PC 75-186~ ~ RC:SOLIITIfiN N0. PC75-186 A RF.SOL[R'ION OF THE ANAHF.It1 CITY PLANNING CO~L~fISSTON FIDIi)IVG AND DF.TIiRMITING T}!AT THE PR(1POSAL OF THF. ENVIRON?tIiNTAL tdANAGEhiF.NT AG£:NCY OF UitANGi: C~U"1TY TQ CONSTRi1CT A BICYCLE TRAIL IS IN CONrOP,h1ANCF. iVITH THE CIT1( OF A^IAFIF.ID1'S ADOPTF:i) GENF.RA1. PL4N AND W~1ULD HAVP. NC ADVERSF. GNVIRON~1F:NfAL IhiPACT, lt71ERF.AS, the Environmental Management Agency o£ flrange County proposes to construct a bicycle trail within the Santa Ana River right-of-iaay from Imperial Higliway to Weir Canyon Roaci, within the City o£ Anaheim and an unincorporated portion of. the County of Orange; and WfIERF.AS, the Government Code of the State of California, SecLion 65402, provides in part that a local agency such as the F.nvironm~ntal Management Agency shall not acquire real property nor dispose of any real property, or construct a pi~blic biiilding or striictiire in any county or city until the location, purpose and extent of such activity has been reported iipon as to conformity with the adopted general plan applicable thereto; and IVEtEREAS, the Environmental Management Agency is also requesting the concurrence of the City of Anaheim for the filing of an enviror.mental impact negative declaration for the subject project; and IJIiEREAS, the development of a bicycle trail along the Santa Ana River is in accordance with the (lpen Space and Conservation Element of the City of Anaheim General Plan and said praject appears to have no adverse environmental impact. N01"., T[iF.REF01'cE, BE IT P,ESQI.VED that the Ana}ieim City Plannzng Commission does liereby find and determine that the proposed constn~ction of the aforementioned and descrihed bicycle trai.l is in conformance with the Annheivr General Plan. Bii IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City P1lnning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council of the City of Anaheim that the subject project be exempt from the requirement to prepare an environmentai impact report, pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental (juality Act. THE FOitEGOING RESOLIJTION is signed and approved by me this 3rd day of September, 1975. ~i~.~G` /C ~~~~Z~~" CHAIRPIAN, ANAHF.I>f CITY PLANNING CODIMISSI~N ATTF.ST: G~~.J . SF.CRGTARY, ANAHEIM CITY LANNING CQMI~IISSION STATP. OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. CITY OF ANAHEIDt ) I, Patricia B. Scanlan~ SecreCary of the City Planning Commission of the City nf Anaheim. do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed 1nd adopted at a meeting of the City Plannin¢ ~t~°.i.ssion of the City of Anaheim, held on September 3, 1975, at 1:3Q p.m., by ths ~•:%`~e,~'::ig vote of the members thereof: AYES: COD4dISSIONERS: BNtNES~ HERBST~ JOF~ISON, KING, MORLEY~ TOLAR, FARANO NOF.S: C0~~IISSIONERS: NONE ~ ARSF.NT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WtIEREOF~ I have hereunto set my hand this 3rd day of S~eptember, 1975. ~~~~~~ . SF.CRETARY, A.*IAHEIM CITY PLANNING C0641ISSION RF.SOLVfION N0. PC75-186