PC 75-169~ ~ FESOLUTIO?~ NQ. PC75-169 A RESOLUTION OF TIIL CITY PLAtdNI:QC CODt~tISSION OF TIiE CI7'Y OF A'JAHEIPt TIIAT PETITIOid FOR CONDITIO\AL USE PERtitIT N0. 1143 (RF.ADVCRTISL'(1) BF. GRANTF.D. lti9{EREAS, tl~e City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive a verified Petiti.on for Conditional Use Permit from FRF.D SOTOtIAYEP,, 744 N. East Street Anaheim, Ca. 92505 (Owner) of certain real property situated i.n thc City of Anaheim, County of OranEe, State of California, described as: Beginning at the Southwest corner of the lancl conveyed to Halbert A. Graham and wife, by deed recorded December 30, 1~47 in book lfill, page 155 of Official Recorc~s, thence South 15° 22' 30" East along the Westerly line of said Lot One, 75 feet; thence \orth 7.5° 55' 20" East 270.81 feet; thence *Iorth 15° 22' 30" 19est, parallel ivith the {Vesterly line of said Lot One, 75 feet to a point wliich bears Ilortli 73° 54' 25" East from the point of beg,inning; thence South 73° 54' 25" {9est 270.31 feet to the point of beginning. WIirREAS, the City Planning Commission dicl hol~l a public hearing at the Cit~ Hall in the City of Anaheim on August 4, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai~t public hearing having been ~It~.ly given as required by law and in accordanc~ with the provisions o: the Anaheim t•tiinicipal Co~e, Cliapter 1°.03, to ]iear and consider evidence for and against said »ron~sed conditional use and to investigaY.e and make findings and recommendations in connection therewitii; an:; WIiF.P.EAS, saicl Commission, aftcr d:.~e inspcction, investigation and study made by itself and in its belialf, anJ a£ter due ccsysfdaration af all evidence and reports offere~l at said iiearing, does find and determine tla~ £~s1loWinp, facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for whicfi a ea~~itional use permit is authorizecl Uy Code Section, to wit: expan:l an cxi.~ting rreschaol in the RS-7200 (SI:~GLL•-FA?~lILY, R&SIDI:>ITL'1L) ZONC•, with waivcr of: SLCTIOy 18.OA.043.020 - Dtinimum sidevard setUack. (1S feet requirCriy ~ 5 •eet prop~sed) 2 That thc above-mentioned waiver is hereby granted on the basis that the proposed addition is an extension of an existing building wliich is locate~l five (5) feet, more or less, from the south property line, and, fur2hermore, tlie adjacent property owner to the south has voiced no objections to the proposal. 3. ThaY the petitioner stipulated to constructing a solid masonry wall six (6) Eeet above the highest grade level along thc east prorerty linc, since the subject property is at a lower grade tlian the property to tlie east which is developed with a single-family residence, said wall to provide a visual buffer between the two properties. 4. That the petitioncr stipulated to plunting minimi~m five (5)-gallon size, Arizona cypress trees on two (2)-foot centers, along the east propcrty line to provide buffering for tt~e adjncent praperty wliicl~ is developed with a sin~le-£amily residence; and that said landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Department for approval. 5, That the Planning Commission expressed concern re~;arding the ~eneral appearance uf subject property and the petitioner stipulated to cleaniii~ up the property and to maintaining the 40-foot buffer area which is provided on the easterYy portion of the subject property and separated by an existinA chainlink fence from the pre-school area and, fiirthermore, said area sitiall not be used for storage o£ trash~ broken slass, or ot]icr imdesirable material. 6. That the proposed use is granted for 1 maximum of sixty-four (64) children. ~ 7. That the proposed use, as granted, wiil not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be iocated. ~ 8, That the size anci shape of the site proposed foz the use, as granted, is adequate to allow the £ull development of thc proposed use in a manner not RESOLU'fION N0. PC75-169 ~ ~ detrimental to the particullr arn,: nor s.o xhe peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens ef the City of bnahezm. 