PC 75-189.y'
~ ~
issoL~rrior~ rr~. Pc~S-ia~
Wt~AF.F1S, the City Planning Conmi.ssion of the Ci.ty of Anaheim did receive a
verif.ieci Petition for Con~3i.tional Use Peimi.t fran TEXFGI~ AtIAI~d HILLS, ItdC., 380
Anaheim Hills Road, Anaheim C71 92307 (Ow*ier) 7 1L'JAF~If1 HILLS, INC., 3530 Anaheim Hills
Road, Anaheim, C11 92a07 (Agent) of certain real property situated in the Ci+yo uf
Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, described as:
That portion of Section 8, Taanship 4 South, Fange 8 West, S. B. M.,
described as follaas:
Seginning at a point in the Northwesterly line of that certain lard allotted
to IIenjami.n and Tlicmas Plint and Lle+rellyn Bixby in the Partiti.on of the
Fancho Santiago de Santa Ana, clistant North 35° 50' 38" East 3341.6G feet
thereon fmm the Northeast corner of the larrl described in deed to Santi.ago
Farmers Assxiation, recordo3. February 9, 1883 in book 98, page 544 oP
Deeds, re~rds of Ir~s Angeles Qounty, California; thence North 54° 09' 22"
West 1534.53 feet to the b~inning of a non-tam~ent curve ooncave Easterly
having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence Northerly along said curve through a
central angle of 25° 3a' S0" an ax~ distance of 223.81 feet; thence tangent
to said curve~North OQ° 26' 06" East 365.90 feet of the True Point of
Beginning; thence South 81° 46' 13" West 408.59 feet; thence North 45° 36'
52" West 244.04 feet; thence South 39° 35' 49" West 120.OQ feet to an angLz
point in the Easterly line of the lanci described .in deed t,o Woodbine Corp.,
recx~rd.~d October 27, 1972 in book 10397, gage 868 of Official Records of
said Orange County; thence alonq the general Easterly line of said land cf
Woocmine Corp., North 09° 36' 3?." West 242.n1 feet; North 41° 02' S0" West
40.Q0 feet tA a point on a non-tangent ci.uve wncave NortYnaesterly having a
radius of 2000.00 feet, a radial line of said curve passinq through sai.d
point bea~.'s South 41° 02' 50" East; and Northeasterly along said curve
thmugh a central angle of 04° 00' 39" an arc clistance of 140.00 feet;
thence ~tangent tn said curve North 44° 56' 31" East 333.95 feet; i~hence
.South 45° 03' 2?" East 335.15 feet tA the beginning of a tangent curve
ooncave Southwesterly having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence Southeasterly
along said curve through a central angle of 45° 29' 35" an a~ distance of
397.00 feet; tnence tangent to said cw.ve South 00° 26' 06" West 26.42 feet
to the True Point of Beginning. '
WI-~f~AS; the City Planning Carmiission did hold a public hearing at the City
Hall in the City of AnaY~eim On Septc~s 15, 1975, at 1z30 p.m., mt9.ce of said
public hearing having been given as requireci by law ar~d in accordanoe with the
provisions of the Anaheim Mimicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider
evidence for anl against said propose3 oomlitional use and to investigate and malce
findings and reoomiendations in wnnectic~n therewi.th; arrl
Wf~R~S, said Caiena.ssion, after due inspection, investigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and aftes due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does fi.nd arid determine the foZlaaing facts:
1. Ttsat the proposed use is properly one for which a coiuiiti.onal use
permit is authorizecl by Code Section 18.21.05Q.140, to wit: construct a public
equestrian center, with waivers of:
(a) SDCrION 18.21.05~.140 - Pe~mitted location of s ifiecl strian
acilities. A min~r.nttn of 300 feet rom
any residential zone required)
(b) SDGTIOPd - Miniirnun fxont setback. (25 feet required;
20 feet and 15 feet proposed)
2. That the above-mentione3 waivers are hereby granted for a time pex'iod
of five (5) years, subject t,o review and oonsideration for extension of time upon
written rec~iest by the petitioner; said waivers being grante3 to p?rnu.t an interim
use of the subject praperty.
3. Zhat the proposed use will not advexsely affect the adjoining land uses
azYl t~e graath and develoFxrent of the area in which it is proposed to be located.
RESOY,iTrICf.V PC75-189
~ ~
4. That the size and shape of. the site proposc~d for the use is adequate tn
allow the full develoFn~ent of. the pmpose3 use in a manner ru~t detrimental to the
n~+-+-;cular area r~or to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens
of the City of Anaheim.
5. That the granting of the Coniitional Use Pernti.t uncler ~he conditions
im~sed, if. any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety, and ~eneral
welfare of ihe Citizens oF the City of Anaheim.
6. That m one indicato3 their presence at saicl public hearirx~ in
o~osition; and no correspondence ivas r~eived in apposition tn subject petition.
