PC 75-170~ ~ RESOLIfTION N9. PC75-17~ A RCSOLUTIf1'i OF Tlif: CITY PLAWIWG COi•t`tISSI~^? OF Tllr CITY 0" ,~\'AfIC:iH TIIAT PETITIQV FOR COrDITIO:VAL USL• Pr1U1IT N0. 1~5A DG GR:'.V7'F.R. 1V11GRF.AS, tiie City Planning Commission ~f tlic City of Anahe .m di1 rece:ve a verificd Petition Cor Conditional Usc Permit £rom CROC}:GG NATIOVAL iA'~K, 453 S. Spring Strcet, Los Angeles, Ca. ~10013 (Owner); TIlE CHORCl1 I:~ LOS A? ~ELIiS, 328 !V. Lincoln Avenue, Anahcim, Ca. 9''405 (Agent) of ccrtnin rcal propert~ des~ribed as: LO"C 10, TfIL• WF.ST 35 FGfiT Or LOT 9 A~D TI~E PAST lfl FBFT i1F LOTS 11 A~`D 12, ALL I\ BLOCK "E5" OF LANGG'JbERGEP. TRACT, Iy TIiF. CITY OF A:AI1GI~1, COUYfY OF ORA:dGA:, STATE OF CALIPORtiIA AS PTiR hLAP RfCQRI:G~ I`~ I;OOK , PAGi:S 550 an~i 551, I•IISCGLLANi:OUS RT:C.ORDS OF LOS A1r'GLLES COU;~TY, CAl,IFORidTA. IVI!GREAS, thc City Planninn Commissiond did liold a public !icaring at the City Hall in the City of Analicim on Augusi ~, 1~75, at l:in p,m., noti~e of said public ]iearin~ having Ueen ciuly given as required by law aml in accordance with the provisions of tlie Annlicim !fu~icipal Code, Chaprer 1R,f13, tn l~e1r an~] consider evidence for and against sai~ proposed coriditional uso an•1 to ;nvestigate ancl nake findings ancl :ecomnen::ations in connection tliex•e~aitli; ancl w;ir:~zr:ns, 581~ Commission, lfter due iuspection, investi;ltion and study made Uy itself ancl in its bel~alf, ancl after due consieleratios~ of all :vi•lence an<1 reports of.f.cred at said hearing, does fin~ anci :Icternine the followinF f.cts: 1. That tlic proposc~l use is propcrly onc fur wiiic?i a c^nditional use permit is authorized by Code S~ction 1S.4S,050.130, to wit: pennit ~~,zurch meetin~ ha21 ir thc CI~ (CC'R•tI:RCIAL, I1L•AVY) ZOyE, tiaitli waive: of: SF.CTIOtv - bfinimum nur~~er of parkin 7 sp:+ces. (138 spaces required; 14 spaces pror~sed) 2. That the abovc-mentioned waiver is hcreby grr,itecl on the basis that adequatc parking is available in the adjacent tho-liour City ;srking lots and the petitioner stipulateci tliat nembcrs of the Church's congre~ati~n will not park on the strects ancl in fron+. of resiJentinl pro~iertics. That this conditional i~se is hereby grante~ ~~r a period of one (1) year. 4. That tlie petitioner stipulated therc~ will :~e nc mectings hcld outside the buildin~ at the si~bject location and, speci;.iczily, that nc meetings wiil be held in thc brcezewly of tl~e buildinE, in the parking lot, or on tt~ streets in the area. 5. That tlic proposerl ~ise will not ac;verscly lffect t ~ adjoinin~ land uses and the srowtli and cievelopment qf tlic arca i~i whicli it is propo ;ci to bc locatel. 6. Tliat the sizc an~.l shnpe of the site proposed for • hc use is ndcouatc to allow ^_he full developm~nt of thc proposeJ usc in a manncr not •letrir~ental to the partieular area nor to 2he ~)C1C@~ health, safety, and general w~lfare of thc Citizens of tlie City of Anaheim. 7. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposecl, if any, will not be detrimental to the peac;e, l~ealth, .afety, and general welfare of the Citizens of tiie City of P.naheim. 