9. Tliat the grantinfi of thc Conditi~:nal Use Perniit im~ler the conditions imposcrl, ti~ill not be letrimental to the peacc, health, safety ~nd ~;encral welfare of the Citi~ens of the City of Anaheim. 10. That two (2) pcrsons a~peared at said p~~b2ic heari.ng in opposition, and no correspondence was reccived in opposition to subject $:rtiiion. EWIR02Ji•1fi';"fAL If1PACT RF.PORT FI::DI:JG: Th1t the Director oL• the Development Services Deplrttacnt has determined that tlie propose;l activity falls within the definition of Section 3.f~2, Class 1, of the City of Anaheim Guidelines to thc Requiremcnts for an Envircnmental Impact Rc~ort and is, therefore, categorically exempt from tlie requirement to file an EIR. ;v0i?, TiIEi:P.r~Rf:, AL• IT RCS(1L~'T:ll tliat thc P.naiici;i City ~lan;~ing Commi~sion does licrcUy grant subject Petition for Coii~itional Usc Permit, upoa t',iC following conditions which are liereby foiut~l to be a necessary prerequisite to Lh~e propcssed use of the subject property in orc!er to preserve the safety and reneral welfare of the Citizens of tlie City of Anaheim. 1. Thnt trasli stora;;e areas shall be provi~leQ in accor<]ance with .~p~roveci Nlans on file with the Office of the Director of. Public Pbrks; an•1 the 4n-foot buffer area on tLc easterly portion of the subject pronertv, wliicli is seplrate.l bv an existini; ch~inlink £ence from the pre-sclioo] are~, shnll not be irtiliz~~l £or thc: storere of. trlsh, hrokcn ~l~ss, or otlicr un~icsiraUle r~~teria], an~l sai~i aren sha13 1~c maintained, as stipulate<l tn hy thc petitioncr. 2. That Jrainattc of suhicct prr.pcrtv sliall Uc disnosr.d nf in a nanner sltis£actory to tlic City Enrinccr. ;. That suUiect praperty siiall Ue .levclapecl snbstsntially i~ accordlnce witli plans ami spr.cifications mi cilc ~+ith thc City of An~heim mar}:ed fixhihit ':o. 1; provi~lc~l, iiowever, ti~at for purroses of hufCerin~, 1 snli~l nasonry wall sL111 he constructe<l alonr thc enst propcrty line, snid wall te be six (6) fect ~ahovc tnc liirhest gra<'~ levcl as stipulatc~l to hy the ~~etitioner, and that r~inirt~in fivc (5)- gallon size, Arizona cypress trces, on two (~)-foot centers, sh~ll 1>e pllntr! alonr tlic cast propcrty line, 1nd a landscapinr plan for snme sh;il] be suhnittr9 to the Dcvelopmenr. Scrviccs ~epnrtnent for approval, ns stipnlntc:t to by the peti.tioner. 4. Th:tt Con~lition 'dos. l., 2, 1rn1 .i„ nbove-+~ention~ul, shnll be complic~! with prior to finl] h~iil~li.ng an~l zonint; inspections. S. Tluit tliis conclitional use nermi~t is nrante~l :~r a maxim~im of si:cty-foiir (~,4) cliildren. TtiF F~Rf:GQING RP.SOi:ITIO'1 is sirned nnd anprovc~i hy me tiiis •1th d1y of Au~~ist, ]975. / CIIAi.^.'1 .:, AV~.11C1^t CITY PI.~::'~i~,~ C~•.^!ISST.(1:`d ATTiiST: ~iS l~. / w ~~~/~~` Aw/ SECI;fTAI?Y, A\AIICP+ CiTI FI.AhVTi7G C~FPIISST~"I S~ATt: QF CALTFOR:JIA ) cnutsrv or or.r.WGE )ss. cr~nr or• n^~ntiet~~ ) -2- RF.SOLUTInN "!n, PC75-169 0 ~ i, Patricia B. ScaTllan, Secretury of t~h,e City Pl~nnin~ Conmission of the City bf An~lieim,, ~lo iiereby ccrtify thaz th~e fore~oir~ resolution was passed and adoptc~l at a mee~inF; of t1~e C~'ty Plannin.g Commission of the City of Ana~eim, held on Augast ~l, 1975, at 1:~0 p.m., by the ~o:l~win~ vote of. the mer.bers thereof: kY~S: COiS'dS5SI0Nri2S: HER$S`I', JQil:^fSO:~, KING, AfORLEY, TOLAR h~ES: CO}~fYSS10AtER5: RA[2~IL•S, FARA'JO AB:SE;~7': CO}f~fISSIO'~!?R5: NQ?!F I;d iVIT~~~SS 19JlL!~EOF,, I hav~e heretmto set ny hanci this 4th day of August, 1975. ~a~-~~~ ~ SECRCTAI?Y, ANAHEI;•1 CITY PLA?i1dI11G COPA1ISSION -3- RESOLUfION N0. 7C7:i-169