That Envirorunental Impact Report P7o. 15?., h~ving been ~nsidered this date
by the City Plann~ng Ccmmission ~nci evidenee, both written and oral, havinq beer-
presenteci to supplement said draft EIR No. 152, the City Planning Ca~mlission believes
that said draft EIR No. 15?. cbes confozrn to the City anci State Guideli.nes and ths
State of California Envirornnenta]. Quality Act and, based upon such info;.~nation, ci~es
hereby rxamm~d to the City Council that they certify sai.d EIR PIo. 152 is i.n
ca~liance with saicl Enviroranental Quality Act; provi.ded, however, tha*_ the
petitioner shall siilxnit additional envirorm~ntal irg~act information addressing the
drai.nage facilities arid hydrology of the subject site and the i~act on traffic on
Serrano Avenue as m~y be created by the location of garking facilities and the
connection of the proposed c~uestrian center with the e~cisting and proposed
PnI1PCtrian trails in the area, said supplement to be sabmi.tted for City Staff review
and approval priar t,o City Council review of said EIR.
t70f~, TI~fiEFt~RE, BE IT R~OLVID that the Anaheim City Planning Ccrrmiission
does her~y grant subject Petition for Condi.tional Use Pe.nnit, upon the following
oonditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequi.site to the pmposed use
of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
•(1) That all engineex.ing r~uirnments of the City of Ar~alieim along Iiidden
Canyon lmad, including preparation of i~rove~ent plans ar.d ins~I ~a~,.An of all
improverents, such as curbs arr3 gutters, sidewalks, ~tre~:t grarir.; and paving.
drainage facilitiFS, or other appurtenant work, shall be cz~cg~].i~ wich as required by
the City EnginePS and in accordance with standaxd plans azd specifi.r,aY.:~uns on file in
the office of the City Engineer; that street lighting facilities alor.g ?iic!den Canyon
Road shall be installed as reguired Yr~ the Director of Public Utilities a.-id in
acoordance with standard plans and specifications on file in the office of the
Director of Poblic Utilities; and that a bond in an am~unt ar~d forrn satisfactozy to
the City of 7lnaheim sha11 be posted with the City to guarantee the instal]ation of
the abave-mentioned re~~irenents.
(2) That the awner(s) of subject property shall either pay to the City of
11c~aheim the siun of 60 cents per fmnt foot along Hirlden Canyon Road for tree planting
piu.-poses or shall install street trees in the public parkway along Hidden Canyon
F~ad, said trees t~ be subject to the revic~~ and apprwal of the Superintendent of
Parkway Nt~intenance.
(3) That trash storaye areas shall be prwided in accordance with apprw~i
plans on file with the office of. the Director of Public Works.
(4) That fire hydrants sha].1 be installed and charged as required and
det~rmi.ned to be necessary by the Cliief of the Fire Departrnent prior to ooim~encenent
of structural fr~ning.
(5) 'Iizat subject property shall be served by unclergrowxi utilities.
(6) That drainage of subject property shall be dispose3 of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
(7) That appr.opriate water assess~nt fees as deteLmined by the Director of
Public ~Jtilities shall be paid to the Ci.ty of Anaheim priar to the issuance of a
builcli.ng pezmit.
(8) In the event that subject property is to be divided for the puxpose of
sa:.e, lease ar financinq, a parcel map t~o recorci the approved division of subject
property shall be sutanit~d to arri appmved by the City of 1~t~aheim and then be
rnmrded in the office of the Orange Cow~,ty Recorder.
-2- F2ESOLUPIdN NJ. PC75-189
(9} That grading, excavation arrl all other uonstruction activities shall be
conducted in such a nanner so as to minimize the possibili'yo uf any silt originating
fzvm this project beina carrie3 into the Santa Ana River by stc~rm water ariginating
frcm or flowing through this project.
(10) That sub~ect pmPerty shall be developed substantially in accordance
with plans atid specifications on file with the City of P.naheim m3rked Exhibit No. 1.
(11) That Condition' Nos. 1 and $, above-mentioned, shall be ca~lied with
prior to the cce~mencamnt of the activity authorized w~dcr t'~is resolution, or prior
to the time that the building permit is issued, or within a period of one year fran
date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such furtl:er t~me as the Plannin9 Ca~mission
and/or City Cotmcil may grant.
(12) That Condition Nos. 2, 3, 5, 5, 9 and 10, above-mentior~ecl~ shall be
ccs~lied with prior t,o fi.nal builc'.ing and zoning inspecti.ons.
(13) 'That this cotriitional use permit is granted for a time period of five
(5) years, svbject to review and consideration for extension of time by the Planning
Cannission arrl/or City Council, upon written request by the petitioner.
Tf~ EURE(JOING R~SOLUPIOTI i.s signed and approved by me 1-his 15th day of
Septe~er, 1975.
i`~~ ~v~~iy'/
~~.~ ,~ ~~ ~ ~
srx~:r~mc, Aru~uK crrY Pr~~v~xrrc o~r~ss=oN
s~mE o~ crsirnrcvx~. ~
I, Patricia B. Scanlan, Secretary of the City Planning Crnmission of the
City of Anaheim, do hereby certify that the foregoiny resolution was psssed ar~d
adopted at a mee,ting of the City Planning Conmission of t'~e City of Anaheim, held on
Sept~nber 15, 1975, at 1:30 p.m., by the following wtc. of the m~ibers thereof:
I:1 WI~S w[-tERD'JF, I have hereuntn. set my hand this 15th clay o£ Septenber,
~.~~~a~ ~ ~-~c~e~~c.~
_3_ IiESC)LUTION NO. PC75-189