City of Anllieim, recorr~ed 'larch 1, 1~55 i.n hool: ~97?, p~,^.e 55G, (lfficial Recor~ls;
tl:ence alom; thc P.:sterly l.ine of. ].ast nenY.ioned ~lee~l 1nd alonc~ thc Southerly
prolon;;ation of thr, F:ast~rl~~ line of sai~l Tract Vu. '.1~7, a distnncc of `Jorth ~° ~~'
q7" 4iest 3<1G2.78 fect to thc pni.r.t of UeGinning.
N'(IfREAS, the City 1'lanni.nr Commissi~n ~.lid schedule a p~tblic helri.n~* at the
City I?all iii thc City of Anahci.m nn Jtily Z1, 1~75, at 1:3~ n.m., ~otice of sai:i
public hearin~; liaving been J~ily qiven as rr.c{uirr,~l by la4i an~+ in ncror~lan~e with the
'provisions of the Anaheir,i !•iunicipa.l Code, Chapter 1?.~5, to he;tr and consider
evidence ior anel n~ainst s:ii:l pro~~osed ~rnrilnce ~nc! t~ investi~ate ani :~ake firnlings
aml recom^~~n~!ations in connection therewith; saia pttblic hearin~ hlvi.ng been
continued to tlie Plannir.~ Commission meetiny, of Aug?ist d, 1^75; and
I';IIIiRf:AS, sai~l Comeiission, lftcr d~~e inspection, im~esti~ation an~l st~uly mlde
I~~~ i.tsclf anil in its Uchali, and aftcr :inc consi~lcration of all evidcnce and reports
offcred 1t sai:l hcarinr, does fin,l and cleterr~ine the followin~ facts:
1. T}~at thc petitioncr rcquests t'ie followiit;*, waivcrs from the Anahcim
^hinicipal Code, to cnnstrttct a 7.3~t-lot, '12-uni.t, ^~nltiPle-flmily, resiJential
deve] opmettt.:
RrSOt.IrPin*1 N0. PC75-7.67
a, S1:f.TI~': 1^.tl].13(1 - Requirement thst all lots front on a rn~blic street.
(1°F lots clo n~t liavc frontlr,~ o n ptib?ir. strect)
h. SF.CTI~" 1.5,;,^.,~6~,(17.3 - hlinimum si~ir. v~r~l sr-.tba.ck. (S fcet reqnirr,d;
0 feet proposed)
?. That 14ai~~er ]-a, above-mentionecl, is herchy ~!rlnte.l on the b,asis that
1~iR of the propose~l lots t~lce zccess from private streets, S;tl:~ lots to hr. devcloped
~<ith Loth resiCericcs aml rer.reation are;ts, aiul Y.lint similar waivers liave br.en
previously approved Uy the Planning Commission to alloi•: ,`or resi~lentill planne<1 unit
3. 'Phat IPaivcr ?-b, aUovc-mentione,i, is herehy grnnte~~ to pcrmit "~"
sideyards for ihe attache•.l~ltvcllins ;inits nnd threc (3)-foot si,leyards for the
detlCltccl :1wCl~ing ~mits, as stipulatc-l to bV t'.ie petitioncr, on the bnsis t'.iat tlie
detlche~l ~lt,reilin~~ unit wa]ls .Cacin;; snici threc (.i)=fnot setback will hnve no ti.•in~lows,
cloors, or otlier openin~s am.] tLat sai~.i three (.;)-fo~t setUacb: wil] Ue irtilized by the
o~,+ncr o:i` tlic a~tjoininf lot as an cascment for rccreationll purposes only; 1n:1,
fnr.thcraiore, said recrcationa3. caseinent shall be include~.l in thc CC:;P.'s Eor the
sul~ject deyelopment.
4. Th:tt the petitioner stirn~laterl co providin,r, atrtor~atic gara~;e :Ioor
o.peners for thc pronosed f;nragcs frontin~; on nrivaY.e dri~~es and hnving ciriveways less
than :'.5-£ect long.
5. T}iat t'.re peti±ioncr represented at t?ic Plannin,n, Commissian p~ih] fc
hcarint; that tl~c open parkiiig s~~rtces ta~ be 7rovi:le:1 for c:ic?i diucllinn imit wi11 not
bc loc:tte~l fiirther :tr:zy t11an a distlncc or 175 fcet; an:l tliat thc proposad parking
ti~~ill be provides! as folloi:~s: n.'.n snaces in enclose~i garnges, ?~~ spaces in
cirivei•~a}'s, and 15.", spaces in giicst 1~nrY.ing arens, totnlin;^, ?^~ parY.in~ sP.ices ~t a
ratin of 3.7 SJIQCCS per ;liaclling imit provided that al'1 nnrking sp~ces, includinP
those Sp1CC5 located in dri.t~errays to front-on garnres, wi]1 hc provi~le~.i in
conformar.ce with thc minim~nn dir!ensions spccitied by tLe Zoning Code.
G. T?iat therr_ are r,xceptional or extraorciinary cir.cumstnnces nr conditions
applicablc to r.lic prorerty involved or to thc intended i~se of: the proPerty thlt do
not apply ;;enerally to tlic propcrty or c11ss of usc in tlie sanc vicinity an~l zone.