8. That two (2) persons appeered at said pubiic tieariiF in opposi.tion; and no corresp~ndence was rece:ved in opposition to subject petition. RESCLVCI04 N0. PC75-170 ~ ~ r:~a~~t;;0\~li:';'"AL I!.!P~CT ItrP(1RT fT';i~?:Ir,: That the I~irector of t':e fleveiopmeizt Sernices I)e~iartinent hns rletermine~i that thr. propose,l nctivity {'~lls wit!~i.n tiie ~lefi.r.ition of SecT.ion ;.~1, Clnss 1, nf the Citv nC Ana'.iciri (;iii-!clines to thc Requiremcnts for an Environr.~cnt:~] ?mnact Renart an•1 is, thcrr.fore, categorica].ly exr.mpt from the requirement t~ filr, ;in rIR. N~!t', TIII:RT'f~ITf., RE IT RF.S(li,l'°!1 that tlie Annhci^+ Ci.r.y P1lnninn Co*~missi.on docs ?icrchy Prant siibjcct Petition Pnr Conditionai Use Pcrinit, iip~n thc follo~ei.nr comlitions lJ~l7(:)l ;ire Imreby founcl to be a necr.ss;ir~~ prerenuicite to the prop~se~l ~isr.. o~: thr• snhiect property in orJer to prescrve thc sarntv ;~m~ f;encrnl welfnre of the Cir.izens of r.}ir Cit~~ of Ana!tcim: 1. That trasl: stnraf~c areas sh111 he prnvi~lc~~ in ar.cnr.dance ~~ith epproved pl:ins on file with t'.ie Office af the Dirr,cY.or of Pii?~lic ~Vorlcs. ~. That ~~lans ror the proposerl seatir.; ATI'1T1^,Ci'ICI:t s`iall be snhritted tn ,in~i api~rovc:l by thc City ~i:c ?,tarshal. .i. That thc existin,r, structure SIl1IS ~)C hrou~~ht up tn the minirmim stand~rds of tlie City of Anaheiin, inclndim; the Uniform Rui l~li,n~;, Plumhing, Tilecr_ric11, !~!cchanical an~l 1Tirc Coiles ns lrlopte~9 by the Citp of Analici.m. h. That. subject property shall he devel~ped suhstantially in accordlnce with rlans anel speciiicltions on file tvitli the City ~£ Anlliein marr.~~i r:xi,~h~t ~os. 1, z, s, 1na n. 5. Th~.t Condition Nos. 1, 7., 3, and ~1, above-mentioned, shall he complied with prior to tl~e commence:nent of thc acY.ivity authorize~l im.lcr this resoliition. 6. T}iat this conclitional nse pernit is F;ranted for a time pcriod of onc (11 year, to expire on A:~E!115C 4, 19?C. 7. Th1t no meetings s1:a11 be concaucted 011tS.1tIP, thc buildinr; 1t thc subject locati~n, and 5~)P.CIFSC8I~V~ no meetings shali he conc!•~cte:l in the Urer,ze~•:ay of the building or in the parY,in~; '~r. or on thc streets in the subject 1rea, AS stinnlatcd to Uy the petitioncr. Tflf F~Ri:G~I'J~ RLS(1L[1TI(1'7 is signcrt 1nd apnrovc ~ me thi s 4t11 ~1av of Aup.ust, 19?5. ~ CHAIR~4 ~', n~~inrir; : ct Y PL'1N?!T"G COPf,vISS.T.ON ATTrST: ~ ~ SECRGTARY, A:d.41iI:i'1 CITY PLAiJ"7I'dC CO'•I'1ISSi0'~ STAT}: OP CALIFOR~J2A ) COWTY OF ORA?1GF. )ss. CITY OF AVAi1F.I!1 ) I, Patricin ~. Scanlan, Secretary of tlie City Plannin~ Comr~ission ~f tlie City of Anahei;n, 1o hereby ccrtify that the foregoing reso7ntion W:15 ]1:15SC~.l and adopted at a mectin~ o` thc City Plannino Commission of the City of. Anaheim, held on August 4, 1~75, at 1:3Q p.r~,, by tlie fnllowing vote of the meribera thereof: AYGS: CO:~rdISSIO'•lP.RS: BAR~IF.S, HERRST, .JO[lNS~N, KI?1G, ~inRL£Y, T~LAR, FARA\'0 ?10F:S: CO!~I'1iSSI4'drCS: iJO1JF. AI~SIi;TC: CQ'1'4ISSI(1?•lTiP,S; idflVli I:d IJIT';rSS {VIfIiRF.~f, I liave hercunto set my hand tliis ~tlt ~9ay of Auriist, 1975, ;~ -~~~~~~ SECItF.TARY, A'IAFIIiI~t CITY P1,A'I`iT'dG C~~n1iSSi0N -2~ RF:S~LUTI~~ N0. PC7S-17Q