PC 75-177~ ~ RiiSOi.UTIOV NOe PC7S-177 A RF.SOLUTION OF TIIG CITY PLANNING COD4IISSION OF TIIE CITY OF ANAHF.IM TNAT PF.TITION FOR COyDITIOVAL USF. PiiRCiIT N~. ISSS BF: GRANTF.D. {VIIF,RHAS, the City Planning Commission of the Cir.y of Anaheim did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from DIUTUAi. CITRIIS PRQDUCTS COhiPANY, 424 Soutli Atchison Street, Anaheim, California 92305 (Owner); R. H. SIF:GF.I.F ENTF.f.PRISF.S, P. 0. Box 3284, Anaheim, California 92R03 (Agent) of certain real property described as: Lots 8, 9, 1Q, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 in Block "[1" of the Resiibdivision of Theodore Relser's Subdivision of Vineya.rd Lot "G-2" Anaheim, in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, St1te of California, as per map recorded in book 1, plges 10 and 11, Dliscellaneous Record Maps. . fVIIEREAS, the City Planning Commission Jid ho].d a public hearing at the City ]iall in the City of Analieim on August iR, 1975, at ?:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by law an~i in accordance with the provisions of tlie Anaheim !•tunicipal Code, Chapter 1R.03, to hear and consider evidence for and at;ainst said proPosecl conditional use anct *_o investigate and make findin~s and recommendations in connection therewiih; and W1[FREAS, said Commissio.^., after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the f.ollowing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ,vhich a conditional iise permit is authorized by Code Section 18.61.05Q.270 and 18.h1.(15Q.S11, to wit: permit metal reclamation and outdoor storage of rags, paper and metal in the hiL (INDUSTRIAL, LIt•tITED) Zone, with waivers of: (a) SECTIO.R~ 18.G1.063.013 - Minimum front setback. QS feet reqiiired; 1 oot existing an none proposed) (b) SECTIf1N 18.61.066.~50 - hfinimum number o£ parking spaceso (39 spaces required; 15 spaces proposed) 2. Tha.t 14aiver 1-a, above-mentioned, is liereby granted on the basis that tlie buildings are existing and tlie proposed Ulack wall ~vill screen the outdoor uses. and that the petitioner demonstrated that a harc~ship woiild be created i£ saici waiver were not granted. 3. That IVaiver 1-b, above-mentioned, i~ hereby granted to permit 17 parking spaces on the bnsis that the petitioner stipulated to having a maximum of il employees and said parkin,e, appeared to meet the minimum requirements for the use, and that by rearranging the proposed parking spaces, two additional spaces would be provided. 4. That tl~e petitioner stipulated that no access shall ba provided to the subject property from Santa Ana Street, as recommended by the Traffic Engineer. 5, That the petitioner stipulated al.l material stored ou*_doors will be baled or palletized, and that a shxedder will not be iitilized in the proposed operations. 6. That the petitioner stipulated all phases of the proposed operations will be conductecl inside the boundaries of the site; and that all eqiiipment and loaded or unloadeci vehicles utilized in conjunction with the proposed operations will be parked and/or stored on tlie subject site and not on the adjacent streets. 7. That the Planning Commission ~oes hereby cietermine that the proposed usc shall he granted fox a time period of three (3) years, subject to review and consideration for extension of time, upon written requcst by the petitioner, in order to determine whether the i~se is cletrimental to the surroimciing area. 8. That the proposect iise, as ~ranted, will not adversely affect YhC adjoining land uses and the growtli :ind development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. RESOLUTION NQ. PC75-177 ~ ~ ~. That the sizc and shape of. the site pr~?~osc~l i'or the use, as p,ranr.^~:, is adequate to allow thc full ~levelopmem of the pr~;x~scl use in a manner not detrimentnl to the partici~lar area nor to tlie peace, health, safety, and general ~vclflrc of the Citizens of the City of Anahein. ln, That the grlnting of the Conditional Usr. Permit unrler the conditions imposed will not hc detrimental to the pcace, health, slfety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of. Anahein. 