7. Tliat the requestecl ~~ariance, as grlnted, is necesslry for tlie
preservation and. enjoyment of a st~bstlntill property rip,ht possr_sse~l hv other
propcrty in the snme vicinity ar.d zone, and rienicd to the prnperty in qucstion.
8. That the requested variance, as Gr~ntc~i, ~vill not bc matariaily
.iatriment~l to the puLlic wclfare or injurioi~s to the prnpcrty or improver~ents in
such vicinity :+nd zoiie in whic'i the property is locate~l.
0. That t~vo (2) c~ncernc~l
in~luirc regarcling the proposal; nnd no
siinject petition.
persons arpeared ar. sai<i publ ic hn~T'id}; to
correspondence i~~as recaive~l in oppu~ition to
That Supplement No. 3 to Environment3; Tmpact Report `do.. 134 jSupplenent to
rIl: iJo. 113) having bcen considere~l this ~late by 4hi: CiT.y Flannin!; Conr!ission and
evidence, bor.h ~oritten and oral, having Ueen presented to suppler~ent said ~irnft of
5iipplement No. 3, the City Plannin~; Commission believ'es that slid Ar~ft ~locs conform
to tlic Ci.ty and Stntc Gu9.clclines and the Statc of C1lifornia F.nviranmental ~uality
Act 1nd, basecl upon such informatiun, dnes herehy recomr.ien~~ t~ the City Council that
they certify said Supplement No. 5 is in compliance ~~~ith s~i~ f:m~ironment~] Qua]ity
NOtV, T111:RI:~nltfi, Bf: IT RF.S0I,VP.D tliat th^ Anlhei.m Ci~ty Pla~ning Conmission
does hcrcUy rtp111t~ in part, subject Petition for Varicmcc, upon thc f~llo~aing
conditions whicfi 1rc herel~v fonnd to Ue a necessary pr.erequisitc to the proposed »ec
of tLc subjcct propcrty in ordcr to preserve tha safety an~l ~et~era] wrlfarc of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. That tliis Variance is ,r,r~tnted suhject to comPletion,of. Reclassification
No. 75-74-3fi. ~
2. That the residential lot lines, excr.pt those abuttin~ a common lot,
shall be a ninimtiin oF thrce (3) fcet f.rom tite propnscrl attache-1 resiclential
structt~res, as ~tipulate~i t~ by the petitioncr,
~ ~
S. Th::ii tn;tc:^:^* ic ,r.arare +loor opeitcrs s;ial ] bc provi~lc~~ £or the pro'~os~td
l:1T1f.~S `rontin~ r.~,i ~,-,riv;itc :?rives ~ni havi~i$; ~lrivc~anys lr.ss t}ian ;'.5-Po~t lonr, as
stipu'_ated t~ by tilr, petiticmer.
4. That sub9~ct propert?r sliall be developer! sust:~ntinll~ ir, accorclance ~•rith
~)LR515 ~ncl sner..ifitatior,s ~n filc ~~~ith thc City of• Anahcim *iar]:ed Pxhibi.t :Ios. 1
("cvis,ion `;o, 1), 2, ~, =1, ,5, .G, a.nd 7; provided t17at :,.? par~~inr Sj7A?:r5 per ~":xelling
tutiY, to;:Ziing 7~$ spaces, ~ltnll bc provi:iccl, said parl:in!! snlcc~s, inclndin~ those
spaccc locate:l :in clri~~ecozys to front-om filra,n,es, si~;ll he ir. conf~~nhncr. with t'~e
r~inimisr9 dimensi.oru spceii'ic~.~ U;~ t,lic Zonina Code.
TF!L• fORf:G~I?•;G RP.SOf ~!"°IO`1 is signed am' ~pPrno-c~' h~• iac t'.+~i.s 4th ~iny o~° Au,r,ust, 7 ~?5,
.i~ ~' '
CIL~I.~~~U ..~ A.^lll'.1f: .'•1 CTTY PI..^.i',^.1I`:r C~l."P,IISST0~1
~ ~k~~
..T:CRIiTM.Y, A.'~AI!EI'•! CITY Pf.i1'I.'!I?;r CC'f!~7ISSI0'd
S'~A.TI? OF C:1LIrC1R:•+I,"~ )
CQUi~'.TY I1F OP,A"1fF: )ss.
~ITY Ql~ AVAI!i?I'1 )
I, Patxicia tt. Scan;:in, Secretlry ~,f tlir. City Planninr, Co~n.~i.ssion of the
City of Anlhciin, ~~o hcreqi~~ certify that thc forc~oinp, resol.ution t~ras ti~ssc~l nnd
adolited at a~nectinl; oF. the Ciry Plnnning Comriission of ehe City of. Anahci+-,, held on
August 4, 1J75, at 1:30 p.n., by the followi.ng vatc o£ thR r..er.,bers therenP:
AYT•.~: C0:•CIIS ~Z~VfP.S: BA121~'~S, FIf:RIIST, KING, ~•!OItI.GY, TOI,RR
VnGS: ('0'~11SS10`:}iP.S: ,TOHNSQ?d, F/lRAtOn
AP,Sf::"I': CO'RIISSIt1',!fRS: ;Jp'•IP.
I\ ,4IT\fiSS 119IrRG~P, t liavc hcreunto set my hancl this Ath day nf Augiist, ]975.
~.~.~,~ ~_
-3- RGSOG'cf2~fJ N0. PC75-16~