PC 75-174~ ~ RFSQL[ITIO;i N0. PC75-174 A R~SOLUTIOV OF THC CITY P4ANNING CQ:RdISSI(1N Of Tlli: CITY OF ANAI?EIM TFIAT PiiTITIO'J FOR CO'JDITIQNAL USL PF.RPlIT N~. 1555 RF. GRANTEfI. 9VIIC:RIiAS, the City Planning Commission of the City of Anaheim did receive 1 veY•ified Petition for Conditional Use Permit f.rom JfD DF:1'BLOPMF.VT, INC., 302?. North Hesgerian, Santa Ana, Ca. 92706 (Owner); DICK VAN F.CK, 627 Gaymont Avenue, A~aheim, Ca. ')28Q4 (Agent) of certain real property descrihed as: That portion of Lot 18, E2ock "Y." of the Krzemar Tract, in the City of Anal~eim, County of Orange, State of California, as shown on map recorded in book 17., pages 47, 83 of ~tiscellaneous Records in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, describeci as follows: Parcels 1 througli 5, incliisive and Parcels 15 throiigh 19, incliisive, as sliown on map recorded in book 6q, pa~e IR of Parcel Maps, Records of said Oranp,e County. WfiEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on Augustl8, 1975,at 1:30 p.m., notice of said piiblic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Analieim Alunicipal Code, Chapter 1S.(13, to hear and consider evidence for anel againsi[ said proposed conditional use and to investigate and make findinFs and recommendations in connection therewith; and WIIEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, ilvestigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after diie consideration of. all evidence lncl reports offered at said hearing, rlaes find and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is proper:y one for whicn a conditional use permit is autliorized by Code Section .1R.61.05Q.(17Q, to wit: permit a truck repair and maintenance facility in the ML (I?~DUSTRIAI., LIGI~T) ZQNF.. 2. That the petitioner stipulated to constnicting a chainlink Pence inter- woven with redwood or cedar slats t.o completely enclose the proposed outdoor storage use~ and, further, that solid lied~e-type landscaping will be provideci along the north and east property lines on lliraloma and Tustin Avenues, said landscaping to consist of 5-gallon (minimiun size) Itnlian Cypress trees on 1. to 3-foot centers, plans f.or said landscaping to he submitted to tlie Development Services Aepartment for npproval. 3. That the petitioner stipulated that the proposal is to condi~ct meclinnical repair and maintenance to tnicks, and not body work, and thlt ali s~ich mechlnical repair ancl maintenance will be conducte<l inside the hiiilding. 4. That t}~e petitioner stipulated that tlie service vehicles owned by r,he applicant and tlzose vehicles to be repaired and/or servicect at the subject location wil.l not bc store~i or parked next to tlie fence along Miraloma and Tustin Avemies and, therefore, will not be visible from said adjacent streets; that said vehicles will not be stored on tlie premises for more than approximately two clays; and fiirthcr, that said veliicles will not Ue stored or park.ed on the arijacent streets. 5. Thnt thc petitioner stipulated tliere would bc no Uuying or sellznp, of vehicles 1t the subject location. G. That the proposed use, as granted, will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses an~i tlie growth anci deveiopment of the area in which it is proposed to be located, 7. That *_he size and shape of the sitc pr.oposed for the use, as granted~ is adequatc to allow the fi~ll development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to t}ie peace, healtn, safety, and reneral welfare of tlie Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 8. That the grantinp, of the Conditional Use Pennit imder the conditions imposed will not be detrimental to tlie peace, health, safety, anct general welfare of tlie Citizens of tlie City of Anaheim. Resolutinn No. PC75-i74 ~ ~ 9. Th1t one (1) concernecl property owner appeare~l fror~ the audience in connection with the siibject retition; ancl no correspon~ience w1s received in opposition to siibject petition. F:!JVIRQNI~IF:VTAI. I~iPACT RGP(1RT FI\!IING: Tli1t tlie Planning Commicsion cloes herehy recommencl to the City Counci] that the siibject project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report, pursuant to the provisions of tlie California Environmental Quality Act. N~10, TH£:REFORE, BE IT RF.SOi.VED that the Annheim City Planning Commission docs hcreby grant subject Petitior. f.or Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conciitions which arc hereby found to be a necessary prerequ'isite to the proposed «se of tlie subject property in or~ier to prescrve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City o~ Anaheim: ' 1. That subject property shall be developed substantially.in accordance witli plans an~l specificntions on £ile ~aitli the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2, and 3; provided, however, thlt a chainlink fence interwoven with redwood or cec~ar slats shall completely enclose tlie proposed outdoor. storage and that solid hedge-type landscaping shall he provide<1 along the north and east praperYy lines adjacent to Dtiraloma and Tustin Avem~es, said landscaping to consist of 5-gallon (minimum size) Italian C;l~ress trees on 2 to 3-foot centers, and that plans for said lands:.aping shall Ue submitted to the Development Services Department for approval, as stipulated to by the petitioner. 2. That this conditional use permit is granted to permit mechanical repair an<1 maintenance to trucks, anei all such mechanical repair and maintenance shall be cmidiicted inside the rroposed bi~il~ling; 1nd there shall be no body work co~ducted at the siibject location -- as stipulated to by the petitioner. 3. Th1t the service vehicles orrned by tlic applicant and those vehicles to Ue rep:iirecl 1nd/or serviced at the subject location s}iall not be stored or parked next• to the fence along Dfiraloma and Tustin Avenues and, therefore, not visible from said adjacent streets; thlt said vehicles shall not he stored on the premises £or more than approximatcly two days; ancl, fiirtlter~ that saiJ vehicles shall not be stored or Parked on the adjacent streets -- as stipiilnted to by the petitioner. 4. That there shall be no bi~ying or selling of vehicles at the subject location, as stipulated to by the petitioner. TIiG FORGGOIPIG Rf.S~LUTIOV is signed 1nd approved by me this 18th day of August, 1~75. ~ , ~~ . CfiAIR"1A~, AP7 lF.IM CT.TY LANN N CODAIISS ON ATTTiST: C/J~~is,~e.G[-ee.i, Y~ ~-Gl~(~f'iG~X/ SrCRI'sTARY, ANAIIP.It•1 CITY PLANPIING CO~AfISSIQN STATF. OF CALIFQRyIA ) COIINTY OF OFtANGf: )ss. CTTY OF ANAI~liI!1 ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Commission of the City of Analieim, c1o hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed anci adopted at a mecting of thc City Planning Commission of the City caf Anaheim, held on Augiist 18, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYF.S: COt~AtISSIONCRS: BARNES, HERBST, JOIiNSON, KING, MORLF.Y, TOLAR, FARANO NOF.S: CODAfISSIONf.RS: NONE ABSCNT: COMMISSI(1NERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHERfOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 18th day of Augi~^t. -1975. ~~~~~ -2- Resolntion No. PC75,174