11. Th1t no one indicated their presence at saici public hea:ing in npposition; and one (1) letter was received in opposition an<1 one (1) letter was reccivicel in favor of tlie subject p~tition. E[dVIR0;1;,liitdTAL It•IPACT Rf•PORT FI~DI;dC Tliat the Planning Commission cloes hereby recommencl to the City Council that the suhiect project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact rej~ort, piirsuant to tlie provisions of the California Environmental (?ullity Act. NOL", TIiGRiiFORL•, 6C T'P R~:SOLVEU that the Anaheitn City Planning Commission does licrchy grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the :ollowing conditions :vhich are hereUy found to be 1 necessary prcrequisite to the proposecl nse of *'~e suUject propcrty in order to ~~reserve thc safety and general welfare of nc~ Citi;.ens o£ thc Cit}• o£ Anaheim: 1. That the otoner(s) oi siibject proPerty SI11I1 cleed to the City of Anahein a strip of lancl 30 feet in wi~th from the centerline of the street alonp, Santa Ana Stxeet for strcet widcning purposes and conditionally dedicate to the City of Anaheim a strip of land 50 feet in width from the centerline of the street along Atchison °Zreet for street widening purposes, including a 15-f.oot property line radius if the exasting builclings adjacent to Santa Ana Street ~nd/nr Atchison Street are removed or remo~ieled. 2 That thc owner(s) of subject pr~Perty s:iall pay to the City of Anaheim tlie sinn af $2.00 per front foot along Santa Ana Strcet :ind Atr.hison Strcet for street lighting purPoses. 3. That tlte existing structure shall Uc brotight up to the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform Building, Plumbi.ng, Glec*_rical, i•ieclianical and Pire Cocles as adopte,l by the City of Anaheim. 4. That subject property shall be develope:l substantially in accordance with plans and specificntions on file with the City of An~heim marked Exhihit No. 1; provided, however, ~hat tlie parking spaces sliall be rearr~n~ecl to provide for two (2) additional parking spaces for n total of 17, and no access shall he taken from Santa Ana Street, as stipulated to by tlie petitioner. S. That Condition Nos. 1, Z, 3, ancl 4, above-r:ientioned, shall be complied with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized unAer this resolution, or within a period of one year from date hereof, whichever accurs first, or si~ch further time 1s the Planning C.ommission and/or City Co~mcil may grant. G. That all of the material stored outcloors at thc subject location sh111 be baled or p111etized and none of thc material sL111 he shrcrlded, as stipulated to Uy thc petitioner. 7. That all p}iases of tlie proposed operations shall be conducted insicte the boundaries n` the subject property; and that all equipment and loaded or unloaded vehicles ntili~~~l in conjunction with the proposed operations sha11 he parked an~l/or stored on the siibject site an<I not on tlic adjar,ent str^.^.ts. 8. TLat this conditionat usc ~cr^iit is ~r~nrc-t for a time pcriod of three (3) ycars, suhject to reviei+ and consider~tion for extensio~i of time, npon written requcst b~~ tli^ p~r.itioncr, in orrler to ~Ietcrr:i.ne ~lier.hcr the usr. is detrimental tri thc surr.ounding area. -2- RP.SOLl1TI0V N0. PC75-177 . ~ ~ ~ TI1T? POP.TiGf1I~G RESOL.!1TT0~ is signed and approved by me this 18th day of August, 197i. ~ ~~~~~, . ~~_ CFUIIR~tAN, ANAIIF.II•1 CI1'Y PLANNING CO~SITSSIQN ATTI:ST: ~~~ ~ ~~~~ STiCR1iTARY, A~Al1EIi,1 CITY PLA;1:~I?:G CQ`4•tISSIQN STATi: OF CAL2FQR:JIA ) C~ll\TY Or ORAt7GF. )ss. CITY OP A'lNIF.I?1 ) I, Patricia II. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planninp, Commission of the City of Analieim, do liereby certify that the foregoing resoliition was passed 1nd a~lopte~l at a meeting o£ the City Planning Commission nf the City of Anaheim, held on Augtist 1B, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYF:S: COA1^fISSI~?7F:RS: BARNES, HERBST, JOIjNSON, KI~G, D10RLEY, TOLAR, FARANO VQF.S: CQT1M1fISSIf1"1IiRS: NONG ~ ARSii?1T: COPn1ISSInh1iP.S; NONE Itd IVITNESS 1VIIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hancl this 14th day of August, 19;~5. ~G'=2~f~.C~c.-a~ ~ l~/~I'~Gr~xJ SECRF.TAI?Y, A.tiA13f:I`1 CITY Pi.AN*IING CO~iMISSIQN _3- RF.SOi.UTIO~ N0. PC75-177